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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah that's what I do lol I'm surprised nobody has had a harsh word with the Healer yet lol
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    also, can everyone please use color codes? this roster: 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper is the result of this code: 1) Brandonb - voting for [color="#0000FF"]pw0nzd[/color] 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for [color="#FF0000"]Lucifer[/color] [color="grey"]4) Itachi - DEAD[/color] [color="#002222"][?][/color] [color="grey"]Killed by Mafia[/color] 5) akaslickster - voting for [color="#FF0000"]Lucifer[/color] 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for [color="cyan"]dawh[/color] 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for [color="orange"]Scott[/color] 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for [color="#008000"]Ploper[/color] when voting for someone, do it like this: #) Name - voting for colored name here use the same color as previous people that voted for that person! If you're the first to vote for that person, make a new color thanks, unreality
  3. unreality

    Mafia III

    sorry Itachi ;D Mafia III is missing a great player but now we can discuss all the funny going-ons in PM hehe like in Mafia II when KOP told "the Sage" to vote for "Itachi" when they were the same person lol
  4. unreality

    Mafia III

    oops lol: most updated: 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman - voting for dawh 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper
  5. unreality

    Mafia III

    most updated: 1) Brandonb - voting for pw0nzd 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost - voting for Lucifer 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster - voting for Lucifer 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh - voting for dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid - voting for Scott 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae - voting for Ploper Frost: the mafia can PM each other about anything they want to at night- which of course includes what their plan is for the following day
  6. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips Post #61 - A Bizarre Bazaar The Watchful Djinn Night The desert moon hung over the city like a watchful djinn, silent and ever-present. A Mafia assassin prowled the tangled, cobbled streets, his/her trained on an extravagant house at the end of the drive. This was a wealthy neighborhood, a place where many-windowed villas looked out over mini-oases and palm-tree-lined pools. The assassin put a small object into his/her mouth and then began climbing up a back wall of the house, which was made of fuzzy glass and usually had water sliding down it into the pool below, but at night it was switched off, with a dreamy purple light-strip glowing at its bottom. Crickets chirped gently as the assassin climbed up onto an upper deck, ignoring a potted cactus and reaching a glass wall. At the other end of the wall was a small bedroom where a man slept. Itachi-san grumbled in his sleep, muttering something. The Mafia assassin grinned, and took the object out of his/her mouth- it was a small gas canister, with an incredibly sharp diamond at its nozzle. The assassin drove it into the glass, grinding it deeper until it poked out at the other end. By this time, alarms were blaring and Itachi had woken, gawking at the strange scene in front of him, but it was too late, he couldn't have done anything anyway. A pearly gas, lit by the sheen of the moon, hissed out of the canister and into the room, pushing the air to the ceiling as it expanded to fill its space. Itachi began coughing and gasping, reaching for the edge of the bed as his face turned darker and darker shades of interesting colors. "You'll... never... get... away... with... this... again!" he managed to choke out before collapsing, dead on his lush carpet. Then the Mafia assassin was gone, the moon revealing an empty deck. A Quarky Agent, busy with a lockpick at the front door, grunted in confusion when he/she heard the alarm. The spy slipped away into the night. Across town, another Quarky Agent was waiting outside Kingofpain's house, but he/she needed assistance in climbing the gnarled cactus to enter the air ducts on the side of the house. The QA needed help, but he/she was alone. Sighing, the agent crept away, across the shriveled grass (it was hard to keep a good lawn during Oasis's dry season). Nearby, the Doctor waited by a quiet house. Nothing new there. And in the Herbalists' District of Oasis, the Healer sat in his/her apartment. He/she had decided to heal nobody tonight. The Bodyguard wasn't that far away, standing defiantly at someone's doorstep all night, ready to protect them at all costs. Fortunately, nobody came to kill his/her charge, and in the morning they went home and put away their armor vest. The Morning Itachi's neighbors woke to the shrill alarm, and soon various townsfolk were gathered in Vital Square, which was really a patch of desert in the middle of the city with the original oasis itself in the center, a shallow watering hole where migrating herds of animals used to come and drink, before the people came along. The square was surrounded by a complicated network of canals that fleshed out the very center of Oasis. The citizens of Oasis were mad... it was time to lynch a baddie! *** You all know the drill ;D 1) Brandonb 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost 4) Itachi - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae *** also, remember, it's the first day, and that means the following people can PM me any time during the day if they wish: * Sage, to get who the Doctor saved (I'll extend the power to who the Healer saved too, even though the Healer saved nobody, which was probably a stupid move on their part ) * Detective, who PMs one name and I say "innocent" or "baddie" I also PM the Inspector the identity of the first random Mafioso today (this is only of course if those people are still alive) Itachi: sorry mate ;( at least you're invincible next game
  7. unreality

    Mafia III

    night post coming please, nobody post until I make the night post ;D thanks!
  8. unreality

    Mafia III

    unfortunately I'm at the sh*tty computer right now lol I'll have to wait til the good Mac opens up before making the night post, sorry ;D
  9. unreality

    Mafia III

    I'm changing the rules a bit: The Desert Warrior only starts to kill when there's only one QA left. or nix the role altogether if he/she thinks that he/she will be too inactive to play thus, a PM from them isn't necessary for a while what do you guys think?
  10. unreality

    Mafia III

    true, I hadn't thought of that. But then it's a kill every even night- which still may be better than 2 people blindly trying to get a kill... unless they discover each other's identities
  11. unreality

    Mafia III

    what do you guys think? Should we skip the DW tonight? his/her chances of finding a QA are only 1/10
  12. Flashes of lightning lit up the driving rain and howling tropical winds, raging above a small group of stragglers. Drone, Zetsu and the old sage's apprentices were striking their way across Epsilon-0, heading toward the interior to escape the storm. The monsoon was still over Epsilon-0, but more of it continued to sweep from the south, driving the first front northward across the stormy seas and approaching the rest of the Epsilon achipelago.
  13. unreality

    Mafia III

    also, the lists are outdated by ~5 mins as well as some people leave their comps on indefinitely with brainden permanently logged in even when they're not on (like mine) as for the Doctor- yes it hasn't been effective because of the number of people in danger versus the 1 person they can save. Now there's the Doctor, Healer and Bodyguard, so that should make the saving roles more of a bigger deal also the Illusionist/Sphinx is another saving role ;D
  14. unreality

    Mafia III

    I've been known to wait whole days before announcing I've gotten a PM so trust me, you shouldn't try to fit roles with names using the "whose online" strategy, that fails miserably ;D
  15. unreality

    Mafia III

    oh we won't wait for EVERYONE to vote in the day. Just a majority where we know it won't change
  16. unreality

    Mafia III

    if the DW doesn't PM me within a certain amount of time, there'll be no DW kill say later tonight. And if the DW can't keep up with the fast-paced Mafia, they shouldn't have signed up but it's not that bad, we haven't waited that long yet ;D
  17. unreality

    Mafia III

    yeah lol *waits for Desert Warrior*
  18. unreality

    Mafia III

    tman: cool crisis averted, people! ;D also, I think some people were confused by the intro. The assassin that died was not the Mafia's Assassin character, it was a Quarky Agent (but neither of the Quarky Agent players, who are the only two left in Oasis now that the other QA is dead) anyway, I just need the Desert Warrior's PM
  19. I hope you're not trying to get brownie points in Mafia lol
  20. unreality

    Mafia III

    are you sure you'll be able to play?
  21. tman quit (GRRR lol) not his fault though. So we need one more person to take his spot!
  22. unreality

    Mafia III

    tman, don't reveal your role we just need a new player to join
  23. unreality

    Mafia III

    uhhhhhhh lol we need someone to step up asap to take over his role, then
  24. the comment above could've gone in the Mafia III topic... just saying ;D lol
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