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Everything posted by unreality

  1. this is just for Rene: please read the rules more thoroughly. It explains what BTSC is, what the Bankroller's ability is (the message from the Mafia), and also explains the specific question about your role that you asked me via PM thanks Nothing personal, I'm just saying there is lots in the rules different from Mafia V rules (that goes for everyone that didn't know that )
  2. Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost - voting for GC 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for LIS 13) Phaze - voting for Brandonb 14) Mekal - voting for voting for tolecnal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal
  3. roster: Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost - voting for GC 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for LIS 13) ROF 14) Mekal - voting for voting for tolecnal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal the Tax Collector has to PM before 5 more ppl vote or he/she would have to wait until people REMOVE their votes to PM lol as for time: there is 12 hours 9 minutes left
  4. yeah, 2 seems to be the desired. Oh and it was iBrendan not Brandonb ;D yeah iB's solution is essentially the n=20 z=21 case of Solution One on post 20, which works only in special cases. I personally like Solution Two (the one I came up with) cuz it's more versatile and z doesn't have to be n+1. For the case of n20 z21, I think s_One is the best solution method with 2 rolls and 1/400 chance of reroll, though there might be a better one (I doubt it) Now I'm trying to think of n & z values where the reroll chance is the same for Solution One and Solution Two
  5. do Solution One from my post #20 and you only have a 1/400 chance of rerolling ;D hehe though your idea is cool- basically 0-4 and 0-4 on either side of a 5x5 grid as coordinates for one number within 25. 4 would be rerolls, yeah. Nice answer (and fair), but as of yet Solution One appears to be best for n=20 z=21 (again, see post 20) unless we can find a Solution Three that has reroll at even lower than 1/400 since Solution One and Two (from post 20) are both good and have (usually, with varying reroll chances) of only 2 rolls, I think 2 rolls can be our expected desired number of rolls, what it comes down to now is what is the best Solution to use under different n and z values. Solution One has a 1/(n*n) reroll value and Solution Two has a (1/p)((M-z)/n) chance or reroll, so it of course depends all on n and z. But if we can find more solutions that work better with other/more values, that would be cool
  6. psh, the ones that come in boxes are those lame tiny ones that come in '100 calorie bags' which are in the box. Yeah right! Get yourself a real quality bag of big squishy red mmm yummy addicting Swedish Fish and I might take you up on your offer
  7. mekal: someone only dies (or gets replaced) of inactiveness if they really are inactive and never participated ;D speaking of this, Phaze is replacing ROF Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost - voting for GC 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl 13) Phaze 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal
  8. taliesin: good, except this has a 16/36 or 4/9 reroll chance though- almost one half reroll chance! Check out my post #20 for an in-depth analysis lol
  9. hehe, predator alert! Predator alert! I'm actually an undercover member of TO CATCH A PREDATOR, and I've been ratting out these nasty child-preying predators on so-called-intellectual sites like Brainden!!! We've caught 4,312 so far ;D lol Frost: yeah, Swedish Fish pwn
  10. Shrawn: no, that value is weighted, distributed unevenly btw, I was thinking about general cases, and found two general solutions, inversely efficient of each other depending on the dice you have call the number of sides on your dice 'n', the number of people 'z', and the dice rolls n1, n2, nx, etc Solution One: in this form of it, it only works if n+1 = z (as in 20 and 21 like this problem) but I bet it could be molded to other scenarios (ie, n+2 or n+3 or n*2 is z) with some fiddling. iBrendan came up with this basically: (n1 * n) + n2, which gives you a range of (n-1)*z + 1 numbers which can be clumped into groups of n-1, of which there are z (to pick a player evenly), with 1 "reroll number" left over. The chance of getting the reroll number is 1/(n*n), thus this solution becomes more efficient as n gets bigger Solution Two: I came up with this one. It only works if z <= n*n. First, find M, the multiple of n that is as low as possible while still being higher than z and is also a factor of n multiplied by n. The maximum that M can be is n. Ie, if n is 6, your values of M can be 6 (1n), 12 (2n), 18 (3n) or 36 (6n). You want to pick the lowest one that's still higher than z. Call M/n = p. Ie, if you chose 18 when n=6, p would be 18/6 or 3. The formula is: * split n into p groups of n/p each. Number the groups 0, 1, 2, ... p-1 * now roll n1 and find what group it falls under, then take that group's number, call that y * roll n2 and add n*y, call this num * if num is bigger than z, reroll n2 for example, if n is 6 and z is 10, the best bet is for M to be 12, thus p is 2, so split 6 into 2 groups (1-3 and 4-6). Number those groups 0 and 1. Roll- if you get the first group, roll again and add 0 (6*0). If you get the second group, roll again and add 6 (6*1). 11 and 12 are higher than 10 and thus reroll. The chances of having to reroll are (1/p)((M-z)/n), and thus are best when p is smaller (which is why you want to choose the M that's lowest, but still has to be above z) and when M-z is closest to n. For example, if n is 6 and you need to choose from 12 people (z=12), your chances of having to reroll are (1/2)(0/6) or 0, since z is a perfect multiple of n. It works even better when n=z lol. Anyway, Solution Two is inefficient for the n=20,z=21 problem because the odds of rerolling would be (1/2)((40-21)/20) or (1/2)(19/20) or 19/40 If you don't reroll, this solution always uses up 2 rolls
  11. you know what they say, baby? Opposites attract ;D Michigan accent? Lol I took an accent test once and said I had like no accent, just American then I read this: I meant, yeaaahhhh... Michigan's left its mark aallll over me... hehe I'll be waiting. They got a big dose of sleeping pill, hehehe
  12. current roster: Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost - voting for GC 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl 13) ROF 14) Mekal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal 14 hours til the day post, people ;D
  13. More about me... I'm friendly and funny and easy to get along with in real life (PMing you my number right now, PG lol jk) but also I get really cranky when I'm tired or hungry, and I like FOOD!
  14. check out post #1 of this topic ;D Hehehe okay.... Me. I am 16, and I live in Michigan (I know a few others here that do too, not sure if they want that known tho). I like writing, yes, and math (programming too). Cookies- mmm, hehe. I like girls (mmm, hehe) and swedish fish (mmm, hehe), oh and Mafia (mmm, hehe). lol. Most of all, I like games of all kinds (Mafia included), in any medium, and most of all inventing games, of all types. And I've made some good ones over the years . I'm a very independent person, and sometimes am competitve, sometimes not, that depends. I like hanging out with my friends. Over like 5 years I was a DM in DnD (if you know what that is) though me and some of my friends have kind of dwindled in our dnd'ing ;D I like tubing and other watersports. I like running, working out, doing lots of situps (mmm yeah, look at these abs! ;D Just for you, PG. I know you like em rock hard. hehe) and listening to music (some of my fav bands are Finger Eleven and Coldplay and U2 and... lots of others). I like biking, mountain biking, etc, and biking anywhere I can to reduce car emissions and save the world! And I'm an atheist, and believe religion is utterly false ;D Though I don't believe religion defines who you are at a basic personal level unless it's a really major part of someone's life, then it changes people (sometimes better, sometimes worse). Anyway I feel that there's so many religions in the world, and they are all 100% sure that their religion is correct, and seemingly blind to the immoral and/or contradicting points in their holy books and stuff. However I respect people who have looked at their religion in a logical, unbiased way, scrapped all the BS and crazy stuff, and then don't let it affect their lives mind- I'm fine with these people. I'm also one of those atheists that feels personally insulted with "year A.D." and "saying grace before dinner" (I'm fine with it if it's just like thanking the chefs or the lovely fat cows that died for this meal, but not some invisible , inexistent entity that had no part in putting the burger on the table ;D) and some of the words in the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as the religious bias of America as a whole- though I'm not outspoken against this. I also don't like that atheist has become a stereotype, and a negative one, in America. Continuing on, I like sports, but can't watch sports games on TV for very long cuz I get bored (unless they're very interesting). I like my dog. And my friends & family (a little iffy on the family, actually- lol jk). I like my small town but can't wait to get out of it and go to college. For the internet, I like lotsa sites, like Brainden and The Onion, but tend to spend the most computer time on BD (especially now). I like using smilies, especially my pirate smilie which purposely does not get replaced with an actual smilie ;D <- there it is! In action right now! Take your photos everyone! tis me
  15. uhhh yeah, that's on the list too ;D Just added that for Mafia VI. And it's not unclear- if you read previous Mafia games, it's ALWAYS shown when Doc/Healer, QAs, etc, get BTSC. It won't be shown for Vagabond/Defender if Vagabond tags Def (cuz tagging only shows up if tagged a QA), but will be shown if Defender saves Vagabond
  16. see the rules, there's a section near the bottom that explains all the various forms of BTSC in the game (SV is different, that's one-way-only, SV PMs me message which is passed on to the Mafia, and Bankroller/Oyabun are sort of like messages from the baddies) anyway it's all in the rules Mafia VI Rules, Roles, Voting Help Mafia VI Intro Night One - Cliff Jumping
  17. check out iBrendan's solution: unfortunately I'm thinking that it may not be evenly distributed. I'll test out the combinations: (order of dice matter, first is multiplied by 20 and added to second) 21 = 1,1 = 1/400 22 = 1,2 = 1/400 39 = 1,19 = 1/400 40 = 1,20 = 1/400 41 = 2,1 (can't be 1,21) ... omg! This works perfectly! iBrendan is a genuis!!! 245 = 12,5 (nothing else) wow! Nice work iBrendan- I was pretty sure yours was the best before, but now that we know it's fair- nice! ;D edit for phaze: iBrendan's solution is fair (1/21 for each number) and works with only 2 rolls 399/400 of the time. In the 1/400 case, it would take 4 rolls... 1/160000 chance that it would take 6 rolls... etc. But it's highly likely to take only 2 rolls
  18. there is no GR/Ninja secrets or Jihadist-like thing this game ;D yes, and everyone knows that the Yakuza have a secret objective. It's not secret secret like the Jihadist was. It's just unknown to the non-Yakuza. The Yakuza is a known-to-exist and known-to-be-separate faction with its own hidden goal ;D Though the scavenger hunt may help to reveal some of the secrets in this game btw the Jihadist wasn't cheap, it had a very low win chance and only got one chance to blow the right person up, but it so happened, much due to dawh's cleverness and ability to stay in the game undetected, that he managed to do it, not due to cheapness 14 hrs 40 minutes
  19. Cracked Corn: yeah so far I thought the best bet was mine and Chuck Rampart's solution (both the same thing basically, we just worded em differently), until iBrendan came along can you demonstrate how this fair and gives each number a 1/21 chance? I'm not seeing the reasoning behind it, as Cracked Corn said 10 and 11 are weighted with most, then go outwards, etc, though that may not apply in your solution's case, I'm not sure
  20. I edited only a few words. What you see is what you got ;D edit: 16 hours left Better get the discussion started!
  21. then it's 20 people of 1/20 and then someone with 0 ;D
  22. no one dies (by the Mafia at least) unrelated: apparently I STILL haven't made this clear: the Mafia can dispatch the SV at any time, for free, without knowing the SV's identity, at any time of day or night with no consequence on other Mafia activities
  23. wow... awesome! Two rolls 399/400 times!
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