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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    -Current Standings- 1. Less grip - 2. Great Sleep - Best Rest (flowstoneknight=1) 3. Present found on a screen - Sift Gift (engspangussian=1) 4. Charge a fish - Gill Bill (engspangussian=1) 5. Enclose and ensnare - Wrap Trap (flowstoneknight=1) 6. Abrupt Attack - Flash Clash (Dr.Hobo=2) 7. Excellent wrongdoing - Prime Crime (flowstoneknight=1) 8. A Bum's work shoe - 9. Walk of shame - 10. The book of tomorrow - Next Text (duhfersure=2) 11. Do not separate - Never Sever (engspangussian=1) 12. Succulent porridge - Taste*Paste (flowstoneknight=1) / Lush Mush (duhfersure=1) 13. Silent Clock - Mime Time (flowstoneknight=1) 14. Flimsy knot - Loose Noose (flowstoneknight=1) 15. Missing one more than ten - * = secondary answer WOW! only 4 remaining!!!
  2. Brandonb

    -Same as always- 1~The answers are two words that rhyme. 2~The words have the exact same spelling except for the first letter. 3~Neither of the words will share a word or root word with the given description. 4~No using a thesaurus, you should know these words. Ex. *Braces that you don't own - Dental Rental 1. Less grip - 2. Great Sleep - 3. Present found on a screen - 4. Charge a fish - 5. Enclose and ensnare - 6. Abrupt Attack - 7. Excellent wrongdoing - 8. A Bum's work shoe - 9. Walk of shame - 10. The book of tomorrow - 11. Do not separate - 12. Succulent porridge - 13. Silent Clock - 14. Flimsy knot - 15. Missing one more than ten -
  3. Brandonb

    Well, at first I thought I was 23, but now after doing the math and trying to remember... as it turns out, I'm almost 25. I guess I just kinda stopped caring after I hit 21
  4. Brandonb

    YEP! 1. Tap your head - Pat Hat (onetruth=1) / Brain Drain (duhfersure=1) 2. Cave at Peace - Den Zen (onetruth=1) 3. Robin Hood - Chief Thief (engspangussian=1) 4. Examination of laziness - Rest Test (Nayana=1) 5. Travel by Sea - Tide Ride (Nikyma=3) 6. Ships' mast - Sail Rail (Nikyma=2) 7. Aggressive fluttering - Flap Slap (Nikyma=2) / Hustle Rustle (split* GC=1 octopuppy=1) 8. Only sex - Just Lust (Nikyma=1) 9. Rugged and Strong - Rough Tough (onetruth=2) 10. Surfer party - Wave Rave (Nikyma=2) 11. Buckle Bruise - Belt Welt (onetruth=1) 12. Shiny string - Gloss Floss (engspangussian=1) 13. Security sale - Detail Retail (engspangussian=1) / Lock Hock (Nikyma=1) 14. Loud Stance - Noise Poise (onetruth=1) 15. Dreary creek - Dank Bank (octopuppy=3) -Final Standings!- GC- 1 duhfersure- 1 Nayana- 1 engspangussian- 3 octopuppy- 4 onetruth- 6 Nikyma- 11 Well done everyone! ...RT#6 will be posted in about 10hrs Is everyone OK with this scoring system?
  5. Brandonb

    -Current Standings!- 1. Tap your head - Pat Hat (onetruth=1) / Brain Drain (duhfersure=1) 2. Cave at Peace - Den Zen (onetruth=1) 3. Robin Hood - Chief Thief (engspangussian=1) 4. Examination of laziness - Rest Test (Nayana=1) 5. Travel by Sea - Tide Ride (Nikyma=3) 6. Ships' mast - Sail Rail (Nikyma=2) 7. Aggressive fluttering - Flap Slap (Nikyma=2) / ????? 8. Only sex - Just Lust (Nikyma=1) 9. Rugged and Strong - Rough Tough (onetruth=2) 10. Surfer party - Wave Rave (Nikyma=2) 11. Buckle Bruise - Belt Welt (onetruth=1) 12. Shiny string - Gloss Floss (engspangussian=1) 13. Security sale - Detail Retail (engspangussian=1) / Lock Hock (Nikyma=1) 14. Loud Stance - Noise Poise (onetruth=1) 15. Dreary creek - 2 remaining!
  6. Brandonb

    LOL, yeah you got it
  7. Brandonb

    Wow, we may have a record for how quickly this one is solved! -Current Standings!- 1. Tap your head - Pat Hat (onetruth=1) / ????? 2. Cave at Peace - Den Zen (onetruth=1) 3. Robin Hood - Chief Thief (engspangussian=1) 4. Examination of laziness - Rest Test (Nayana=1) 5. Travel by Sea - 6. Ships' mast - Sail Rail (Nikyma=2) 7. Aggressive fluttering - Flap Slap (Nikyma=2) / ????? 8. Only sex - Just Lust (Nikyma=1) 9. Rugged and Strong - 10. Surfer party - Wave Rave (Nikyma=2) 11. Buckle Bruise - Belt Welt (onetruth=1) 12. Shiny string - Gloss Floss (engspangussian=1) 13. Security sale - Detail Retail (engspangussian=1) / Lock Hock (Nikyma=1) 14. Loud Stance - Noise Poise (onetruth=1) 15. Dreary creek - And Nikyma doubles down on the lead! Don't be discouraged! There's 5 answers (that I've thought of) worth a total of 11* It's still anyone's game!
  8. Brandonb

    You got it Keep it up!
  9. Brandonb

    -Current Standings!- 1. Tap your head - Pat Hat (onetruth=1) / ????? 2. Cave at Peace - Den Zen (onetruth=1) 3. Robin Hood - Chief Thief (engspangussian=1) 4. Examination of laziness - 5. Travel by Sea - 6. Ships' mast - 7. Aggressive fluttering - 8. Only sex - 9. Rugged and Strong - 10. Surfer party - 11. Buckle Bruise - Belt Welt (onetruth=1) 12. Shiny string - Gloss Floss (engspangussian=1) 13. Security sale - Detail Retail (engspangussian=1) / ????? 14. Loud Stance - Noise Poise (onetruth=1) 15. Dreary creek - *Rap/Cap shares a root with the OP *Ship Trip changes 2 letters, not 1 -After reviewing the dictionary, I'll accept Detail Retail (Detail can relate to military.) However there's also another answer that I was looking for
  10. Brandonb

    LOL! I can't believe I didn't think of that for #1! I'll accept it but there's still a more appropriate answer! Edit: BTW, 2,11,14 are all also correct
  11. LOL! true, there is no way sex would evolve out of us. If you were immortal, what would you do with all that spare time?
  12. Brandonb

    Edit: Aww! You're a quick one LIS
  13. Brandonb

    -New scoring system- The first 9 questions answered (not 1-9 on the list but just the first 9 answered) will each be worth 1kudos each. The next 4 worth 2kudos each, and the last 2 worth 3kudos each. If there is a second acceptable answer given, it will receive the same value as the first.
  14. Brandonb

    -Same rules as always- 1~The answers are two words that rhyme 2~The answers have the exact same spelling except for the first letter. 3~Neither of the words will share a word or root word with the given OP. 4~The use of a thesaurus is cheating <_< , you should know these words. Ex. *Braces that you don't own - Dental Rental 1. Tap your head - 2. Cave at Peace - 3. Robin Hood - 4. Examination of laziness - 5. Travel by Sea - 6. Ships' mast - 7. Aggressive fluttering - 8. Only sex - 9. Rugged and Strong - 10. Surfer party - 11. Buckle Bruise - 12. Shiny string - 13. Security sale - 14. Loud Stance - 15. Dreary creek -
  15. Brandonb

    RT#5 coming up in 8minutes Edit: 10minutes according to the post
  16. Brandonb

    I played a wide variety of concert and marching percussion instruments for about 7-8 years. It's surprising how many different techniques are used rather than just banging on stuff. The best part was when I played with a national (U.S.) marching band in the Millennium (New year's 2000) parade in Paris. We all thought we were gonna be stuck in France because of Y2K . Surprisingly, after so many years of playing I never did learn how to read musical notes, only rhythms.
  17. I can make 14.5 but not 14... yet
  18. ...probably not a very good hint Edit: Just figure it out, no previous knowledge required.
  19. lol, two of those were gonna be in RT#5! Strange minds think alike I guess...
  20. I've always wondered the same thing, not through detoxification, but through control of mutated cell growth. Like a full body tumor or something... with regulated cell replication.
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