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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality


    people can still join up to the time we actually start (they will be confirmed Innocents though, so I might throw in some more Special Roles for people that join after this post but before we start) after we start -> no more joinees ;D
  2. welcome to Brainden :D You've got great riddles!!!

  3. unreality


    okay, everyone has been PMed (except the Inspector, who gets PMed on the 2nd day) ;D
  4. unreality


    to copy the rules over: There are three factions: Mafiosos and Innocents and the Grim Reaper * Mafiosos know who the other Mafiosos are- the rest are all Innocents, except one Innocent is actually the Grim Reaper * Innocents only know that they are an Innocent, they don't know about anyone else (at least at the start of the game) * The Grim Reaper only knows who himself or herself is, but is unsure about everyone else I (Unreality) am the Host- I am neither faction, but I oversee the game In the beginning, everyone signs up to play, then I randomly pick Mafia members- there's always more Innocents than Mafiosos. I PM all the Mafiosos, telling them who ALL the Mafiosos are, then on this topic I post the total number of mafiosos, so that the Innocents know (but the Innocents do not know who among them are Mafia members). I also pick the Grim Reaper from among the Innocents The game takes place in cycles of night and day. * At night, the Mafiosos are allowed to PM each other to decide on a victim... then they all PM me on their choice- if there are differences, I take the majority vote. Also, during the night, the Doctor PMs me on one person he/she wants to save (it cannot be the Doctor), and if that person is chosen by the Mafia, they do not die! Also, if it is an even-number night (2nd, 4th, etc), the Grim Reaper PMs me who he or she wants to exterminate that night (if this person was chosen by the Doctor, they survive) * In the day, everyone still alive in the game speculates and discusses who they want to "lynch" (the Innocents want to lynch suspected Mafia members or the Grim Reaper). Once a majority consensus is reached, that person is written off the game as well. Remember, the Mafia members (secretly pretending to be Innocents) also vote who to lynch, so they can try to disrupt the vote and make the Innocents lynch one of their own. * If the last person standing is an Innocent, the Innocents win. * If the last person standing is a Mafioso, the Mafia wins * The Grim Reaper wins if s/he kills off the last Innocent left OR the last Mafioso left, or if s/he kills the Inspector with proof that the person s/he is killing is the Inspector Special Roles: * The Doctor- I will secretly choose one Innocent to be the Doctor, who, every night, PMs me of one person they want to "save", which cannot be themselves. If this person is voted by the Mafia or chosen by the Grim Reaper that night, the person lives. * The Martyr- another secret Innocent role. They can opt to, ONLY ONCE, and at any time, PM me with a suspected Mafioso. I reveal (to everyone) the role of this exposed person, but the Martyr DIES (thus everyone learns who the Martyr was, too). If I were the Martyr, only use this when you REALLY need to for your team, because the cost is your life * The Inspector- a secret Innocent role that can, every other day (2nd day, 4th, etc) get PMed by me (until their first PM from me, they do not know they are the Inspector) the role of a Mafioso. However, the Inspector must be tricky and subtle, and not flash the information around, because if the Grim Reaper learns the identity of the Inspector, the Grim Reaper can win the game next night ;D * The Ghost- the first person to die becomes the Ghost. The Ghost, at any time, can PM me with the name of one person, and that person's Special Role, if any, is revealed to the Ghost (not Mafia/Innocent role, but special role). What the Ghost chooses to do with this information is his or her own choice GRIM REAPER ACCUSATIONS Anyone can PM me anytime with a Grim Reaper accusation. * If they were wrong: the Grim Reaper gets PMed immediately who made the accusation and who they accused (so oftentimes the person that made the wrong accusation pays with their life) * If they are right: nobody finds out until the Grim Reaper's next kill, when, instead of making a kill, the accuser tracks the Grim Reaper and kills the Grim Reaper first This is why the Grim Reaper tries to keep their identity secret RULES No outside contact! YOU CANNOT PM PEOPLE ABOUT THE GAME! This is the most important and ONLY rule in the entire game, and if anyone breaks it, they are never allowed to play Mafia ever ever ever again on this forum. read this about the PMing thing:
  5. unreality


    alright, that's locked in hopefully we'll get more people next time 10 is good enough for an initial game ;D Alright, I'm PMing the Mafiosos right now as well as the Innocents that have Special Roles (the Inspector doesn't find out his or her role til a bit later, remember). So if you don't get a PM, that means you're an Innocent ;D once every single person I PM replies to the PM, I will start the game (the Mafiosos aren't allowed to PM each other about being a Mafia until Night actually starts, which will be when I start the game)
  6. "Yeah... some of their auras are so bright you can't even see them," Drone remarked. "Their brains are like brain-shaped essences of blue electricity filling their heads." He shuddered. "At least now do you understand what I meant? The Heralds are dangerous things... and now you've just gotten yourself on their bad side, like me... but worse. That was Omega's son... he's gonna have the 4 of us tracked down and destroyed so painfully..." Drone had to work himself down from his rant. "Quickly, we have to get out of this location... Delta's portal is still partway open, they might send back a bunch of new Heralds, and stronger ones. Omega won't rest until all 4 of us are dead. Perhaps we could flee across the island..."
  7. unreality


    just copying the list over Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd
  8. unreality


    another thing: If I choose to not reveal someone's role after their death, the person cannot reveal their role! (until the end of the game, of course ) and about the No PMing rule- trust me, PMing behind the scenes ruins the game for everyone... including you. If you think about it, you have no idea who another person is, and PMing with them and giving them excess information will put you more likely to be on the chopping block just trust me when I say this: the only PMing-about-the-game that is allowed is at night between the living Mafiosos dead people aren't allowed to give info out, either just saying, cuz that can ruin a game anyway... I'll start it soon. Should I start it right now?
  9. A Herald by the name of Beta walked across the land, shining with its radiant aura, a tag for the programmers to identify the Heralds in the 3-D environment. However, the Herald's aura wasn't that large... it was rather small, actually. Beta was only a rookie at battle- the only reason he was sent was because he was a Herald Diplomat, the son of the Herald's leader, who was known as Omega. Luckily Beta had his strong-aura'd bodyguard, Delta. Delta was massive and muscular, with a grunt face and determined eyes. Why such an important and strong greeting party? They were greeting none less than the Antivirus Software. The second clump of peoples to reach Epsilon-0. Beta felt a stab of anger when he thought of the first clump... His thoughts were drawn to the present when they emerged onto the beach. A sudden movement made him snap his head upward toward the top of a dune. Delta was already heading in that direction. Beta had seen Drone, on the dunetop! Drone had been waving, mocking them! Beta felt a surge of anger rise up inside of him... That was when, with the rush of sand, something slammed into him from behind, and all hell broke loose.
  10. unreality

    how about the fear of long words: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
  11. unreality


    unless we get more people, the starting numbers will be: 3 Mafia 1 Grim Reaper 6 Innocents I'm still deciding who to make what
  12. hi, puzzlegirl ;D lol about the college funds
  13. unreality


    y0u 5p3113d 700 \/\/r0ng, lol anyway: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG 9) dnae 10) pw0nzd a few more people, hopefully but probably not, lol I'll kick it off later tonight
  14. hi Frost ;D nice to meet you
  15. unreality


    Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG 9) dnae how about we start it later today, not later tomorrow? people have had enough time to join... how about, IF YOU ARE READING THIS RIGHT NOW, AND HAVEN'T ALREADY JOINED, AND ARE POSSIBLY MAYBE THINKING ABOUT JOINING, SIGN UP NOW!!!!!
  16. 1. No, they don't. At least not yet... 2. The Heralds only know once that person sets foot on the shores of Epsilon-0 and gets info downloaded- after that happenings, the Heralds know a lot about you as well as your exact location. And you can't fight off a Herald, unless you're part of the Antivirus Software (which I'll get to, lol). Heralds are like tall, fair men and women that shine with an otherwordly light (just a game tag so the programmers can find them in the 3-D environment) and have giant bronze-orange gloves that crackle with blue electricty that deal a wicked, brain-frying punch (kills instantly, though they can adjust the strength of their hit and the amount of electricity to make it just knock somebody out). The Heralds also use their gloves to control the electric fields in charge of assassin robots- which are kinda i,Robot-like, but not exactly. The assassin robots are pure white and lithe and athletic and flexible with iron-man-looky faces that are still white So Heralds will want to kill any virii (Hector, Frog) OR failed touchers of the Crystal (Drone), and drag others down to the Crystal to touch it to end Cycle 5 What is the Antivirus Software? The programmers have a back-up for virii, of course. In each generation of each cycle, there is a trio of Epsilonians there to protect the Epsilonians from virii- they are called the Antivirus Software. This trio is Zetsu and his two apprentices, Neji and Hinata. The AS (Antivirus Software) has special powers, almost Herald-like. They're supposed to be used against virii, but they could be used against Heralds or other Epsilonians too Some of the powers: * enhanced vision: only the AS could see Epsilon-0 from Mystic Mountain. Anybody else would just see ocean * greater body control: Zetsu sat on the mountain, cross legging and closing his eyes for months (right? IIRC)... the AS can shut down their bodies, stop their hearts if they wish, etc * Herald-like reflexes: the AS can jump higher and react quicker * Insulation: electric shocks do not affect the AS, only slightly, because of their greater body control, they can ignore such attacks
  17. hi dnae! you know, like... "hi, I'm Frost. I'm cool and I like penguins. I also enjoy vulcaneering and watching eclipses and playing Mafia. bla bla bla, etc" lol
  18. unreality

    you must've gotten more rates, and high ones (5s and 4s) cuz your rating is up to 4 stars
  19. I agree ;D I've always thought of religion as a replacement to true understanding- ie, myths made up to explain things that, at the time, cannot be explained (like volcanoes and lightning and stuff, to evolution, and now to the beginning of the universe, etc, etc), until "true understanding" comes along and shows us the truth, and religion has to recess to less and less covered topics you might think true understanding would just be another name for science, but the word "science" seems to have such a bad rep, and not all science is true understanding... so by true understanding, I mean true understanding eventually there will be a point where religion has nothing more to explain. It's a point I am waiting for however, Itachi, you said that that point has already happened, and religion has moved to "outer realms" and whatnot... I think the point can still be reached, possibly I think there will be a time in the future where most theists see God as sort of a metaphor, just like more and more stuff in the Bible is becoming interpreted as "metaphors"... hmmm... nice topic ;D
  20. Hey everyone I'm Unreality I was one of the "original" people on BrainDen before its massive awesome boom, and I've seen it grow to this pwnage forum it is today ;D That's why I want everyone to introduce themselves... I was surprised that we don't have such a topic/forum/area/whatever there's so many members, this'll be a good way to meet all of you
  21. unreality

    religious debate

    post your proof of God. We promise we won't be annoyed It's not up to you to decide to point of this topic- it's always been about the existence of God, though it gets a little side-tracked at times. You can't use that as an excuse to not post your proof... just post it ;D
  22. unreality

    religious debate

    A lot of (Christian) theists that I know, when asked for evidence of God, shrug and say "The Bible". If this is the case, give us proof of the Bible's 100% authenticity. Otherwise give us a proof for God- a reason so strong that you believe in a Magical Space Man without question
  23. unreality


    so how long should we wait? How bout I'll kick it off late Thursday, about 48-ish hours from now (check the date on this post if you live in a differene time zone)
  24. btw I meant "two virii" not "two viruses" ;D
  25. unreality


    Frost: read my post #25, the line you're looking for is in bold ;D grey cells: I guess we can wait another couple days the list so far: Host: Unreality 1) Kingofpain 2) Thuhchris 3) Frost 4) Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) grey cells 7) pieman 8) IMLRG 9) dnae
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