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Everything posted by unreality

  1. and another reposting of the links, just in case nobody's seen 'em Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) Unreality's Notes
  2. hehe Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) Unreality's Notes edit: only three ratings lol
  3. LOST is by far my favorite show, and deserves a topic for all those on Brainden that share my love of this amazing epic series with incredible acting, even more incredible storyline, with gripping plot, action and suspense and believable situations in an unbelievable beautiful but perilous setting on the Island wow, I should advertise LOST or something ;D hehe. Seriously, if you don't like it, or if DOESNT confuse you, you don't understand the true power and awesomeness of LOST and you need to rent season one and watched it. Trust me, you will be sucked in from the getgo. Season two only gets better, more intense, and more involved. Season three is epic and amazing and absolutely fantastic. Season four transitions the action into a more far-reaching and darker side as it approaches the finale of its six-season story arc. Seriously. I am not kidding. LOST is an inspiration for me and for everyone. lol It really is. And it's totally bad@ss and amazing and mysterious and full of mindf*cks (a theatrical plot element also known as A STATE OF TOTAL SHOCK).
  4. The final list of Mafia VI links: Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) Unreality's Notes edit: thanks Kat
  5. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) Unreality's Notes Roster with Roles: Host: Unreality 1) GC - Mafia (Bankroller) 2) Frozen - Ninja 3) Frost - Inspector 4) Brandonb - Mafia (Godfather) 5) Dawh - Yakuza (Oyabun) 6) Ysan - Yakuza (Shatei) 7) LIS - Defender 8) Clueless - QA (MoE) 9) Twoaday - QA (MoD) 10) Cherry Lane - Healer 11) Johnson - Tax Collector 12) Puzzlegirl - Street Vendor 13) Phaze - Lord Phoenix 14) Mekal - Spy 15) Rene - Doctor 16) CrazyPainter - Policeman 17) Pw0nzd - Janitor 18) Dusty - Grim Reaper 19) LM - Vagabond 20) Dnae - Mafia (Thief) 21) Tolecnal - Suicide Bomber Baddies and Other Info: GRIM REAPER Dusty (told: one thing you get to know is that the Yakuza use a secret code in the Oyabun's messages as a discovery role. The first letter of every third word of their message spells a name, and I PM the Oyabun and tell them whether that named person is Innocent or baddie) MASKED LOVERS Mafia: Thief (Dnae) Innocent: Defender (LIS) MAFIA Godfather: Brandonb Thief: Dnae [Masked Lover] Bankroller: GC (SB: Tolecnal) (YAKUZA: Ysan, Dawh) YAKUZA Oyabun: Dawh Shatei: Ysan QAs MoE: Clueless MoD: Twoaday (told: the Yakuza use a secret message system, ie, the Oyabun uses a code in his/her messages, and it has to do with numbered letters & words, but I don't tell the QAs any more than that ;D) Janitor Key 1 - saving 2 - killing 3 - eavesdropping 4 - discovering 5 - cleaning 6 - free choice Janitor Order 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 5, 6, 3 Inspector Order * GC * Twoaday * Dnae [Thief, so may change] * Clueless * Bb GR SNIFFED * Frozen Night One - Cliff Jumping * Mafia kill Cherry Lane * Godfather spies on Dusty [Grim Reaper] * Bankroller says big long message * Thief steals from Frost * Mafia put Bb (Godfather) in the safehouse * MoE spies on Ysan [told "baddie" after night post] * MoE targets Bb * MoD targets Frost * GR sniffs Frozen * Oyabun says "Fear the great Yakuza whose reach will spread, engulfing all that you Innocents ever cherished. Take note: Evil is here lurking, waiting to liquidate Noobs and strike down good." [GREYCELLS, baddie] * Doctor saves LIS * Healer saves Frost * Janitor picks Puzzlegirl, is told free choice, picks Saving * SV is told "Godfather spied on Dusty. The MoE went after Bb and the MoD targeted Frost. The MoE investigated Ysan (not informed "innocent" or "baddie" til after the night post). The Doctor saved LIS and the Healer saved Frost. Cherry Lane was Innocent. The Janitor picked Puzzlegirl, was told 'free choice', and chose Saving. The Grim Reaper sniffed Frozen. Everything else you know from the night post." Day One - Azure Sky * Inspector is PMed GC's identity as a Mafioso (no Thief meddling) * Spy spies on LM [Vagabond] * Tax Collector removes Mekal from the vote * Policeman arrests Mekal * Vagabond tags CP * Mafia dispatch SV (want it put in the day post) * LIS is lynched [Defender] Night Two - Fly By Night * Policeman asks Mekal's role, Mekal says "i have Seen the world around me, and i have Payed attention to You... i know your souls secrets, and i have known your life's journeys. only if you read me my charges and if they are capitol offenses will you find me...", Policeman decides to hold Mekal in jail for the night * Mafia kill Frozen * Mafia put Bb in safehouse * Bankroller says big long message with an ultimatum (again ) * Janitor picks Dawh, is told killing, declines * GR kills Phaze * Ninja kills Dusty * Lord Phoenix protects Frost, then turns into the Phoenix * Doctor saves Brandonb * Yakuza kill GC * Oyabun says "No one buys favors for refuge from the almighty Yakuza. The nitwit mafia are doomed for making orders to command nugatory innocents when butchering is required." [bRANDONB, baddie] * MoD goes after Rene * MoE investigates Pw0nzd [told "Innocent" after night post] * MoE targets Phaze * QA Lynch Target: Johnson! Day Two - Triple Kill * Inspector is PMed Twoaday as QA * Policeman arrests Pw0nzd * Spy spies on Ysan [Yakuza] * Tax Collector removes Ysan's vote * Vagabond tags Clueless * Ysan lynched [Yakuza] * Clueless and Twoaday failed to lynch Johnson, they died too Night Three - Reaction Time * Janitor says LM, gets told Eavesdropping, picks LM, Ysan, GC. Only gets results if Policeman releases * Policeman asks "Who was that I saw you with last night?". Pw0nzd replies: "frozen_in_fire. I'm the janitor. For proof I will be going after LM tonight- the action was eavesdropping, I picked LM/Ysan/GC. If you don't release me I won't be able to get the results". Policeman holds Pw0nzd * Janitor [None of them have BTSC] - does not get results (jail) * Godfather gets Innocent-role-spy ability, gets role of CL [Healer] * Mafia kill conditional: Pw0nzd held = safehouse, Pw0nzd released = kill Frost. Since Pw0nzd was held, Bb goes in the safehouse * Mafia kills nobody (Bb in safehouse) * Doctor saves Frost (save will fail if someone targets Frost, because Doc cannot save Inspector- but nobody targeted Frost) * Yakuza kills Brandonb - TO WIN THE GAME. Unless Bb is in the safehouse. Which he is. So he doesn't die. Game continues ;D * Oyabun says "Denbrain will crumble. All will perish. The Yakuza reign supreme!" [CRP/CrazyPainteR, Innocent] Day Three - Web of Lies (Again) * Inspector is PMed Dnae as Mafioso * Tax Collector removes Frozen_2 from the vote * Spy spies on Dawh [Yakuza] * Policeman arrests Dawh * Dawh is lynched [Yakuza] * SB blows up Brandonb (request to happen in day post). Rolled 20 sided die for each, 1-5 means they survive (1/4 chance). Amazingly enough, I rolled a 2 for Cherry Lane and a 12 for Brandonb, so CL survived and Bb wasn't as lucky Mafia VI Secrets * Phoenix - once/if the GR dies and Lord Phoenix transforms into the Phoenix permanently (and becomes vulnerable to the QAs), the Phoenix is a different saving role. Every night, the Phoenix can save one person against the QAs only, not himself/herself, and there is only a 2/3 chance that the save will succeed (ie, if 1 or 2 is rolled on a 6-sided dice, the person dies anyway). The Phoenix can save the same person two nights in a row or even three ;D * Yakuza - the Yakuza goal is not to kill a specific person, but to kill the entire Mafia. This is the Gangs of Denbrain, and the Yakuza want to be the sole and most powerful gang. In order to succeed, the Yakuza must kill at least 2 of the 3 Mafiosos themselves. If more than one Mafioso dies by other means than the Yakuza, the Yakuza have failed, and thus are forced to work together with their gang enemy, the Mafia (which would be down to 1 or even 0 people depending on how the Yakuza failed). In the case where there are 0 Mafiosos left and the Yakuza has failed to kill 2/3 of them, the Yakuza become the completely new Mafia, and pick up where the Mafia left off * Oyabun - the Oyabun's messages can be whatever the Oyabun wants, to instill fear, pretend to cooperate with the Mafia, give hints as to the Yakuza's purpose or a fact purpose the Yakuza are pretending to be real, etc, but the Oyabun's message can also contain a special code known only to some of the baddies and illegal detectives of Denbrain. The special code is the first letter of every third word of the Oyabun's message. The code spells out somebody's name. This person's Innocent/baddie status is then PMed to the Oyabun by me. The Grim Reaper knows exactly what the code is and what it's purpose is and stuff (but doesn't know what the Yakuza goal is). Each QA is informed that there is a code, and it has to do with numbered letters and words, but the QAs aren't informed of the specifics and why the Oyabun uses the code. The Mafia knows nothing about it. * Example: Haha, it is silly that saving roles did actually protect last night a Yakuza that signals ISAN, which I would know to be Itachi-san. As long as the name is pretty recognizable, like FRST or even just CL or CLANE or YSAN or CP or PWNZ or PWNZD or whatever, you can have some freedom with the naming to make a better sentence. My example sentence was kind of crappy and sounded like it might be a code, I'm sure you guys can come up with smoother ones ;D To the Yakuza: Read my notes above, and then this is addressed specifically to you... you are trying to become the alpha gang in Denbrain by killing the Mafia. However, if it comes to a point where you cannot possibly kill 2 or more of the Mafiosos to assert your dominance, you are assimilated into the larger crime family (the Mafia), and your goals become one with the Mafia's, and your character roles become Goons, ie, low-ranked hitmen of the Mafia (you lose your Oyabun/Shatei statuses and abilities). If the Mafia win (kill everyone but Mafiosos and Yakuza) and you (the Yakuza) are still against the Mafia, the Mafia have won and the Yakuza is assimilated (but the Yakuza don't win, they're forced into the Mafia kinda). So, yeah, good luck
  6. Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two Web of Lies (Again) Near the End of the Day The survivors of the mighty ordeal in Denbrain were gathered at the top of one of the mountains surrounding Denbrain; they were Frost, Brandonb, Dawh, Johnson, Mekal, Rene, Crazypainter, Frozen_2, Lemonymelon and Cherry Lane version 2.0. Of course, there was about to be a significant less number of survivors. Dawh bowed to his successful adversaries before they strapped him to a giant bundle of fireworks. "Wait," Frost said. "We don't have anything to light the fireworks with!" "Good," said Dawh. "Maybe we can wait until this night and-" "I think I know the answer to that," CL_2 interrupted, before grabbing Brandonb, whispering the prayer of the Suicide Bomber to Unreality, and diving toward Dawh. BOOM! The mighty explosion shook the mountain, and by the time everyone had looked up, they saw a passive figure, unharmed by the grace of Unreality, walking away from the explosion. Unreality had rolled a 20-sided die for each (CL and Bb) to determine if the 1/4 chance of survival applied- if he rolled from 1-5 they survived. For Cherry Lane, he had rolled a 2, for Bb, a 12. Cherry Lane 2.0 walked out of the explosion, brushing ash from her clothes. Miraculously, she had survived, but Brandonb was gone forever. Normally I would make it ambigious who was the SB and who was the victim, but that wasn't needed in this case. And of course, the explosion had set fire to Dawh's wick. "Everyone outta the way!" Mekal, the Spy, cried, and everyone bustled backwards- even Lemonymelon, the Vagabond, who wasn't used to being told what to do. The wick burned closer. And closer. Johnson, the Tax Collector, muttered something to Frozen_2 about being sorry for removing him from the vote. Frozen_2 was the Janitor. He nodded in understanding. The Innocents had pulled through regardless, though there were times when Unreality had been sure the baddies were going to win. Rene chuckled. "I guess I won't have to save Mekal tonight," she pondered. "The Doctor can finally sleep tonight!" "I was going to arrest Dawh," CP, the Policeman- or should I say Policewoman- replied. "No need now." "Agreed," said Frost and CL_2 at the same time- the Inspector and Suicide Bomber then looked at each other and chuckled. The wick burned closer. "The original Cherry Lane must have been the Healer," added Frozen. "And of course Phaze was Lord Phoenix. This has been an interesting series of events." The wick was burnt all the way down- Dawh looked down, then looked back up. He smiled. "All the Yakuza wanted to do was the exterminate the Mafia and become the alpha gang in Denbrain! We had nothing against you foolish Innocents! But, alas, here I am. Goodbye, and good luck." With that elegant speech (he was the Oyabun after all), the firecrackers lit up and shot, hissing, into the air- streaming high over the mountain into the alpine winds before exploding in a fantastic display of dazzling fireworks which continued onward for minutes. Finally the Innocents paid their respects for their fallen comrads and headed down the mountain in single file, knowing that they had restored peace to Denbrain. *** Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost 4) Brandonb - DEAD [?] Blown to bits 5) Dawh - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Frozen_2 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 *** Epilogue "So," Unreality said. "Liked the ending?" "At least I went out with a bang," Brandonb replied, lounging in Paradise. "The Last Mafioso... it has a ring to it, doesn't it? Could be an epic movie... luckily I stayed in the safehouse last night or I would've been sniped by those meddling Yakuza." Unreality chuckled. "Those meddling Yakuza almost won the game." "Keyword: Almost," Brandonb replied with a smile. "Well, I'm out of here," Unreality said, standing up. All the dead players around him stood up, surprised. "What?" they asked. "Where to?" His eyes shimmered with an otherworldly light, the clouds they were standing on wobbling slightly. "Beyond," he said, his voice tied in with higher dimensions. He started to both fade from their vision and become clearer at the same time, his atoms enlightened as they began to reach upward toward a bright light. "I'm an atheist, but this is still beautiful and corny," he added, before disappearing. Everyone looked around, shocked. His voice reverberated back to them: "Keep an eye out for the distant future. Those pesky Quantum Accelerators might be on the move!" All around the country of Content Phoenix, from its capital of Denbrain to the awesome Mafia-owned city of Awesomeville (ruled by ruthless females), to the northern ices of Pengville and the bustling port of Port Unreality... even to the deserts below, of Oasis and the Quarky Capital... everyone, at the same time, felt Unreality lift into the sky, leaving his lands for a while. Nobody knew how long. "Behind me," his voice roared, echoing throughout Content Phoenix and drawing tears from the sappy. "I will leave a scavenger hunt... it will take you across the realm of Brainden and beyond!" Finally he was gone and the world was officially an atheistic one. Oonce oonce oonce oonce The End of the Mafia Series (At least for now) Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost [inspector] 4) Brandonb - DEAD [Mafioso - Godfather] Blown to bits 5) Dawh - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA - MoE] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA - MoD] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [Healer] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson [Tax Collector] 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [Lord Phoenix] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal [spy] 15) Rene [Doctor] 16) CrazyPainter [Policewoman] 17) Pw0nzd / Frozen_2 [Janitor] 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM [Vagabond] 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso - Thief] Masked Lover 21) Tolecnal / CL_2 [suicide Bomber]
  7. Please nobody post, day post coming!!!
  8. 11 minutes ;D edit: 10 edit: 7 edit: 3 edit: ONE MORE MINUTE TIL 11:35!
  9. I'm going to bed soon; the voting and discussion ends in 46 minutes and that's the final. If I'm around and can get the day post up, I'll post within a few minutes after that, if I don't then it means I'll be making it tomorrow morning ;D (which I probably will be)
  10. since dawh is not pleading no contest, there is 50 minutes left and I will most likely post the day post tomorrow, unless I can get on later tonight
  11. only one list- the ones in order was just an example, I had gotten all of those (except "obi", I'm not sure what that is ;D) anyway: Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i obi boot moot loot bit moat boat limb tool tomb tome mile tile lime time tumble lit lie tie about bout out mate mail male bait late bail tail boo moo too toe beam team meat beat tea eat ate bloom boom boil toil tube met bet meal teal ab able tab table lab label lube tub lob am lam lamb loam balm bale tale tail bail bat mat malt blot bolt molt mute lute blue bluet lout bout limbo lol sorry I only added one, I didn't have enough time to check the list and see if some others I had were on there P.S. what's a "bluet"?
  12. yeah if Dawh pleads no contest now I can start the day post and probably post it tonight, otherwise tomorrow. Either is fine It might be a little rushed if it's tonight though
  13. I'm not sure if I'll be able to be on in 1 hour, when the day ends. If not, the voting ends in EXACTLY ONE HOUR, and I will write the day post tomorrow morning (most probable). After that one hour, if someone is on, please announce the voting end and please nobody post after that ;D thanks!
  14. there is 1 hour and 42 minutes left ;D links: Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two current roster: Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Dawh 4) Brandonb - voting for Dawh 5) Dawh - voting for Frozen_2 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Dawh 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Dawh 15) Rene - voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter - voting for Dawh 17) Frozen_2 - cannot vote 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Brandonb 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 - voting for Dawh edit: if you want to take up Dawh's proposition, better act fast
  15. Frozen: I PMed to you Pw0nzd's conversation with the Policeman links: Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping During Day One - Mekal's Suffrage During Day One - No More Tacos Day One - Azure Sky Night Two - Fly By Night Day Two - Triple Kill Night Three - Reaction Time During Day Three - Frozen Number Two current roster: Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Dawh 4) Brandonb - voting for Dawh 5) Dawh - voting for Frozen_2 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Dawh 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Dawh 15) Rene - voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter - voting for Dawh 17) Frozen_2 - cannot vote 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Brandonb 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 - voting for Dawh
  16. This is about finding the words you can make with letters from the root word. In this case, automobile: Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i now what if you can use the letters in any order (but if there are, say, 2 o's, you can only use up to 2 words)... Automobile ======= automobile auto mobile tom mob bile a i boot moot loot bit moat boat limb (etc) Let's make the list as big as possible. I could probably get a lot of words right now, but I'm kind of in a hurry and this is a group effort anyway ;D Please repost the current list when you add new words. Thanks, and have fun!
  17. No Frozen_2 is the "same person" as Pw0nzd, so he should know
  18. haha :D Thanks for playing!

  19. 3 hrs 39 minutes til the day ends ;D
  20. I'm chuckling right now, and wondering why everyone is trusting Mekal implicitly. Not that they should or not that they shouldn't, but did I miss where he was confirmed as Spy? It definitely wasn't the PMs, since he could've changed my PMs to him around to change names of roles and whatnot and still have it be *my* writing
  21. bringing the roster over Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Dawh 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for Frozen_2 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Dawh 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Dawh 15) Rene - voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter - voting for Dawh 17) Frozen_2 - cannot vote 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Brandonb 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 - voting for Dawh
  22. Dawh is a dude, btw ;D Unless I'm mistaken
  23. yeah it'll be in New Puzzles... I'll make the first post just so ppl visit the topic, then 'The Philosopher' of this scavenger hunt (a different user I made) will make the next post
  24. Ysan, have fun, though after Mafia VI's ending I'll be taking a break from Mafia and BD in general for a while (rarely coming on), though right now I am laying the groundwork for a massive awesome scavenger hunt ;D
  25. I agree, the Triathlon is nuts- just the swimming part. And then the biking part. And then the running part! lol it's crazy stuff
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