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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. I'll second that, bonanova is sick when it comes to the numbers, and he blazes through the riddles too.
  2. So did the ratings change today? I could have swore that I just hit the 4* mark yesterday and it's gone today. Oh well, I don't really feel like I deserved it anyway. I don't start many new threads. I agree with you guys, we need to have a system where people can vote for the ability of a responders' posts. And have the ability to not only rate the quality of the thread/riddle/whatever created, but actually have that rating stick to the person that created that thread. And as mentioned b4, that no one should be able to vote for their own posts. If you want to rate someone on their behavior or standing amongst the crowd... I believe that's what the 5star rating on the home page is for. I don't think that people who reply to a topic should be able to rate other people who reply. Only the originators of the thread should be able to rate the repliers, and only the repliers should be able to vote for the thread-originator. And repliers can only rate repliers in the homepage 5star rating system. Then, the averaging of those rates, combined with #of posts would determine the member status. Obviously, the more posts a person has, the more opportunities they will have to be rated. So keep the current brackets for # of posts and just use them as cut-off limits. Then add a system that combines them with the # of ratings and the quality of the ratings. Ex. member rating system (just off the top of my head) 0 = Less than 20posts 1 = more than 50posts plus at least 10 ratings(any type, any quality) 2 = more than 100posts plus at least 20 ratings (all types together averaging at least a two) 3 = more than 250posts plus at least 50 ratings (all types together averaging at least a three) 4 = more than 500posts plus at least 75 ratings (all types together averaging at least a three) 5 = more than 1000posts plus at least 100 ratings (all types together averaging at least a four) Wadya think?
  3. *Atk=> Puck *Dmg=> 2 Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4 Puck : 22 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 19 GP, 9/1 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4 reayman: 30 GP , 6/4 amanda: 30 GP, 6/4
  4. Brandonb

    LOL, good observation.
  5. So now that two turns have passed, does that mean that I can go again? Probably not, because that's exactly how we were doing it the first time... I guess I still don't get the turn thing.
  6. rearrange: Phoenix : 30 GP, 6/4 Puck : 27 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 28 GP, 2/8 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 2/8 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 9/1 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 30 GP, 6/4 reayman: 30 GP , 6/4 amanda: 30 GP, 6/4 I still don't get it, it looked to me like there were two moves in between every repeat. (not just two posts, but two moves) I guess I don't understand what a move is. Maybe it's a full roster cycle?
  7. Brandonb

    is that a yes or no?
  8. Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4 Puck : 10 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4 Reayman: 30GP, 4/6
  9. Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4 Puck : 16 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 24 GP, 2/8 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4 Reayman: 30GP, 4/6
  10. What could be caught and heard but never observed? What am I? Think hard!
  11. Brandonb

    Well ok then, no guidelines? Here it goes... All are famous recognizable characters that are in video games (though are not famous because of them) (Batman Games) Batman The Joker Superman (superman) (Various Spiderman Games) Spiderman The Rhino Vulture Green Goblin Hob Goblin Shocker Venom Carnage Mysterio Black Cat Dare Devil Doc Oc Lizard (Various Marvel Games) The Hulk The Thing The Human Torch The Invisible Girl Mr. Fantastic (Various X-men Games) Wolverine Cyclops Jean Grey Night Crawler Dazzler Magneto Professor X Beast Colossus Iceman Storm Sunfire Banshee Shadowcat Rogue Forge Gambit Jubilee Bishop Juggernaut Sentinel Quick Silver DeadPool Magma Mystique Sabretooth Archangel (Various Ninja Turtles Games) Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael Splinter Bebop Rocksteady Shredder Krang Baxter Stockman (Various Simpson games) Homer Simpson Marge Simpson Bart Simpson Maggie Simpson Lisa Simpson Krusty the Clown the list goes on..... Now.... how about those characters from a single game that once came out a long time ago, that are hardly worth mentioning but could possibly be considered famous like the FF# characters... Well that is nearly as infinite as the first list could be. Though again, hardly relevant.
  12. Brandonb

    opened 1 spoiler
  13. Sounds interesting, count me in.
  14. Brandonb

    So then, what is the criteria for "famous videogame characters"? 'cause I have no idea who the final fantasy guys are except for maybe cloud (a guy with a giant sword?) and aaron (I think the one with his jacket collar up to his nose?). I mean, a character is hardly famous if the game origin must be listed with them. Maybe specify that the list can only include characters that have appeared in 3+ games? And only original video game characters, not cartoons and comic-book characters that have transitioned into videogames? (Otherwise it's gonna turn into a comicbook superhero competition). So I nominate: Mega Man Sonic Lara Croft Sub-Zero
  15. Phoenix : 28 GP, 6/4 Puck : 26 GP, 7/3 Itachi : 26 GP, 6/4 Frazzler : 30 GP, 6/4 Giterdone: 30 GP, 4/6 Nayana : 30 GP, 6/4 Norbi : 30 GP, 6/4 Largeneal: 30 GP, 6/4 GC : 30 GP, 6/4 Puppy: 30 GP, 6/4 jitHU: 30 GP, 6/4 BrandonB: 30 GP, 5/5 ADragon: 30 GP, 6/4 Ezkaty: 30 GP, 6/4 Bociniki: 27 GP, 6/4
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