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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    This is why I was suggesting in the sign-up thread that this thread should not be opened until everyone confirmed. I understand that everyone has now confirmed but still, it took 6 or so pages to get that done. I guess we will just pretend that page 11 is page 1. If you are all in agreement then please, keep all new posts in the Sign-up thread until Unreality's next post in here.
  2. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    ...... look at the bright side........................... at least we only have to do this........................ every other night............... <_<
  3. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    It's not like this is game has graphic requirements, just as long as your are able to get on/read/post you're good.
  4. Brandonb

    Mafia III

    no, just reveal goodie or baddie
  5. Brandonb

    Sweet, yeah they are all timed. However, you can click on the "options" tab and make the game 60min with a 30sec addition (or something like that). So it's basically untimed if you do that.
  6. Brandonb

    should be the same (or close)
  7. Brandonb

    Currently the people who are interested in playing are: Lost in space akaslickster rookie1ja grey cells Ravi Brahmbhatt sandmanchua and myself remember, PlayOk.com is the suggested site, and we meet in the room called rokitnik.
  8. One quick thing though, I don't like the roles that have their abilities lying in their death. ie, the bomb, or the defender. I understand that the role of the defender is to lay low, but what if the bomb got the ability to do the lie detector?
  9. Yeah, if the mayor gets to stop one lynching then that should be cool.
  10. It is a character that must choose someone to assist every night, starting the second night. If it's a killer role (QS,GR,Vigilante,Mafioso) AND it's the same night that killer makes a killing, then the killer role gets to make two kills. If it's an innocent that is chosen, OR it's a killer that is chosen on a night that they do not kill, then they are saved the same as if they were protected by the dotor. It works as a burdened "saving role." Though like you said, another saving role won't really work. Plus "The Accomplice" title doesn't seem to fit as well anymore.
  11. Accomplice or bodyguard.
  12. I assume you finished reading the first one? welcome!
  13. I had never thought of it before, but when you think of it, as you said, the diamond is a square on its side. Therefore, the diagonal has the same number of (whatevers) as the length and/or width. Considering this, it makes sense that a square on its side, with however many whatevers across, is going to be that number, squared. Very interesting observation though, especially the way that you came across it. I have definitely never looked at it from that *angle* before.
  14. Lets get this thing started WOOHOO!!!
  15. Sweet! can we start now? (sorry for being so anxious to begin!)
  16. Even though it would be nice to beat out the religious debate, it has earned its spot as the longest lasting and therefore highest post count. Not to mention we are now on page 17 and we don't even have the roster yet. So I don't think unreality's idea to call this the signup thread is a bad idea. Not to mention, it was a PAIN in mafia II to go back and find where the voting started. Which is very helpful to determine who is who (without looking at log-in times ). So yeah, I think this thread needs to be titled "sign-up", and the actual game and voting needs to begin on page one of a new thread. Plus I think the new thread shouldn't open until everyone has PMed their confirmation of their roles to Unreality.
  17. So Unreality, are you calling an end to the draft if we get one more?
  18. Oh, I thought we had discussed something similar to that earlier, nvm, I'm confused
  19. Oh, then how does the assistant GR work? If only one of them kills? Then what does the assistant GR do?
  20. eww ur right, if both reapers killed then it would be the same as having the quirky spies (unless they were independent from eachother and a different reaper killed each night).
  21. I like the idea of 4 mafiosos. If we make it to 18 then why not keep the 4 mafiosos and the two grim reaper idea. Otherwise it seems there would be too many killings every night, and still only one lynching per day. I mean, you have more experience from the other games you have played, but that's just my opinion.
  22. At this point the defender can't do anything him/her self, but has a crucial part in protecting the only innocent that can kill people (the vigilante). So this means that the defender is the most sought-after innocent in the game. Everyone is trying to kill him/her, but the problem is that 1-the defender has no actual ability themselves, and 2-the ability could become a liability because it could give away the role of that person to the mafia/GR.
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