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Everything posted by unreality

  1. yeah. We have 6 so far: Host: Unreality 1) dnae 2) Brandonb 3) pw0nzd 4) Frost 5) itachi 6) akaslickster I've PMed previous players and whatnot. It's new players we need, people that have never played before. Everyone that has signed up should PM one person that wasn't on Mafia II and invite them to join
  2. Brandonb: I thought of having a "Resurrector" character that can resurrect someone at the cost of their own life, but the problems with bringing someone back from the dead are too much- ie, sometimes I have PM conversations with them (like I did with you)- so I obviously couldn't do that until the Summoner was dead... and the dead people wouldn't have as much motivation, or would have knowledge that could spoil... I dunno, I just don't think it's a good idea to have dead people brought back
  3. what if we changed the Spy's role, or had another Spy-like role, or appended it to the Defender's role, that the new Spy could not spy on a person but on an identity- ie, learn who the Inspector is, not who Blabla is. It would be limited to the Innocent-only roles. I dunno- I think the Spy would be better than that though. nvm ;D
  4. yeah I didn't include Lie Detector in my list of options so far none of these roles will be used, though, if we don't get more than 12 people... so everyone should advertise Mafia III everywhere no PMing for sure (that would be stupid, there almost isn't a need to forbid it) my intention- or of a clever player- would be to spy on someone that's disputed, and learn the truth, and thus helped sway the lynch vote. You spied on Nayana, learned that she was the Defender, and then didn't act on that knowledge. Understandable, since there's not much to need to do with knowing the Defender, but during some of the KOP vs Frost discussions, you could've revealed that you are the Spy and Nayana is the Defender, and various accusations would be dropped, and the Doctor could've protected you that night, etc though didn't you say you were sleeping during that? so nvm
  5. yeah and what about the Innocents? I've decided: NO QUARKY AGENTS. Not in this one, anyway. Unless of course we get 18+ people, then it's a different story so I'm thinking the 8 Mafia II roles (the Doctor can save himself, only once) with some more possibilities to choose from for additional roles: * Accomplice * Healer (like another Doctor, but maybe different) * Squeaker * Mayor * Sphinx * Bodyguard * Mercenary
  6. wait how is the Mercenary hired by the Innocents?
  7. and what about a Lie Detector? once per day, they quote someone's post in a PM to me and I tell them "true" or "false", or they can Bold a specific part of the post and I just tell them "true" or "false" about that
  8. I see. So what happens if someone kills one of the roles first? I was thinking that about the GR, and my idea was to have the Grim Reaper die if the Vigilante gets killed by anyone that's not the Grim Reaper... but I don't think that'd work with the Mercenary. Hmm. I'll think about it ;D I was thinking about a character that would be called the Gladiator... if attacked at night, they fight back, and can kill half of their opponents and get killed by the other half. Or something. And a Bodyguard- each night, they can pick someone if they want. If someone tries to kill the selected person, there's a 1/2 chance the Bodyguard will kill the killer, and the other 1/2 chance is that the Bodyguard will die in place of the selected person
  9. btw, if you're reading this and haven't already joined, join! Mafia is fun, we promise ;D Host: Unreality 1) dnae 2) Brandonb 3) pw0nzd 4) Frost 5) itachi 6) akaslickster my goal is to get 15 people. I'm pretty confident we'll get at least 11... then people that haven't played with us before have to sign up (or if Thuhchris wants to, he was in Mafia 1)
  10. Slick: on the contrary, the Spy was one of the most powerful roles in the game- I don't think you used it to its potential though interesting. Which characters would the Mercenary have to kill to win?
  11. unreality

    Ocean's 11 pwns ;D
  12. I have an idea of how to start, I'll do it in a few minutes ;D
  13. no the Mafia win by killing everyone but Mafiosos- the GR wins by killing the Vigilante. The Innocents win of course by killing every baddie
  14. I think they should be a goodie, no matter what. Do you mean they choose which kind of baddie they want to be? Mafia/GR/QA?
  15. yeah "the Accomplice" pwns. Definitely 'the Accomplice'!
  16. I assume you're up for Mafia III? You played an excellent game in Mafia II- I think the best overall, for a baddie. You were very unsuspicious for a while

  17. yeah... and they can also choose not to assist, like the Vigilante can choose not to kill What about 'the Unseen Assistant', abbreviated UA?
  18. hmm- good idea. Should it be called 'the Assistant'? I'm trying to think of a better name
  19. you're awesome :P i can't believe you're a 4-starrer like me ;D why would anyone not give you 5*???? you should ban em :D lol jk. For the record, I gave you 5*

  20. no, that'll be a new surprise- the Sphinx will be an actual role assuming, of course, we get more than 12 people which we might not ;( Host: Unreality 1) dnae 2) Brandonb 3) pw0nzd 4) Frost 5) itachi 6) akaslickster
  21. changes to those existing roles? * Doctor: can save themself, but only once
  22. these are the Mafia II roles: * Doctor- save someone every night by PMing me. If this person is targeted for death by the Mafia and/or Grim Reaper, the person will be saved by the Doctor and live. The Doctor cannot save himself/herself, nor can the Doctor save the same person two times in a row * Vigilante- knows who the Defender is. The Vigilante kills for the Innocents every odd-numbered night, except for the 1st night. Can choose not to kill * Defender- knows who the Vigilante is. While the Defender is alive, the Vigilante cannot die, and gets out of every death situation with badass awesomeness * Inspector- PMed, by me, one Mafia identity at the beginning of every odd-numbered day (1st, 3rd and 5th for the three Mafiosos) * Sage- can PM me anytime to get the list of the people the Doctor has been saving. Also, the Sage can choose to PM me every even-numbered day to see how many Mafiosos are alive * Spy- can spy on anyone ever even-numbered day. They PM me who they want to spy on, and I reply, revealing that person's role * Bomb- knows who the Inspector is. When (if) the Bomb dies, there is a half chance that they will take their killer down with them. If their killer is the Mafia, a random Mafioso will be killed- however the Mafia is informed at the beginning of the game who the Bomb is. If the Bomb's killer is the Grim Reaper, the Grim Reaper would blow up. If the Bomb is lynched, the Innocent who was most outspoken for the lynching (chosen by me) is blown up. If I can't decide, I pick randomly from the Innocents that voted for the Bomb * Illusionist- every even-numbered night (the same night that the Grim Reaper kills), the Illusionist can make illusionary copies of one person to protect them ONLY from the Grim Reaper (the Mafia ain't fooled). The Illusionist cannot protect themself, nor can they protect the same person twice in a row. When (if) the Grim Reaper dies, the Illusionist's role may be obselete- or it may morph into something else altogether.
  23. puzzlegirl: woops sorry Host: Unreality 1) dnae 2) Brandonb 3) pw0nzd 4) Frost 5) itachi 6) akaslickster
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