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Everything posted by unreality

  1. hehe This is hypothetical and theoretical, just to remind you ;D oh and I'm going to bed now- waiting on Yakuza kill as well as some more Mafia input and I'll post the night post sometime tomorrow (no definite time, but approx 12 hrs)
  2. here's a hypothetical question for you guys... say the Ninja targets the GR. It's night, so the GR's identity technically shouldn't be revealed. But that removes the chance of an epic bad@ss battle to end the conflict once and for all. What to do? Epic fight between Ninja and GR, or have the Ninja kill *someone* and have the dead person's role masked as usual? It is an interesting, hypothetical (), dilemma ;D
  3. no such thing as Assassin in MVI
  4. Mekal: I'm lmao over here about your prison posts Btw the Policeman just released you, if you didn't see ;D oh and Phaze actually has reasoning behind his death wish
  5. the role takes a lot of skill to play- it's not a simple-fire role that you may like, but others like the intellectual and strategical challenge. If you play more Mafia games, you would understand actually, you have no clue as to the Yakuza's true abilities and/or goal. So I would shut up about them if I were you ;D hehe wrong again, sorry. With less, they can be more evasive, and with only 1 other QA instead of 2 others, they can figure out what the other person is attempting to do and meet up easier- and there's never 2 with 1 out of the loop. Space had to be made for the Yakuza, so a QA had to be removed, which has little impact. Yes the QAs have to play a smart game to survive and keep under the targeting radars, but their win condition is the easiest of all the baddies (to make up for this) and are seen as one of the biggest baddie threats in the game. Just because we amped up the Mafia win chance in this game (they have to kill EVERYONE except themselves and Yakuza) doesn't mean the other baddies suddenly suck. Trust me, we (not just me that came up with these rules, experienced Mafia players such as Bb and Frost worked with me) know a lot about game balance in this game I agree on this one (see I'm not just being contrarian ), the Policeman needs some touching up- as do all roles when they are first introduced. This is a testing ground for the Policeman, and I already know a few things I would change, but so far I think it's been a success, though it hasn't accomplished much yet And if he were to use it later, the lynch vote is almost a full sway toward one person, and would thus have little effect. When you've watched as many Mafia days as I, you see that the middle and early middle of the day is the most important part of the day, when the important decisions are made and the lynching 'ballot' so to speak is determined. Taking out someone's vote while the day is still halfway or less through has much more effect than removing someone at the end when the winner is set anyway thanks
  6. I still need a few crucial decisions (such as Yakuza kill and Mafia kill and one of the QAs I think, not sure exactly what) before the night post comes.... so I'll check back later tonight but the night post will probably come tomorrow
  7. this is the Discussion thread- not related to any specific Mafia game, anyone can post on it
  8. read the description, though I'll re-explain: Steal- x steals from y. If Spy spies on y, gets told y's role like normal. If Spy spies on x, gets told y's role. If Inspector is to be told x's identity, is instead told y's Frame- x frames y. If Spy spies on x, gets told x's role (Mafioso) like normal. If Spy spies on y, gets told Mafioso, since y was framed. Does not affect Inspector
  9. technically it should end 6 hrs in the morning for me, so instead it'll end either tonight (if I can get all the PMs in) or tomorrow (if I can't before I go to bed)
  10. where did you get that nugget of information? Steal works on Spy
  11. Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze 14) Mekal - arrested 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal
  12. dnae: I believe the Mafia is addressing that in their newest Bankroller message ;D hehe. Since Dnae wasn't the Bankroller, as I would've revealed it
  13. Sinistral captured the point of the role oh and the goal isn't so much to find a way to reveal your information to the Innocents (this would be hard and no guarantee the Mafia wouldn't realize it too), but to misinform the Mafia while somehow staying alive. Much of the SV's life depends on how much the Mafia want/need the information, and how trigger-itchy they are. It's very tempting to off an Innocent for free, but the SV is also a potential wealth of knowledge. The SV has to play the Mafia in that way and manage to get away with helping the Innocents via the PMs to the Mafia while still staying out of the Mafia's crosshairs. No matter which side wins, the SV will die, that's pretty clear- the Mafia need to dispatch them to win, and if the Mafia is gonna die, they'd probably dispatch the SV as a final gift- not only would this just be to hurt the Innocents by losing them one, but more, cuz if the Mafia were dead the SV could fearlessly spill the beans on their info and make it hard for other baddies to win- including the new Mafia if the Yakuza replace the Mafia. But then the Yakuza would be new Mafia and would have the new Mafia ability to dispatch the SV, so maybe not. Anyway, the point is that the SV will die at some point, for sure. It's not about a single person staying alive, it's about helping your team
  14. OMG I forgot... but this worked out perfectly Dnae was the other Masked Lover! The Mafioso! I can't believe I forgot it since Dnae was smashed by glass in the thing anyway, it worked out perfectly... Dnae is dead too. Wow I can't believe it slipped my mind Sorry guys. At least LIS took out a Mafioso with him!
  15. in case anyone misinterpreted, we'll finish Mafia VI for sure- I just meant in the future
  16. After this, I'm done with Mafia too. This is my swan song. Why? A few reasons: * people are just being @ssholes, or complaining too much. I'm doing the best I can- I think only me and Frost here can appreciate how hard it is to be a host, especially when people gripe and complain, not realizing that it's already tough as it is. Looking at Puzzlegirl's post above: she got a sh*tty role and so she's vowing off Mafia forever??? One, it's not a sh*tty role, it's a hard-to-play role and if I can recall correctly, when I PMed it to her she was eager for the challenge. Two, let's just say it is the worst possible role ever. So you're done with Mafia? * again, people don't appreciate the time it takes to be a host. I couldn't host both the mini-LOST Mafia and Mafia VI at the same time, so I had to stop LOST Mafia. Puzzlegirl is still mad about that! WTF! * I was so stressed out this morning for real-life reasons, and then someone (I won't name them) practically exploded to me in a PM, yelling in capital letters how I shouldn't have had a time extension and how I hadn't done a specific thing at the right time * maybe I'm not a good host. Itachi didn't seem to think the game was moving fast enough in Mafia III, same with Sagekid. I chose my role in Mafia V. KOP called me a hypocrite... so maybe I shouldn't host anymore. And when Nayana was griping about being taken out for inactivity- I wasn't even the host then, but it's just hard to be the host * I'm really tired right now, and I'm gonna get some rest. The scav hunt is over, Frost and Dawh and Sinistral are the winners, I'll think of a prize later. I'll think about what I said here and if I actually mean it good day all
  17. dnae: we don't have to replace you if you can be active. If you can't be active from now on, then we'll have to look for a replacement In the meantime, participate as much as you can ;D
  18. onetruth: dnae still needs a replacement, unless he's active again
  19. PG: you are dead. You can't give anything away
  20. the day ended on time, and he wasn't active. But I'm trying to get him replaced- he'll only die as a last resort
  21. it's the second night! Links and correct roster: Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze 14) Mekal - arrested 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal
  22. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Azure Sky A vast blue sky pierced by mighty mountains shone over Denbrain, practically glowing with the brilliance of the sun. Dnae, sitting on a hill in one of Denbrain's parks, watched the sky slowly change colors, getting darker and redder as the sun began to melt into the mountains. Because of the tall mountains all around Denbrain, the days tended to be shorter than in other places, and Dnae didn't have long to wait before a golden-crimson twilight was sparkling in the streets of the city. Dnae hadn't been participating in the talks at the Town Square- in an hour or so it would be known whether or not Sinistral could replace him. In the Town Square, the citizens noticed the abrupt change into twilight as well, and all eyes turned to LIS. He backed up slowly, nervously. "C'mon guys," he said. "I'm the Defender!" "Whatever you are," said Ysan. "You're dead. I didn't vote for you, but others did. Sorry." "Yeah, when lots of people refrain from voting or are split a lot, 4 or 5 votes can condemn someone," agreed Frost. "Sorry man." "I swear I'm the Defender! I can prove it! I-" Without another word he turned around and sprinted into the 'Town Hall'- the big skyscraper at one end of the central town square. "He must be a baddie!" someone roared, and mob mentality swept everyone up- they shouted and waved weapons (how did she get THAT out of her shirt?) and piled into the doors of the Town Hall, pushing and shoving in eagerness to chase LIS down. He looked behind himself as he ran, almost colliding with the elevator door. Frantically he pushed the call button, over and over, dancing on his toes, looking backward nervously at the yelling crowd which was surging toward him across the smooth high-tech floor. Finally a pleasant ping sounded and the elevator doors slid open, LIS diving inside and slamming the highest button he could see. After what seemed to be a billion years, the elevator doors finally clicked and slid shut, closing off the noise of the angry crowd. LIS sighed and banged his head against the elevator paneling furiously. "Hehehe," Pw0nzd said from below. The crowd had to resort to other methods to nail this baddie. They were gathered around a small electrical panel near the elevator, and Pw0nzd was messing with the wires. Everyone watched him eagerly. Back in the elevator, LIS watched the floor numbers whip by. The elevator was picking up a lot more speed than it should- at least ten floors were whipping past every second now! LIS pounded fearfully against all the emergency buttons he could see, but it was like someone had been messing with the electronics... Pw0nzd stood back, admiring his handiwork. A loud screaming filled everyone's ears, and they rushed outside. The elevator was a blur behind the glass of the uppermost stories of the Town Hall, shooting upwards at blinding speeds. Finally the screams reached a crescendo and the elevator unclipped from its holsters and shot straight out of the roof in an explosion of glass. The elevator rocketed skyward, a tiny box amid the twilight. Up there, LIS realized two things. First, it was the shaft that had seemed paneled- the actual elevator box was clear! He looked out at the city sprawled below him with a detached wonder, as if he wasn't really there. Second, he realized that while it was twilight down in the mountain-shielded Denbrain, up here the sky was still azure and the sun was still just above the mountaintops. LIS took one long look at the azure sky before the elevator's momentum reached its peak and he began to drop. "AAAaaaaahhhh!" It was like the world's tallest world coaster raised to the fiftieth power, then put on steroids, then raised to the fiftieth power again. Oh, and nothing to strap you in. LIS was freefalling within the elevator, his organs flying upwards inside his body, his mouth frozen in a silent scream and his feet tingling with his approaching demise. The mountainsides flashed by outside... and then the smashed hole on top of the Town Square... then he had fallen past that, and was hurtling closer and closer to the ground... the speed was mind-numbing, the G-forces so intense his body was almost rattled apart. Then the elevator smashed into the middle of the park, the glass ground into a heap of fine sparkling crystal sand. The park where Dnae had been sitting. Hopefully Sinistral could find his way into Denbrain and take his place- or someone else. Anyone else. Meanwhile, the lynch crowd congratulated each other and headed down to LIS's flat to see who he was. That's when they froze. An array of CCTV camera screens and security equipment were scattered in LIS's garage, and one of them was trained on an Oriental-looking, candlelit room- the mysterious Ninja's training chamber. LIS had been the Defender! Scared and slightly discouraged, the citizens of Denbrain headed home, very much aware of the baddie presence within them. It would take a lot of skill for the baddies to win, but so far, they had been doing a pretty good job. This game was balanced to the point that it was a match of ultimate wits and complexity between the warring groups, and with the second night approaching, it was about to enter a whole new stage... Mekal's house "Thanks for nothing!" he shouted angrily as the city-owned limo disappeared around the corner of the neighborhood. "I told you I paid my taxes!" When the car was gone for good, Mekal grinned. "Yeah, right," he added, smirking. "I've evaded my taxes for the past five years." He strode into his house, picking up the paper from the doorstep- it was an express edition, bearing the news of Denbrain's first public execution- apparently LIS, the Defender, had been launched into the air in an elevator, to drop a terrifying drop to his death. Ouch. Mekal dropped the paper on the kitchen table and went to wash his hands. A rough knocking sounded on the front door. Mekal groaned- his vote had already been removed, now what? Then he remembered it was almost night- was he the first victim? "Nah," he muttered to himself. "There's still a few minutes of daytime." He walked over to the door confidently, but before he could open it, it burst open, wood splinters flying everywhere. "You're under arrest!" barked an unidentifiable voice. "Wha-?" Mekal peered at the shadow blocking the doorway until his eyes found the star badge of a police officer. Oh no, he thought. This day hasn't been the best for me. "Time to go down to the station," the Policeman said in his/her intimidating drone, then grabbed Mekal and flipped him over, putting his hands behind his back while handcuffs were snapped securely around his wrists. "You have the right to remain silent," the Policeman continued as he/she led Mekal out of the smashed door and to the police car waiting outside. "Anything said can be used against you, bla bla bla. Time to spend the night with me in jail- that is, unless I release you halfway through after interrogating you." "Interrogating me?" Mekal gulped. "Yeah, I get to ask you one question," the Policeman explained as they drove quickly to the jail, siren blaring. Red and blue lights flashed against whatever scenery they passed. "You can answer any way you want. Then I decide whether or not to release you or hold you in jail for the rest of the night." "Ah," Mekal muttered. "Great." Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) ROF 14) Mekal - arrested 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal
  23. I meant what I said. PLEASE nobody post until the day post- I'm kinda stressed right now for lots of reasons, most unrelated to Mafia Dusty: no need to apologize, it's fine. Just please no more, everyone
  24. yes. Sorry- don't know why I broke the rules, I was just freaking out that I had like 3 minutes til the day post deadline and so many posts to read and it didn't even cross my mind to just say "voting closed, lemme read then make the day post". Again, sorry LIS, rules are rules please nobody post until the day post
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