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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Umm...I guess I'm kind of confused, as the act of drawing 0's and 8's seems to depend on what sizes you decide to make the 0's and 8's...but mathematically, I was thinking...
  2. Lol...no, no expansion characters, just some originals...if this goes well, I may add some expansion characters in the next one...(and you'll notice I left out the perma-jail character as well...) Btw...the expansion characters are way too good...they are strictly better than the originals... Oh, once we decided to play double characters...that was so good...Suzy Lafayette/Willy the Kid...lmao...and my friend who was Vulture Sam/Sean Mallory...she couldn't hold all of her cards...
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Shanti was the sister...the Indian guy with the British accent is Mohinder...yeah, I miss Isaac, too... But they did do something about Peter...they had him loose his memory and disappear for the first half of Season 2...(which is what I thought they would do...) There are rumors that in the future they may...
  4. Yoruichi-san

    Umm...is that Sylar's ability? Peter got his telekinesis...but I was wondering, shouldn't Peter have Sylar's freezing ability? Since he had that before their first encounter...and the super-hearing he has, right? Oh, and whenever someone dies in that show before meeting Peter, I'm like *Sigh* such a waste...;P
  5. Lol...yeah, sorry, couldn't resist replying to Kat...it was such a perfect setup...;P
  6. No, I think time travel is cool, too...it's just that being able to time travel AND fly AND go through walls AND read minds AND have super strength AND shoot lightning bolts out of your hand AND use telekinesis AND control nuclear fission AND be invincible is cooler...;P Edit: Oh yeah, forgot invisibility...
  7. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...I was wondering when someone would start this thread... But yeah, Peter is definitely my favorite...(and not just because he's so nice to look at ) To me, he is basically the same as Professor Ivo's Android, from Justice League...the android learns the abilities of the superheroes its fights. After learning all the Justice League's abilities and totally and utterly owning their collective @$$es, it takes off and flies up into the sky. One of the JLeagers asks, "Where is he going?" The Martian replies "To where all Gods go..." Pretty much says it all ;P Oh, and I was watching this other show, and instead of saying "For the love of God", this girl said "For the love of Peter Petrelli"...
  8. ...until the WGA strike... <_< Edit: And I think putting in the cheesy blood thing was a result of them having to cut Season 2 short due to the strike...
  9. Yep, basically, but I made some changes to make it suitable for playing in a forum context. And since I made it "open-faced", it can be played a lot more strategically ;P.
  10. Roles: the role of a player determines their win condition. Each player is randomly assigned a role, which is to be kept secret until a player dies. When a player dies, their role is revealed. The exception is the Sheriff, whose role is revealed at the beginning of the game. 1 Sheriff 2 Deputies 3 Outlaws 1 Renegade The Sheriff and the Deputies are trying to kill the Outlaws and the Renegade. The Outlaws are trying to kill the Sheriff. The Renegade is trying to get in a one-on-one duel with the Sheriff (everyone else must be dead) and then kill the Sheriff. Characters: Each character has a special ability. Each player is randomly assigned a number from 1-7. They will then pick their character in that order, 1 being first and 7 being last. S. Lafayette - when she has no cards in her hand she draws one from the deck. C. Janet - she can use Shoot and Miss cards interchangeably. B. Cassidy - when he loses a life point, he draws a card from the deck. W. Kid - he can play any number of Shoot cards on his turn. S. Killer - a player needs to play two Missed cards to cancel out his Shoot card. V. Sam - when a player dies, all their cards go into Sam's hand. R. Doolan - sees all other players at a distance decreased by one. S. Ketchum - at any time, may discard 2 cards from his hand to regain one life point. Gameplay: On a player's turn they draw two cards. Then they play any number of cards they can or want to, but only one Shoot card per turn, unless they have a volcanic or are W. Kid. At the end of their turn, they must discard the cards in their hand down to their current life points. Each player starts out with 4 life points, except the Sheriff, who starts out with 5. Each player is dealt 4 cards at the beginning, except the Sheriff, who is dealt 5. The Sheriff gets the first turn, and then it goes down the list sequentially. If a player kills an Outlaw, they draw 3 cards from the deck. If the Sheriff kills one of his Deputies, then he loses all his cards, in his hand and in front of him. Distance: the distance a player is from another player is how many numbers away they are. For example, player 2 is a distance 1 away from player 3 and a distance 3 away from player 5. The list wraps around, so player 2 is a distance 2 away from player 7. The Horse cards and R. Doolan's special ability change the distances. Once a player dies, they no longer take up space, so that the distances are shifted (i.e. if player 3 dies, then player 2 is now a distance 1 from player 4). The Cards: Permanents: Once a player plays one of these cards, it stays in front of them (in play for them) until the player dies, or the card is removed by Destroy or Steal. A player may only have 1 of any kind of permanent in play at a time (i.e. only one gun, or one horse). Guns - (volcanic, 2, 3, 4) A player may only play a Shoot card on a player a distance 1 from them unless they play a gun that has greater range. The volcanic is a special gun that has a range of 1, but allows the user to play as many Shoot cards as they want a turn. Horses - (-1, +1) A -1 Horse allows a player to see others at a distance decreased by 1 (does not affect the distance other players see them). A +1 Horse makes it so that a player is seen at a distance increased by 1 by the other players (does not affect the distance the player sees the others). Prison - A player may play the Prison card on another player, except the Sheriff, which makes the other player not be able to play on their next turn. The imprisoned player must still discard down to their life points. Then, the Prison card then gets discarded. Non-permanents: Played on a player's turn and discarded. Shoot cards - if a Shoot card is played on a player, they lose a Missed card or lose a life point. Gatling - effectively plays a Shoot on every player (except the one who played it). Every player must loses a Missed card or a life point. Duel - a player may play a Duel card on any other player. The other player must then play a Shoot card or lose a life point. If the second player plays a Shoot card, then the first player must play a Shoot card or lose a life point. This goes back and forth until one player does not play a Shoot card and loses a life point. Beer - a player regains a life point by playing a beer. Cannot exceed the number of life points the player had at the start of the game. If a player loses their last life point off their turn, they may use an "emergency" Beer card. Once the game comes down to 2 players, Beers may no longer be played. Saloon - when played, every player gains a life point. Cannot exceed starting number of life points. Stagecoach - When played, allows player to draw 2 cards from deck. Wells Fargo - When played, allows player to draw 3 cards from deck. Steal - When played, allows player to steal a card (permanent or non-permanent) from a player they see at a distance of 1. Destroy - When played, allows player to destroy a card from a player at any distance. ***Missed Cards - To facilitate gameplay, Missed cards can be "floating". On a player's turn, they may play any number of Missed cards as "floating", but the "floating" cards count in the number of cards they have in their hand at the end of their turn. Every time the player is shot at, they lose a "floating" Miss card. If they no longer have any "floating" Miss cards and are shot at, they lose a life point. To facilitate gameplay, the game will be played "open-faced". I will "shuffle" the cards and list them in order from the top to the bottom of the deck at the beginning of the game. When the deck gets low, I will "re-shuffle" and post the new list. At the beginning of their turn, a player must draw the cards from the top of the deck (i.e. list), and post the cards they draw. During a player's turn, they should describe every action they take. If they play a Duel, then they will need to wait for the response of the player they are dueling. If a player is attacked for their last life point and they have a Beer in their hands, it is assumed they will use their emergency Beer. If a player is killed, they or I (whoever gets there first) must post their role before the game can continue, so that the appropriate action may take place. At the end of a player's turn, they must post the cards they discarded and re-post the roster and the deck with the appropriate changes. The roster should be: #) Player's name/Character - [current life points/starting number of life points]/(permanent cards in front of them)/(number of floating Misses)/(cards in hand) Example: (Begin turn - cards in hand were Horse -1, volcanic, Shoot, Shoot) Draw: Steal, Miss Play: Float 1 Miss, put into play Horse -1 and volcanic, play 1 Shoot card at BigBang, who loses 1 Floating Miss. (End turn) Discard: none ... 5) BigBang/W. Kid - [4/4]/(Jail, Gun +2)/(0)/(Shoot, Shoot, Beer) 6) Y-san/S. Lafayette - [4/4]/(Horse -1, volcanic)/(1)/(Shoot, Steal) ... Deck: Miss, Steal, Shoot, Stagecoach... Sign-up: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
  11. I think you mean one number on each side (I have a friend w/ a Rubik's cube with the date...it's kinda cool...)
  12. Lol...you don't like Peter because you're not over 20...;P But actually, it's not really about how likable he is...it's about how ridiculously many powers he has...
  13. Oooohhh....I call Peter Petrelli! Jk...but it sounds cool. I'm sure you have it balanced, especially with Bb's help...I'm looking forward to it! ...but for amusement...I was thinking a while ago that they could make a MMORPG out of Heroes...but then everyone would want to be Peter Petrelli, and then no one would actually have any real powers...;P
  14. Thank you, Prof. T! I was wondering how many views it would take before someone attempted an answer...this puzzle may be short, but it has several parts that require figuring out...(like my problem sets in college... )... But you're right that about the keyword in the hint...but it's referring to something different...;P
  15. Actually...if the spiders can see the ant...
  16. Well, you can do it with that number by... You might be able to do it with less...have to think about it...
  17. He hates involutes. RIKYANBEL Edit: At the very end, you can tag on an extra word...-\-/
  18. -When I read this and do not find it disturbing at all...;P -When I see the Proctor and Gamble logo and think of my dear friend Puzzlegirl... -When I get hit in the head with a volleyball because I was distracted trying to think up things to put in this thread...*ouch*
  19. Yoruichi-san

    That's good! And if your mom has so many ppl angry with her, she probably needs someone to love her, too...
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Actually I think it was gradual...I wouldn't call it "realization", but instead "enlightenment". I'm one of those ppl who is constantly thinking about things and Can't Stop (makes me think of a DDR song...there I go, off on a tangent again... ;P), and somewhere along the line I was enlightened...my parents loved me and wanted me to become the best I could be, but their Asian-inspired methods, combined with the fact that I was growing up in a Midwest white society and they were too busy to spend time with me created unforeseen consequences... But enough about me. Has your sudden realization changed your relationship with your mother? Are you angry at her? Family is important, and imperfect.
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Totally with you on that one ;P Thanks for sharing!
  22. Hi, and welcome! I can tell already that you're going to be a great addition to the BD population! ;)

  23. Yoruichi-san

    I meant your current family, being married to a wonderful man and having good children. I know that no one can ever be completely happy and everyone will always have problems. And my story wasn't meant to be of woe...it was mean to be of truth, of enlightenment, and of acceptance. Through education and introspection I came to understand and accept the factors that shaped me. I can't change how I grew up and how that affected me. But, like I said, I can try to figure out how to use those things to my advantage instead of disadvantage. I can't get rid of the inner voice, but I can talk back to it, especially when I kick some intellectual @$$. And I thought my story was one of triumph at the end...of understanding what made me who I am and figuring out how to put that to good use: i.e. sharing my puzzles and writing and sense of humor...;P
  24. Yoruichi-san

    I do love my parents. And now that I'm old enough to understand their intentions I don't blame them. I actually don't believe in blame, but that's a philosophy discussion that involves quantum physics...;P. It's not about being mad at the past, that's pointless. It's about understanding what makes a person who they are and figuring out how to use that to their advantage, like what CP was saying. :/ And I'm glad to hear you have a wonderful family.
  25. Good luck on your exams! Make sure you don't write "voting for" by your name...;P

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