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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    religious debate

    Just to add to what Scraff was saying, kindness wouldn't go against evolution. Sure, the stronger animals could help the weaker ones by giving them food- but not giving them so much food that the stronger ones would then die. They still have themselves as the most important in their own eyes (or their mate, or more likely their offspring would be more important than themselves)
  2. unreality

    yeah that's why I'm skeptical of the big bang... I think the universe has been around forever, or something, I dont really know. There are a lot of specialized scientists who make their lives studying that kinda stuff so they probably know about it and why it happened and then and so on, though to be honest I dont really care
  3. This is similar to the Josephine problem good one though ;D
  4. Hehehe things like this are funny: PIN number (expaned is: Personal Identification Number number) CSS stylesheets CNN network Please RSVP ATM machine HIV virus AIB bank AC current ;D can you guys think of any more? I'll probably get more soon
  5. unreality

    ...though I feel that most members here on BrainDen wouldn't/don't respect my opinion because of my younger age
  6. unreality


    Zero used to be the same as null, now zero and null are different concepts, though to the ancients, it was the same, as writersblock was saying, at least I think so. Though zero is most definitely a number in Modern Times, I assure you But we have certain notations of writing numbers. We could do: 00000000023.781000000000000 but we just write "23.781" 0 is an assumed value for an empty digit, in other words just like 'x' is assumed to be '1x^1' and (using 'v' as the root operator) v4 is assumed to have a little 2 making it a square root of 4 etc there are a lot of assumed things in math. A lot.
  7. unreality

    religious debate

    The point is, I could make that fit into the Big Bang too if I really tried
  8. unreality

    religious debate

    How about this: obviously this is correct. A spiteful wife giving a sickle to her son and telling him to castrate his father, who then retired to Italy, makes about as much sense to me as the Bible ;D
  9. unreality

    maybe I will look it up again (eventually )
  10. unreality

    Teachers actually DO transport... they transport knowledge. (if the students are listening of course ) what about the students? What do they transport? (lol, STDs)
  11. unreality

    religious debate

    Some atheists do good things, so do some theists. Some atheists do bad things, so do some theists. But mostly everyone, no matter WHAT you believe, is a good mix of both, with mostly good morals and values that you thing are accepetable, and generally atheists and theists have the same morals and values when it comes to being nice and stuff. A criminal is just as likely to be an atheist than a theist (actually more likely, just cuz there are more theists than atheists, but you know what I mean) So drop the "morals" thing... if you attack atheist morals you are essentially attack theist morals: * an atheist that does the right thing: most likely is that he/she wants to do the right thing * a theist that does the right thing: same. They probably do it more cuz they want to than of their "fear of God", though that's also a factor. It's just human nature, it doesnt matter what you believe. Yes there are some nuts, but they come from both sides
  12. unreality

    I'm 15 and I dont feel that way i'm outgoing and funny and i've got plenty of friends... heh but I'm most lucky that I got my dad's smart-genes ;D
  13. unreality

    IFyou believe in god then I would agree with Emapher. Obviously god doesnt want to be dethroned or analyzed by someone who can think better than he can which, by the way, i DONT believe in god
  14. unreality

    Writersblock was making an abstract guess, trying to connect science with spirit. But what he's basing his spiritual idea upon is something called 'string theory', which is that little loops of stuff, as writersblock said, make up everything. I do not personally support this theory... it is more of a speculation by bored scientists than a full blown theory. I have not followed it but as far as i can tell there really isnt any major evidence saying that string theory is likely, it's one of many "unification theories"
  15. unreality

    Atoms are like building blocks. They are made of building blocks too, but let's not go there atoms make up compounds... just the 114 different atoms or whatever make millions of complicated compounds, which make up everything and have energy and stuff, including life... we arent exactly sure how our brains work but we are constantly learning more about how our nerve cells as a whole make our brain and stuff. Think of a colony of ants. No single ant knows the whole picture of the colony, not even the queen (she knows the least, actually, she's just there to lay eggs), but each ant has things to do, jobs to carry out, all for the good of the colony, etc. There is no central leader of the colony, yet each ant has its own duties and stuff and together, as a whole, they make up the colony as if the colony was a living organism. That's kinda like our cells- they are "alive" but its not like each of our cells know's the big picture of what's going on, yet collectively, they form like a colony intelligence kinda thing- which is our intelligence, our mind, our hormones and chemicals and feelings and stuff. At least that's my understanding of what I've come to believe about the wonder that is Life ;D
  16. unreality

    ah I see whatcha mean there. nvm That's very interesting... cuz an uber-powerful uber-amazing uber-nice uber-magical uber-awesome God much more complex than the earliest lifeforms popping out of nowhere (or always existing...) and creating everything and giving accounts that go against all the laws of physics that we know doesn't do it for me either
  17. unreality

    So did the domestic animals start out domestic and calm, all ready to be trussed up and eaten and milked as soon as man was created? No, they weren't. We had to tame them. Man took on wolves, and they became domesticated dogs. That's an example of evolution, right there. Wolves and dogs share a common ancestor. That's no different than wolves and bears sharing a common ancestor. As Stroud said, there is no line between micro and macro- it's all the same, and it happens of a LONG time, that's why changes can be so radical, with slight tiny changes each new generation. We are constantly and continuously evolving with each new baby conceived and born.
  18. unreality

    religious debate

    Yep, and I'd say that we're winning, actually, looking at the debate up to now. Wouldn't you agree?
  19. unreality

    religious debate

    okay I have never heard of this. Where did you get that information? There are a lot of things that are absolute. 1+1=2. There are 12 inches in a foot. Bob's name is Bob. pi = (all the digits of pi go here, lol). Whoever told you that atheists think there are no absolutes is loco.
  20. unreality

    Care to elaborate? Energy is not lost in our universe. There is a balance of it. I'm not a phsyicist but I'm sure Martini can hook you up with some links explaining that energy just transfers around and isnt lost. Its simple science
  21. For bonanova's unsolved #3 the answer is obviously:
  22. unreality

    religious debate

    I believe in randomness and free will. But that's another topic (which I wouldnt join). But yeah, I think this debate is pretty much over
  23. unreality

    He's saying "All men are frauds, but not me." This isn't a paradox if HL Mecken is a woman ;D
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