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Everything posted by unreality

  1. The men in suits with guitars... its on the tip of my tongue!
  2. you are wrong. "10" in any base higher than 10 has to be represented by a symbol. In base 12, 12 is 10, not 10. You should read up on your bases! The left is base 10 of course. But you were CLOSE with your guess of base 12 on the right
  3. Yep. I presume you mean 1 mile north of south pole?
  4. NEW PROBLEM *************** 60-(3•x) = 2§ 2+x = 10 what is x? and what number does § represent?
  5. Ahh you thought it was 5x as in 52 or something? I gotcha. Like an unknown digit as opposed to multiplication. Sorry. How's this? 5•x = 19 or this? 5*x = 19
  6. Typo: the second chances are 2:1 not 1:2, I think thats what you meant (cuz (1:2 + 2:1) /2 = 1:1) anyway, I would just slip all my money out of my wallet as I set it on the table I win the contents of both of our wallets ;D
  7. You got it brhan! Except x is 5 5(5) = 25
  8. You got the hint (bases) Any more would be giving it away
  9. Just testing out that little BUMP button lol
  10. some sort of distortion or "dialect" of morse code, probably
  11. she meant: there could be rooms with corners
  12. A man runs a mile south, a mile west, and a mile north... and ends up back where he started! How did it happen? But the real riddle is... There are actually an infinite number of answers for where the man could have started from.Explain.
  13. until we get a Math forum, the math riddles go here if 22+7 is 41 and 22+5 is 36 what is x? 5x = 19
  14. lol exactly what I was thinking. Corners...
  15. This is classic! bonanova are you a Martin Gardner fan too?
  16. this should clear it up: we want the smallest number thats 23 syllables... so it would be 777,777,778 or whatever you said.
  17. first i have to clear up my useage of n: n = any real number and ALL real numbers it could be pi, or 5, or -2 or .333repeating. It doesnt work with at least one type of nonreal number (see below) One Exception: n may not be 0 ****** RULES OF ZERO (by unreality) (lol) ****** EQUATION: n/x = y FACT: as x gets smaller, y will get bigger. As x gets reduced to 0, y goes to infinity (?) EXAMPLE: 5/1 = 5 5/.5 = 10 5/.0005 = 10,000 5/.0000000001 = 50,000,000,000 etc FACT: n/0 = ? FACT: n/? = 0 FACT: z/z = 1 FACT: ?/? = 1 (not 0) THUS: since ? is nonreal, this only works with Real numbers or at least non-infinite ANYWAY: BACK TO FACTS: MOST RECENT FACT: n/? = 0 since n/0 = ? FACT: n*0 = 0 (divide by zero on both sides) FACT: n = 0/0 The question is: Is 0n over 0 (0n/0) equal to 0/0 or n? (I say BOTH, see sentence after next) Since you are dividing by 0, it might be 0/0 = 0/0 which casts no light on 0/0. But the nature of what I just said, before that, does mean that n = 0/0, right? So my final facts: FINAL FACT: n/0 = ? (n cant be zero here, remember) FINAL FACT: 0/0 = n (here n could be zero) *** i dunno... just ramblings of the 0
  18. "se-ven" is the only one digit number with more than one syllable... so you'll get more syllable per smaller number, so to speak
  19. ...needs no describing http://4q.cc/index.php?pid=top100&person=chuck AND: http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com/
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