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Posts posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. -The ~~~~~ Protector: as long as this player is still alive, the ~~~~~~~ cannot be killed. If the ~~~~~~~~ ~~ I, then this player ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ him/her. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ is lynched, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~'~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.

    - The XXXXXXXX: This is the player that the Drug Addict and the Serial Killer are trying to find. He/she is aware that they are trying to ~~ ~~~~~.

    I was thinking the last two words are "do this" or "do that", but the last word has 5 letters...

    maybe it's not "trying to" right before that...? I put that in cuz it made a bit of sense

    Maybe "to be"? To be saved, to be found, to be given?

  2. wait nvm, the first blue has 7 letters, the second has 8... <_<

    Yeah...I noticed that too...maybe add an s?

    Dude, I wish I were playing beach volleyball...I miss playing volleyball...I miss California...:(

    Oh well, at least I get to work on my detective skills...;P

  3. guys, update the roles as you figure stuff out, I was away playing beach volleyball for a while :P

    -The ~~~~~ Protector: as long as this player is still alive, the ~~~~~~~ cannot be killed. If the ~~~~~~~~ ~~ I, then this player ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ him/her. ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ is lynched, ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~'~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~.

    - The XXXXXXXX: This is the player that the Drug Addict and the Serial Killer are trying to find. He/she is aware that they are ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~.

    anything else we've gotten that I missed?

  4. Ooooh...here is another role that has vague descriptions:

    The Serial Killer: This player wants to be the only player alive. Something must happen in order for his/her power to activate. Once this happens, this player can kill once a night. This player cannot be killed at night.

    So now I'm *pretty sure* the second secret role is the one connected with both the Drug Addict and the Serial Killer, and I think it reads:

    The XXXXXXXX: This is the player that the Drug Addict and the Serial Killer are trying to find. He/she is aware that ...

  5. how about

    As long as this person is still alive, the traitor cannot be killed

    Traitor isn't one of the roles, the ones with 7 letters are DENTIST/BURGLAR/PSYCHIC as far as I can see...it could also be LEADERS?

  6. Okay, how about "as long as this person is still alive, the [some character w/ 7 letters, burglar/dentist/psychic?) cannot be killed...

    And for the name, The [something] Protector, maybe...

  7. Actually, now the lack of "the" is bothering me...maybe it's just "as long as this person is still alive...", but I think the "is still alive" is correct...

    Wow...this is fun ;P

    Okay, how about "as long as this person is still alive, the [some character w/ 7 letters, burglar/dentist/psychic?) cannot be killed...

  8. Going with that idea and my idea, how about "as long as drug addict is still alive,..."

    Actually, now the lack of "the" is bothering me...maybe it's just "as long as this person is still alive...", but I think the "is still alive" is correct...

    Wow...this is fun ;P

  9. I would suggest for the first one it starts 'as long as', or 'so long as'

    for the single letter followed by a comma, it makes sense as 'I' where 'to ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ as I, they will ......

    Going with that idea and my idea, how about "as long as drug addict is still alive,..."

  10. Hmmm...so among the other role descriptions, we have this:

    The Drug Addict: This player must find a certain other player by PMing me the name of a player every night. If he/she does not find that certain player by a certain time, then something will happen.

    Which is very vague ("something will happen"?) I'm thinking one of the secret roles is this "certain other player", and part of the description is the "something" that will happen...

    what's a synonym for "drug dealer"? ;)

  11. in the first role, there is a single tilde... what do you guys make of it? Probably not "I". Thus most likely "a", except it's right before a comma. Am I forgetting another single-letter word?

    Could it be a number? Otherwise I would think it is "am I", if the role descriptions are in 1st person...

  12. the or/and is weird, cuz it's usually and/or, but maybe it's flipped to put us off... I can't think of anything else that would fit into ~~/~~~

    How about he/she? ...he/she is aware that ...

    and for the other /, how about him/her?

    I don't watch Lost, but I would guess that the names of the roles would have some relevance to the show...

    And it would probably help if you told us what the other non-secret roles are... ;)

  13. (1) Before we met, I was every color shown in light,

    Now that you're gone, I'm just black and white. - Drawing/Sketch

    (2) I was the one who captured you,

    But now you have changed me, too. - Film

    (3) It's hard to think that as I grow,

    You could and would actually slow. - Time Lapse Photography

    (4) For you I'll translate,

    If you can keep the date. - Digital

    (5) I'll forever take your traces.

    To countless far-away places. - Website/Internet

    We know that you'll never come back,

    So we've come together as a pack.

    But you will be the one who sees,

    If they can discover our identities.

    Spurned by Man

    Wow, very philosophical...but not the answers I was going for. :/

  14. but maybe the spurner is a cell phone/i-phone, and the spurned lovers are older (obsolete) versions of its spiffy features? That might make

    (1) text

    (2) camera

    (3) clock

    (4) calendar

    (5) telephone

    Haha, very clever, but no...;P

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