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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. I've made my case for why I am not Alucard. Plus Prince Marth's accusations hold no water. He says that I decided to sign up under a different name because I am Alucard. Here's the thing... I wasn't assigned my role until AFTER I had signed up as Surge. I am not Alucard, though I think we can be fairly sure that he is. So Kat, are you really Kenshin?
  2. Team ? 1) Brandonb 2) Itachi 3) Sinistral 4) Mekal 5) Phazon Hopper I've been trying to come up with a name for the team. I thought about using the first letter of each name and the best I could come up with was 'BIMPS' It would be funnier if I was traded for Wally West Anyway, with that idea failing I thought maybe "Disregard Everything I Just Wrote" could be a very entertaining name for our team
  3. OH BTW. The English dubbed Death Note movie (part 1) is coming out on DVD in the US on Tuesday.
  4. Brandonb

    The issue with the dilution does depend on the poison. If the poison is something that can be metabolized in very small doses, then diluting it will help b/c there is only so much liquid+poison that can be absorbed at one time. For instance, If you were to drink an entire gallon of water, you would not instantly absorb the entire amount of water within a minute. Same with the poison. Imagine you were administering a poison that requires someone to absorb 20ml within 30mins on an empty stomach to effectively kill them (because it has the sustaining power of nicotine, so it is metabolized very quickly). Now imagine that poison is delivered in a tall glass filled to the rim with ice and then the rest is water. That amount of water may be absorbed within the alloted time limit, and the person would die. However, if the ice were to melt, and effectively triple the amount of liquid being consumed, then there is a less likely chance that the entire contents would be absorbed within the required time frame, before the metabolism would begin to eliminate the amount of poison already absorbed in the body. That's about the best that I can put it. It depends on the strength, dosage, required dosage, rate of absorbency, and metabolism. I don't really know how long nicotine lasts or anything, I pulled the numbers out of the air just for the explanation. I hope it's clear.
  5. 1) GC 2) NM 3) Janesia 4) Frost 5) Frozen 6) Wally West 7) Cherry Lane 8) Crazypainter 9) itachi 10) Mekal - Guatamolen Fighting Chickens 11) Brandonb - Fried Guatamolen Fighting Chicken Eaters 12) 13) 14) 15) Yeah, I'm having the same "ashtray" problem too!
  6. Well your observations certainly make sense. There is a very good chance that FIF could have been Spike. However, I'm still defending tonight just in case he is alive and I get the wrong end of the 50/50
  7. Then I forgot to change it when you pointed out that he had been defending I was gone at school for the whole time after that. Once I got on again it didn't really matter. I thought I was going to die, and then GC changed his vote right before I made my slip-up. I would have changed it if it would have mattered. And if I had voted it would have just been a wasted post... so why bother?
  8. BTW, the worst part about being outed is that I was getting ready to make Surge's avatar be the Puss-in-Boots from Shrek. From the part where he makes the big sad eyes as an attempt to rival Kat's avatar
  9. Oooh, what about the lowest score in Magic Pen? I WIN!
  10. Ahhh, gotcha. I'm just messing around CL. The innocents had me nailed in that game. You got me fair and square So, Mekal, any last words? BTW, did anyone else notice post #73? I used his post to reply to when I made my vote, and that allowed me to see the hidden message. I didn't think it was for real, and if it was then I didn't want to out him. What do you all think?
  11. BTW, why are we wasting a Blindfold on Mekal? I thought he was Alucard? Edit: Well I guess it's too late now
  12. If you hadn't read it thoroughly... We certainly decided against it. We weren't going to cheat, it didn't make sense. It would have ruined the game. Anyways, if GC had PMed me I don't know what I would have done. I know I couldn't play it straight like CL2.0. I'd end up attacking someone and blaming it on an accusation or something... wouldn't you CL? Yes GC, I would have immediately warned you. Though there's not much I could do if you came out with info in the first PM.
  13. Well this by no means clears me of being Alucard.
  14. hehe, oops. I didn't realize that I was under the wrong name, and I thought I had deleted it before anyone had read it Oh well, Cat's out of the bag. I was tired of being targeted for being me. Looks like I'm gonna get it anyways!
  15. Crap, this is getting intense! Now I wish I had played ;)
  16. Yeah, the GO did not win by playing, the GO won plain and simply b/c JS wanted to feel like a big guy and take me out The night I went after Ysan I learned her identity, and because I independently chose to wear a blindfold I also got to learn the identity of CP. On top of that I instantly realized Kat was the last GO from the night post hint, and had Mekal as a 50/50 shot of being Alucard/Naruto (so when Dawh came out it was obvious). Then JS killed me before I could share the info, and blew the game for the Heros. It's ok JS, just remember you screwed all the heros, not just me. Good game! Maybe next time the Good Guys will realize that this game is setup so the heros can easily kill heros, and the heros easily die trying to kill the villians. So it's best to protect yourself until you are sure who's a villain, and which villain in particular they are. Otherwise you'll just take out your friends. GREAT GAME ITACHI! The stories were great and it was fun while it lasted, and I loved my character! Not sure about playing ABR2. I have alot of stuff to do at school now, though maybe #3?
  17. Brandonb

    Thanks, but I tried doing a few of those searches and I just can't get the hang of it. Sorry, but I gotta decline this one
  18. ??? I didn't know that Ed Elric could kill people. I thought he just learned how to counter? Oh well, bloodlustfully bad move man.
  19. This may be a terribly stupid question... Can Alucard bite himself? I know CP was bitten on the neck, so she can't be Alucard... but could that character frame himself to not be Alucard by biting himself?
  20. I was actually Addressing it towards Y-san. I'm not a GO. need proof? Ask them!
  22. Well we can be sure that Ysan will live through the night (Unless attacked by Alucard) because she will certainly use a defense just in case. So now we wait...
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