Worst date in high school
I went out on a first date with a gorgeous girl, the valedictorian from the opposing high school (I think her name was Sarah). It was on a whim that I had asked her out, not really expecting a yes, but to my surprise I got one. Anyway, it was Halloween, there was a full moon that night. We went to a local place called the "haunted gardens", it's like a haunted house, but outdoors. It went excellently, then afterwards we decided to go to a movie. We hopped in my car and on our way to the movie we had a little time to kill before it started, so we decided to get something to eat first. We went into an Arby's fast food place, and that also went great. So then we leave, we're driving down the road and we here this scraping sound coming from under/behind the car, and the engine sounded louder than usual. Well I figure that someone must have been playing a prank and tied something to my bumper. So I turned into the next gas station, and as soon as I get off the road we hear a load KAH-THUNK! Then just the engine making a load BUUURRRRRRRRR sound! We looked at eachother like "what the $*&% was that!?" I drove straight ahead to the first parking space and stopped the car, never looking back... but she did. She turned around and starts making a fuss. Then I look out the window next to me and see everyone pumping gas looking behind my car laughing. So I turn around, and see the entire length (nearly 6 or 7ft) of my muffler pipe laying in the middle of the parking lot. We sat there, quietly, for days (it was probably really just a few seconds), not saying a word. Until I just told her to come help me grab it. We spent forever trying to fit that thing in the car, diagonally from the front passenger floor board to the seat behind the driver. She sat in the back passenger side seat while I drove her straight home. We never said another word to each other, ever again.