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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Just curious Unreality, but are you going to give the defender the lie detector ability? Or at least something that can be used aside from being a barrier to the vigilante?
  2. Sweet, almost there! Edit: BTW, Welcome to the Den and to the Mafia game Lucifer. I recommend that you check out the previous games to see how this works (preferably Mafia #2, not just b/c I was knocked out of #1 instantly , but b/c it didn't work out so well.) You will get a handle on the roles and how the game works. Also don't forget to check out the puzzles section, but beware, it's addicting! (but first click and read the "Important! Read before posting!" link at the top of the puzzles page). Again, welcome.
  3. Brandonb

    Thank you, it wasn't my idea though. I'm just copy-catting Unreality&Frost's idea of making a puzzle ad.
  4. Brandonb

    No kidding! I used to live in St. Petersburg and solve their newspaper puzzles like this all the time! that's where I got the idea! The reason I labeled this as #1 is that I was planning on doing the exact same thing with the next puzzle (using famous quotes).
  5. Brandonb

    Another guess
  6. Brandonb

    It's pretty straight forward. Decode the message, each letter is consistantly replaced by a different letter in the alphabet. And don't forget the spoilers! EQ NCP JGZ HIGX SAEO SAIZ NCP OACPYX JCRI GZX OEBZ PM QCH RGQEG MGHS SAHII EZ SAI QCHPR JGYYIX CSAIHO. ES EO G QPZ BGRI GZX ES SGDIO G BCCX GRCPZS CQ YCBEJ GZX HIGOCZEZB.
  7. Yeah... is it just me or does that server failure seem to happen every Sunday?
  8. oh I see, you were thinking that the accomplice would double the ability of the chosen person. What about the Defender then? (unless the defender gets the lie detector ability we were talking about earlier).
  9. Exactly... If he helps an innocent, then the innocent gets saved (like the doctor). Plus if the accomplice chose the doctor then the doctor would be safe. But if the accomplice helps a killer role then the killer would kill two people (mafia/GR/ OR Vigilante). Considering the roles are more heavily weighted in favor of the innocents, then there is a more likely chance that the accomplice would act as another doctor. The accomplice only acts at night so help kill/save are about the only two options that he has.... depending on who is chosen. Yeah, it could be a huge disadvantage, but at the same time, the accomplice can choose not to kill if they are unsure of who is a goodie.
  10. I just PMed 5 or 6, one of them also being Thuhchris
  11. True, that could get VERY complicated.
  12. I know we don't have many people yet, some (Americans) are prob on their way back tonight from wherever they went to for the 4th. Some are probably not on their way back till tomorrow.
  13. Sorry to keep adding roles, but what about "the summoner"? Every other day the summoner gets to bring back one dead person for one night and day to use their role and speak like normal in the forum. But the summoned person knows who summoned them, and the summoned person cannot cast a vote in the lynching during the day that they are brought back.
  14. Sounds like a weakened version of the spy. I could see if it was used as an additional ability to someone else (like the defender since the defender has no real power).
  15. what if two factions (like the GR and the mafiosos) want to use the mercenary on the same night?
  16. The mercenary has no control over who they kill right? Could the mafiosos (or whoever) use the mercenary twice?
  17. Good point, I thought the game was either that good guys won or bad guys won. I think you're right that they need to be a goodie no matter what.
  18. Sweet, and when "UA" or "The Accomplice" is given the role at the beginning of the game, he/she must PM you back whether they want the role as a goodie or a baddie for the game(so it can be determined if they win for which side). They aren't given any more information, they still effect their chosen person the same way, and no one else knows if the accomplice is a goodie or a baddie.
  19. You're the boss. Edit: quick addition. Instead of ruling that the assistant can't assist the same person twice in a row, make it so the assistant can't assist the same person twice period. Edit: oh, what about "The Accomplice"
  20. Right, it's like the inspector, except things could be bad or good (plus the role isn't necessarily a goodie or a baddie). Plus knowing that the person they helped will know their identity in return causes them to not implicate if they assisted a baddie.
  21. We're not discussing the old game, but rather ideas for new roles if we have enough people to fill them. I still would like the idea of another form of killer, one that forces someone else to kill (like when we had the drug dealer idea the first time). I was thinking that it would be kind-of like the nurse that itachi said. Call the character "two face" or "cursed assistant" or something like that. The 50/50 chance would be that if two-face chose to "assist" someone that turned out to be a killer that night (Mafioso, reaper, vigilante), then the killer would get to kill two people. However, if "two face" chose someone who happened to be an innocent, then that innocent would be saved. But either way the identity of two-face would be revealed to the person they chose to assist. The kicker would be that the character must choose someone to assist every knight, and never the same person twice in a row. And even though the assisted person gets to know two-face's identity, they won't be very likely to call them out because they were assisted in their goals.
  22. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    Can we go ahead and start the new thread so we can sign up on the roster? I'm in again of course, but we can at least start to recruit people since it takes about 2 days to get it together.
  23. Brandonb

    Mafia II

    So what happens if the mafia decide to off the bomb? Do you just sit at your computer and flip a coin?
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