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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    _ _ _ _ _ FUNKY - 0 FUNNY - 0
  2. unreality


    yeah let's do this _ _ _ _ _
  3. unreality

    but from what i've heard of NDEs as compared to living DMT trips, it does seem like the memory in the case of the NDE is much worse and the experience is more fragmented or vague or hard to grasp/accomodate. Hence just the vague notions of seeing heaven or whatnot.
  4. unreality


    fair except anyone could have said HOMIE. We'll take the last ten points off the table, makes more sense: unreality - 114 dawh - 61 prince marth - 10 framm - 91 abhisk - 20 plainglazed - 60 izzy - 105
  5. unreality

    that point is invalid because obviously you "remembered" something, you "recorded" something if you ended up with a memory somehow. I can't help you further on the science of it, try Google
  6. unreality


    edit not a word. Here's my middle letter chart so far a - BRAIN, TRAIN, STALE, SLATE, TRADE, CHASM, OZARK b - HABIT c - RACKS d - RADIX e _ FIERY f - MAFIA, TAFFY, MIFFS g - RAGER h - YAHWE i - DJINN j - HAJJS k - HOKIE l - XYLOL m - JUMPS n - IONIC o - STOLE, STOIC, GHOST p - (((((ASPEN))))) q - ZAQAT r - EERIE, AERIE, HERON s - UNSET, ROSIE t - RYTHM u v w - HOWIE x - PIXIE, NEXUS y - STYLE, STYLI z - ZIZIT
  7. unreality


    between RACKS and JUMPS both being 0, that's a guaranteed 0. So why?
  8. unreality


    HAJJS (plural of Hajj the basic pillar of Islam, migration to mecca) HOKIE ASPEN ZAQAT (another pillar of islam)
  9. unreality


    i've got +10 so far (H & E) and I think I can get the final +10 of the middle letter with some proper word choices...
  10. unreality


  11. unreality


    first letter H. Second, fourth and fifth are claimed already and the middle R is wrong because of AERIE and EERIE. So first letter = H
  12. unreality

    I agree with that too. The problem is that this state of "no doubt" is probably misleading. Have you heard of DMT?
  13. unreality


  14. unreality

    L Jayden, my position is stronger than 'what I would take as evidence'. Reread my first post. I hold that it is IMPOSSIBLE to know what comes after. Fundamentally. At a basic level. No matter what you think you've seen or heard or read about or heard about, it's all atoms within this universe and cannot speak for anything external to it. It's a fundamental limitation. We cannot know.
  15. unreality


    YAHWE FIERY GHOST btw you forgot to change the second underscore to O
  16. unreality


  17. unreality


    nice, i should've seen that edit - although it does fit with pixie earlier hehehe. Maybe i'l get lucky
  18. unreality

    did you not see or more importantly No amount of pseudo-scientific "evidence" can prove or show anything about a life after death.
  19. unreality


    last letter is E STYE had 1, STYLI had 0. Drop the E (and nothing else changed) so drop the 1. Last letter is E
  20. unreality

    dreams and out-of-body experiences have been linked to a potent chemical called dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, a compound present in every living thing (or at least most living things). It's known as the "spirit molecule" by many and is possible to synthesize from plants. It is one of the most powerful and profound hallucinogens in existence. why not? I never said you "turn into nothingness". Matter and energy are conserved - you see what happens to a body after it dies. Brain activity dies. And certain structures of the brain control things like emotions and personality traits and whatnot - so if you do have a soul, the intelligence it represents would not be much like the way your mind thinks now. Your brain is unique and does the thinking. You are your brain. would you though? It might be interesting at first. Do you really want to live forever? You know what I don't think pregnant ladies stay pregnant for a whole 9 months. It sounds too boring. You know what, I don't think lightning strikes. It sounds too boring. You know what, I think 1+1=2 is boring. instead I think 1+3=4. there is no point. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can let go of superstitions and wishful thinking and truly appreciate your life and the lives of those you love
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