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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. LMAO...oh well, I leave my legacy in your capable hands, Dawh...I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. You should look into your own words more: post 56. Edit: Going ghost .
  2. Yeah...I'm going to have to think about it too... Edit: Hmmm...I wonder why GC and CL haven't said anything...
  3. Huh? Was that all the action last night...?
  4. Not too late to change it...;P...your innocence is very easily proven Edit: And you haven't been on since the game started..., so how could you have sent in your PM earlier?
  5. Okay, everyone has read the thread. That means no excuses ;P. There is the possibility that one of the Villains is under a GU and will fail to attack tonight. If that happens, and there are not enough Villains identified, we should sent the Spike vote on the non-attacked person, or send Ichigo after him/her. Eager to see what the Villains try to do...Okay, dawh is a visitor and non-talker as well...he's in my suspicion list...also JS could be Light, I guess...will see by the defense type
  6. I highly suspect JS is a GU...they are the only ones who would be against defending and he didn't want ppl to use Blindfolds... Now we wait...
  7. Ooo...waiting to see and analyze the results of the test...Okay, as for the 2nd aspect of my plan, I think the other Villains saw JS outing himself by protesting, so they're not saying anything... Oh, and forgot to tell Itachi-san that the new opening is great .they're likely among those ppl I've seen reading the thread but not posting: CL, Frozen, GC, possibly Prof.T, waiting to see about Dawh...
  8. ...lol...you have NO IDEA what you're getting yourself into...
  9. The Number you are on the roster: Recruiter: Itachi 1) Prince Marth 2) woon 3) Joe's Student 4) Kat 5) Prof. Templeton 6) CL 7) GC 8) dawh 9) Y-San 10) Surge 11) FIF 12) Mekal You are #2 so you should attack Prince Marth, who is #1 tonight with a Blindfold.
  10. Yup Well, I think I have 4 Heroes down...;P
  11. No, it's an item that protects you from the GO. Just include in your PM to Itachi that you want to use a Blindfold.
  12. Get your inactive butt over to ABR2 before you die! ;P

  13. Well, it will be straight-up for the Heroes...The villains are probably freaking out about now
  14. Nope, you're right, sorry, type-oh
  15. Okay, so: ODD_NUMBERS (Marth, JS, Prof.T, GC, myself, Frozen) : Defend (so you don't die) EVEN_NUMBERS (Woon, Kat, CL, dawh, Surge, Mekal): Attack the odd numbered person above you, (to clear yourself of suspicion). Wear a blindfold so that the GO can't kill you and in case your target is a GU.
  16. Lol, don't blame me...blame Ocular-Enso...once you find him ;P Want a hint? As Shakespeare would say: What's in a name? And: A picture's worth a thousand words
  17. Yep, as #4 you should attack JS, who should be defending (whether he likes the plan or not ;P) I don't think he does, though, I expect 5 ppl (the villains) not too...that's the 2nd part of my plan
  18. I see...well, you should defend anyways..(if you can ) Edit: I'm sure others can see that it's not me they need to trust, it's the plan...whether or not you like Einstein doesn't make relativity true or false...;P
  19. You're an odd number, all you have to do is defend...so why are you so afraid? For a Hero, defending the first night is a good option no matter what plan you're following... And the Attackers should definitely go with the Blindfold so that a) GU can't kill them and b) if they are attacking a GU, they won't die.
  20. Okay, we go with the Blindfolds, then since we need them if we attack a GU. There may be one extra Hero death, but the plan still works. Edit: There's less than 50% of this, though, since there's a 50% chance of Light being in the attackers and a 4/11 chance that his target is actually a Villain, so there's less than 30% chance of losing the extra Hero...
  21. Well, I don't see it in the rules...but if that's the case we should use blindfolds...if Light is among the Defenders, he can't do anything but defend, if he is among the attackers, we can identify him as a Villain and lynch him tomorrow.
  22. Huh? Where does it say that? And it's not about trusting me, it's about whether you can think the plan will work or not, that's why I explained all of my thinking in detail.
  23. Thanks, and please, do ask questions Oh, and want to add: if Lelouche does use his ability to "frame" someone and Rolo uses his ability to save Lelouche and dies, we'll know that it's between Lelouche and the "framed" person on Night 3. We can attack both. The Hero can simply use his/her second defense. Since Lelouche already used his ability, when we attack him, he will die. ;P
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