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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Anybody wanna play? I'm up for it pretty much all day. I played A-Slick a few days ago, and I hope the rest of you have picked up few games against eachother. Sorry I haven't been on much the last few days. I've been moving, now I'm engaged in the bargaining process with my wife as to how we decorate each room (I understand my best bet is to just let her have her way, however, she is a hairdresser so she has an abstract/modern approach to decoration so it doesn't agree with most of the arrangements/furniture in the house). ANYWAY! I will be on and ready for a few chess games in the next few games, not to mention, I will be getting back to "Deity System" very soon. Edit: BTW, thank you Akaslickster, I'm very surprised that this hasn't come about earlier, but whatever. Hopefully these brilliant minds in brainden will join up for these nice little competitions of strategic competence, or even if they want to learn how to play. SERIOUSLY, I will teach whoever wants to learn in this nice anonymous environment so they can play confidently in real life circumstances. Just PM me or some of the others signed up for this activity. Everyone here is friendly... Even though I may not allow newbies to win against me, I will do my best to teach the basics of prediction and self-preservation .
  2. Brandonb

    Anyone here have Netflix? My member nickname is Brandon B
  3. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    Carrying over the votes Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - voting for KingOfPain 2) Scott - voting for Brandonb <- WFT? a vote for me is just worthless, it can;t do anything. Besides, I thing you will want me on your side . 3) akaslickster - voting for Itachi 4) pw0nzd - voting for GC 5) GC - voting for puzzlegirl 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost - voting for puzzlegirl 9) itachi - voting for puzzlegirl 10) Kingofpain 11) Nayana - voting for Itachi 12) puzzlegirl - voting for GC
  4. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    Well, Sitting back and watching the mayhem I was definitely thinking the KingOfPain was guarding PG FOR A REASON. Maybe PG is the defender for the Vig (KOP/the vigilante) thought I can't be sure. I was going to vote for KOP but it seems like he is helping the innocents. And though GC is in fact trying to kill PG that can only lead me to believe that either he or PG is the defender. I REALLY want to vote for KOP but PG is causing too much trouble. eh nvm, I gotta vote for KOP. He seems to be in cahoots with PG. Remember that. He is defending PG and that is BS unless PG is one of the Mafiosos. Crap, nvm, she could be the defender, making KOP the Vigilante. I gotta go for KOP, b/c if he is the vigilante he will survive right? But then the mafioso's will know he is if he survives.... I dunno, I gotta vote for King Of Pain b/c he seems to have some sort of link to Puzzle Girl. Otherwise I dunno. Sorry, I've have one too many Mojitos so I dunno what is going on right now/ KingOfPain is my vote.
  5. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    It's already a long shot that the doc is going to save the right person. I think that splitting up the types of kills that a doc could save would make him nearly obsolete. Plus, adding roles to the Mafia gives them considerably more power than any other player in the game. They already know who the innocents are, and are able to kill at night AND lynch during the day AND they can rough up people. Giving them more power than that seems like too much. I do like the Drug Dealer as a separate role though. He forces another player to kill for him during the day, and the identity of the player (not their role) would be revealed the next day or something (because they would do a sloppy job, and it was done during the day). However, the identity of the drug dealer is revealed to the person that he forces to kill (the next day when everyone else find out who did the kill), so they have the ability to (1) inform on him during the lynching and (2) if it was a mafioso or the reaper they may choose to take him out that night. So he must be careful when and if he chooses to force someone else to kill. Btw, is your "thinking chair" made of porcelain? Mine is!
  6. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    Quick question for clarification... if the mafia is going to rough up someone, is that in ADDITION to killing someone? Or does it replace killing someone (though I don't see the advantage in this option unless it lasted for two turns).
  7. Brandonb


    Well, I was POSITIVE on two of the mafioso's, and had suspicions of a 3rd!
  8. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    Well, I was gonna say "I'm in" but I guess that's already been handled! thanx Unreality
  9. Brandonb


    Well, I'm sure I can speak for the rest of the dead people in saying that we can't wait for the next round (The sooner it ends the better). So it really depends on everyone still in the game to decide how to finish this.
  10. Congrats on the VIP status!

  11. Brandonb

    Is this another one of those questions where the answer is "stop imagining?"
  12. I also like chess, and just because you two brought it up I started a new thread in the "mind boggling stuff on the web" HERE. So if you want to play just PM me. I assume that this thread is referring to non-video games? If so, Chess, Uno, and any card game that uses a regular deck.
  13. Brandonb

    If you like chess or if you want to learn how to play, then post on this board to let other players know about your interest. Just as a suggestion, a site that is free to sign up for, doesn't require downloads, and allows you to choose your opponent can be found HERE. It would be easiest if you used the same screen name that you use here. After you register on that website meet in the "rokitnik" room. ****Or whatever room you know to be empty most often Rookie**** I'm willing to play or to teach if you like. I'm not going to claim to be an expert, but I'm not bad (though maybe a little rusty ). BTW, If you want to play, make sure you write up something on this thread that includes your screen name that you signed up for the chess site.
  14. Brandonb

    OH! I kept resetting it b/c I knew I couldn't get it down to zero black bricks. I didn't know that you only had to get it down to 4!
  15. Brandonb

    grrr, I don't like the green wall
  16. Brandonb

    Considering cards are dealt random, the community cards are not going to be high OR low, they will be random. So 9-10 suited should trump a 6-7 suited, simply because they are higher cards. Sure, sometimes all the cards are low, and sometimes all the cards are high, but that doesn't happen often. So aside from the 9-10 suited, I can't think of any reasons for anything better.
  17. Brandonb


    Well thank you Unreality. I had a few suspicions about who the mafia were, but the random # generator thing has completely thrown me. I gotta say though, that was certainly a fair way of choosing a first victim. Sure, I will play in the next game.
  18. Brandonb

    HAHA hey, it wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true!
  19. Brandonb


    I figured I would be (though I'm sure everyone else figured that they would be too). So, since there is no ghost, I cannot join in on the speculation right?
  20. Brandonb

    Then I'm stumped. The dealt cards must beat the basic hands of the A-A. Considering A-A has the best odds of either going two pair (if a couple community cards paired) or three of a kind (an ace hits), then the best suit to go up against A-A would have to have the best odds of hitting a straight or a flush (preferably the highest possible). So, J-10 suited has both the best ability for a flush (the cards are suited), and it has the best ability to hit the best 5-card straight (3 cards over, and/or 3 cards under). Oh wait, I think I get it. Considering the opponent has the A-A, then that means the 3 cars over is cut back on the odds for hitting the straight with ace high. So the best hand against the A-A must be 9-10 suited right?
  21. Brandonb

    I've always heard J-10 suited, though it never works out for me.
  22. Brandonb

    3 of a kind queens would be the lowest nuts possible. A good place to start would be to first concoct the lowest community cards possible with mismatching suits and leaving no pairs or possibilities for straight-connectors. So start with a 2h, 3d, 7s,8c, Qc This is the worst possible deal because the pocket cards cannot create a straight in any way, and there is also no way for a flush. So the only possibilities are a pair, two pair, or three of a kind. Considering three of a kind is the best hand from the options given, then obviously the nut hand would be pocket queens making it three of a kind queens.
  23. Brandonb

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    In the X-Men movies, none of the X-Men super-powers are done with special effects. Chuck Norris is the stuntman for every character. NASA hired Chuck Norris in order to save money. Because Chuck Round House kicks astronauts into outerspace, and then later when they fall back down they can land safely in his chest hair. Using only a couple of ordinary roofing nails and his fist as a hammer, Chuck Norris was able to convert a live bald eagle into a bada** hood ornament for his monster truck. Historians recently uncovered Norwegian scripts depicting Ragnarok not the fight between Odin and Loki, but actually Chuck Norris against Robotic Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris can cough, sneeze, fart and punch at the same time. The phrase "How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood" was brought about by Chuck Norris, due to his daily exercise of lifting Giant Redwoods. Light travels at the speed of Chuck Norris. The only reason Chuck Norris passed kindergarten was because he was banging the teacher. CNN was originally the "Chuck Norris Network" but was later changed to a news station because the awesomeness of a Chuck Norris network kept blowing up satellites, TVs, and viewers' eyeballs. Chuck Norris specializes in building working nuclear reactors out of wood. Normal children went to a party and played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. When Chuck Norris was a kid, he played Pin the Tail on the Saber tooth Tiger... except he used a real saber tooth tiger. The Earth spins because Chuck Norris uses it as a treadmill. Aviator sunglasses were invented to shield the sun from Chuck Norris' eyes. Jimi Hendrix didn't actually die of an overdose, but killed himself when he found out that Chuck Norris planned to show him up with a 53-hour guitar solo. When Chuck Norris takes a dump, the resulting material is what all economies are based on and wars are fought for. Chuck Norris single handedly ended World War II with two Roundhouse Kicks. You might know them as Atomic Bombs. Adam wasn't actually the first man on Earth. Chuck Norris was. He then asked God for someone to practice roundhouse kicks on. Chuck Norris realized that if you change the "d" in "wand" to a "g", the Harry Potter books become a whole lot more interesting. Chuck Norris once downed a 40 of malt liquor at an AA meeting. Chuck Norris was once told that his show "Walker Texas Ranger" was for rednecks. He simply looked at the man stroked his beard and the man's children have been born with mullets ever since. Chuck Norris attends Spring Break every year because where there's drinking, there's fighting, where there's fighting, there's kicking, and where there's kicking, there's Chuck. Chuck Norris once shucked 4872 ears of corn in 14 minutes using his beard. Incidentally, the words "shuck corn" can be found in the name of Chuck Norris. The Nile flows north because Chuck Norris told it to. Chuck Norris is the reason why you touch yourself at night. In Texas, it is illegal for Chuck Norris to wear gloves. Something about concealing a deadly weapon... 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Chuck Norris. The 5th is on the FBI's Missing Person's List. The way Chuck Norris talks to women is not defined as "spitting game", but rather, "verbal roofies". Chuck Norris once killed a bird by throwing it off a cliff. Chuck Norris invented a language that incorporates karate and roundhouse kicks. So next time Chuck Norris is kicking your a**, don't be offended or hurt, he may be just trying to tell you he likes your hat. When Chuck Norris gets in a car crash the air bags do not save Chuck Norris, they save the car. If it's "a penny for your thoughts" and everyone is "putting in their two cents", who gets the extra penny? Chuck Norris, of course. The original concept for the show "Survivor" was to put three contestants in a room with Chuck Norris and the last one living won the prize. When they began filming, Chuck Norris killed all three contestants with one roundhouse kick. Chuck Norris once saved a cat from a tree, which was on fire, while being struck by lightning and bit by sharks at the same time. Chuck Norris always has the right of way. A girl once broke Chuck Norris's heart. In return, he broke her neck. If you want to send Chuck Norris a letter, just write "Chuck Norris" on the envelope and drop it in any mailbox. Don't worry; he'll get it. Chuck Norris has flown tons of food and medical supplies into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Chuck Norris has never piloted an aircraft. Chuck Norris doesn't brush his teeth; he simply pours Listerine into his vodka twice a day. Chuck Norris can end any sentence with a preposition. Chuck Norris is the real Slim Shady
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