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Everything posted by unreality

  1. wow, this was a creative joke! hahahaha!
  2. ahhh actually I was right to an extent. We sort of met in the middle. This, copied from the front of my answer, was the base for the rest of my operations: 4 RED, 1 GREEN 3 RED, 2 GREEN 2 RED, 3 GREEN Each are equally probable. That statement is perfectly true... I just didnt elongate it. For example, 4 red and 1 green can be: GRRRR RGRRR RRGRR RRRGR RRRRG *slaps forehead*
  3. You guys aren't getting it... there are 2 random chances... the first is where the chips are under the cups the second is which ones you picked (easily determined) The chances of the second do not change unless the first changes Bonanova, i dont know where you got the 100-0-0-0 thing but think about it this way: normally, there would be certain chances that certain combinations are more likely... like look at it with three cups of two different color chips: red-red-red red-red-blue red-blue-red blue-red-red blue-blue-red red-blue-blue blue-red-blue blue-blue-blue but the chances for one, if they ARENT picked randomly, is just... ZOMG NEVER MIND SORRY wow i'm such an idiot.
  4. Unless if you take into account a multiple universe theory. I am certain this is the only way possible to time travel backwards (forwards = no dilemma) when you go back in time, it branches off a new universe at the point in time where you went back to... there is no way to detect a universe branching, and no way to move between universes except to go back in time and create a new universe... as every time someone goes back, a new universe is created at that point in time, with the same past as its mother universe up to the point of the split. You could kill yourself in a branched off universe and your self in another universe would still be alive to go and kill yourself.
  5. he wasnt gonna split the $100, why should he split the $200? what he SHOULD do is give $100 back to the person or at least ask them if they meant to drop him two Benjamins ;D
  6. yeah, thanks martini! I get it now. lol
  7. just trying to understand the answer: George was dead. He was found face down in the street, squashed nearly flat. He must have been there some time as he was cool to the touch. In addition, when he was found, there was a bird perched on the back of his head. 1. yes he's dead 2. squashed... into a painting? 3. been dead 200 yrs 4. the american eagle... OH! The 1 dollar bill! In the street! Yeah!
  8. Right there ^ is where you are wrong. It is not randomly distributed. There would be 26 different options if and only if the chips under the cups were distributed randomly. They are not distributed randomly, but chosen, hand-picked, determined, pre-set, arranged, placed, put, set, ordered specifically, however you want to put it by the owner of the game. There is no random chances for the cups- no distribution and weighting theory, none of that, because the cups placement's are NOT random. More than that, you have no information about it. I dont wanna re-explain myself, just read my last post before roberto0's last post (thanks for the backup man, lol, I didnt get around to reading on that Monty Hall thing or the wiki link, but i will later )
  9. grandmother and grandfather are the mother and father of your aunt and uncle, which are your brother and sister. Thats 6 people. For both brother and sister to be aunt and uncle as well, each of them must have one kid... the aunt has a daughter, and the uncle has a son, or vice versa am i right? if i am, the use of "my" was bad, since these are not the right relations to you after all. Puzzles like these usally say "a mother, a father, a nephew, etc, were present" not "my XXX, my XXX, etc" because then there is really 10 ppl there
  10. Exactly. Equally likely UNWEIGHTED distributions. You weighted your distributions among 26 options instead of the 3 options that existed (just forget about the 5-0 as that was a typo error by me and 5-0 doesnt exist). As they are not distributed randomly, but chosen deliberately, each of the three options are equally likely as you agreed on with me earlier. This means your decision to use 26 (well 25, forgetting the 5-0 thing) is wrong and should be 3, if you were indeed agreeing with me. Sure, if there was 25 equally possible outcomes, 1/5 ? 1/8 or whatever you were saying, of course, but there is not 25 equally possible outcomes, as there is NO weighting! To prove my point, i think... roll 2 dice and add them together... you can list the numbers 2-12 and give probabilities, and the probabilities are DIFFERENT. But to get EQUAL things for each case, you have to extend the sample space to be multiple options of the same thing... for simplicity lets roll two 3 sided die... total: 2 = 1/9 3 = 2/9 4 = 3/9 5 = 2/9 6 = 1/9 however to have all them have equal chances of being picked: 2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6 there is 9 equal options there, even though there were only 5 possibilities... the answers are WEIGHTED... some are worth more than others [/demonstration] i know thats what you were trying to do here, but there is NO WEIGHTING... there is EQUAL chances as the cups are NOT randomly distributed but PICKED
  11. unreality


    dates, days, weeks for example, 58 days = (56=7*8=[8*10=80])+2 extra days = 82 (8 weeks and 2 days) however if truly in base 7, this would of course be 115 as 80 is actually 11*7 with 3 extra but we dont use it past the first place, ie, 82 would stay 82 when dealing with dates, if anything, it would be base 4 for that decimal place, for weeks in a month, and it would be 202 which would mean 2 months, 0 weeks, 2 days but i didnt mean use of base 7 as a numerical base, but more as a sort of background thing used every day that people do without realizing their calculating bases
  12. Don't listen to em AFTER they said that... but it typically means 'dont comprehend what im saying' or 'dont hang on to every one of my word's like i'm a fascinating movie' or something like that lol or like angry that ppl arent listening to me: "sure, go ahead, dont listen to me!"
  13. I dont think you got what I meant.... sure you pick a cup randomly, but the actual positions of the cards are 100% chosen by the casino/gameshow... so there isnt random weighting involved- each could be as equally likely as the next- when you take that into account, I believe my solution is correct (tho you might need to look over it )
  14. Oops i forgot to add to the very beginning there is at least 1 green as well... drat well my solution stays the same, if you read it- i was thinking along the lines there was AT LEAST ONE GREEN as well... sorry bovanova.. lol. However still then we would differ in our answers. You weighted the probabilities, I did not- each chance is the same equality... since we know nothing. Remember the paint chips are not there RANDOMLY... there isnt RANDOM CHANCES which would thus accordinly weight them... since their positions are chosen by the game show, we cannot base our initial setup on the random distribution probabilities but just on our sample space.
  15. However hearts may not be the first one... but i dont think you could multiply it by 4 exactly cuz of the other 3.... lol we'll see if our calculations match
  16. unreality


    base four or half octal can be common in certain mathematical uses but is not a typical base, which are: binary, base ten, base 7, octal (8) and hexadecimal (16) which uses A, B, C, D, and E to symbolize 11, 12, 13 14, and 15 as single digits I know a LOT A LOT about bases i think i put a riddle on here bout em once anyway i assume your 'riddle' is to transfer this from base 4 to base 10?
  17. No it will not double the speed just cuz it gets shot from bulbs going speed of light The light is a separate entity once its 'released' from the bulb- the light and bulb travel at the same speed together, the light hardly leaving the bulb normally it is this: _ is the bulb, ~ is lightwaves _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the bulb is moving so slowly compared to light, we can say its not moving at all, just a porch light or something but saying the bulb is moving at the speed of light as well (impossible cuz it has mass, but hey) _________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ however its actually like this if you wanna be REALLY specific: _ ~ then: _ ...~ _ .......~ as time passes- but the light moves so fast AND THE BULB IS CONTINUOUSLY emitting light it is like this: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thus i believe the bulb would continually emit ligth as it went: bulb and light, moving together: _______ ~~~~~ bulb with more light: _________ ~~~~~~~ ...~~~~~ _______________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ etc as they both move, the bulb 'collecting' light around itself. So the bulb would get brighter and brighter- well if you could see it, that is. But sight is based off of light waves hitting your retinas, so lets not even go there.
  18. It is 1 you are PASSING those ppl.. you are the ONLY person going from X to St Ives, they are going from St Ives to X this is an old one... saw it in the Moscow Puzzles, i think, a while ago (i love that book)
  19. Only if he was male... female dogs (like mine) do NOT lift a leg
  20. CASINO GAME There are five cups. Under each cup is a paint chip, those little colored cards in hardware stores. There are only RED and GREEN paint chips. There is AT LEAST ONE red paint chip and NO MORE THAN THREE green paint chips. Your goal is to pick two of one color card in a row. (Your first pick is revealed to you before you pick the second cup) There is also an option in which you can pick one cup and the Host tells you what color paint chip is under it... but then you CANNOT pick that cup when you do your two picks. Figure out the probability of winning (two same-color cards in a row) with and without that extra help option. Does it change?
  21. That's what we do in America AND=addition one hundred AND one 100 (and) 1 101
  22. 'unth' and 'ije' sounds- interesting...
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