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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    actually, ALL solutions are impossible we've already shown how W,C is impossible now if W,W go across, that leaves more wolves on the opposite shore, obviously that can't be allowed. So the only remaining one is C, C however if two Chicks leave the original side, that leaves more wolves there everything is impossible!!! lol
  2. unreality

    Mafia II

    color coding works better: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - DEAD [Mafioso] 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist] copy this to add your own stuff: Host: Unreality [color="grey"]1) Brandonb - DEAD[/color] [color="red"][Mafioso][/color] [color="grey"]2) Scott - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Mafia[/color] 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd [color="grey"]5) GC - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Grim Reaper[/color] 6) pieman [color="grey"]7) dnae - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Mafia[/color] 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana [color="grey"]12) puzzlegirl - DEAD[/color] [color="blue"][Illusionist][/color] anyway, just reminding everyone that you can't trust anyone hehehe (though I'm sure you all know that by now), however logic can help a lot (I'll tell you right now, Brandonb successfully deduced everyone's role in his PM to me- though some of them were different from some of the stuff he told you guys ;D lol) anyway.... waiting on my PMs ;D
  3. unreality

    SM: your solution doesn't work, as someone would have to come back with the boat. If it was the chick, there would be more wolves than chicks on the far side (1 > 0) and if was the wolf, there would be more wolves than chicks on the starting side (3 > 2)
  4. unreality

    Mafia II

    lol what's nuts is that, in about 1 day-ish (in real life, not a mafia day lol) this topic has gotten up to HALF the religious debate (which is the longest topic on brainden) and the religious debate has been there forever and ever and ever. I was surprised to see 12 pages had gone by since my last post in such a short amount of time lol ;D mafia is fun
  5. yeah I don't know. Apparently we're "close" with #1 and "something's wrong" with #2 (could've just been the name Criminal, though probably more than that)
  6. unreality

    Mafia II

    Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Post #77 - The Blue Octane Post #159 - To The Sharks!!! Post #174 - Open Warfare Post #338 - The Web of Lies
  7. unreality

    Mafia II

    hehehe, you wanted a bada$$ death scene ;D
  8. unreality

    Mafia II

    Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Post #77 - The Blue Octane Post #159 - To The Sharks!!! Post #174 - Open Warfare The Web of Lies Sunset It was the pinnacle of the second day in Awesomeville, and a web of lies had been spread over the town, snaring the careless and confusing everyone. The mass of deceit has settled on one victim, an almost unanimous lynching decision: Brandonb. "You'll all die!" he shouted hoarsely as he was dragged to the town square. "The Innocents are going down! Mafia to victory!!!" "Put him to death!" the townies chanted. "Yeah! Yeah!" Brandonb snarled as he was hoisted up to a noose in the middle of the square. "Any last words?" Pieman asked. "We know who the Doctor is!" Brandonb shouted. "Pw0nzd is gonna die tonight! He's the Doctor!!!" "Hang him already," Itachi said, rolling his eyes. "YEAH!" roared the civilians of Awesomeville. "Death to the Innocents!" Brandonb shouted, grabbing the noose and wrapping it around the executioner's neck, kicking the support, snapping the poor man's neck. People screamed as Brandonb drew the guy's knife and waved it around. "Come on," he hissed. "Who wants to take me?" "You're a liar!" Frost retorted, his right hand trying to discreetly remove the Penguin Pistol he kept in his back pocket. "I'm gonna kill you myself!" "Hahahahahahahahaha!" cackled Brandonb. "Death to the Innocents!" He jumped at Frost, bringing the knife toward his enemy's neck, but Frost leapt out of the way and shot Brandonb five times in the back of the head before the Mafioso even hit the ground from his jump. Ignoring the blood that splattered onto his clothes, Frost tucked away the pistol and turned to the shocked crowd. "It's gonna be a real storm tonight," Itachi observed. "It is," Slick agreed. "I saw it with my ESP." The citizens of Awesomeville were dispersing now, the executioner cut down (somehow the poor bloke had survived his neck breaking) and led to the Awespital. The third night was arriving, and with that, danger and intrigue. The Mafia, if still around, would be striking out for a vengeful kill- or a carefully calculated one. In addition, the Vigilante's first kill (if the Vigilante is still alive) would hopefully help out the deceit-confused Innocents. Of course, the Vigilante could choose not to kill if he or she pleased. Entering his house, pw0nzd was shaking a little. Brandonb had specifically called him out at the lynching, claiming he was the Doctor. *** If the following people are still alive, I need their PMs: * Mafia consensus * Vigilante's victim * Doctor's PM *** Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - DEAD [Mafioso] 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster 4) pw0nzd 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost 9) itachi 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist]
  9. unreality

    Mafia II

    lol just finished. There was so much deceit going on (by baddies and goodies alike) that I was seriously lol'ing ;D It seems like EVERYONE is voting for Brandonb now (I'll make the day post in a sec )
  10. unreality

    Mafia II

    Alright, I'm back! Time to read 12 and a half pages ;D
  11. unreality

    Mafia II

    I don't have time right now to read through 10+ pages sorry- I'll be back after a 4th of july party!
  12. unreality

    yeah when I thought of stickyness I thought "tape" and weather and then it clicked "duct tape!" or duck tape, which is the same but a cheaper brand that's not true 'duct' tape
  13. unreality

    how about exponents? lol ^ car = lcoalr (mix the letters) percentages? lol % car = cal (take the lowest-alphabetical letter from the comparison) pound/number symbol? lol # car = 3 (average number of letters in the words) ampersand ph34r & phil = ph (unison characters) <- though that may be the * in your Smiley 3 double arrows rags <> rag = s (letters not in common) <- may be your division exclamation pasta ! ski = pasta (whichever has more letters) "at" four @ loud = two (letter spelling of the number of common-shared letters) another example: zap @ zilch = one (not 1, but one) I could think of lots more
  14. unreality

    Mafia II

    (new page, gotta post the link list ) Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Post #77 - The Blue Octane Post #159 - To The Sharks!!! Post #174 - Open Warfare
  15. unreality

    Mafia II

    if one more person votes for Brandonb, lynch is over if one more person votes for Itachi, we have to wait for both people if one more person votes for Kingofpain, we have to wait for both people
  16. unreality

    I think I know what '*' and '/' are this time
  17. unreality

    Mafia II

    I think this looks better with the grey of the dead people: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for Itachi 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster - voting for Kingofpain 4) pw0nzd - voting for Brandonb 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for Brandonb 9) itachi - voting for Brandonb 10) Kingofpain - voting for Itachi 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist] code: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for [color="green"]Itachi[/color] [color="grey"]2) Scott - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Mafia[/color] 3) akaslickster - voting for [color="orange"]Kingofpain[/color] 4) pw0nzd - voting for [color="red"]Brandonb[/color] [color="grey"]5) GC - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Grim Reaper[/color] 6) pieman [color="grey"]7) dnae - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color][color="grey"] Killed by Mafia[/color] 8) Frost - voting for [color="red"]Brandonb[/color] 9) itachi - voting for [color="red"]Brandonb[/color] 10) Kingofpain - voting for [color="green"]Itachi[/color] 11) Nayana [color="grey"]12) puzzlegirl - DEAD[/color] [color="blue"][Illusionist][/color]
  18. unreality

    Mafia II

    once again, it relies on Pieman and Nayana- their inactivity is starting to piss me off, lol ;D
  19. unreality

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for Itachi 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster - voting for Kingofpain 4) pw0nzd - voting for Brandonb 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for Brandonb 9) itachi - voting for Brandonb 10) Kingofpain - voting for Itachi 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist]
  20. unreality

    Mafia II

    I think this is still the most current: Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster - voting for Kingofpain 4) pw0nzd 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for Itachi 9) itachi - voting for Brandonb 10) Kingofpain - voting for Itachi 11) Nayana 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist]
  21. unreality

    Mafia II

    wait itachi did you change your vote?
  22. unreality

    Mafia II

    I'll update the roster again lol
  23. unreality

    Mafia II

    new page! Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Post #77 - The Blue Octane Post #159 - To The Sharks!!! Post #174 - Open Warfare
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