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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. AMIGO

    If I were in boxes, I couldn't be contained. =====> IGO (Ego)

    You have me, and I am like you. =====> MI (ME)

    I go up as you go towards grade F. =====> EGO Boost

    What am am I? =====> Can be read as "What AM am I?" , the word starts with AM

    Very creative answer! But you're forgetting the catch...check post #47...

  2. I noticed that each line has a pair of the same words. The first line has two "I"s, the second has two "you"s, the third has two "go"s, and the fourth has two "am"s. Is it a coincidence or is this the catch?

    No...lol, just a coincidence...someone already got the catch...check post #47...

  3. lol, Mafia is a game of elimination. You don't kill people off cuz they are eager and willing (where did you get that from?), you kill them because of much more complicated and varied reasons that I don't feel like getting into right now ;D

    ...lol...like because the host put a red herring into the intro...;P

  4. Yeah, I was thinking more of an independent character, that way he/she could use both baddie and innocent roles. I guess he/she would need a different win condition as well...hmmm...how about needing to kill off certain people in a particular order or something...(kind of like the Renegade in BANG!)

    Ooo...how about if the Puppeteer is hunting the Psychic? Since the Psychic is too good, then why not put a good character after him/her? ;P

  5. Yes, I like it. I assume this is a baddie role right? Or maybe a tweak on the vigilante role?

    Yeah, I was thinking more of an independent character, that way he/she could use both baddie and innocent roles. I guess he/she would need a different win condition as well...hmmm...how about needing to kill off certain people in a particular order or something...(kind of like the Renegade in BANG!)

  6. Okay, reworking my original idea (and renaming it):

    The Puppeteer: Kills one person each even (or odd) night and can use the dead person's role abilities for that night (if it is a night ability) or the next day (if it is a day ability). If the target does not die (i.e. is saved by a protecting role), the puppeteer does not get to use the abilities.

  7. Gaaaaahhhhh...I feel dumb...I *totally* forgot about the Inspector wipeout...if I hadn't we might have won...sorry girls, that was so stupid of me...:(

    ...cuz we wouldn't have killed pw0nzd, so we would have killed JS, so they wouldn't have won...

    ...would have tried to make him out himself by accusing pw0nzd of being a QA using the "number 3" clue...3x3x3 Rubiks Cube?! I mean, it it was a clue, it had to be pointing to him (except it wasn't, hehe)

    ...grrrrrrrrr....need to stop thinking about this so I can go to sleeeeeeep....

  8. You're pulling my leg now, right?

    I mean, how can there be several ways to do what is impossible?

    First I chose the number of decimal places. Out of the positive integers, and at random, I chose 3.

    Then I chose a three-digit number from among the 1000 choices. At random, I chose .314.

    Not that I'm arguing with you about the probabilities part, I agree with you on the theory...but just can't noting how 3.14 are the first digits of pi...so I can't help thinking maybe your choice in this case was affected by your subconcious...;)

  9. Don't forget:

    0)Unreality - Host God

    Totally amazing epic writing! Great job keeping up with all the players and keeping us on the edge of our mental seats with all the twists and turns. And great clues...even if I didn't get them ;P. But I still blame you for forgetting to write in the Sphinx rule :mad: ...just kidding ;). Thanks so much for giving us the awesome experience. You leave Frost some big shoes to fill...but I'm sure he will manage...he can always just pour water into them and freeze them with his Frost God powers...;P

  10. Lol...you guys/gals are really creative...BUT

    Do you horse really think my English skills are that bad?

    Or could it be that, perhaps, that I am trying pizza to leave you clues to what the catch is?

    Think about it tear?

  11. You know, I actually saw this on an episode of Numb3rs a while ago. B))

    Haha...I never watched that, but they filmed on my college campus, and apparently some guy my friend knew had his hand in one episode, because they wanted to make the lead character seem like he knew what he was doing while writing equations, so they had a math grad student's hand as a "stand-in" for the actor's hand...;P

  12. haha

    *sneaks into Olympic swimming pool with a black mask and a massive bag of corn starch*

    hehe...yeah, the more scientific knowledge you have, the better the pranks you can pull...;P

    but you'd actually need *a lot* of cornstarch...:P

  13. @ Y-san's Death Note idea: lol... we only use original material in our Mafia games, sorry ;P Hehe

    ...Okay, so the names can be changed...but the idea of one person who kills and then uses the role of the person he/she kills that night? What do you think of that idea? Lol...I guess it also reminds me of Sylar...

  14. KoP, foolonthekill, you guys are right! And the term is "shear-thickening". Pretty cool, huh? ;P It would be a fun experiment to try, but I would definitely suggest using only like 1 foot of water, lol...XP

  15. A similar thought had just occurred to me, but then I thought that if we don't start right away, maybe we could start a thread discussing different roles: past, present and future. People could say what roles they've played here (and maybe other places) that worked well, which didn't seem to work and why. For instance, the Sage was a character in the earlier incarnations of Mafia, but has been removed in more recent versions. Is that a plus or a minus?

    The thread could be used to discuss ideas people have presented already or things people come up with to get feedback and the goal would be to create uber-mafia games in the future with lots of cool innocents and baddies. B))

    Finally, it would be a place to bring all the ideas that people have offered from the mafia games and the sign-up threads and a place to put all future role ideas. By unifying the location for role ideas, people don't have to search through hundreds of pages on multiple threads to find an idea they came up with a while ago, but forgot or something like that. So for future mafia games, a host could look through the thread for ideas if they want something new and people who have hosted (currently just Unreality) could say why this idea or that wouldn't be balanced or how to balance it or something like that.

    One reason I'm suggesting this would that if we decide to wait, which it seems like we will, people will still be able to get their mafia fix :P and it participation won't be restricted to just people signed up to play in the current game. :)

    Yeah, I think we should wait too, and I love the idea of discussing ideas (still no feedback on my Death Note Holder/Shinigami idea :()...

  16. I can finally not post in gray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol, i like the ghost forum idea. I was having alot of fun being a ghost. I was laughing everytime i posted one of those "go innocent posts" I was laughing even harder when everyone saw through it :P

    y-san, i would have swore that you hacked onto the the QA forum, you knew way to much.

    I cant wait till mafia V!

    Lol...and you had me feeling bad for a moment, you lying QA :P...but not really, I was pretty sure you were lying, hehe. No, actually, I know nothing about computer programming, it was just logic based on the evidence...;P

    That one ! :lol: I was thinking of springing a trap on the mafia , but it went wrong somehow . Maybe it was the time zone factor or as we know now it could have been due to those unpredictable Mafia girls . :P

    ...who are you calling unpredictable...maybe we predicted what you would do and that is why we didn't fall for your trap...and why I knew you didn't really have any evidence, even though I was indeed mafia...;P

    You are saying Brandon's the first , right? :P

    No...have you seen Death Note? It is an awesome show, and I know you would love it ;). The first L was good, but then *spoiler alert* the guy who replaced him as L was bad...so you thought I was the first L, but I was actually the second, hehe ;P

  17. Wow...why do the probability threads always have the most heated arguments? What is the probability density function for how much arguments go on as a function of how much probability is involved in the question?


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