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Everything posted by unreality

  1. yeah I hate the little anklebiter dogs. But bigger dogs are awesome
  2. Mafia VII Takes place in a remote village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can still use their usual role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. If the Alpha Werewolf tries to bite a Mafioso OR Cypher, he/she is informed that the target was either Mafia or the Cypher, and the Alpha Werewolf can pick a different target. If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive, including the Alpha Werewolf * Cypher - the Cypher is a serial killer who leaves a mathematical code to his/her next victim. The Cypher chooses his/her kill each night for the following night, so on the first night there is no kill, but there is still a code for the 2nd night victim. And on the 2nd night, the Cypher picks the victim for the 3rd night, etc. The code is uniform throughout. The Cypher is invincible to werewolf bites as well as normal death, the only way they can die (at first) is being caught by the Cryptanylist. The Cryptanylist, or CA, is a Townsfolk-sided code-breaker who picks one person each night (except the 1st) whom they think is the Cypher's victim for that night. If the CA is correct, the Cypher is caught and killed. If the CA dies, the Cypher becomes vulnerable to normal death, but still cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf. The Cypher wins if he/she is still alive and killing when another faction wins, ie, they win together * ? Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random non-Werewolf Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role (including if they are a Werewolf or not). If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Alpha Werewolf, Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante) * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don), including Werewolf role if they've been bitten * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night (from death only, not from werewolf bites), with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker) * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. [Ability Unknown except to the Tourist] * Mountaineer - the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * Cryptanylist - the Cryptanylist, or CA, is an expert code-breaker whose goal is to crack the Cypher's code and figure out the serial killer's next victim. Each night, except the first, the CA picks someone who they think will be the Cypher's victim. The CA must give me some logical reasoning to prove it's not just a random guess, and if they are correct, the Cypher is caught and killed There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf: * the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability] * the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability] * the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2] * the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill] * the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities] * the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities] * the Tourist becomes the Snarler [probably keeps abilities, not sure] * the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability] * the Cryptanylist becomes the Bloodhound [keeps ability]
  3. I have come up with the Cypher, a code-based serial killer, and the last Townsfolk role too. Coming right up
  4. unreality

    I'm an atheist too, but I value human life and respect it, and I am all for medical technology. However, if we can make abortions cheaper, less repercussions, etc, and countries across the world (especially highly populated ones in the Indochina area) squeeze a little and put "baby quotas", we can stop overpopulation without having to "off" people that are already on this planet and already living lives on it
  5. scratch the Puppeteer one- right after that, Mekal could say "ignore that, that was the Puppeteer making me say that" or if that wasn't allowed just say something like "nvm, I changed my mind about Frost" or something
  6. I like dawh's Serial Killer/Psychopath/Joker character from a while back that is PMed three random living names and chooses to kill one of them... though for M VII, I would change it to "Agent of Chaos" or AoC, whose primary goal is causing destruction and being unpredictable. Why unpredictable? Cuz instead of PMing the 3 names to the AoC like dawh's idea was, I would announce the 3 names in the day post for the following night (the first night would be private, I think, if the AoC kills on the first night at all), and thus the AoC must learn to be unpredictable or the targets get protected or killed by another faction first (and other factions do want the AoC to lose, because the AoC wins after killing a certain number of people, say 4, including first night). What do you think? and it's the perfect village for a resident Grim Reaper, though I might change it to Soul Reaper or something. Or maybe Wraith, or something. And their objectives and stuff would change. Hmmm. Also, I just thought of a concept for the Puppeteer. During the day, they can PM a person and what they want the person to say, and I PM that person and they MUST say it EXACTLY and IMMEDIATELY. For example, the Puppeteer PMs me Mekal's name and the words "Right now I'm thinking Frost is suspicious", and I PM Mekal right away and Mekal must say "Right now I'm thinking Frost is suspicious", ie, the Puppeteer could control people like puppets, though there would be a limit of the number of commands per day (maybe 3 at the most). The Puppeteer's goal would be to lynch certain people or something
  7. hmm, I had an Oracle idea but it was different than that. And there's enough anti-werewolf roles, so no for the Trapper, though it's an interesting concept
  8. unreality

    haha, Y2K all over again, and only 12 years later. I can't believe people fall for this stuff ;D
  9. there might be a Grim Reaper, slightly tweaked...
  10. unreality

    we don't. We don't know ANYTHING for sure. But I can safely say to a large percentage that the world will not end in 2012
  11. unreality

    1) things aren't fair, will never be fair, shouldn't be fair, and aren't "meant" to be fair (not talking deity-wise, just universe-wise and evolution-wise). Even in the case of religions, fairness is not abundant. And fairness is impossible. Everybody can't be the same- and what about those that wanted to be different? that can't be fair! Basically, "fairness" is like those weird books about utopias were everyone is exactly the same and they live horrible bland lives and the protagonists frees himself/herself/hisherpeople from this oppression and they have freedom. It seems that Freedom and Fairness are even opposites from each other. Life is not fair <- cliche, but true 2) that being said, it has nothing to do with morals and charity. Why not give to starving people? If you want to, if you can afford it, it makes the world a better place. Spreading your wealth around is a good thing but still not a "fair" thing (which is good), since there are still millions more who haven't been helped. And that's fine if you're doing what you can, as there is no obligation to 3) all of our sense of the world is within our mind- we do everything because we want to do that in the circumstances. Let's say someone has you at gunpoint and says "gimme your wallet!", and you say "okay, chill, man" and hand them your wallet carefully. Did you want to do that? you might be tempted to say "of course not", but the answer is "yes". You wanted to do that considering the circumstances. If you had wanted to do something else (like punch him in the face), you would've done it. But you deliberately chose to hand him your wallet, because that's what you wanted at the moment (ie, "wanted" as in "wanted more than the alternatives", such as getting shot or PROBABLY getting shot). Likewise for helping other people. You help them because YOU want to help them, because it makes YOU feel good, because YOU know that YOU helped someone. If there was no sense of evolved charity for other people, we wouldn't give. It makes sense to have evolved that way, and it's probably a misfiring of the original evolutionary purpose, but the "reward" is still there so we give even where it may not be best for our genes. Think about sex- orgasms have evolved to increase sexual desire and heighten offspring. Yet you can use birth control and still have an orgasm. The sex is not being used for the original reason, but it's not an intelligent process, it doesn't 'know'... that's an evolutionary misfire, in a way. Kind of like giving to someone across the world. So we still do it, and it's fine back to fairness: what about animals? what about the earth? what about different types of people? genes? DNA? who decides what is fair? is THAT fair? etc. Fairness is not a virtue and life is not fair- life is diverse and that's a wonderful thing. We can still help other people because that's a good thing too
  12. unreality

    Religion's never right about anything anyway, there are no "prophecies" or anything, nothing can predict the future. Though now that religion is in the conversation, I'd just like to add that some preachers in the US actually want there to be a massive nuclear holocaust because then it'd be "the apocalypse" and then "Jesus Christ would rise again"
  13. new rules: Mafia VII Takes place in a remote village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can still use their usual role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. If the Alpha Werewolf tries to bite a Mafioso, he/she is informed and can pick a different target. If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive, including the Alpha Werewolf * ? * ? Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random non-Werewolf Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role (including if they are a Werewolf or not). If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Alpha Werewolf, Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante) * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don), including Werewolf role if they've been bitten * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night (from death only, not from werewolf bites), with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker) * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. [Ability Unknown except to the Tourist] * Mountaineer - the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * ? There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf: * the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability] * the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability] * the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2] * the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill] * the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities] * the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities] * the Tourist becomes the Snarler [probably keeps abilities, not sure] * the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability] * ? btw I'm thinking of something like 'the Puppeteer' for one of the Independent names, to plagiarize the name from one of Ysan's ideas, but the role will be completely different. Depends. Might add a Grim Reaper twist. Hmm... what do you think about a modified Beggar to be one of the indy roles? Not sure yet..
  14. no he/she counts. So the Alpha Werewolf plus at least three more. Which means they win by the third night if they go unchecked. But there are spyings, lynchings, mafia kills, and roles specifically for Werewolves: Herbalist and Slayer... so 4 total is a good number also, I'm adjusting Medic so it cannot save against Alpha Werewolf bites, just to clarify
  15. how do you come up with those words? lol. I looked on Meriam-Webster and "om" and "utia" are real... wow
  16. unreality

    "Aztec calendar"? You probably mean Mayan calendar. And that's a common falsehood (I'm surprised a Chicken who has harnessed the power of Thunder would fall for such a thing hehe), the Mayan calendar NEVER, EVER ends, however it's split into sections and larger sections, some shorter and some that span thousands of years. The thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle of the Long Count of the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012. Each B'ak'tun is 144,000 days, or 20 Tun, and a Tun is 18 Winal and a Winal is 20 K'in and a day is a K'in there is also an Aztec calendar, but it's more primitive and I don't think it's related to 2012, I'm sure you meant Mayan calendar btw, the world won't end in 2012
  17. Should the Spy/Consigliere be able to see whether the person is a werewolf or not? For example, if the Spy spies on the Medic, and the Medic was bitten the night before, does the Spy (or Consigliere) see "Medic" or "Guard Dog"? I'm thinking it should be Guard Dog, since the Spy's power is a bit reduced from normal anyway. And thus same for Consigliere. Oh and if the person they spy on is bitten that same night, it depends when the Alpha Werewolf PMs in the bite and when the Spy/Consiglere PM in their spies
  18. I changed it so that if the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, the other Werewolves die with him/her. And I added "Werewolf versions" of the Townsfolk roles oh and it's not in favor of the Mafia- remember, the Mafia must kill everyone except themselves. It was near impossible in Mafia V and Mafia VI with only 3 Mafiosos and 18 people to kill! This is more balanced with a good ratio of Mafia to Townsfolk (1:2) with some Independents thrown in as for the Mountaineer, yes that's a possibility...so? The main function is not to spy on someone, it's to both protect them and cancel them (trade-off, different from previous ones I think). And with the less info I give out in night posts just like in recent games (for example, only show Medic if they make a save, etc), it won't be as much info. The Mountaineer doesn't even know if he/she got a Mafioso unless it was the last Mafioso. It's less information than you would think- and they can never hike with the same person ever again, so it's not like they can collect lots of data on any one person revised rules: Mafia VII Takes place in a remote village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can still use their usual role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. If the Alpha Werewolf tries to bite a Mafioso, he/she is informed and can pick a different target. If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves die too, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive * ? * ? Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role. If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Alpha Werewolf, Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante) * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don) * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night, with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker) * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. [Ability Unknown except to the Tourist] * Mountaineer - the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * ? There are names for when a Townsfolk gets bitten and turns into a Werewolf: * the Spy becomes the Prowler [can still use Spy ability] * the Medic becomes the Guard Dog [can still use Medic's ability] * the Herbalist becomes the Stray [new ability: votes count secretly x2] * the Vigilante becomes the Rabid Attacker [can still kill] * the Firework Maker becomes the Firework Wolf [keeps abilities] * the Mayor becomes the Prime [keeps abilities] * the Tourist becomes the Snarler [probably keeps abilities, not sure] * the Mountaineer becomes the Kidnapper [keeps ability] * ?
  19. well done Kat ;D Sorry you couldn't make it for Mafia VI, btw. I was bummed since you played so well in MIV (and missed MV)
  20. I'm thinking that the bite fails against Mafia, and the Alpha Werewolf gets to retry if he/she attempted to bite a Mafioso
  21. I like the 36-hr days. 18-hr night works fine almost always in my experience, often I get night PMs within ~6 hrs, sometimes sooner, sometimes around 12, but gotta give the full 18 definitely, but you can end the night sooner. 36 is a good deadline for the days though btw I might be too tempted by this, but I probably won't play ;D Maybe though
  22. that's what I have so far. You can comment but I'm pretty confident in what I've got so far Any suggestion for other independent characters or the last Townsfolk role? I was thinking "Contact" as an SV sorta, but then decided against putting an SV-like role in
  23. yes, I know I said I was leaving, but I couldn't resist working on the rules for the next game Mafia VII Takes place in a remote village... Factions: * Independent (3) * Mafia (5) * Townsfolk (10) Independent: * Alpha Werewolf - [knows who Slayer is] bites one person each night to "infect" them with lycanthropy. The new Werewolf can still use their usual role ability, but is now sided with the Alpha Werewolf, and all Werewolves have BTSC. If the Alpha Werewolf is lynched, all living Werewolves join the Mafia, but if the Alpha Werewolf dies at night, a new Werewolf is picked to become the Alpha Werewolf. The Werewolves win when 4 or more Werewolves are alive * ? * ? Mafia: * Don - the leader of the Mafia group. If checked by the Spy, is seen as a random Townsfolk role from the 9 non-Spy roles * Consigliere - the personal adviser to the Don. Picks one person each night and collects data on them via contacts, learning their role. If the Don dies, the Consigliere takes over as head of the Mafia, having both the Don's ability and the Consigliere's original ability * Hitman - one of the most skilled hitmen in the Mafia's arsenal. Kills anyone that visits him/her at night (Alpha Werewolf, Spy, Medic, Herbalist, Slayer) or, in the case of the Vigilante, there is a 50-50 chance who wins the fight (Hitman or Vigilante) * Bankroller - controls the Mafia's finances as well as its legitimate businesses. Everyone knows who the Bankroller is from the getgo, and thus the Bankroller is sort of the spokesperson for the Mafia, but if the Bankroller is lynched, he/she can pick anyone to kill in the lynching if the Hitman is still alive * Framer - can frame someone each day. If the Spy picks that person the following night, the Spy is told 'Framer'. Nobody is informed if/when a framing takes place or who was framed Townsfolk: * Spy - spies on one person each night and gets their exact role (except in the special case of the Don) * Medic - an unofficial doctor who prowls around the village at night. The Medic can save two people each night, with no restrictions on who EXCEPT for the fact that the Spy is too elusive to protect while snooping someone. If the Spy decides not to spy on someone, they are savable by the Medic * Herbalist - can cure lyncanthropy, but only if done within minutes of the bite, and thus each night the Herbalist can pick one person to save from the Alpha Werewolf's bite * Slayer - picks one person each night except the first night. If the person is a Werewolf, they are slain. The Slayer cannot be bitten by the Alpha Werewolf * Vigilante - kills one person each night except the first night * Firework Maker - lives in a house full of explosives and gunpowder. If the Mafia or Alpha Werewolf visits, they see it and may retreat, OR keep going, but with a 1/2 chance of the person (either Alpha Werewolf or Hitman) being blown up. If Hitman is already dead, a random living Mafioso is picked instead. If there is no explosion, the Firework Maker is killed or bitten as normal, but if there is an explosion (1/2 chance), there is a 2/3 chance the Firework Maker will die in it. During the day, the Firework Maker picks someone. If that person is the Framer, the Framer's frame is not successful, and both the Spy and the Mafia are notified (but not the Firework Maker) * Mayor - the acting Mayor of the small village has a few privileges. First, his/her vote secretly counts as 2, and secondly, if the Mayor is lynched, his/her role is revealed but he/she does not die * Tourist - the only person with a laptop or internet connection in this mountain village. The Tourist was just here for the getaway and nice views when the troubles began, and just wants to get back home. Unfortunately, they're stranded here and must help the Townsfolk. [Ability Unknown except to the Tourist] * Mountaineer - the Mountaineer likes to go on late-night hiking trips, and can pick one person to take with him/her. The picked person is immune from being killed or bitten, but they cannot perform any night action. The Spy can still spy on them, and if the chosen person is the Don, the Don's true identity is revealed to the Spy. If the Mountaineer picked the last Mafioso, there is no Mafia kill. If they picked the Alpha Werewolf, the Alpha Werewolf bites the Mountaineer as the bite for that night. Once the Mountaineer has taken someone on a climb, they cannot do it again * ?
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