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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    izzy that was an awesome story I kept expecting it to degenerate in typical 4chan fashion but it never did haha. Maybe it was all written by the same person
  2. unreality


    yep, see my post above yours. Both unreality and t8t8t8 get a +5
  3. unreality


    that's not correct logic. For example, from those words we could assume that the second to last letter is T and the last letter is O, and they would all be satisfied
  4. unreality


    second letter is O FORTS = 1 but FORTE doesnt drop the 1, so not the last letter (S) TORTS doesnt drop, so not the first letter (F) PORTS retains the 1 then POSTS does not drop it so not the middle letter ® POSES retains 1 also so not the second to last letter leaving second letter = o
  5. unreality

    DMT is very different from DXM and ketamine. Those are dissociatives, which are powerfully psychedelic but still profoundly different from a hallucinogenic tryptamine like DMT. But your point still stands - human beings and many other animals have an interesting neurological relationship with certain chemicals. There are receptors evolved in the human brain just for delta-9-THC, the active compound in the cannabis plant. And there are natural reserves of DMT in the human body released during times that coincide with dreams and near-death-experiences (NDEs). edit ~ however, OBEs (out of body experiences) are similar in nature chemically to experiences caused by dissociatives
  6. when do you think would be a good time to initiate signups on this?
  7. unreality

    Yeah - and even more interesting and simple law with prime numbers - which still has not been proven - is Goldbach's conjecture that every even number above 2 can be written as the sum of two primes. It's so simple and test-able but somehow defies explanation
  8. unreality

    Phillip have you completed the overarching program that runs the games yet?
  9. how does that work? And yea ''m interested
  10. unreality


    20 for plainglazed (15+5), 5 for Framm, 25 for t8t8t8 Unreality - 132 Izzy - 120 Framm - 96 Plainglazed - 85 Dawh - 61 t8t8t8 - 25 Abhisk - 20 Prince Marth - 10 and we can resume in the morning if you want
  11. unreality


    REPLY - 3 and R is confirmed already, so 2 in the EPLY NEEDY and NEEDS both =1 so last letter is not Y RAILS is 1, just the opening R, so second to last letter is not L leaving E and P R E P _ _
  12. unreality


    pg's turn to host
  13. unreality


    izzy: correct assuming your assertion "and we know the first letter is not B" is correct but we'll let that into it being obvious. And plainglazed - nice but too late _ O L L _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0 HYPER - 0 NAMES - 0 CHOIR - 0 ALLEY - 1 BOXES - 1 CRYPT - 0 WINKS - 0 AIOLI - 1 OLLIE - 1 BELLY - 2 JELLY - 2 BEARD - 0 ROLLS - 4 DOLLY - 3 ROLLO - 5 izzy gets +15, plainglazed gets +15. Nice work unreality - 132 dawh - 61 prince marth - 10 framm - 91 abhisk - 20 plainglazed - 75 izzy - 120
  14. unreality


    izzy +10 _ _ L L _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0 HYPER - 0 NAMES - 0 CHOIR - 0 ALLEY - 1 BOXES - 1 CRYPT - 0 WINKS - 0 AIOLI - 1 OLLIE - 1 BELLY - 2 JELLY - 2 BEARD - 0
  15. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0 HYPER - 0 NAMES - 0 CHOIR - 0 ALLEY - 1 BOXES - 1 CRYPT - 0 WINKS - 0 AIOLI - 1 OLLIE - 1 BELLY - 2 JELLY - 2 BEARD - 0
  16. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0 HYPER - 0 NAMES - 0 CHOIR - 0 ALLEY - 1 BOXES - 1 CRYPT - 0 WINKS - 0 AIOLI - 1 OLLIE - 1 BELLY - 2
  17. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0 HYPER - 0 NAMES - 0 CHOIR - 0 ALLEY - 1 BOXES - 1 CRYPT - 0 WINKS - 0 I guess if the proper noun is reasonable enough it's acceptable, but you know nothing bs like Xvvkz or whatever just to test combinations of letters, you know?
  18. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0 NEXUS - 0
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