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Everything posted by unreality

  1. Yeah I saw it there on the side menu, that's how I got here ;D
  2. Anybody interested? you just say a word, such as "Bob" and the next person would copy urs and add a word: "Bob was" etc The
  3. I was just curious why the 'forum' link was missing from the list of links at the top? no biggie tho
  4. You are mistaken. If you don't understand, look at my proof posted earlier; 70 soldiers lost an eye... so 30 DID NOT lose an eye 75 lost an ear. 25 DID NOT lose an ear 85 lost a leg. 15 DID NOT 80 lost an arm. 20 DID NOT To lose all 4, you can't "DID NOT" any of those... so 30+25+15+20 = 90... that means 90 people out of a 100 AT LEAST lost 1 body part. leaving 10 out of 100 to have lost ALL FOUR
  5. Yeah, I know, I'm a member of quite a few (and a master admin/founder of another) forums for just social or like a book series but are always very off topic and we have lotsa topics for all sorts of random things, I'm just saying with the audience here you won't get much traffic seeing as this isnt an advertised social forum, its like a riddle-exchange forum. That's why the Others topic isnt full of topics when in most other forums the "General Comments" forum is the biggest one ;D I was just explaining the main idea of the forum to the guy
  6. Arguement also has a meaning in programming, in C (or C++ which I am most familiar with) an arguement is a name for something passed to a function
  7. Huzzah! The 1/3 Club grows stronger.... are there any enemies left to convert?
  8. "I understand you intend to overthrow my undertaking" The "I" is underneath "stand" "I under stand" teUnd = "U" in "tend" "You intend" "2" is over "throw" "to overthrow" "my" is under "taking" "my undertaking" "I understand you intend to overthrow my undertaking"
  9. we can overpower him...
  10. *checks bonvanova's answer* yay we got same answer, semi-dif methods
  11. im solving this as i go so bear with me: split into three fields not two: BBS and just cuz i might need it, sextuple the letters to split fields up even more: BBB BBB BBB BBB SSS SSS Split first day into half-days HD1: whole group does 2/3 of the B field or BBB BBB BB HD2: half group does 1/3 of B field, or BBB B, which means the other half group must have done that much on the small field- SSS S, leavin SS to be done by one person in one day So if one person does two parts... the whole group did BBB BBB BB in half a day (half the time, so there's only ONE part per person) so # of people = number of B's there There are *counts* 8 workers
  12. There are entire books- entirely scholarships- devoted to the number 9. It's my favorite number and i could probably load you up with so many "9-magic-tricks" and "9-riddles" it would make your brains explode! lol but i'm content to sit back and watch other ppl solve em
  13. heat sensor? anyway, about my earlier statement, i wasnt trying to answer your question i was just making a comment of an idea of my own i had had for a while... "slippery cloak"....
  14. magnetically or geographically?
  15. There isnt just one example of invisibility. Since that indeed is impossible, making every body part magically have 0 resistance against light and let it pass through. Na-uh. But what if you had a "slippery cloak" that would be 'slippery' in terms of the fabric/material put on the outside of the cloak, and light slides around it and keeps going somewhere in the general angle of how it came in (i.e. there would be a slight distortion in the air, from certain angles, possibly) However even if the material was completely 'clear' otherwise, like from the inside, if light doesnt get from outside to your eyes you cant see... so maybe cut holes for your eyes? but this of course defeats the purpose, eh. But i dont think they would notice a small eye-hole, would they? lol
  16. Buckle and Disposed? lol its not much of a riddle when Martini supplied that post... it kinda took the wind out of your riddle how bout we focus on your "palindrome" which of course is not a "palindrome" a palindrome is: racecar backwards it spells: racecar what you mean is a Reverse Anagram that defines itself, right? Or is it a pangram? ie this is a pangram: One Plus Twelve = Two Plus Eleven A 'true' anagram great site for anagrams: Click here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I got the answer right first, I posted it right away, then I deleted it! Except I was lying!
  18. nah hacked version isnt as far as normal one
  19. i didnt click on the link but i see its a YouTube video.. yeah ive seen all those. Incredible (or hacked). lol i will try out the hacked version right now
  20. YES! i have the answer there are exactly 26 sentences each misses the letter of that letter in the alphabet
  21. wait a sec.... separating it into sentences: This is the true first sentence, as the italic part is NOT in the riddle. This has no A. second sentence- no B no C no D no E this is just the first five sentences... should i keep going? are there even 26 sentences?
  22. Communication = sharing concepts Therefore: concepts = most important part
  23. She puts two slices in the pan; after 30 seconds she has toasted one side of each. She turns over the first slice, takes the second from the pan, and in its place puts the third slice. After the second half minute the first slice is done and the other two are half done. In the last 30 seconds she finishes the second and third slices. Yep. It's that easy. But lots of people miss the solution. I did. (And Martini did) It's automatic assumption that you have to toast each piece entirely...
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