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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Nope, not that set, but you're right again about the thin covering...
  2. No... No No? Lol...that's just my signature smiley...;P
  3. No, you're right about Batman's twin...but the set is a different one...;P
  4. Hmmm...well, Woon, and everyone else, let me tell you a story...;P My favorite anime of all time is Neon Genesis Evangelion. In this one episode, the humans have to fight an Angel, which happens in every episode. All the Angels have a different form and some look biological and some are 3-D mathematical shapes. Well, in this case, there is a big black sphere that is hovering over the city, casting a shadow. Well, the Evas (the big robots) try to attack the big black sphere and they can't do any damage to it. Then they realize...that what they've been fighting, the big black sphere is actually the 3-D shadow of the Angel, and what they thought was the shadow was the actual Angel! So they attack the shadow on the ground and defeat it. So what's the moral of the story? Well, the same thing applies here...
  5. Well, since you're trying so hard, I will tell you that you will... at some point...;P
  6. edit for spelling Lol! No, no, but it was a good thought...I'm sure you'll have others...
  7. Lol...no, the theme is most definitely not comic......but you're making the right connections with the words (except it's not plate)...
  8. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...I'm not so dainty ...but it was a great puzzle, the whole set of 7 puzzles was brilliant! I hope you don't mind that I ran with the idea... And looking forward to the eights...;P
  9. Name the seven, and the set: Ash's partner African river Batman's evil twin Sale! Thin covering of gold Indentation Large envelop
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Thanks. It's a creative puzzle. I'm glad Prof. Templeton is still alive...I was worried for a second when I saw the title...;P
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Hehe...is it unfair for me to answer? Well...I'll just say...
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Seems like there could be different interpretations, but it sounds to me like...
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Wow...where to start... The term "love" is ambiguous...everyone who tries to define it comes up with a different definition and a lot of ppl refuse to even try... There is definitely a brain chemical response/shift that has physical and emotional effects, when ppl feel an "attraction" to others. This plays a large part in the continuation of our species. And not only because it promotes reproductive functions, but also because it causes humans to be protective about the people they "love", their families, whether by blood or bond (i.e. spouses, partners, etc.). Without this protective instinct that causes grouping, humans would not have survived. But I think that now, when basic necessities of survival are in the back of the minds of those of us who live in industrialized countries, we're searching for a deeper "connection". We are searching for someone who can "understand" us and who appreciates our personalities. Using the Yin-Yang as a representation, I think we are looking for someone whose personality is the best compliment to ours, that is, it fits with ours. If the pieces don't fit well together, there will be poking and gaps and tension that will eventually lead to separation. I think we are searching for our compliments, and when we find them, we will want to be together and stay together. To use that phrase from Jerry McGuire...we are searching for the person who best "completes" us...
  14. Yoruichi-san

    Actually, I thought the way they did the super-speed thing was like the way they did it in Smallville...and my reaction to the entire episode is pretty much summed up in one word: HUH???
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Wow...so he's become Spidey-Mohinder...and Maya is still annoying...guess she's one of those types that always needs a man... And I'm disappointed in future Peter...he has so much potential he's not using... Lol...well, the more powers there are, the more fodder for Peter...;P
  16. Yoruichi-san

    OMG I WANT THAT SYRINGE!!! (;P hehe...reminds me of Promiscen...anyone watch The 4400?) ...and... HUH??? what's with the coming back from the dead stuff...?
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...it's pretty bad...every time someone struggles with something on the show, I'm like "what would Peter do?" ...like when Hiro is trying to figure out how to open the safe, I was thinking "Peter would just reach through it with his phasing through matter ability"... And it's about time super-speed showed up...although seems too similar to Clark Kent in Smallville... Edit: And I kept wondering why future Peter didn't just freeze time and kill Nathan like he planned...there's so many possibilities with his plethora of powers...
  18. Lol...I just sympathize with it...

    No, I don't watch Numb3rs but they shot scenes at my school...

  19. Thank you Cherry, I knew you'd get it ;P
  20. Someone may have gotten it, but as the OP states...gotta show the proof! ;P
  21. At last, it's time to watch, To see what has been and will be, Witness new changes that will occur, And discover secrets laid long ago, Who will live and who will die, In the end the answer hides. Easy, but you must show the proof!
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Been catching up on the webcomic...was kinda disgruntled after the Season 2 flop...but seeing the puzzles and stuff...OMG I want to be a writer for Heroes...I could put BD on my resume... Anyways, I also remembered something else that I was pondering...which takes precedence, Peter's learning power or the Haitian's canceling power? I.e. if Peter and the Haitian meet, does the Haitian cancel Peter's powers or does Peter learn the Haitian's canceling power and in turn cancel it out? Is this a paradox? Oh, and I really like Joan's muscle learning ability, too...I wonder if it works for anime? ;P
  23. Well...if you wrote about the Quantum Accelerators, and included the descriptions of the Electromagnetic enForcer, Gravitational enForcer, and Nuclear enForcer, you'd have gotten an A in science at least...;P
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Really? It seemed to me that his ability was to "figure out how stuff works" (hence making him so good at fixing watches)...and he figured out that he could steal abilities by eating brains...mmm...(I liked the episode when he was having ice cream for dessert...). I thought that in the episode with Chandra Suresh, he thought there was "something wrong" with the telekinesis guy b/c the guy didn't want his ability...the guy had come to Dr. Suresh to find a way of "curing" himself...and Sylar thought there had to be something "wrong" with him for not wanting what Sylar wished he could have...so Sylar took it... And I hear you on that last line...which is why I wasn't too upset Candice died...XP I have my own theories about why this is, but I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out. ...actually, knowing American television...we'll probably have to wait for a few months (till mid-season) to find out...
  25. Knowing that you don't give much hints... Neither...;P But thank you for gathering a guess...I'm almost to one reply per 100 views! Edit: As a reward, here's a hint:
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