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Everything posted by unreality

  1. so its one of the six words for sure? p.s. who is your avatar of? lol
  2. To whoever says 1/2: the three cards: WW BB WB we can immediately eliminate the WW to get 2 differnet outcomes. yes, two outcomes but they are NOT equally likely: BB WB the black came from one of them. Since there are 3 blacks, 2 on the BB, 1 on the WB, it is twice as likely that the black came from the BB as opposed to the WB the odds are 2/3 thats the easiest way I can think of explaining it
  3. bonanova, your clarification doesn't match your first statement. Which one is right? ALL UPSIDE DOWN or ALL RIGHT SIDE UP oh wait... do you mean that as BEFORE the game begins that happens... or do you mean the goal of the player is to do that? nevermind i get it now ;D Ok now to think about this for a little bit ;D
  4. Since they start out all up or down, couldn't you change nothing and get it in 0 moves?
  5. I don't believe in destiny or fate or non-free-will mostly because of randomness at particle levels and my own beliefs (agnostic/atheistic) But if you COULD look into the future, it would change. For example take the movie NEXT (great movie if you wanna rent it). Like he says somewhere in the beginning... "every time you look into the future it changes, just because you looked" (and now know what would happen thus changing it). He can only look into his own future and this one girl's future but even if there was no such limitation just KNOWING the possible future would CHANGE it BECAUSE you know it. Destiny isnt fixed... I believe you could change your fate, if it existed. The "fate" that people have talked about that they say will happen no matter what anybody does to change it requires the power of some higher intelligent being that wants that to happen and can influence events..
  6. maybe phpbb.com has a tutorial or something?
  7. on the big forum i admin, our host does it... (tho hasnt yet)... so I have no clue
  8. was just wondering what was wrong earlier today or what you were updating or whatever?
  9. So you meet someone who is intolerate... I would say if you really are tolerant you wouldn't recognize them as intolerant in the first place. But say you do, and your thing is to be tolerant of people's beliefs and try not to change them. That doesn't mean you want people to think like you. So I say leave the intolerant person be.. or am I confusing the meaning of "tolerant"?
  10. evil vile veil live veil levi edit- oops i used veil twice
  11. hehe. heeheehee. lol
  12. Yes I've also been resisting a comment about this lol but I didnt wanna be mean. In the future, could you not post in like bright blue... you might think me younger generation can see any color but it hurts the hell out of my eyes lol. Do you honestly like to look at this???
  13. Yeah, look at your numbers. It increases. The percent will increase as the total number goes up. That's what they're saying. But I semi-disagree, if you look at my previous post.
  14. click the button that says (spoiler=) To type in the BBCode: [spoiler="title of spoiler"] spoiler text [/spoiler]
  15. This was the riddle that the Sphinx asked to Odyphius in Greek mythology.
  16. Okay here's what they were saying which I was stumped until I saw this so I hope this is the solution: All you need is one lock and one key for yourself and your friend has one lock and one key Lock A and Key A are yours Lock B and Key B are his Solution? 1. put the parcel in the box and lock it with Lock A, send it to friend 2. friend puts Lock B on the box so now Lock A and Lock B are both on the box. He sends it back to you 3. You use your key to remove Lock A. Now just Lock B is on the box. Send it back to your friend. 4. Your friend opens Lock B and gets the parcel.
  17. Not sure if this is relevant but just say, for example, 10% of infinity, ?/10, is still ? but a differnet level of infinity correct? like (?/10) / ? it wouldnt be ?/? as in 1 as in 100%.... it would be .1 as in 10% Am I just shootin in the dark here or do I have a slembance of a point? Help me out here lol
  18. I have two questions? 1) Do you only have one box? and 2) Do/Can you have multiple locks for one key or multiple keys for one lock?
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