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Everything posted by unreality

  1. This is a good spoken riddle, NOT good for typing or writing out because the reader can just pan up and read the beginning again.
  2. Geometry puzzle? Geometric riddle? Magic squares? something along those lines
  3. yep here's what i was thinking: Long I've roamed a course unerring Never seeing where I go who will be hungry next? lol Where I've been nobody visits But everyone has been there, though everyone has been hunger, but for the above statement, nobody LIKES to be hungry I can't be stopped, deterred or severed there will always be hunger And can't be seen but for an aid I'll kill you all without attrition obvious.. hunger kills, and "attrition" kinda sounded like "nutrition" got me thinking But without me there's nothing made people hunger for their goals Threescore bits you might control me 60 seconds without food isnt hunger 'Tis but illusion, I can't be held you cant hold "hunger" Though monks and scholars might ingore me fasting I reappear when they sound their bell brings them down to earth If recalled, you might describe me hurts but never twice your words the same hurts alot Think on me as I slip by thee you are rich and fed well, but think of ppl in third world countries Deliver now. What is my name?
  4. 1) A woman gave birth to two girls an hour apart on the same day of the same month of the same year, but the boys were not twins. How can this be? 2) There are 5 paths through the woods. You can walk 100 feet down path 1, Path 2 and 3 are equal, Path 4 you can walk 200 feet down, and path 5 is 1/2 the size of path 1. The shortest path is 50 feet. How many paths can you walk down 50 feet? 3) The city of Dorkus passed an ordinance that nobody living within the city limits can be buried in the local cemetary. It costs thousands of dollars more to be buried in the next closest cemetery, but nobody complained about the ordinace. Why? 1. triplets or quadruplets or quintuplets or hextuplets or heptuplets or octuplets or whatever lol 2. path one: 100 ft path two=path three path four: 200 ft path five: 50 ft It is either one (path 5) or three (paths 5,2,3) *smacks head* oops! You can walk down ALL of them 50 ft! Hehe that nearly got me! <!-- s:mrgreen: --><!-- s:mrgreen: --> nice one! 3. he city of Dorkus passed an ordinance that nobody living within the city limits can be buried Somebody who's alive can't be buried (or at least shouldnt be)
  5. I know, that's what i said "not in this case" but it is possible to be a placeholder for a higher numbe, like A,B,C,etc how bout u give me a problem now? lol you're better at this than me
  6. I could write a computer program but it looks like ^ has already solved it
  7. Yep. 12*1=12 And btw, X could be higher than 9 if the base is higher than base 10, even tho its not in this case, it can be (look at "C"). Obviously a single digit cant be negative unless thats the only digit in the number, so it has to be 2
  8. Well obviously its a multiple of 11 and the number 1 beneath it is divisible by a bunch of numbers
  9. Some Basic Things ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For bases higher than 10: A = 10 B = 11 C = 12 and so on ... Z = 35 for base 36 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Left sides of equations are almost always gonna be calculations in base 10, resulting in the result on the other side ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lets say x=5 3x2 is the number 352, not 3•2 and not 3•5•2 4x is 45, not 4•x Thus if it is a digit placeholder, it's gonna be a single digit Let's say x is 9 and you have xx, that would be 99 However if its a variable, it could be any number, like 7,265.384 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4x+2 = xx 1. What is x? 2. What base is the right side in?
  10. brhan is correct, and the (only) correct answer has already been given (by him, mine would have been right if not for that typo ) I plan on making another topic like this soon sometime so you can answer then
  11. Since poker is designed with enough betting to counteract all the random chances, a very very very good player can usually almost always beat a very very bad player.
  12. Yep mine would have been right if 60 was 59, again, sorry for the error and § was a placeholder for a digit.. since in a base higher than 10, the number 10 has to be represented by 1 digit. Normally its A, but I didnt want it to be that easy so I made it a random symbol.
  13. An' was said 3 times so her name is Ann or Anne or something?
  14. my favorite: There's no such thing as a virgin- only a person that hasn't met Chuck Norris. lol
  15. You got to it first cpotting... I was going to say 33 too. A father and a son could be any man (as every man is a son) and someone else that is a father.
  16. because § is 10, and a symbol has to be used for numbers higher than 9 in bases higher than 10. He used base 12 and he said 10 outright which would be 12 not 10, a symbol (I chose § for this) would have to represent that. Anyway this is the answer (tho his answer may be right, there might be multiple answers, but not with § as ten) ANSWER: base 11. x=9 9+2 = 11 = 10 60-(3•9) = 60-27 = 33. In base 11, 33 is 30... oops! I meant it to be 32 not 33, and 32 is 2§ in base 11. woops! I guess the correct problem would be: 59-(3•x) = 2§ 2+x = 10
  17. i'll tell you what § is: it is 10
  18. 1. 26 letters of the alphabet 2. 7 days of the weeks 4. 12 signs of the zodiac 6. 52 cards in a pack (without joker) 8. 18 holes on a golf course 20. 8 tentacles on an octopus 23. 365 days in a year 25. 52 weeks in a year 27. 60 minutes in an hour thats all i can come up with now since i'm in a hurry... we can all just keep adding to the list
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