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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Whoa, genius! That is way better than how I did it! I figured out that if you wrap a shape around the inside corner it will expand to connect the adjacent corners together and pop downward. So by repeating the process it takes up the space behind the ball and forces it slowly uphill. (I had to use 29 shapes! lol) I've also figured out a MUCH better way to do #10 now (4 shapes)
  2. Brandonb

    You got it! you get the Kudos Steve Not that there weren't other great answers that suited the OS very well. I need to figure out how to make these things air tight and bullet proof like some other members can (Itachi).
  3. Brandonb

    Hahaha, it's funny, but I don't know either seriously, my understanding of cricket is that it is like baseball except instead of swinging a bat you swing a boat oar, and instead of pitching a baseball they bounce a small tennis ball. Ah, apparently I was a little off. watch the video here on wikipedia.
  4. Brandonb

    very good Athena, I thought that would be the last to go (on account that it is the only one that doesn't rhyme). I should have titled this post "rhyme time" Oh well, here are the standings so far... only 2 remaining... edit to add #5 answer
  5. Brandonb

    it changes 2 letters (changes one and adds one), the desired answer only changes the 1st.
  6. Brandonb

    LOL, it does kinda fit, but not what I was looking for for #1. I can't really accept it because of the way it would interpret the OS. However, you did get #3, well done!
  7. Bravo, that puzzle was excellent.
  8. Brandonb

    Surprisingly close, now just add a heart and you may have it.
  9. Brandonb

    Yeah, most of these rhyme, but the rules are still the same that only the first letter changes. You all are rattling these answers off pretty quick, I guess the rhyming thing makes it easier. Lover Cover was a bit too much of a stretch keep it up, only four more to go!
  10. Brandonb

    eh, I don't care if they do or don't rhyme, my rules a loose... most do, a couple don't. like I said, it's a sad imitation.
  11. Brandonb

    just a pathetic imitation of the original. 1) black&white fight (answer is a hint for my last puzzle) 2) late incandescence 3) vase being raffled 4) botched eye wear 5) Used to patch a cloak 6) Imagined speech style 7) Tchaikovsky in your pocket 8) billiard wavelength 9) hazardous Frisbee 10) clean spouse 11) conductive blossom
  12. ok itachi, since you seem so fond of it I'll change it back...
  13. Brandonb

    I works well, but still not quite there on the heart part.
  14. Brandonb

    Oh man, not bad not bad. Ok, 1/2 to that explanation. not just because it was a good answer, but because part of it was on the right track for the real answer.
  15. Brandonb

    It does kinda sound alot like a card game. except it doesn't explain "I don't have a choice, I need to be here" eh, you get (as itachi called it) 1/2 kudos for that one, it fits very well. I can give a hint if needed
  16. Ok, I was kidding when I made my name. I didn't think we were actually gonna make names for the characters. So before we start I'm changing mine. Unreality = everything NOT you guys, ie, Heralds, the environment, the programmers if necessary, the "RP police", and also a sample chracter, Mantos Ezkaty = Giterdone = Nero Itachi-san = Zetsu Brandonb = Andrell Puppy = Frog Nayana = Athena EsJohnson = Esj CuteSparklezGirl=Melody Frazler = Seran
  17. Brandonb

    Hmm, no one has gotten it yet. I do like the ink cartridge answer though. but what about getting a new heart?
  18. Brandonb

    This is the office, I sit and I wait I'm not going anywhere, not at this rate. I don't have a choice, I need to be here Come on I'm waiting, call me this year. When I get called for, it doesn't seem real but my friend next to me, he knows the deal. First I begin, I feel so far away Then my friend next to me joins in the gray. I flip through a magazine, and watch lives go by like turning a page they look up at the sky. If all goes well I may get a new heart If I am quick, and if I am smart. What am I?
  19. Brandonb

    1) The Knightly Element 2) Demonstrate incorrectness 3) Induces results 4) Ineffectual stringed instrument 5) Amazing aisle
  20. Sweet, thanks. *repetitively acts-out my answer for itachi*
  21. Brandonb

    Another for Highschool/Dating (short) On a Friday I was trying to make plans for that night, so I called up this girl that I knew kinda liked me (I don't remember her name, lets call her Elizabeth). She picked up the phone and I started talking to her, she seemed a little hurried. So I cut to the point and asked her to go out that night. Well, she said no , because she already had plans. So, not willing to give up my Friday night, I tried again a couple minutes later. I called up another girl that I knew kinda liked me (Nicole), she answered the phone and I started talking to her. I cut to the chase and asked her to go out that night, and she replied "didn't you just ask out Elizabeth?" Turns out they were talking on the phone to eachother, making plans for the night. I beeped in on their phone conversation and asked out one of them. Then before I called the other one "Elizabeth" told "Nicole" that I had just asked her out. And well, no girl wants to be the fall-back. So yeah... I didn't do anything that night.
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