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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    Yes, yes...but being older and mature enough to understand what the parents' intentions were don't change the way they shaped the naive child who could not understand these things...
  2. Yoruichi-san

    Haha...awwww...good to know you found your Prince Charming, did he ride up on a white horse and bring you a dozen red roses? If Prince Charming showed up on my doorstep, I would hand him a copy of the lyrics to my theme song and slam the door in his face...;P No, I'm just someone who thinks a lot...about everything...but, well, if that's your decision, good luck with it! But some other things to keep in mind: are you waiting for him, or for your dream of a perfect life with him? Because, as we've discussed before, don't get your internal image confused with what's really there! If you really think this guy, with all his flaws that caused this situation in the first place, and which aren't likely going to go away, is worth the wait, then wait. But if you have some notion that he'll magically become the perfect guy once he gets over the current tragedy, don't kid yourself... Also, are you sure the other guy isn't worth taking a risk on? Are you sure you're not missing out on something you might regret later? Well, if you have decided to wait for him, you should tell him that. I think that when a person is going through something hard, its good to know that there is someone who'll be there for them in the end...like a light at the end of the tunnel...
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...well, you learn something new every day...;P
  4. Yoruichi-san

    Well, that makes sense (his explanation). But after what just happened to him, it seems like he won't be ready to "get close to" someone for awhile. So you have to decide...is he worth waiting an undetermined amount of time for? What about the other guy? If you're waiting for Ray (I think that's what you said his name was), you may miss out on the opportunity for someone better for you. And in the end, it may not work out and you would have spent this time waiting for nothing... I don't know enough about you or this guy to tell you what to decide. But you really have to take these things into consideration. Like all things in life, its a gamble...you just have to try to make the best decision you can. And give yourself and everyone around you the best chances for happiness...;P
  5. Yoruichi-san

    That's terrible. He totally had a right to be upset and depressed and everything, but if he can't share something like that with you, then you two aren't that close. And although it is good for you to try to help him in any way you can, he needs a partner who he can share stuff like this with and you need a partner who can share stuff like this with you. Don't feel bad about not knowing what was going on.
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Have to start out a story the right way, even if they don't all end in "and they lived happily ever after"... Once upon a time there was a chubby-faced little Chinese girl. She immigrated to the United States with her parents when she was 3 1/2. Her parents, being immigrants, didn't have any money and worked in a Chinese restaurant while they got their higher education degrees. Since they didn't have money to buy the little girl toys or anything, they decided the best course of action was to cut the problem at the stem. Instead of being like most parents and telling their children they couldn't have this toy or that toy when the child asked for it, they told their little girl that she shouldn't want anything (so that she wouldn't ask them for anything), that "wanting" was selfish and the worst thing she could be was selfish. Being a little girl, the child didn't understand their intentions, but took their lesson to heart and learned not to want anything for herself. The child was also very smart, but her parents didn't want her to ever become complacent, so they never praised her. When she won 2 first places and 1 second place in a 3 category math competition, they simply told her (in Chinese): "You will do better next year". Again, the child did not understand her parents' intentions and took this to mean that she was not good enough, that she was never good enough. The result was that the little girl thought the only thing she was allowed to want was to be the best, and that was the only thing that would make her good enough for her parents to love her. She also developed an inner voice that constantly reminded her of her own failures and that she was never good enough. Needless to say, this child had no self-confidence. She could not make friends. It didn't help matters that her intelligence made her the Teacher's Pet, even though she never wanted to be. And what made things the worst was that the few friends she did make all ended up betraying her to step up the social ladder. She would be nice to them, and tell them things about herself, which they in turn took and used to make fun of her so that the other kids would accept them. So the child grew up with a strong sensitivity to betrayal. Due to this, she could never really let anyone in close to her. She had a tendency towards self-sabotage and pushing herself to her limits until she failed and could berate herself some more. She was miserable and friendless until she went off to college. There she met people like her, people who were smart and didn't care about social standings. People who could appreciate her for who she was. She got involved in student government in college because she found that she could really make a difference and since she grew up thinking she couldn't care about herself, she had that much more to put into caring about others. Somewhere along the line, she realized that there was one thing she could let herself succeed at, at helping others to learn and to understand, at sharing her ideas and her creativity, at challenging herself and others. She could share her ideas, her mind, her sense of humor (which was developed mostly as a defense mechanism). The one thing she could never sabotage was her own creative thinking abilities and the things that stemmed from it. And that's how she ended up here. :/ The End...(for now)...
  7. Good job Aizen and CL! Alyanna, you're doing well too, but you're wrong about the parenthesis...people should be able to figure out the answers even if they don't know what they mean, so all the letters are accounted for one way or another ;P.
  8. Nope, there shouldn't be leftovers...;P
  9. -When I see this and think it's a puzzle...(did you go twice the speed on the way back? Was there a guard you had to get past that only fell asleep for 5 minutes at a time? ;P) (Totally love #1...haha...) -When I have 20 tabs open on my Firefox and 15 of them are BD... -When I think people either always lie or always tell the truth... Lol...so Brandon is your real name, then? But you're one of those ppl who always lie...
  10. 1) iig dnf (byproduct of cheese-making) tra 2) ine dta (street short) myr 3) aee dda (to be) mrr 4) nrh bgn (where?) iue 5) orh cnt (not columns) oae 6) oee sve (composer) dpr 7) rlt cae (not day) bee 8) nxi mlx (not "I, Bill") uam 9) tli she (Kira's rival) nil 10) cot eet (scratch) ixh 11) git thl (unitary) iwz 12) nip sgn (hideout, to be) iho 13) nav hgl (spanish yes, over) iei 14) myn rat (authorities) hhd 15) hob dep (memory unit) tro 16) ora pia (not mine, french live, not and) has[/codebox] [spoiler=Bonus]Why the codebox? ;P[/spoiler]
  11. Haha...how do you know it wasn't me? ;P Some more: -When I try to make the ";P" face in a conversation. -When I have a nightmare about not being able to click the [reply] button -When I start putting riddles instead of information on my profile...-\-/
  12. Oh, yeah, Vampire Hunter D was totally wicked! But actually, I like the english Spike better and the english Faye better (japanese girls sound too innocent ;P). I watched Inuyasha too on Adult Swim too, but I gave up on it after Naraku made all his little minions b/c I could tell it was going to be one of those things... But actually, a lot of times I'll see an episode of something on Adult Swim and then I'll go download and watch the subbed series...like Trinity Blood and Trigun and Noein...
  13. Yoruichi-san

    This sounds like a game to me...
  14. I watched Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim! It was my first introduction to good anime (only thing I saw before that was Sailor Moon...ew...XP). And I think it's the only anime that I don't mind dubbed...;P
  15. Yoruichi-san

    I agree. I learned a long time ago never to have an internal image of someone. Just let yourself go with the flow and take in what's actually there. Don't get stuck in feelings about your personal fantasies about a dream guy or dream life, instead, allow yourself to absorb the feelings that are really there. What you find might surprise you...it's certainly surprised me more times than I can count.
  16. Yoruichi-san

    I say go with whichever one treats you better...
  17. Lol...get on AIM and I'll explain it...;P

  18. I'm not going to reveal it publicly...but the Hunter has left some clues on Bodhi's profile...;P

  19. Alright, I'm 99% sure I've figured out the true identity of the culprit...;P


  20. -I look in the mirror and I see purple hair -I try to put spoiler tags in my e-mails -Other web pages look off to me because the background color isn't light blue -Whenever someone repeats something I've heard before, I want to shout "Read the Read Before Posting thread!" -I introduce myself to people as "Hi, I'm Y-san"
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Hmmm....by my calculations, you'll need 2.5 million eggs, 1.2 million pounds of flour, 2.4 million pounds of sugar, and 1.6 million point of chocolate for the brownies you'll bake in order to win enough votes to win! Oh, and better throw in an extra million pounds of chocolate for the ganache icing...;P
  22. Trying to finalize the details.
  23. Yoruichi-san

    *Sniff* Why does everyone always suspect me? I don't have shifty eyes1
  24. Okay, since Sinistral has so kindly offered to look over the game, here's the compilation: The M4F14 The M4F14 are evil transformers that can take any form and become part of the cosmopolitan indigenous population. They live off the suffering of others. Win if everyone except M4F14 are dead. They know who Robbie the Robot is. Every night, they choose a player to kill. The TH13F-Bot: Lives off stealing life from others. Any night, but not 2 in a row, chooses a player to steal the role identity of. Does not work on the Space Agent. The BKR0110R-Bot: Lives off fear. Sends threatening messages to wreak havoc. Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the BK-Bot is killed, his role is revealed. The G0DF4R-Bot: Lives off information. Has an information ability. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Citizen/ANGEL) of a player. The 4554N-Bot: Lives off sympathy from others. If the 4N-Bot uses it's ability and a saving role saves it, the saving role is killed. Can use ability any night, but not 2 in a row. The FR4M3R-Bot: Lives off putting the blame on others. Any night, but not 2 in a row, chooses a player to frame with it's role identity. Does not work on t The ANGELs The ANGELs(Advanced Nanotechnology Genome Eliminating Lifeforms) are secret agents sent by Y-S4N. They win if everyone alive is infected with nanobots. Since they are favored by Y-S4N, it protects them in secret and they cannot be killed at night. Every night they choose a player to infect. Every day they choose a player to try to infect, but due to their clandestine nature the day infection has a 1/2 chance to fail. (I will tell them after the Day Post whether it succeeded or failed). The Avatar: A being constructed completely of nanotechnology. As the nanotechnological "brain", she communicates with all the nanobots. If a role with information abilities is infected with nanobots, she receives the same information they do. Zero: A man who has had so many cybernetic enhancements that he no longer knows whether he is man or machine. He has lost all memory of his life as a human, except that his mission is to kill the Numbers. Currently his target is the Number Eight. If he succeeds in killing Eight, he unlocks a new ability. Invincible for the first night and day. The Mimic: An alien who kills his prey and temporarily absorbs their abilities. Chooses a target each odd night to kill and if the target dies, the Mimic gets use of the target's role abilities, including kill/target abilities, the next day or night (depending on whether it is a day ability or night ability). The Mimic steals role abilities, not roles, so will always come up as "Mimic" to discovery abilities. The Citizens: The Citizens win if everyone alive is a Citizen. Saving roles: The Med bot: Uses its knowledge base form 31458. All medicine is now practiced by machines (who would want to waste time and money on Med School? ). A few elite programmers continue to update it's database. Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Can save self only once. Since it does not want to get hacked, it cannot save the Uber-Hacker (save fails). The Herbalist: Gains his knowledge from wherever possible, scriptures and laser discs of the 20 and 21st century, makes do the best he can. Sometimes a particular plant has a side effect or does not have the right strength - save has 1/4 chance to fail. Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target twice in a row. Can save self only once. Attack roles: The BioEngineer: (knows Eight) The man who created the Number Eight. She keeps a watch on and maintains the upkeep of Eight. As long as the BioEngineer is alive, Eight cannot be killed at night. The BioE cannot be lynched. Number Eight: A genetically engineered super-soldier who kills for the Innocents. He kills on prime nights. The Extremely Mad Physicist: Son of the Mad Scientist who is trying to clear the name of his father. Working in secret, he has developed an EMP ray which disrupts the subspace link between nanobots. Every day, he chooses a player to shoot, if that person is infected with nanobots, they die. Otherwise, nothing happens. Information roles: Robbie the Robot: (Is known by M4F14) An unusually humorous robot that has been around for five centuries, gathering knowledge of many human traits and likes to feel he is comfortable around humans. It is in his program to do as ordered,. However he can be a bit of a loose cannon and gets his wires cross - when that day comes he may well self destruct. Its in his nature to protect his 'friends' and without due consideration of the risks gets on with his mission ... while cracking a joke of course. At any point during the day, can PM me a victim to blow up. There is 1/4 chance for each of them to survive. If Robbie is killed at night, there is 2/3 chance it will randomly blow up one if it's attackers. Cannot blow up Zero. Each day, Robbie can lie-detect a TRUE/FALSE statement, but statements that are too ambiguous or direct cannot be tested. If the statement cannot be tested, I will PM them asking for a different statement. The Respector: Has great respect for upstanding citizens. Every night, is PMed a different random Citizen name (includes dead players). The Uber-Hacker: A 133t programmer who can hack into the mainframe and discover identities. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role. Can also choose to swap IDs with the player they choose after I tell the UH the role. Swap ID does not work on the Space Agent. The Space Agent XM100z: After years of traveling through the galaxies, the Space Agent has developed many useful skills. I flip two coins to determine the action of the Space Agent (Saving, Killing, Discovering role, or free choice of the previous). The Space Agent picks a player and then I tell them what the action is, to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Also, the Space Agent keeps under the radar, and doesn't have a file in the mainframe, so the the TF-Bot cannot steal from them (the steal fails, but counts as a use) and the FR-Bot cannot frame them (same deal). The Public Relations Expert: A human trying to keep up with the goings-on in Affinion 7. At anytime (but only once on a particular nth day/night), can PM me a role and I will tell the PRE what the action that role last took was and who they took it on, if the player with that role is alive, or if the player is dead. Other roles: The Corporation Representative: Sent by Genevron Corp. to look after it's investments in Belryius 8. Uses any means necessary to get what they want. Each day, through bribery or coercion, changes a player's vote. PMs me the player and who they want the player to vote for before the voting day ends and I will change it on the final roster. Also, beware, those Corporations always have secret agendas... The Wraith: A friendly half human/half alien with who arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The player is let out of prison if he/she can answer a puzzle correctly. The prisoner gets to choose one of three types (math/riddle/cryptic message). If they don't answer the puzzle correctly, they stay in jail and cannot use their ability that night. Can only arrest a player once. Edit: typo
  25. Yoruichi-san

    Ah, but can you really rid yourself of the M-addiction? ;P
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