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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    the bet

    for that to work, the boy would have to owe the man $100 that way, the boy wins the bet, the man pays him $50 but the boy owed the man $100, then the boy would end up paying the man $50 nothing else along the lines of "owing" would work except that, i think the way you phrased, both would pay each other $50 and it would be even, but it clearly says the man walked away with $50 from the boy... so if the boy did win the bet by saying a different number, not the man, the boy would've had to be in debt $100
  2. that doesnt add up to 63...
  3. mmkay, another proof of 1/3: you have a bag. it is not see through. You have two marbles in the bag. Marbles can be red or yellow. The marbles are already there. They are inside the bag. There are two of them. There is nothing else in the bag. One of them is red. What is the probability that both marbles are red? these are the options of what is inside the bag: Red and Yellow Yellow and Red Red and Red Yellow and Yellow but at least one has to be red... so we can say goodbye to "Yellow and Yellow". Now lets look at it again: Red and Yellow Yellow and Red Red and Red tada! there is a 1/3 chance they are both red. I FOUND THE SOURCE OF THE ARGUEMENT! everyone on both sides agree to remove (Yellow - Yellow)... leaving however many things are left. Thus, people who believe 1/3 believe in this set: Red and Yellow Yellow and Red Red and Red Yellow and Yellow When you take one away, you have three to pull one out of. 1/3. The people who believe in one-half answer believe this is the set: Yellow and Red Red and Red Yellow and Yellow when you remove 1, there are two left to pull one out of. Basically, the people who think it is 1/2, they dont think (Red/Yellow) and (Yellow/Red) are both equal chances. The fact is, having one of each is twice the probability of having both. It all comes down to this: People who think it is 1/3: Mixed (yellow and red, or red and yellow): 1/2 Both yellow: 1/4 Both red: 1/4 While people who think it is one half: Mixed: equal (1/3) both yellow: equal (1/3) both red: equal (1/3) thus when you take away yellow, they think the answer is 1/2. but it isnt The probability for Mixed is twice as much... the sample space is this: Red and Yellow Yellow and Red Yellow and Yellow Red and Red NOT THIS: Mixed Yellow and Yellow Red and Red therein lies the rift between the two sides. Hopefully the people who think it is 1/2 will finally understand now... that the answer is most definitely 1/3
  4. quoting myself... me and sudy have destroyed this viewpoint. lol
  5. the last 6 ppl to post have been ppl with only 1 post, and have all given the same solution... READ! The solution has been posted probably thousands of times!!! dont get an account just so you can re-invent the wheel on this one simple problem! the admin should seriously lock this topic
  6. you pretty much always need the outside knowledge of how to read. lol.
  7. well the answer is keyboard, let me explain it: * it is a box with many boxes (the keys) * 2 locks: caps and num (actually, i have a Mac, which has 1 lock (Caps lock) but i figured most Windows users have that silly "num lock" lol * the many keys part speaks for itself * the enter, escape and return buttons * 16 F-keys * double meaning: most keys do something else if you use them with shift, control, etc * only some are pure: tab, escape, clear, delete, return, etc only a few keys are pure (1 meaning) * here is where are you: if you are reading this, you are at ur computer * yet many more are not: lots of ppl arent on their computers lol.
  8. ummmm my keyboard has 16 Functions and 2 Locks
  9. i dont understand... using Log on the second number changes the equation, doesnt it?
  10. i made this up, so bear with me if its too easy: A box of boxes, with 2 locks, yet many keys. You can enter, or you can escape and return, but there's no way to get inside. The functions don't go past 16, do you see what I mean? Here everything has double-meaning, here only some are pure. Here is where you are, yet many more are not.
  11. i just made this up: there are 5 apples in a row. 2 are rotten, 3 are ripe. 2 are green, 1 is yellow. 2 are red. 2 have long stems. 3 have no stems at all. The first apple is the same color as the third, and the second is not the same color as the fourth. A ripe apple is right before a green apple, and a yellow apple is not next to a long-stemmed apple. Green apples are never rotten. Explain each apple, first through fifth. 1: red, long stemmed, ripe 2: green, long stemmed, ripe 3: red, short stemmed, rotten 4: yellow, short stemmed, rotten 5: green, short stemmed, ripe any other solutions?
  12. It didn't say "one of them is NOT a girl" it said "one of them is a girl" which could also mean "one of them is NOT a guy" but that just means that one that isnt a guy, is a girl, which is the same conclusion no, it was just a probability problem, which, because of wording, has the answer of 1/3
  13. we're talking about goddamn genocide here. lol
  14. yep just some anagram fun!
  15. okay the dog goes half as fast... so when the man is at the summit, the dog has gone halfway (1.5 miles). Now they are 1.5 miles apart, with the man going at X speed, the dog is going at X/2. So the man will have gone 2/3 the remaining distance (1 mile out of 1.5) and the dog will have gone 1/3 the distance between them (.5 out of 1.5) When they meet, the dog has gone 2 miles uphill, the man has gone 3 uphill and 1 downhill. But then the dog has to go 2 miles back down with the owner. The dog has gone 4 miles, the owner has gone 6 miles.
  16. thats exactly what i came up with 0/4 9/9 4/4 5/9 0/4 5/9 4/4 1/9 0/4 1/9 1/4 0/9 1/4 9/9 4/4 6/9
  17. ur logic is very mistaken. You should write that math out to see that you are wrong...
  18. Rearrange the letters in "new door" to make one word. I will only accept 1 answer.
  19. just read my post near the end of page 5. it explains everything. i think this topic is over. really. it cant go much anywhere else...
  20. thanks all these posts by dsu and martini are getting way complicated, i was mostly doing that so i could understand it myself
  21. 1. Love? some sort of emotion? 2. hmmm... 3. ??? 4. a chimney sweep? it was something like that. This has already been posted on this forum! 5. the unknown / anonymity / ignorance... something like that
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