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Everything posted by unreality

  1. bonanova the answer spoiler is wrong (wow I thought I'd never ever ever ever ever say that...lol)... the answer is EXACTLY 2 and I use the usual definition of absolute value: DISTANCE FROM ZERO and I was wrong- there are actually 2 solutions. Name them both.
  2. unreality

    I wasnt arguing against you, I was with you, and against writersblock, if you read my post. And it turns out we were right ;D
  3. Is it just me or was this very easy?
  4. unreality

    It says that the warden does this EVERY DAY... so if it were only for 100 days it wouldnt be an ongoing thing like PDR implied, the prisoners would just wait til day 101 and then everyone has been there, guaranteed. You don't need to be in MENSA to figure that out. ;D But there is obviously no starting day and no ending day, rereading the OP. The warden does this every day, each day, for as long as needed.
  5. I am thinking of a number. It's absolute value is √29 but if you add 2 to the number... it's absolute value is √53! What is the number? (there is only one answer)
  6. So let me get this right: Knaves do either of the following for three questions: lie-truth-lie OR truth-lie-truth Am I getting that right?
  7. Yep! You got it right bonanova... told ya it was easy
  8. unreality

    religious debate

    eh I guess this means nobody's gonna answer this... lol...
  9. unreality

    religious debate

    Martini did. You need to prove that your experience was somehow caused by god. As Martini put it: No, you didn't give evidence for God. You told us about an overwhelming feeling that came over you as you prayed. You gave no evidence that a god was responsible for this feeling.
  10. The Eleven Gemstones (This is a very easy problem, IMO, but it's fun, at least I think so) The Mine Overlord passes away, leaving his 11 precious gemstones that he has mined over the years to the Chief-Miner, the Sub-Chief-Miner and the Minor-Miner-Squadron-Leader. He declares that the Chief-Miner, being the highest ranked, shall receive half of the gemstones. The Sub-Chief-Miner, the next in rank, shall receive a third of the gemstones, and the Minor-Miner-Squadron-Leader shall receive a twelfth. Anything left over, if there is anything, goes to charity. How can they divide the eleven precious gemstones into halves, thirds and twelfths??? Frustrated, they call the famous Jewel Mathematician, who comes with her priceless gemstone brooch. "Easy," she says, adding her own gemstone to the pile. "There are twelve. Chief-Miner, you take 6, which is half. Sub-Chief-Miner, you take 4, which is a third. Minor-Miner-Squadron-Leader, you take 1, which is a twelfth. That's the 11 gemstones, and I'll take my own gemstone brooch back." She then departs, leaving them confused, yet divided up nicely, with her still being able to keep her gemstone brooch. *** What is the hole here?
  11. unreality

    religious debate

    (Here's a little atheism proof, maybe, or at least something interesting to think about) Here's a question to all theists: Ask yourself how your god (he, she, it, them, doesnt matter) came about. 1) Has it always been there? If so, is it so hard to believe that the universe has always been there? No god needed. 2) Was it created? If so, by whom? And thus what created that? And that before it? Infinite regression, thus the answer is that something was always there. *** On something similar but different, if you argue that life and everything in it is too complex to just have evolved that way or been here, then whatever created everything would have to be, by default, just as complex, if not more complex. Going by your definition, too complex to just be there or to have evolved that way. So how did it get there? It would have to be created as well... infinite regression. *** For both of these, you come back to the point that something complex or at least something in general has to have always existed. No creator is needed. Thus the only answer to this for theists is something I haven't thought of ("god created himself" doesn't work, I'm afraid) OR the theist must accept that the proof of life's complexity is no proof for a creator. EDIT: fixed grammar (change to to too)
  12. This looks hard I will attempt soon
  13. bonanova: good job spoxjox: assume each gemstone is the same value and size, and the haxite necklace is one haxite stone
  14. unreality

    Yes I'm right! lol. I knew my logic was pretty solid
  15. unreality

    My answer is probably wrong (i havent checked the spoilers) but here goes:
  16. Priceless Gems *** There are two different gemstones in the realm. Haxite, which is a deep red gem, and aquadium, a jewel of many beautiful blues and some green, which is worth 3x more than haxite. This week the miners have been mining special ore carts for the three princes of the realm, and the princes are equal, thus they must all receive exactly the same worth in their ore cart. The Chief-Miner oversaw the operation, rubbing his haxite necklace for good luck. At the end of the last day, the miners got 14 aquadium crystals and 26 haxite chunks. "How should we distribute them?" the Sub-Chief-Miner asked. "That's easy!" laughed the Chief-Miner. "Split both gems' numbers in three and fill up the ore carts! And quickly, the princes come at dawn tomorrow!" "But neither gem amount is divisible by three..." the Sub-Chief-Miner complained, but the Chief-Miner would hear none of it. He also ordered that ALL the gems that were mined MUST be used. The Sub-Chief-Miner sighed and returned to the men- but then he got an idea. The next dawn the princes came to see each ore cart had the same wealth. How did they split up equal worth into all three ore carts? *** Try before you look at my spoiler, it's not that hard
  17. unreality

    religious debate

    I have considered it. Believe me. I HAVE prayed. Most of my family is religious, the other half is not, neither half pushed me to any sort of decision, though I was taken to church for a while. I like the community sense but not the praying, not the repeating of possibly-false biblical passages, not the insisting that this or that is true. None of that works for me. Praying hasn't got me anywhere. You said that ancient texts are proof. Does age make something proof? No of course not. Will Harry Potter become truth thousands of years from now because it's so old and people don't know that it's fiction? No of course not. But let's say the bible is mainly based off of truths, because at least some of it is, and let's assume, just for this, that ancient texts are proof. If that is true, then Zeus is real. Allah is real. Odin is real. However if you don't believe in Zeus or Allah or Odin, if you say that those are wrong, yet the Bible is right, then ancient texts are NOT proof, obviously, if some ancient religious texts are and some aren't, according to you, then they are not proof at all. Just throwing that out there.
  18. Hey it says I'm a Puzzle Master / VIP. Cool! lol. That's a rank based off my number of posts, right? Like phpbb forums? I'm not sure cuz I've never been on an Invision board before
  19. There are so many answers which have been said to be "right" or "close to right" i'm confused... which is the right answer? at least the most right answer so far? You can just point me to whose post
  20. unreality

    religious debate

    Hi I was gone for a while, I'm not gonna read over the stuff but I'd like to say this: a while back I pointed out the many flaws in the bible, but then a theist (i cant remember who) said they still believe in the bible because it also has truth. Yes, it has truth. Of course it has seeds of truth. But there's no way to reliably separate myth from fact, other than stripping the obvious ones. Anyway back to something else, based on what Ploper was saying: I don't mind if religious people are religious, if it gives them hope/faith/morals (though I've already said I find all 3 of those inside myself), but what i DO hate is when religious people attack atheists because of their religious beliefs. That's not how it should be. That's what pisses me off. There are lots of openminded theists, and thats good, but some can be very closeminded and its hard to cope writersblock: I'm not going to try to interprate something sacred that happened to you. For all I know maybe there is a god or 'higher intelligence system', and maybe he or she or it or them did do that. Or maybe it was just your desperate mind. I'm in no position to judge. ploper: is there anything good i should read in the last couple pages?
  21. I liked the old one. This one is very confusing
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