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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Oh, one clarification: The GO's won't be "defenseless" on Night 3 but they'll have to use their second defense, which will cause them to "overuse their Geass" and die when we attack on Night 3. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse anyone. So ppl chime in and let me know you read the plan (and if you have any questions) so that we can act on it. I see JS and Prof.T reading it...
  2. You haven't watched enough of it then...oops, spoiler...;P And you won't understand why ordering Rolo to sacrifice himself for Lelouch was such an in-character move until Season 2... -\-/
  3. Hehe...I think I have a winning Hero strategy...all the villains will be identified by Night 2 at the latest, we can lynch a GU with a blindfold on Day 1 and Alucard/Light on Day 2, then kill off the rest on Night 3... Okay, so from last game we learned that the Heroes' strength is their number of defenses against the villains, and their weakness is the ability to friendly-fire. So here's the plan: Night 1: Every odd-numbered person defend, every even-numbered person attack the odd-numbered person above them with a blindfold and a false name. Night 2: Switch and repeat. Every even-numbered person defend, every odd-numbered person attack the even-numbered person below them (using their items). For Heroes, defending or using the blind-fold and the false name means that they won't die. For the Villains: when it is their turn to attack, they will either fail to attack their target or it will be obvious because it says a villain attacked their target. This will tell us who the villains are. Plus when we attack a GU, they will be forced to use their first defense, leaving them defenseless in Night 3, when we can finish them off. The things the Villains could try to do to counter this: 1) Try to frame someone by going after someone else's target...but it will still be obvious who the real villain is when the player fails to attack their target. Light and Alucard have no way around this. 2) The GO can do two things: a) Rolo can use his ability to save one of his comrads (or himself), but this means that the first time he is attacked, he will die. (and using "he" for the character's gender, obviously ) b) Lelouche can use his definitive order to make a Hero attack his target for him (when it is his turn to attack) and "frame" a hero, but that means he will die when he is attacked (when it is his turn to defend). Of course Rolo could use his ability to protect Lelouche, but then the "framed" hero should come out and we will know that it is between those two. Plus Rolo will die within the first two Nights. If the GO are lucky enough to all be among the Defenders on the first night, so that we don't know who they are, we should lynch Light or Alucard without a blindfold the first day. Otherwise, we lynch a GO with a blindfold the first day. The maximum number of Heroes that can die within the first two Night/Day cycles is 2 (not counting Alucard's 50% chance), and we should be able to kill off at least two Villains through lynching, one GO and one non-GO, leaving us with clearly idenified: 2GOs (who have already used their first defense) and 1non-GO to finish off on Night 3. Plus, when we lynch the first non-GO, we will know the character identity of the second GO, and have the appropriate Hero (Yuna or Ichigo) finish him (both are "he" characters) off. Wow...I feel like Dawh with the long posts...;P Edit: Haha, just read the subtitle...I think I just did...
  4. I was bored. I tried to figure out which characters had something special in their faces that I could put in a smiley and those were the ones I came up with... -\-/
  5. Hehe...and here's a smiley for Yuna...(made it larger so you could see the different colors) 0_0 And one for Kenshin... ^_X Four-liner for Alucard... __ _HH_ O-O v=v -\-/
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Awww....kawai! -\-/
  7. Haha...now you're making me want to start M4F14-8 at the same time just to make it MORE confusing...and we should get Sinistral to do his Pirate Mafia simultaneously, too..."Alucard went to the ship's infirmary to get some blood from the Nurses but the Nurse turned into a M4F14 and chased him off the plank..." -\-/
  8. Actually, I think you based it off Unreality's rules...except the "minor" hacker...and the gang-beating...haha ;P Lol, but it would be so confusing to double mafia...it's like "you're mafia...no, wait, I'm mafia...oh krap..." -\-/
  9. Umm...this looks cool, but what about ABR2? I don't think it will be done by then... Can't resist...-\-/
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Lie Over Sneeze...;P
  11. Lol...nice ;P...it also works when you click quote or reply if you use standard instead of rich text formatting... -\-/
  12. Yoruichi-san

    It's okay, happened to me on my first topic...you'll get the hang of it
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Umm...yeah, I'm pretty sure it has...don't search for just "murder", search for "murder" and "Sunday" ...
  14. Haha...I just realized: in both this game and Speed Mafia, it was Dawh's changing sides that provided the decisive majority for the mafia/GO...I think his new nickname should be the Decisive Turncoat...;P Oh, and for those who don't understand the Lelouch smiley: it's him holding out his fingers in a V shape around his Geass eye... -\-/
  15. One of my favorites, and one that I think is under-appreciated: KEV ARAM KELM VHJ OJ UMARS RGZXQK KEVH; KEV GPOJ LE TMZ LQYXQWQL QNDE KEVIR EFDJS. -QNMSMKI JRLUCSLMNJQ, WAGMOI DONKSQ Bonus points if you can figure out what "algorithm" I used for the added layer...;P And since I'm in the mood, I'll end it with my newly invented Lelouch smiley (read the Anime Battle Royale topic in Others if you want to know why): -\-/
  16. Lol, nice...but I would have figured it out if you guys did it in Mafia V... -\-/
  17. Lol...I know, sorry, I'm used to it from the Philosopher and the Yak Hunt, and something else (which I won't give away yet ;P)...btw, I'm the one who originally came up with the invisible text idea as part of the puzzle: A Colorful Sequence. But Unreality did me one better by figuring out how to do it with BD's background color, which was awesome . -Signed, -\-/
  18. Kat was done for at the point, anyways...what was really risky was not defending or using a blindfold... Edit: Oh yes, I must end all my posts on this topic with the Lelouch smiley: -\-/
  19. Oh wait, I think I've just figured out the Lelouch smiley...: -\-/
  20. Lol...you were totally in character by willing to follow my orders to sacrifice yourself to save me...and Itachi included links in the Intro for all the characters, I think...;P Edit: Haha...and thinking about it, CP makes a pretty good C.C. as well...
  21. Haha...tell me about it ;P Nice job, everyone! Particular thanks to Aizen for giving hints and not giving out the answer right away... I'll try to get Level 2 out later tonight
  22. Lol...no that was just the storyline...and I had a hell of a time figuring it out as I went along, too...I had to rethink my strategy many times as the situation as I saw it changed...in a true Lelouch fashion... Hehe...I've been feeling so much like Lelouch that I found myself having irresistible urges to do the Lelouch stance...;P
  23. No, once EVER at night. And once to "turn the tables" and have a 50% chance of killing the attacker. Whichever happens later of these two events cause us to die.
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