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Everything posted by unreality

  1. unreality

    Mafia III

    oops, forgot to add that E.S. Johsnon was elected as the new Mayor!
  2. unreality

    Mafia III

    Post #51 - Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips A Bizarre Bazaar Twilight A camel named Sando plopped wearily into the tall brass gates of Oasis- the mighty doors that sealed it from the shifting sands outside. Sando was at the end of his rope after a long, hot journey from deep within the desert with the nomad caravan. His masters shouted out jovially to the turban-clad residents of Oasis, the swathes of merchants and traders and demi-sultans that passed by in the sweltering, tropical streets. For they meant one thing to the nomads: money. Oasis had been built hundreds of years ago around the great watering holes in the middle of the desert, walling in everything from ancient pyramid temples to palm tree oases to urchin-filled markets to the grand palaces of the demi-sultans. Now Oasis was the center of trading and commerce for the entire southern half of Content Phoenix... as well as a location for Quarky sleeper agents to plan their missions and carry out hostile operations. The camel didn't know any of this, or perhaps it just didn't care, for it continued down the street and turned a corner at its master's command. Sando was too tired not to obey, and plus he trusted his masters. The nomad culture revered camels- almost to the point of worship. Sando saw an odd flash out of the corner of his eye... trained to look for shiny things in the endless desert, he turned his head sharply, almost throwing the nomad off... but it was just the bazaar. The grand market was filled with hundreds of people, haggling and shouting and stealing and leading groups of animals to their new homes. Sando was suddenly glad that he wasn't about to be sold. But that odd flash caught his eye again- he looked over, and saw a knife tucked in someone's belt. Interesting. It was a traditional rule in Oasis that no weapons were allowed in the bazaar. This was a bizarre bazaar. The bored camel watched as the knife-weilding person walked calmly through the bazaar, their hand twitching every time someone glanced near their knife. But nobody saw it except Sando, who watched with his big black eyes as the nomads led the camel caravan toward a specific market stall. The shadowy figure was at the other end of the bazaar now, and Sando could hardly see them anymore... a waterfall splashed down from a salty pillar at the far side, and the knife-assassin lurked there, waiting and watching. Finally, none less than the Mayor walked past, surrounded by bodyguards. They weren't enough. The Quarky sleeper agent had been reactivated, and jumped from the shadows of the waterfall to deal the fatal blow. In seconds, the assassin was also dead at the hands of the bodyguard, but the signal spread across the city like wildfire. The other Quarky sleeper agents were activated. It was time to carry out their mission. And somewhere in a small warehouse at one end of the city, the Mafia gathered... four of them. A Thief. An Assassin. A Bankroller. And the Godfather. The four of them were discussing who they would off tonight. Sando, oblivious to the action, spun his head around as he noticed something else. A desert warrior was entering the bazaar, his/her dark face wrapped in a sandy turban to keep out the blazing sun, with a sash of bullets connected to a machine gun at the ready. The Desert Warrior, looking like a terrorist from the sands, turned a corner and disappeared into the complex, winding streets of Oasis, ready to hunt down the Quarky Agents. In a penthouse apartment in a swanky hotel, one of the five various houses that the Grim Reaper owned, the master of death himself/herself sharpened his/her scythe, waiting for the coming nights. And the Vigilante was getting ready, too, for he/she would start killing on the 3rd night. In separate houses, the Doctor was packing his/her medical kit and the Healer was preparing his/her herbal concoctions, hoping to save some lives tonight. The Bodyguard was possibly thinking the same thing as he/she clipped on a heavy-duty armor vest. Oasis would never again be the same. *** I need PMs from: * the Mafia * both Quarky Agents * Doctor * Healer * Desert Warrior * Bodyguard and of course the Mafia special abilities of the Thief and the Godfather can be used any night but not two nights in a row Mafia III is on!
  3. unreality

    Mafia III

    yep you're invincible please, no more posts until I post the intro post thanks, unreality
  4. unreality

    Mafia III

    yep he's invincible first night & day and yeah everyone's ready, I'm doing the intro post right now
  5. unreality

    Mafia III

    Mafia III Mafia III is a game of danger, deceit and murder set in the desert trading city of Oasis. Here, in the middle of the vast desert that serves as a border between the country of Content Phoenix and its hostile neighbor, Quarky, Oasis has been the new target of a Mafia group, killing the Innocents by night. But also, there are Quarky Agents- spies sent by Quarky to infiltrate the city. They were sleeper agents, waiting for the right moment. With the Mafia in town, the right moment is NOW. The Quarky Agents, not knowing each other's identities, will operate within the sandy streets of Oasis. The Innocents are an angry mob by day, lynching one person among them every day who may be a baddie. And of course, drawn to all the ongoings, the Grim Reaper is in Oasis, sharpening his/her scythe for the suspenseful times ahead. *** The game moves in cycles of night & day, which are completely unrelated to real-time night and day and time. The first phase is night (the 1st night), then the 1st day follows, then the 2nd night, 2nd day, etc... the game continues until one side has won, however we may play for "second place" or whatever if one group wins too quickly (such as the GR or QAs) *** There is no PMing behind the scenes allowed! Trust me, not only is it NOT ALLOWED, it's stupid. You never know who anyone is, and even if you do, it's not allowed. The only people that can PM each other are the Mafiosos, and only at night. If someone PMs you behind-the-scenes about the game, contact me immediately *** It sucks to die first (and second, too). The first person to die will be invincible for the first night and first day of Mafia IV, and the second person to die will be invincible for the first night of Mafia IV. There is nobody invincible for Mafia III, since Puzzlegirl and Dnae aren't playing in this game *** You may want to read up on Mafia II, which was an awesome game, and I can say with 100% certainty that the more you read of Mafia II the better you will play in Mafia III Mafia II information: Post #29 - Rules Post #17 - Strategy Tips Post #51 - Intro Post #65 - A Wild Evening Post #77 - The Blue Octane Post #159 - To The Sharks!!! Post #174 - Open Warfare Post #338 - The Web of Lies Post #360 - Last Girl Standing Post #429 - A Firelit Lynching (& Epilogue) Back to Mafia III 21 people: 7 baddies and 14 Innocents More specifically: 4 Mafiosos 2 Quarky Agents 1 Grim Reaper 14 Innocents --- * Mafia - win by killing all the Innocents and the Grim Reaper. Every night they choose one person to bump off via PMs (this is the only time PMing is allowed in the game!!!). Also, any night, but not two nights in a row, the Mafia can opt to "rough up" someone, in which two implications are given: ** do not continue your line of accusations, or we will kill you ** do not reveal that you were roughed up, or we will kill you Roughing up is an option for the Mafia, and can have outcomes that aren't always good for the Mafia- so only do this if you've thought about it and want to. Also, at the beginning of the game, the Mafia is informed of who the Bomb is and what type of Detective the Detective is * Quarky Agents - the Quarky Agents are spies sent into Oasis by the hostile neighboring country of Quarky. The Agents' objective is to kill the Sphinx, for getting rid of the Guardian of the Desert would help Quarky's advance northward through the desert. Of course, the Sphinx has to die while it's a Sphinx, not while it's still the Illusionist. The QAs also have a secondary mission: if the main mission becomes impossible, the QAs are informed of this and can then win by, the VERY NEXT DAY, if the Innocents lynch a specific player (which is randomly chosen by me). If the QAs fail the secondary mission too, their identities are outed and the lynching that day is a mass lynching. In the beginning of the game, the QAs are independently PMed! They do not know each others' identities. Each night, they PM me a target, and only with majority votes will their target be killed. However, if it gets down to 1 QA left, he/she can only kill every even night. If a QA can successfully deduce the other QA's identity, the QA can PM me with enough evidence and I'll introduce the two QAs to each other and they'll be able to PM with each other freely to thus coordinate kills * Grim Reaper - wins by killing the Vigilante (if this happens early enough, we will play for "second place"). The Grim Reaper kills every even-numbered night * Innocents - win by killing the Mafia, the QAs, and the Grim Reaper. During the day, a lynching vote occurs, and the condemned person gets publicly executed and their role revealed. Roles are not revealed if killed at night EACH INNOCENT HAS A SPECIAL ROLE: * Doctor and Healer- the Doctor and Healer are basically the same thing, with just different methods of practicing medicine. They save someone every night by PMing me. If this person is targeted for death by someone, the person will be saved by the Doctor/Healer and live. The Doctor/Healer cannot save the same person two times in a row. They can save themselves, but only once in the game * Vigilante- knows who the Defender is. The Vigilante kills for the Innocents every odd-numbered night, except for the 1st night. Can choose not to kill * Defender- knows who the Vigilante is. While the Defender is alive, the Vigilante cannot die, and gets out of every death situation with badass awesomeness * Inspector- PMed, by me, one Mafia identity at the beginning of every odd-numbered day (1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th for the four Mafiosos). After that, if they are still alive and the game is still continuing, they get PMed the identities of the QAs (the 9th and 11th days), and then the Grim Reaper the 13th day. Of course it won't go that far, but if it does, that's the order of it * Sage- can PM me anytime to get the list of the people the Doctor has been saving. Also, the Sage can choose to PM me every even-numbered day to see how many Mafiosos are alive * Spy- can spy on anyone ever even-numbered day. They PM me who they want to spy on, and I reply, revealing that person's role * Bomb- knows who the Inspector is. When (if) the Bomb dies, there is a half chance that they will take their killer down with them. If their killer is the Mafia, a random Mafioso will be killed- however the Mafia is informed at the beginning of the game who the Bomb is. If the Bomb's killer is the Grim Reaper, the Grim Reaper would blow up. If the Bomb is lynched, the Innocent who was most outspoken for the lynching (chosen by me) is blown up. If I can't decide, I pick randomly from the Innocents that voted for the Bomb. Also, because of the Bomb's mechanical parts, he/she is an effective Lie Detector. Any day, but not two days in a row, the Bomb can PM me with a quote that someone said, and I'll tell them the true-or-false-ness of the statement (they can also bold a specific statement from the quote to lie detect) * Illusionist- every even-numbered night (the same night that the Grim Reaper kills), the Illusionist can make illusionary copies of one person to protect them ONLY from the Grim Reaper (the Mafia ain't fooled). The Illusionist cannot protect themself, nor can they protect the same person twice in a row. When (if) the Grim Reaper dies, and the Illusionist is still alive, they transform into the Sphinx: ** Sphinx- appears normal by ay, but every odd-numbered night, they can protect one person (not themself and not the same person 2x in a row). If someone tries to kill the protected person, the would-be killer gets asked a riddle, to which they get one chance to guess correctly, OR they can back down and withdraw if they think the riddle is too hard (because of this, I make up the riddle, not the Sphinx). If they do accept the riddle, however, and guess correctly, the Sphinx steps aside and allows the killing. If they guess incorrectly, the Sphinx kills the killers. All of the killers. ie, the entire Mafia would be slaughtered (or if were the Grim Reaper or Vigilante, just the one person). That's why there's the option of backing down from the kill. If someone tries to kill the Sphinx at night while the Sphinx is off protecting someone, the killer searches all night in vain. However, if someone tries to kill the Sphinx on an even-numbered night, the Sphinx can be killed normally, as he/she is not protecting anyone that night * Squeaker- knows who the Defender is. If the Squeaker dies, he/she reveals the identity of the Defender... if the Squeaker is lynched, the character shouts it out to everyone during the lynching. If the Squeaker is killed by the Mafia or the Grim Reaper, in my night post I show him/her saying that, but not what they said (the killers get privately PMed the Defender's identity). If the Vigilante kills the Squeaker, the Squeaker is silenced, though an Innocent is dead. Remember, the Squeaker gives away the Defender's identity even if a Doctor or Healer saves them * Desert Warrior- the Desert Warrior kills every odd night... however, the DW only succeeds if their target is a QA, otherwise the kill doesn't take place, and the identity of the intended target is not revealed in the night post * Detective- PMs me one person every odd-# night. Gets PMed a response either "guilty" or "innocent", though no specific information past that. Guilty means a baddie- mafia/GR/quarky. However, before the game begins, I roll a random chance. There is a 4% chance the Detective is a Sucky Detective, and reverses everything (ie, guilty appears innocent and innocent appears guilty). Another 4% chance that they're a Paranoid Detective, where everyone appears guilty, and another 4% chance that they're a Naive Detective, where everyone appears innocent. Of course, the Detective doesn't know his own status- however, the Mafiosos know the Detective's status, though the Mafia doesn't know the identity of the Detective * Mayor- the Mayor is a Innocent. Everyone knows who the Mayor is. Also, the Mayor, via his/her power, can stop one lynching that he/she feels is wrong * Bodyguard- knows who the Illusionist is. The Bodyguard can choose to (if he/she wants to) protect someone each night. They cannot protect themselves, but they CAN protect the same person 2 nights in a row (but NOT 3 nights in a row). If the chosen person is attacked that night, there are 3 equally likely outcomes: (1) the Bodyguard will protect the chosen person from harm, (2) the Bodyguard will die in place of the chosen person, or (3) the Bodyguard will kill the attacker *** EACH MAFIOSO HAS A SPECIAL ROLE: * Thief- at night, the Thief can opt to steal from one person (once stolen from, they can never steal from that person again). The Thief cannot steal two nights in a row. If a Detective or Spy investigates the Thief the next day after a theft, the Thief appears as the identity of the person they stole from. This has no affect on the Inspector. Also, in the night post, everyone was informed that the person's house was broken into * Assassin- if the Doctor or Healer visits the Assassin to save/heal them, the Assassin kills them after being saved (or just kills them, if the Assassin isn't in danger). If the Mayor stops the lynching of the Assassin, the Assassin assassinates the Mayor during his/her escape * Bankroller- the Bankroller is a cashman behind the Mafia. If the Bankroller dies (at night or day, doesn't matter), his/her role is given away as well as the specific role of "Bankroller"- normally, if a Mafioso dies during a lynching, their specific role isn't given away. But the Bankroller's is * Godfather- leader of the local Mafia ring. The Godfather can investigate one person any night, but not two nights in a row. The Godfather is told what general faction the investigated person belongs to (ie, Mafia/Innocent/QA/GR) *** Strategy Tips: * Mafia: always kill for a good reason (except maybe the first night). If someone is outspoken against you, don't just kill them off, then everyone knows what's up- it MAY be better to rough them up, but if the roughed up person takes a risk and reveals it, it could be bad for the Mafia, that's why roughing up is a gamble. If you kill people that were outspoken against "Mafiosos" that are actually Innocents, people might try to lynch that Innocent instead of a real Mafioso. You have to use a lot of cunning if you want to win. In the daytime, try to turn the Innocents against each other. Also, if you think that the Defender is dead, trying killing off the Vigilante before the Grim Reaper can get to him, thus cutting off the GR's chance of victory. Also, if you can get rid of the Illusionist before he/she turns into a Sphinx, you are eliminating the easiest way for the Quarky Agents to win. Another tip is to use your special roles to your advantage * Quarky Agents: find a way to communicate with other Quarky Agents to coordinate kills. Your main goal should be to figure out who both the Illusionist and the Grim Reaper are. Then go after the Grim Reaper and once the GR is dead, kill off the Illusionist (now a Sphinx) at night. If you have to go to the secondary mission, be very persuasive and logical * Grim Reaper: you are a killing machine, though remember you win by killing the Vigilante, so keep an eye out- if someone escapes from a lynching or killing, they are most likely the Vigilante, and it means their Defender is still alive- you have to get the Defender before you can get the Vigilante * Innocents: your only way to get back at the baddies is to lynch them by day- and of course the Vigilante and Desert Warrior. You have to be clever, and think- don't just let yourself be swayed by the mob. Here's individual strategy tips for each role: Innocents' Strategy Tips: * Doctor/Healer- don't waste your time saving someone that doesn't need to be saved. And don't reveal your role- you can be a big help against both the Mafia and the Grim Reaper and to a lesser extent, the QAs. Try to look out for people who are overly outspoken... pay carefully attention to how others respond to this before deciding if they're actually in danger. Also, if someone clamors for your protection, it could actually be a baddie- and if someone else claims they were "roughed up" and now the Mafia is after them, consider this before blindly saving them- what were they doing BEFORE they got roughed up, what would trigger their supposed roughing-up? * Vigilante- never reveal your Defender's identity- once it is revealed, both the Mafia and the GR will hasten to kill him. You, the Vigilante, are one of the keys to the Innocents' protection, and the Defender is your only protection, since your identity can become clear pretty early. Though you should try to keep it secret as long as possible. As for who to kill each night, think very very carefully. You can always choose NOT to kill. While the Mafia and the Grim Reaper and QAs know that everyone else is their enemy, you know that the majority of your possible victims are actually Innocents. You're like a solo-lyncher... so if you are unsure, you can always choose not to kill * Defender- stay hidden. If you think you are in danger of death, come out and reveal your identity as the Defender, for the Vigilante can back you up, if the Vigilante's role is revealed. Then the saving roles can save you... * Inspector- don't be too obvious about that you "know" someone is the Mafia, for a couple reasons: (1) if you reveal that you're the Inspector, the Mafia will go after you to silence you before you get more names, and (2) people might think you are a Mafioso, trying to turn people against each other. So find another reason, other than "I'm the Inspector" to lynch someone that you know is a baddie * Sage- your role isn't a high-risk role, and you can take advantage of that by being a bit more open about what you know- but if you take too much advantage, a baddie might decide to kill you off, so tread carefully. While your role may not seem too important, finding out who the Doctor has been saving can be good, as well as finding out how many Mafiosos are alive. With the Grim Reaper and QAs and Vigilante and Desert Warrior all killing at night, and roles aren't revealed at night, it's unsure whether they just killed an Innocent or a Mafioso or whatever- the role of the Sage can help untangle this... also, a Innocent can help the Innocents, but this means the Mafia would want you taken down * Spy- like the Inspector, you have to be secretive about what you know. If you're too open and sure, or reveal you're the Spy, you'll be taken down before you even knew what hit you * Bomb- take advantage of the fact that you know who the Inspector is. Listen to the subtle signs he/she gives off, and agree, strengthening the Inspector's arguments. Also, the Mafia already knows who you are, so you can be a bit more forthcoming- people will be afraid of killing you, and you are the sort of person the baddies want to leave until last. Take advantage of your unique position. But also, remember that the Mafia knows who you are- don't be too trustworthy in the Inspector, for the Mafia may guess who the Inspector is. Also, when you are unsure of someone's truthfulness, use your lie detection ability * Illusionist- like the Doctor, save people that you think need to be saved, except your sole focus is the Grim Reaper. Look out for who they are and who they might be after, but don't give away your identity, for the Grim Reaper will want to scythe you down (however the Mafia & QAs will actually want to leave you alive for a while, to help protect possibly them, too, against the GR). Remember, you only protect against the GR, not the Mafia too (like the Doctor), so choose wisely * Squeaker- don't reveal who the Defender is. Don't reveal who you are. Don't get yourself killed. If you're going to be lynched, stress very strongly that your role is a bad one to get lynched, and if people still don't believe you, out yourself as a Squeaker. Anything than to leak the Defender's identity. If you think you're in lots of danger one night, ask the Vigilante to kill you. Remember, even a Doctor/Healer saving you cannot stop you from leaking the Defender's ID if you get hunted down by a baddie * Desert Warrior- you don't have to worry about killing Innocents, as your kill only succeeds against QAs. Once both QAs are dead, the DW may morph into something else, so be prepared * Detective- watch out for signs of un-normal-ness in your results. Does everyone you investigate seem to be innocent? Guilty? Did a Innocent appear guilty? A reverse-Detective can hinder the Innocents a lot. Also, try to take wind of whether the Mafia think your role matters or not. If you are Paranoid or Naive, the role is useless, but if you can successfully deduce that you're a Sucky Detective, just take the reverse of whatever I PM you. Maybe try to coordinate investigations with the Spy so that the two people are investigating different people * Mayor- use the fact that everyone knows you are an Innocent to your advantage, though it may make you a target. If you are confident that someone's lynching is a bad idea, use your power to stop it (remember, you can only stop a lynching once). Even if the lynching is stopped, the would-be-lynched person's role is revealed, so it can be useful as a last-desperation public role revealer if need be * Bodyguard- you don't have to protect if you don't want to- you don't want the 1/3 chance that kills you to come up while protecting a Mafioso. So be careful... otherwise, not much more advice I can give ya ;D use your wits! *** this is the current roster of players: 1) Brandonb 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost 4) itachi-san 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae
  6. unreality

    Mafia III

    undash your hopes ;D we'll make it cleaner btw, all I need now is dnae, but I'll repost the new (and final) rules right now!
  7. unreality

    Mafia III

    This is the FINAL roster lol: 1) Brandonb 2) pw0nzd 3) Frost 4) itachi-san 5) akaslickster 6) kingofpain 7) Scott 8) Grey Cells 9) Ravi 10) LIS 11) pieman 12) Nayana 13) Lucifer 14) dawh 15) johnson 16) tman 17) Ben Law 18) Ploper 19) sagekid 20) SillouhetteMind 21) dnae I will repost the new 'Rules, Roles & Strategy Tips' soon
  8. unreality

    Mafia III

    I just need a few more replies (I shuffled some of the roles, and then I still need replies from tman and Lucifer!) then we can start
  9. unreality

    Mafia III

    the new ruleset is coming
  10. unreality

    Mafia III

    the 14th Innocent role will be the Bodyguard. They can choose one person (not themself, but they can do 2x in a row, but not 3x) to protect. If someone comes to kill that person, there's 3 equally likely outcomes: * Bodyguard dies to defend the charge * Bodyguard protects the charge from dying * Bodyguard kills the would-be-killer
  11. unreality

    Mafia III

    it would be too much info going around, I think
  12. unreality

    Mafia III

    nice idea, sagekid ;D
  13. unreality

    Mafia III

    still thinking on how it would work though
  14. unreality

    Mafia III

    no they would sell information
  15. lol numbers are awesome
  16. unreality

    Mafia III

    Since Oasis is a trading city, I was actually thinking of something like 'the Merchant', still thinking as to the ability though (possibly a neutral character that sells to either side)
  17. unreality

    Mafia III

    no it's fine ;D I'm thinking of another role right now
  18. unreality

    Mafia III

    btw I just need Lucifer and tman so I'll add dnae to the list and then edit the rules some ;D
  19. unreality

    Mafia III

    dawh: we already had a similar idea, see Bodyguard from before, but your idea has 3 options, not 2, which is better, so we'd go with yours (1/3 save, 1/3 die in place of, 1/3 kill attacker)... however we have enough saving roles, I think. Not sure yet
  20. unreality

    Mafia III

    well 21 people would be perfect... 7 baddies and 14 Innocents so let's break out the role ideas again ;D
  21. *is flattered* what do you do as a VIP? Is there like a VIP Lounge or something? lol
  22. unreality

    being awesome and a good member and contributing whatnot... don't get your head too high in the clouds yet, my friend ;D the admin and moderators only pick people who have been around for a while, methinks but keep posting quality posts and you may be a VIP someday
  23. unreality

    one thing: this is only from the list of people that have specified their gender, right? Which would be biased selection from among the list of members, so it's inaccurate data lol
  24. unreality

    Mafia III

    question: should we admit dnae? I would have to reshuffle the roles enough to prevent a Slick-catastrophe as of Mafia 1
  25. unreality

    I agree with GC and KOP
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