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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Okay, come on, several people were on the right track...don't give up...

    JDave was right, 2pi rad refers to circle or round. There are two numbers after it, so there are two more words in that exp​ression...think of exp​ressions with "circle something something" or "round something something"...

    Obtuse is the right mathematical definition of the angle for 2, but the word is not "obtuse", but "obtuse" "put into plain english", so think of words that mean the same thing...(if you don't know the meaning look in a dictionary or thesaurus). It also has two more numbers after it, so two words after the word that means "obtuse"...

    The rest can be solved similarly, and once you find the numbers for some common words in exp​ressions, such as "of" and "is", you should be able to recognize those, which will make the rest easier.

    Good luck!

  2. The puzzles look interesting, but it's hard to pull things out of thin air. If there is a theme of what the items are, it would be nice to know. Based on your original post it seems that they are all fast-food items, or fast-food restaurants. This post I'm replying too seems to say that items 10-12 are fast-food things. But then your last post says that some are animals.

    Are these all just random items? If so, how are people supposed to solve them. #1 has "2π rad" which could be circle or round or ... If I knew roughly what I was going after things would be fun.

    No, not fast food items...that's just a fun theme ;). If you want a theme for "what to do" then it would be "Enigmatic Enigma out this Figure", i.e. a combination of what was done in the Enigmatic Enigma puzzles and the opposite of the Figure this out puzzle...search for those if you haven't seen them, it should help. I'll tell you that each one corresponds to a thing or phrase, so the strategy I would suggest is

    Get an idea what the math part is, i.e. for 1 you think it's circle or round, then try to find phrases/things that fit with that term and see if it works out in the Enigmatic Enigma part. Good luck!

  3. which one's a complimentary angle and which one's supplementary? I can never remember lol :P and an obtuse angle is between 90 and 180... so I assume the first word of #2 is obtuse...hmmm...

    Obtuse...yeah, but..."could you put that in plain english?"

  4. Uhhh...sorry to spoil the party, but this riddle has been done before and then some...search for "pirates" there's Pirates 1, 2, (by magicalcheese) and 3 (by yours truly ;P)...I'm also currently kinda on/off working on Pirates 4...

  5. one - white - 1(1)

    four - yellow - 2(2)

    nine - green - 3(3)

    eight - orange - 4(2)

    twenty five - purple - 5(5)

    eighteen - other green - 6(3)

    forty nine - red - 7(7)

    sixteen - cyan - 8(2)

    twenty seven - purple - 9(3)

    fifty - white - 10(5)

    one hundred

    twenty one - - 11(11)

    Edit: Added the second part of the first spoiler

    I think that it really has something to do with "spelling it out" as Yoruichi-san put it.

    It may also be the wavelengths of the colors of light...

    Yes and yes.

    Actually I call the color of (9) "yellow-green"

    and the color of (18) "green" and the color of (16) "green-blue". ;)

    Also, if you notice, in post #10 I didn't say the color of (1) and (50) was "white" but used a different term instead...(hidden hint, anyone? ;P)

  6. (corrected some of your Q's to N's)

    How true! I don't think I'd heard this version.

    That's *probably* because I just made it up...;P

    Yeah, thanks for the correction, my head was elsewhere (making the puzzle that I finally finished and posted at 1:44 am!).

  7. Everyone, I love your spunk!

    Actually, I titled this "a combo meal" because it's a combination of some things I've used before...

    Initially I considered subtitling this "Enigmatic Enigma Out This Figure"...;P

    The first 9 should be okay...10 requires some thinking out of the (jack in the) box, 11 needs some special sauce, and 12 is a real whopper! ;P (have you realized that I love themes yet?) 13 isn't really that hard, but being me, I had to include it and conclude with it...the cherry on top!

  8. By reading your quote makes me wonder the episod 3 should be come out or abandon. :huh:

    Lol...actually I meant it as a compliment, as in "it was very clever, I wish I had thought of that..."...so I say go for it with episode 3 (just make sure it's better than Star Wars episode 3...;P...nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...)

  9. Order's up!

    1. 2π rad 17 29

    2. 90°<θ<180° 69 40

    3. 160 a<b+c

    4. √(-1) 349

    5. × 69 91

    6. (x^2/a^2) + (y^2/b^2) =1 137

    7. ÷ 17 ^ S

    8. {1/cos(θ)}s 109

    9. (162)^3

    Would you like that supersized? (Warning: May be difficult to


    10. 217 A h(17)nat

    11. p(k) = λ^k / (k!)(e^λ) 126

    12. 1.51 121L QED {[cos(2θ) sin(2θ), sin(2θ) -cos(2θ)]*265G}

    13. -((h/2π)^2/2m)(∂^2Ψ(x,t)/∂x^2)+V(x,t)Ψ(x,t) = j(h/2π)(∂Ψ(x,t)/∂t) 91

    Itadakimasu! ;)

  10. I like that quote! Hehe...here is the feminine conjugation...;P


  11. light.

    We see the light that is reflected off things, i.e. the light that "leaves", not the light that is absorbed, i.e. "arrives". No "one" person can be the only one who sees it, but everyone does...(including ppl in far away galaxies...)

  12. :) Cute...

    1) what is the name of the only type of water that will never freeze? -ice

    2) what makes your left hand right? -a mirror or any question where the answer is "your left hand"

    3) what wears shoes but does not walk? -a horse

    4) how can you put your right hand in your left pocket and your left hand in your right pocket without crossing your arms? -wear your jacket/shirt/pants backwards

    5) i have feathers to fly, but i am not alive. what am i? - a stuffed bird

    6) if you help me leave i may come back, but if i have to leave alone i won't. what am i? -consciousness?

    7) i often move. i never move. if you see me, i can't see you. what am i? -your eyes

    h3re's 7hr3e m0r3 4 7he h3ck 0f 1t ;)

    a) when is it bad luck to meet a white cat? -when it's a white tiger (poor seigfried...or was it roy?) or when it runs in front of your car/bike O_o

    b) what animal do you never want to play in cards? - a cheetah or an elephant (cuz an elephant never forgets!)

    c) What do you get when you splice an elephant and a rhinoceros? -arrested for poaching ;P

  13. and gotham city was born in comic books. check out post #2. oh, and i never played magic either, just a guess between the two past-times. actually was never much into comics either, probably why i couldn't be sure (maybe it is both =) good riddle anyway

    ...someone mentioned movies too, but was looking for *specific*, since it's a strategically timed tribute to The Dark Knight and all...;P.

    Actually, I never read the comics either, but I grew up watching the animated series on Saturday mornings (gotta love those Saturday morning cartoons!) and in preparation for the movie, I'm currently watching the new one (The Batman), which is where Toymaker came from...I think some of the villains I mentioned don't actually appear in the comics...anyways, my knowledge of them is TV only ;P.

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