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Everything posted by unreality

  1. nobody was fuming, except you lol. Anyway, I had already addressed the issue, but thanks for re-addressing it- Mekal didn't ruin the game, far from it, it's not that big of an offense- it by far does not confirm he was the Spy. It won't happen again in Mafia, and it's fine
  2. it's np I have a lot of night info in already btw
  3. Mekal, please stop trying to pretend you weren't cheating... you know what you did shouldn't be allowed, the only reason it wasn't was because I figured it was obvious, ie, no reason to ban it. Should I post a rule saying that nobody is allowed to hack my account and make false night posts? anyway... clever taking advantage of the rules, just don't let it happen again I'm not mad or anything
  4. welcome IdoJava ;D LIS: ??? everyone: after Mafia VI I'll be leaving Brainden for a while, though I might be on occasionally. I'm thinking of making a MASSIVE scav-hunt before I go... ;D
  5. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill
  6. Good job QAs! And you too, Ysan. Sorry about Mekal cheating, it was uncalled for and obviously not allowed. It was fine that Clueless followed suit, he had to in response, but I don't know why Rene cheated too afterwards! <_< however it wasn't officially "cheating", wasn't in the rules... but cmon! lol Just don't let it happen again, guys
  7. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Triple Kill The second day of the baddie war in Denbrain ended with a quiet evening. Quiet if you were ten thousand feet underground, deaf, and with a blanket around your ears just in case. "Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" the townspeople shouted. Yoruichi-san was up for hanging in the town square. The executioner was fitting her head into the rope noose. "Die! Die! Die! Die!" "Any last words?" Mekal yelled from the crowd. Amazingly, he hadn't been arrested OR audited that day! "Yeah," Ysan spat. "The Yakuza shall prevail! The Yak-" Her neck snapped as the executioner kicked away the bucket. The crowd screamed in delight- they had lynched a baddie! One of the elusive and mysterious Yakuza, no less. "Wait!" someone cried from one end of the square. In an instant, everyone was quiet and all attention focused on the small figure. "Uh- umm, hi," they said meekly. "I just found these. QA identities! They've been living here in Denbrain under Innocent aliases!" At once the crowd surged toward the unlucky fellow. "Who?" they shouted. "Who are they?" "Whoa, whoa, quiet," he responded, and the crowd silenced themselves again. The discoverer of the aliases read off the names: "Clueless... and... Twoaday..." At once the crowd erupted into angry noise, and Clueless and Twoaday were crowdsurfed toward the middle. "The Phoenix died last night," Frost noted. "You must've had to lynch Johnson today, or die!" The crowd hung on to the last word: "Die die die die!" At the far end of the crowd, Clueless and Twoaday broke free, but the executioner drew a massive broadsword from his back. Clueless and Twoaday looked at each other and swung Ysan's body in front of the executioner as he hacked down toward them. The QAs dodged around her as well as the executioner and drew their own knives, scrambling to jump from the podium and get away into the streets- unfortunately the executioner was lightning quick, and spun around to lance Twoaday in the back, straight through the heart, and out the other side, the broadsword slick with blood. As the executioner pulled the massive sword out of the QAs back, Clueless jumped down and hit the cobbled square hard, rolling into a standing position and taking off across the square. The executioner roared and hurled the broadsword- it flew through the air like a massive arrow, reaching a peak and tipping downwards, hurtling now like a lightning bolt- straight into Clueless's head, where the broadsword drove straight down, all the way through his body. The half-body half-sword toppled over, bloody and unrecognizable. The crowd cheered. The GR was dead. The QAs were dead. Two Mafiosos were dead. One Yakuza was dead... only one Mafioso and one Yakuza remained. Would there be a baddie revenge tonight? Nobody noticed, during all the fuss, that the Tax Collector had been trying to say that Ysan's vote was removed (didn't matter now), but also that Pw0nzd had been nabbed by the police and was already in jail. *** Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal
  8. I saw the rule "No using PMs in-game" in Lostpedia Mafia, and I was like 'hmm, weird. Why would you need such a rule?' lol @ me. No more of that, guys I'll write the day post ;D Nobody post until I do, please
  9. umm lemme catch up btw the Tax Collector took Ysan out of the vote, not sure if that has effect, I have a lot of reading to do
  10. this is (don't use red) Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan - voting for Mekal 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Y-san 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM
  11. clueless: oops yeah I missed the n^2 part bonanova: so the only way to get prime numbers are when you get 1 and the prime number? As Clueless pointed out, I'm not sure if this is a fair (1/21 each) solution Also, about Solution One from my post #20, do you think there's any way to rework it so that z doesn't have to be always n+1?
  12. LIS: yes- I said the voting ends at noon regardless of whether I'm there or not. That's you and me, LIS- hardcore rule-masters ;D hehe' Clueless: I agree. He's never been particularly active, but this game it's even less so
  13. lol, 12000 calories? Personally I think Phelps has deserved the attention he's gotten, but it's kind of stealing the limelight from all the other amazing athletes that have worked so hard and won medals too
  14. the vote will end at NOON on my time (Bb and Frost are same time zone, so they can police that), though I won't be back til a few hours or more after that, the vote will still end at that time, as per rules
  15. If you're not playing, or are dead, please do not post! Especially anything related to the game thanks edit: this is not directed at you Mekal ;D
  16. you need to get your a** a signature or About Me page ;D hehe

  17. the last "then" in your Personal Statement should be a "than" :D hehehe. Good quote, maybe you'll be quoted hundreds of years from now ;D

  18. Sinistral won so nobody ended up with info ;D hehe
  19. roster: Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LM 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM to answer people's questions, a QA cannot target himself/herself (duh ) and I don't remember what Mekal asked ;D Voting will end tomorrow at around 11ish my time, however I'll MOST LIKELY be tubing and probably won't get on til 2 or 3ish... so might as well have the day go on until then, extensions are acceptable if set from the beginning. Unless someone wants it to end at 11 tomorrow, speak up now, otherwise it'll go on til I'm back and can get on th comp
  20. the vote with GC updated as Bankroller: (I forgot the rule of Bankr always outed) Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - voting for Johnson 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal- voting for LM
  21. I'm an idiot! I forgot to add that GC was the Bankroller! D'oh! sorry
  22. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night as a notice, I'll be gone for a lot of today, so day PMs might not be responded to til later
  23. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Fly By Night Lord Phoenix sighed, typing a few more strands of data into his/her computer. Suddenly the laptop beeped and a large window opened up on the desktop. The words 'Downloading File' flashed across the screen for a few seconds, then the window disappeared, leaving a text file on LP's desktop. Confused, he/she double clicked it. The top read 'MESSAGE FROM THE MAFIA'- somehow the Bankroller had hacked his/her computer! Lord Phoenix leaned forward and began to read... """How sad, we tried to assist you. We know the Grim Reaper and we were willing, actually happy, to follow through with our end of the deal, and have you eliminate our competition so that we do not have to waste a kill on him/her. It's what we do... make mutually beneficial deals, then follow through with our promises. If we were going to defy you then why bother making the deal, and instead just blackmail the GR from the start? Because of you have not kept your end of the deal we have no choice but to release the dogs on you! Tomorrow night the QAs will meet up when they both attack Rene. For now the Grim Reaper will be allowed to live and maybe continue killing depending on what happened during this night. And do not forget the Yakuza are now active with no defender in their way. Remember, you have brought this upon yourself. 1st- You passed on the first deal and now you suffer the consequences. Because you were so kind to lynch LIS for us, even though it wasn't the innocent we requested, we are willing to extend another deal to you. If you are willing to come to your senses, we will offer the identity of the GR to you again, or the identity of a Yakuza, in exchange for the lynching of Frost. This obviously is not the same generous deal we made last night (which entailed NOT organizing the QAs, NOT killing the SV if she had been cooperative, and coincidentally NOT having the defender dead). You blew that generous deal. DO NOT underestimate the gravity of this offer. We kill the first person, aside from the Ninja (if still alive), that votes for someone other than Frost in tomorrow's lynching. -No, we do not know Frost's identity, hopefully he's a QA, but that's up to you to decide now.... 2nd- Grim Reaper, if you are still in the game, know that you are now on the chopping block with us. If you did not take out the ninja during the night, then here's your mission, you must attempt to take out the SB for us two nights from now, or your identity will go up for auction. 3rd- The SV died for defying us. You need not take offense to the death of Puzzlegirl, she brought it upon herself and would have died even if you had lynched the SB. We clearly explained that we were not willing to negotiate for the identity of the SV. So Puzzlegirl has been whacked to prevent us from accidentally wasting a kill on her. It's too bad that PG had to be so insolent, we really, really, really wanted to work with her and utilize that massively mutual beneficial ability. There was real potential to work well together. 4th- Because we do not have to worry about wasting a Kill on the SV now, we can proclaim our intended kill for tomorrow night. Drum roll........... We already told you!! Say your goodbyes if you defy us. **You should have believed us, we were happy to go through with the deal so that the GR doesn't win. But alas, fools will be fools. P.S. *We may be willing to still take the SB in the place of Frost, but that may only get you the identity of a Yakuza. **IFF Rene is dead by tomorrow night, then the QAs should take out Frost. IFF Frost is also dead then they should kill Dawh. ***IFF the GR is still in the game will we let him/her off the hook if he/she kills the SB . ****Remember that if you had listened to us then the GR would not have had this chance to win.""" Lord Phoenix sat back, astonished. Then he/she remembered that they were supposed to be saving someone from the Grim Reaper tonight, and dashed off. The Janitor's Closet The Janitor twirled the Mop of Doom, staring down at the person quivering beneath him/her. The Janitor had picked them, only to discover that tonight's action was Killing. The Janitor raised the mop into the air- then shook his/her head, lowering it and cleaning the floor. The would-be victim hurriedly thanked the Janitor and tripped in his/her haste to get out of there. As soon as they left, the Janitor's cell rang, and he/she picked up. "'Ello?" "Ninja here," came a low voice. "I'm approaching the target... Oh My Unreality! Phaze is about to die! I have to-" The phone line clicked dead. The Janitor stared at the small device for a few seconds before grabbing his/her cleaning cart and beating feat. Rene's house As Rene packed up an iPod, preparing for a nighttime walk (her neighborhood was pretty safe), she glanced at the window. Weird... she had thought she'd seen a face. Whatever. She slipped the earphones into her ears and opened the front door, pausing in the cool night air for a second before heading off into the street, jogging to the music- Wham! An elbow rammed the back of her head and she collapsed onto the street without a sound. The QA circled around, smiling at his/her accomplishment. But she was already getting up- the QA needed another QA to hold her down and tie her up and get her out of there unseen- it was just too hard with just one. The QA turned away and sprinted into the night. "Hmmm," mumbled Rene as she picked herself up from the pavement. "I must've tripped or something." Downtown Denbrain The other QA was targeting Phaze. Phaze was walking down the middle of the street in the gang-infested, crime-ridden 'real' downtown of Denbrain, as if expecting to get popped in the back of the head any moment. "Is this guy nuts?" the QA wondered. He/she was following Phaze's progress by matching it on the rooftops, and was getting progressively nervous- the QA had to strike now, if he/she wanted the kill. But before he/she could act, a dark van sped by and Phaze was gone. The Grim Reaper's house From the surface level, the Grim Reaper's house was a normal suburban same-as-the-neighbors home, with a little homely garden in front and a homely welcome mat in front of the door. Little did most know, the 'WELCOME' mat, when flipped over, became a rug that said 'TIME TO DIE, FOOL'. It was that side of the rug that Phaze saw as he was dragged toward the front door. "Ninja here," came a low voice from nearby in the bushes, and the Grim Reaper's head snapped up, sniffing and probing around for the source of noise. "I'm approaching the target... Oh My Unreality! Phaze is about to die! I have to-" The phone was dropped and something came hurtling out of the bushes. Phaze took it as an opportunity to scramble away, but there was a whirlwind of steel and a deadly scythe was in the GR's hands. The GR brought it down wickedly on Phaze's neck, cleanly severing his head from his body, before turning the scythe to parry the Ninja's blow- the Ninja was wearing spiked gauntlets and raised one of his arms to deflect the scythe blade. A Block Behind The annoyed QA approached the sound of clashing steel. This QA didn't care whether or not there was another QA around. He/she was gonna get Phaze before the Grim Reaper! 1) the QA was already too late 2) the QA did need the other QA, who could've looked out for a yelling Janitor. The Janitor, roaring an ancient Janitor-like warcry, and pushing his/her cleaning cart at terrifying Janitor-speeds, rammed the QA in the side and carried them both into someone's perfect, sprinkler-ed lawn. "Well," said the Janitor, picking himself/herself up and looking at the unconscious QA. "I think I'm done for tonight." A Block Forwards "What's your quarrel with people like him?" the Ninja grunted as he/she grabbed the scythe shaft as the GR brought it down for another blow. "Phaze just got in the way of my true goal," the Grim Reaper hissed, wrenching the scythe away and slashing it backhand. "My quarrel is with you!" "What did I do to you?" the Ninja yelled as he/she jumped backwards from the backhand blow. "Not you specifically- the Ninja changes, but the Grim Reaper does not," was the answer, coupled with a mad whirlwind of scythe attacks, all dodged by the elusive Ninja. "It's with me and your people. Your Ninja order. I trained you to fight, I taught your ancestors and masters and senseis the true art of wisdom, of combat, of strategy. And how did you repay it? By ignoring me when my soul was taken, by casting me aside, by pretending my teaching was your own. By dishonoring me, by defaming me, by enemizing me!" "None of that," the Ninja spat, parrying a scythe swipe with his/her gauntlet and drawing his/her katanas from their back-sheathe. "Was my fault!" "No, but you still feed off it," the Grim Reaper seethed, raising the scythe high into the air. "You benefit from my fall from glory!" The scythe came crashing down like a waterfall of death, hurtling toward the Ninja. The Ninja froze like a deer in the headlights until the last second, rolling out of the way as the scythe smashed like a meteor into the driveway. Acting faster than reflex, the Ninja swung both katanas down on the scythe-head, splitting it from the scythe shaft with the cracking of ancient wood. The Grim Reaper roared in anger, discarding the useless weapon, and ran toward the Ninja like a rhino. The Ninja steadied himself/herself for the impact, but it never came. Instead the GR disappeared in the flapping of a black cloak... And then cold hands clamped around the Ninja's ears and pushed, hard, building pressure inside the Ninja's head. The warrior screamed in agony, hacking the katanas backward to release the Grim Reaper's grip. The Grim Reaper slashed his/her own arm sideways to shatter the katanas and scatter them across the grass, and the GR's cloak slipped off and flapped away in the wind- the Ninja ducked and rolled out of the wraith's grasp, twisting around to get a good look at his/her adversary. Dusty, wearing black combat armor and serrated gauntlets, grinned at the Ninja. The two warriors launched themselves at each other. In mid-leap everything seemed to click into slow-motion. Enhanced reflex, the Ninja reasoned. I heard about this from my old master... As the GR was tensed in the air, mid-jump, she pulled a long sword from somewhere and brought it swinging down toward the Ninja. Still in slow-mo, the Ninja brought his/her gauntlet up, meeting the sword with a slow shock wave as the Ninja's other arm curled up into a punch, which reeled into Dusty's gut. Then it all seemed to speed up, and Dusty toppled backwards from the stomach punch, skidding across the driveway and into the street. The Janitor cheered the Ninja on as he/she ran after the GR, prepared for battle. The two met in the middle of the street, and in a flurry of rapid blows, Dusty drove the Ninja down the road toward the exit of the neighborhood. Car headlights glared from somewhere down the road. The Ninja flipped backwards, using his/her feet to knock the sword from Dusty's hands, and the Ninja gave her a couple good knocks toward the head as he/she landed back on the street. Dusty responded in kind, and soon fists and elbows and arms were swiping, punching, ducking, jabbing, and parrying. The Ninja landed an uppercut to Dusty's jaw, but the Reaper grabbed the Ninja's arm and twisted brutally, causing the Ninja to cry out in pain. Then the car hit them like a raging bull, lifting them both in the air for a second before slamming them onto the dark street, where they rolled like tumbleweed. The car screeched to a stop and an old woman got out, confused. Dusty came to her senses first. She leapt to her feet and dashed to the driver's seat of the car, pushing the old lady away. The woman turned around angrily, but Dusty had already jammed the gas and the coup was blazing toward the Ninja's groaning figure, laying in the road like roadkill. Like roadkill, the GR thought savagely, but with delight. The car hit something hard and wrenched over it, the back wheels hitting it a second later. Dusty grinned and hopped out of the car, looking behind her... and saw a Janitor's cleaning cart, crunched into the pavement with cleaning fluids and Janitor tools scattered & shattered across the road. "Wha...?" Dusty wondered before the Ninja tackled her from behind, smashing her head on the pavement. But you didn't beat the Grim Reaper that easily- Dusty bit something in her mouth and blades shot out of the gauntlet around her elbows, one of the blades digging into the Ninja's side. "Gaaaahhh!" the Ninja yelled in fury, and Dusty pushed herself off from the street, sending the Ninja flying backwards- and into the car. The Ninja, holding his/her rapidly bleeding side, grasped for the key. Finally his/her fingers found it and the engine rumbled to life again. The old lady ran toward it, shouting insanely, but the GR got there first, leaping on top of the car as it sped away. Dusty waited patiently for the car's sky roof to open, but it didn't. Rolling her eyes, she smashed her gauntlet-clad fist into the glass, shattering it and showering the Ninja in glass shards. The Ninja looked up in surprise and yanked the steering wheel hard to the right, sending the car into a screeching fishtail. The G-forces tugged at Dusty, but she held on tightly, grimacing at the effort. The Ninja knew he/she couldn't get the proper speeds up here, and the coup sped out of the neighborhood (leaving a trail of smoking rubber behind it) and onto a main road. Within seconds they were on a city thoroughway, whipping through the nighttime traffic with little regard for the rules of the road. Cafes and exotic-merchandise shops flashed by, neon lights sizzling in Dusty's vision as she gripped the top of the car painfully, pulling herself forward inch by inch to reach into the car- and tug the steering wheel. The Ninja shouted as the car ramped up on two wheels and flew across heavy traffic, car horns buzzing like angry bees. People shouted and skidded out of the way, cars T-boning each other and smashing into display windows. Finally the Ninja regained control of the vehicle and started hacking upwards with his/her serrated gauntlet, trying to slash Dusty. "Got a little case of road rage?" Dusty smirked before catching the Ninja's arm and pinning it down laterally across the roof of the car, wrenching it into a sickening angle. The Ninja cried out in pain and tried to shift position, but couldn't. Dusty grabbed a roll of duct she had stolen from the smashed Janitor cart and strapped the Ninja's arm into its current position. The Ninja couldn't move the other arm or it would surely snap this one- so the car was on a one-way route to a brick wall, the Ninja's other hand death-gripped on the steering wheel. Dusty, admiring her work, prepared to fly by night. The crash would be fiery. Mafia Den The Bankroller grinned, satisfied with his/her hacking. One of the major people of Denbrain- Lord Phoenix- had been given a little message, so it was sure to reach the whole town by morning. The Bankroller picked up a nearby gun and headed out into the streets. The Ancient War Ends! ...maybe With a guttural cry, the Ninja launched himself/herself through the skyroof, gritting as the glass around its edges pierced his combat clothes. Dusty had a second of surprise before the Ninja ripped his/her hand (and the duct tape) off of the car and grabbed the Grim Reaper, hurling the nemesis in front of the car. Dusty shrieked as the Ninja vaulted off the car, looking behind him to see the car ram Dusty against the brick wall. A wave of dust and fire emanated outwards, bathing the Ninja in debris. "It's over," the Ninja said. "You got that right, kiddo," said the Bankroller, and a silencer poofed, causing Frozen_in_fire to topple to the ground. "Looks like the Ancient War is still up for grabs, Ninja-boy." Twenty Minutes Later GC, who was out for a night walk, used an alleyway to get back home. Not a smart choice. A vigorous dose of gasoline suddenly came pouring from the upstairs window of the nearby sushi shop, drenching Grey Cells. "What the hell?" he yelled, spitting out the nasty-tasting, highly-flammable liquid. A well-dressed Oyabun stepped out of the shadows behind a dumpster. The Yakuza was holding a lit match. "Wait! Wait!" GC pleaded. "Wai-" The Oyabun flicked the match lazily and it landed at GC's feet with a harmless clatter- GC looked down at it, his heart thumping, for a whole second before the flame touched him, and he screamed as the flames whooshed upward to engulf him. He was incinerated in ten long seconds. When the only trace of Grey Cells was ashes on the ground, the Oyabun dropped a small slip of paper onto the alley floor. It read: No one buys favors for refuge from the almighty Yakuza. The nitwit mafia are doomed for making orders to command nugatory innocents when butchering is required. The Oyabun turned away and walked confidently into the night. "This game is far from over," he/she chuckled. *** Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal the second day has begun!
  24. I've started to write the night post ;D
  25. the fight in the intro was nothing hehe. Unfortunately I can't write it now, gtg to bed ;D cya guys in the morning!
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