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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Clever, I like that one. I can't do but maybe 6-7 without running a search or looking at my notes.
  2. Brandonb

    Alright!! You all finished it! 1. Driver's License with High Cholesterol - Lard Card (87ttomr) 2. Braces that you don't own - Dental Rental (rcammoore) 3. Not the right skewer - Wrong Prong (rhapsodize & Seventh Sage) 4. Special assignment to cleave something - Fission Mission (duhfersure) 5. To promote negligence - Slack Flack (jdmensa)... (1/2 kudos to mgwilliams for Wax Lax ) 6. Relief of mastication - Phew Chew (rhapsodize) 7. Cleaning of a beach - Shore Chore (duhfersure) 8. Alcoholic floor cleaner - Hop Mop (Seventh Sage) 9. A picture of Greenspan - Econ Icon (duhfersure)... (Alan Plan - hugemonkey - Not what I was looking for but certainly worth an honorable mention biggrin.gif ) 10. Dolphin shoe - Flipper Slipper (ChuckJerry) 11. Painful Food - Punch Lunch (jdmensa) 12. Incandescent Shoe - Sandle Candle (mgwilliams) 13. Search for something more docile - Meeker Seeker (ChuckJerry) 14. To Reduce Distance - Demote Remote (=W=) 15. As 'A' is to 'F' - Better Letter (frotorious) *16. Evergreen Tonic - Pine Wine (rcammoore) -Final Standings- (Kudos) hugemonkey- 0.5 87ttomr- 1 jdmensa- 1 =W=- 1 frotorious- 1 mgwilliams- 1.5 rcammoore- 2 Seventh Sage- 2 rhapsodize- 2 ChuckJerry- 2 - and duhfersure pulls it out in the end with Econ Icon for a total of 3! And to everyone else, I'll make another one soon! Great job everyone!
  3. Brandonb

    -Current Standings- 1. Driver's License with High Cholesterol - Lard Card (87ttomr) 2. Braces that you don't own - Dental Rental (rcammoore) 3. Not the right skewer - Wrong Prong (rhapsodize & Seventh Sage) 4. Special assignment to cleave something - Fission Mission (duhfersure) 5. To promote negligence - 6. Relief of mastication - Phew Chew (rhapsodize) 7. Cleaning of a beach - Shore Chore (duhfersure) 8. Alcoholic floor cleaner - Hop Mop (Seventh Sage) 9. A picture of Greenspan - _________ (Alan Plan - hugemonkey - Not what I was looking for but certainly worth an honorable mention ) 10. Dolphin shoe - Flipper Slipper (ChuckJerry) 11. Painful Food - Punch Lunch (jdmensa) 12. Incandescent Shoe - Sandle Candle (mgwilliams) 13. Search for something more docile - Meeker Seeker (ChuckJerry) 14. To Reduce Distance - Demote Remote (=W=) 15. As 'A' is to 'F' - Better Letter (frotorious) *16. Evergreen Tonic - Pine Wine (rcammoore) Only 2 remaining! I'll throw in a couple hints...
  4. Brandonb

    You got #15 - Better Letter but you're off on #11. It does rhyme well, but the first letter rule is in place because otherwise there could be tons of answers for each. Edit: 5, 9, 11, &12 are still open
  5. Brandonb

    I won't lie, that was a strong argument, but I think that we have come to agree that whether or not drugs are legal, people are going to get them and become addicted to them. So, why not make them safer? Why not produce alternatives? It Drug A is legal, is produced industrially/pharmaceutically to certain safety standards, is safe at the dosage on the package, and it's $5. And Drug B produces a comparable high, is produced by some guy in the alley, and it's $10 (because a small time dealer cannot produce small quantity at the same price that a company can in large quantity). Then why the heck would anyone pick Drug B? - This is a logical illustration of why questionable/laced drugs would be eliminated. Legalization will allow for scientific testing of these chemicals, in order to produce a safer form, and increase education, and find methods of instantaneous testing of chemically impaired individuals (like the alcohol breathalyser test). So if people suddenly understand the nature of the drug, and at the same time know that they can be "found-out" if they set one chemically impaired foot into public, then they will stay at home. - This is a logical illustration of why people would have a new incentive to stay at home rather than go out. There are huge benefits that would result from legalizing them. Especially when people are going to do them either way. Of course, when the perspective of legalization is taken from a standpoint that is ignoring the new different applications, and judging the label of "legal" to "illegal" as the one and only change, of course it doesn't seem like a good idea. But that's not how it would be. Edit:cut down the quote
  6. Brandonb

    Who wouldn't go and buy the shoes with the ATM card in the store? The only reason I am bothering to write this is in hopes of this thread being locked. This wasn't a brain teaser, it was a pathetic attempt at a trick question, and a huge success as a waste of time and space in this forum.
  7. Brandonb

    yeah, I'm not gonna accept different languages, but try another answer. -Current Standings- 1. Driver's License with High Cholesterol - Lard Card (87ttomr) 2. Braces that you don't own - Dental Rental (rcammoore) 3. Not the right skewer - Wrong Prong (rhapsodize & Seventh Sage) 4. Special assignment to cleave something - Fission Mission (duhfersure) 5. To promote negligence - 6. Relief of mastication - Phew Chew (rhapsodize) 7. Cleaning of a beach - Shore Chore (duhfersure) 8. Alcoholic floor cleaner - Hop Mop (Seventh Sage) 9. A picture of Greenspan - 10. Dolphin shoe - Flipper Slipper (ChuckJerry) 11. Painful Food - 12. Incandescent Shoe - 13. Search for something more docile - Meeker Seeker (ChuckJerry) 14. To Reduce Distance - Demote Remote (=W=) 15. As 'A' is to 'F' - *16. Evergreen Tonic - Pine Wine (rcammoore) BTW, well done on #13, I figured that one would have lasted longer. Only 5 Remaining!
  8. Brandonb

    Current Standings You all are flyin through them! 1. Driver's License with High Cholesterol - Lard Card (87ttomr) 2. Braces that you don't own - 3. Not the right skewer - Wrong Prong (rhapsodize & Seventh Sage) 4. Special assignment to cleave something - Fission Mission (duhfersure) 5. To promote negligence - 6. Relief of mastication - Phew Chew (rhapsodize) 7. Cleaning of a beach - Shore Chore (duhfersure) 8. Alcoholic floor cleaner - Hop Mop (Seventh Sage) 9. A picture of Greenspan - 10. Dolphin shoe - 11. Painful Food - 12. Incandescent Shoe - 13. Search for something more docile - 14. To Reduce Distance - demote remote (=W=) 15. As 'A' is to 'F' - *16. Evergreen Tonic - -I wasn't looking for Hop Mop on #8 but it actually works better than what I had in mind so I'll accept it. I'll rephrase #8 in a new number 16.
  9. Brandonb

    For this round, the answers are two words that not only rhyme, but they are the exact same spelling except for the first letter. 1. Driver's License with High Cholesterol - 2. Braces that you don't own - 3. Not the right skewer - 4. Special assignment to cleave something - 5. To promote negligence - 6. Relief of mastication - 7. Cleaning of a beach - 8. Alcoholic floor cleaner - 9. A picture of Greenspan - 10. Dolphin shoe - 11. Painful Food - 12. Incandescent Shoe - 13. Search for something more docile - 14. To Reduce Distance - 15. As 'A' is to 'F' -
  10. Brandonb

    Aww, you beat me
  11. I love the Christmas Tree logic puzzle and the Masters of Logic Puzzles I&II (I haven't tried III yet, but I'll probably like it too)
  12. Brandonb

    There is plenty of evidence that just plain education leads to a lesser interest in drugs. There is very little knowledge about most of these drugs because it is illegal for scientists to do any research on them. If they were legal then they could be experimented with. Safer forms would go on the market, along with information labels. Use of tobacco products has gone down, not because it was made illegal, but because people have been educated about the true nature of its negative effects. Legalization will allow for scientific testing of these chemicals, in order to produce a safer form, and increase education, and find methods of instantaneous testing of chemically impaired individuals (like the alcohol breathalyser test). So if people suddenly understand the nature of the drug, and at the same time know that they can be "found-out" if they set one chemically impaired foot into public, then they will stay at home. Sure it won't keep everyone at home, but lets face it, why do teens start smoking cigarettes? Because they are illegal. Cigarettes are a symbol of age because of the age restriction put on them. Kids think they are considered "cool" when they smoke because they think they look older. Show me a 15-16yr old girl that smokes and I'll show you a girl that's making a fully conscious attempt at becoming jail-bait. Can I say that the use of cigarettes would decrease if the age restriction was dropped? Well I have no evidence to back it up, but I can say that the main reason that teens start smoking would be gone and there would be a high likelihood that usage would drop just because of that. Everyone knows they are bad, but kids start because they are illegal. Cigarettes are the gateway into trying other drugs that are smoked. MJ is called a "gateway drug" because it makes users think "hmm, if this is considered so bad that it's illegal, but it's not bad at all, then what about drug-xxxx?" It makes people not believe that the other drugs could be so bad. There is plenty of knowledge out there, tons of it, that says MJ is not as bad as anything else. However, the same people that said drug-xxxx would kill you also said that MJ would kill you, and they were full of it. So why believe them? Through just the legalization of MJ, the "gateway effect" would drop drastically. People would have to say, "well this MJ is LEGAL, but drug-xxxx is illegal" that's a bigger jump to make for the "gateway effect" to happen. Legalization will allow for scientific testing of all drugs, in order to produce a safer form of all drugs, and increase education of all drugs, and find methods of instantaneous testing of chemically impaired individuals for all drugs.... I'm tired of writing
  13. Brandonb

    This is a puzzle and should have been posted in the "New Puzzles" forum, unless of course it has already been posted. Could this be the first (that I know of) thread to be moved TO the new puzzles forum?
  14. Brandonb

    This topic has already posted HERE Welcome to the forum fibonacci, Please click and read the "Important: READ BEFORE POSTING" bright pink/red bar across the top of the page. You'll get a few tips about how to search for threads that have been posted before. For this all that was needed was "Cut+Cake" BTW, a good rule of thumb is that if you didn't come up with it yourself, it's probably already been posted... several times... so please look it up if you didn't make it up. Again, welcome to the forum.
  15. Brandonb

    This topic has already been posted originally HERE but repeats have also been posted and locked HERE and HERE Anyway, welcome to the forum mellixson, Please click and read the "Important: READ BEFORE POSTING" bright pink/red bar across the top of the page. You'll get a few tips about how to search for threads that have been posted before. BTW, a good rule of thumb is that if you didn't come up with it yourself, it's probably already been posted... several times... so please look it up if you didn't make it up. Again, welcome to the forum.
  16. Brandonb

    A man was sitting on a bench, reading the newspaper. Suddenly he threw the paper to the ground and yelled "All politicians are @$$HOLES!!" There was a man in a expensive suit sitting next to him, he turned and said, "I take offense to that!" "Why?" the first man asked. "Are you a politician?"
  17. Brandonb

    So what about laws relating to the privilege to vote? If some people aren't members/employees of a certain company, should they be allowed to go to the company picnic? If you don't own stock in a certain company, should you be at their stockholders meeting? Should everyone be allowed to vote in national elections? If someone is denied the privilege to vote, is it a restriction of their rights? Obviously it doesn't violate the rights to Life or Property, but what about Liberty? Or does allowing someone that is not a member/citizen violate the Liberty rights of the country/company/entity that should be able to set its own rules/laws for who votes?
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