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Everything posted by unreality

  1. marv was making a joke
  2. when everyone replies their roles and when we have a sure 9th person, we'll play ;D
  3. I'm PMing the roles right now to everyone (except the unknown 9th person obviously) if you're Kate, that doesn't mean you're a b*tch, and if you're Tom, that doesn't mean your gay ;D Hehe, it's completely random, so don't take offense
  4. back from mountain biking pwned = owned
  5. are you sure it's free? I just want to make sure this isn't a scam Hehe drydung lemonymelon akaslickster yellowsubmarine greycells unreality
  6. yeah, Bb was in case he died tonight. Same with Twoaday, meaing we still need a nonplayer to sign up as 9.3 in case Bb and 2D survive the night: The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) Ysub 8) LIS 9.1) maybe Bb 9.2) maybe twoaday 9.3)
  7. The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) Ysub 8) LIS 9.1) maybe Bb 9.2)
  8. everyone: I have the roles randomly determined (whoever #9 is will take "??"s place on my roster lol) and remember, they're random, so gender and previous skill or whatever has no affect on what role you have ;D
  9. {oops I double posted, sorry}
  10. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    welcome to the club btw I think I know who you guys need to lynch tomorrow but I obviously can't say ;D ok last ghost post cya round adios **fade away**
  11. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Frost is on vacation, and it's the 3rd night
  12. Brandonb has semi-reserved a spot ONLY if he dies in the next night post on Mafia V. So we still need a final 9th person to play if Bb survives The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) Ysub 8) LIS 9.1) maybe Bb 9.2)
  13. I'm guessing most of the players don't watch LOST, which is fine ;D
  14. The first time I saw the answer it seemed incredible that so few people were needed to get at least a 50/50 outcome why doesn't work? I think I can prove it:
  15. hehe ok *wonders who the final person will be* The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) Ysub 8) LIS 9)
  16. YS could mean Y-san or Ysub lol so I'll say "Ysub" if that's all right ;D LIS: like I said, No LOST Knowledge Required, though you won't get most of the jokes or little references, but that doesn't matter ;D The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) Ysub 8) LIS 9) one more person
  17. great! The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) ROF 7) 8) 9)
  18. btw, I'd just like to add- No LOST knowledge is required to play!
  19. great, 4 more people and we can start! I've just written the intro btw, I'll post it when we get 9 The Island: Unreality 1) GC 2) Taliesin 3) Marv 4) Puzzlegirl 5) LM 6) 7) 8) 9)
  20. btw I really like the Alpha Werewolf idea, whoever came up with that, but it won't fit for Mafia VI, unfortunately. If enough people want to we could do some shifting to put it in, though anyway, I'm looking for the Policeman role description... edit: found it, but I'm tweaking it now. Going mountain biking.... I'll be back eventually today edit2: before I leave, I'm not too sure about the current Policeman idea, but the idea has potential, I'll think about various changes when I'm biking ;D
  21. me and Bb had an idea for a modified Sage role, but we've nixed that, but I'm considering putting Policeman/woman in for sure
  22. I've made to changes to Lord Phoenix, Doctor, Healer, Suicide Bomber, Ninja, but I think I might change one more role before posting em
  23. yes it does... ANY pairs, not just you and someone if one of the people had to be you, it would be something like 365 or w/e
  24. unreality

    Mythological Mafia

    Sorry I doubted you slick
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