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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Chip, welcome to Brainden. Please use a spoiler when you post, and please click the red bar at the top titled "Important: READ BEFORE POSTING" for more information about some helpful guidelines to follow. Again, welcome!
  2. Brandonb

    When was the evolution thread posted? B/C there is another one that has been up for a few weeks HERE. Could it be that yours was deleted because the topic/discussion was already open in the forum?
  3. Brandonb

    Wow, that was hard!!! All I have is the touch pad on my laptop so it's hard to draw a long line that straight, but I got it eventually. So other than a score of 2 on #6 & #8 I have all 1's!
  4. Brandonb

    Locked in a cave? Nah, this thread is what's going to be locked. LIS was right, It's already posted HERE (and a few other places). Ebony, click the text link in little red bar that says "Important: READ BEFORE POSTING." This one could be searched for using key words "guard+truth+death" Basically, a good rule of thumb is that if you didn't come up with it yourself, it's probably already been posted. So run a search.
  5. Brandonb

    1 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 2 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 3 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 4 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 5 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 6 - 2 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 7 - 1 Andy, Brandon 8 - 2 Andy 9 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 10 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 11 - 1 Andy, Brandon 12 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 13 - 1 Andy, Brandon 14 - 1 Andy, Brandon 15 - 1 Andy, Brandon 16 - 1 Brandon 17 - 1 Andy, Brandon 18 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 19 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 20 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 21 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 22 - 1 Andy, Brandon 23 - 1 Andy, Brandon 24 - 1 Brandon 25 - 1 Brandon 26 - 1 Andy,Brandon I still can't get under 4 on #8 or 2 on #6 but everything else is 1's now.
  6. Brandonb

    "one will be the highest and another the lowest" is not necessarily the case. They could all be the same number, or two of them could be the same. So for this to work there would also need to be a suit ranking order. At that point there could be a conflict b/w the "suit signal" card and what order the cards would need to be handed in order to signal correctly.
  7. Just a thought.... You may want to elaborate a little more. A good riddle is not a description that could fit "everything" and one of those "everything" answers it the predetermined correct one. Instead it needs to fit "something" where the correct answer to fit the description (or possibly just a couple answers that fit but were realized before) is difficult to find or to comprehend. This riddle in the OP could have a hundred answers because it was obviously a description of something musical, with no dissuading characteristics in the OP at all. Sure, it could share a description with something that is not musically related, but the fact is, this description is musical in nature. To say that every guess is "way off" is the opposite statement of the truth, which is that your answer that you consider correct is "way off" base. I gotta say, I am not finding much quality to this riddle. Let me compare it to the Prison games that bonanova writes. Instead of working down to one correct answer from a bunch of information given, your OP comes across more like... "there are 100 inmates in a closed room that you cannot see, what is the name of the guy wearing a hat." There is no information that could lead to anything other than an answer of virtually "anything." Give more information, it's ok if someone comes up with the correct answer quickly. The problem is that with this riddle is not that no one is being stumped, or that everyone is coming up with a correct answer. Its problem is that we are wrong when there is so little information given, and no information at all to suggest anything other than 100 answers. Sorry if that comes across kinda harsh, I'm trying to be constructive. I like your riddles, but this one is too vague.
  8. Brandonb

    This is not a riddle or a puzzle. It hardly has any thought value at all. Someone please move this. The answer: anything that anyone could possibly take offense to can be an insult. So calling someone something that they are not is an insult, hence any word you come up with that is or could be considered derogatory can be an insult. Basically it's like what alpha said, it's only an insult if you take it as such. This thread is insert insult here.
  9. Brandonb

    HAHAHA!!! No way man! If it had come down to it, I would be typing to you right now, years later, sitting on the floor of that stall next to that toilet with the candybar still on it. There is no way I would do something like that, especially not repeat it if I had. lol
  10. Brandonb

    Not exactly, the poo wasn't someone else's, it was my candy bar. However the smell did belong to someone else. And just to clarify (because I just read my post again and I seemed to have left out a key point) I did not eat the candy bar, I kicked it in and flushed . But yeah.... church camp tried to make me eat a poo candy bar.
  11. Brandonb

    Ur right, once a minimum above 1 is hit on some of these levels using physics, it takes some creativity and experimentation to glitch it the right way to get a lower score. P.S. I got 1 on Lvls 17 and 22 also. But I cannot figure out how to get 1 on #14, or 3 on #8 (I got it down to 4 so far)
  12. Brandonb

    Corn-gas i.e. Ethanol is not a viable option either. "if every bushel of U.S. corn, wheat, rice and soybean were used to produce ethanol, it would only cover about 4% of U.S. energy needs on a net basis." - Charles Washburn (has researched the subject over the past 45 years.)‏ It takes 450lbs of corn... enough to feed one person for an entire year... to fill up the tank of a typical SUV, 1 single time. Oh, and it also takes something (I'm not gonna bother looking up the actual number right now) like 1 gallon of fossil fuels to produce 1.28 gallons of ethanol. Solar seems possible. But it's expensive, slow charging, fragile, heavy, and only functions well on bright sunny days. I suppose it could be used an initial fuel source when driving, then once you go over the max distance on a full charge it could kick over to another fuel source and let the charge of the solar powered batteries catch back up. Electrical falls closely in line with the solar in that you would need a back up fuel source when the charge ran out. Frankly, there is nothing that "should put an end to the problem soon." This is a long-run problem that will only be fixed with a long-run solution. It will take time to implement the solution and allow it to become a universal standard in fueling transportation. "Freeing the economy from dependence on foreign oil (at an uncontrollable cost) is an option, but it requires a “long run” solution because environmentalists frown on domestic oil drilling and the alternative of nuclear power. So there will be no decrease in the price of oil any time soon..." The only way to "put an end to the problem soon." is to drill domestically. Outside of that and building nuclear power plants, everything else is going to take time, and probably lots of it.
  13. Brandonb

    HAHAHA!!!! I bow to the poo-story master.
  14. Brandon all the tough ones are taken or I get scolded because it's too hard. Don't worry about making a riddle too hard, just make it accurate lay off the number games (that's my opinion). I don't give a second look to the number sequence ones anymore unless they have a logic based word problem with them. Just pick something, then try to vaguely describe it at length (so that it is vague yet can't apply to too many things), then make the description rhyme. Those seem to be popular and fun.
  15. Brandonb

    They feel the need to degrade it because it is real, and belittles their preferred fake sport Pro-Rassil'n (pro-wrestling for those of you that don't speak "Southern American")
  16. Brandonb

    The problem with the tire idea is that the super-strong magnetic field created would have to be open, and with that would come the possibility of metal flying into the wheels and shredding them to pieces. <_<
  17. Brandonb

    I just got Lvl 6 in 2 moves
  18. Brandonb

    New Standings 1 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 2 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 3 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 4 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 5 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 6 - 3 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 7 - 1 Andy, Brandon 8 - 3 Andy 9 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 10 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 11 - 1 Andy, Brandon 12 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi, SS 13 - 1 Andy, Brandon 14 - 1 Andy 15 - 1 Andy, Brandon 16 - 1 Brandon 17 - 2 Andy, Brandon 18 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 19 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 20 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 21 - 1 Andy, Brandon, Norbi 22 - 2 Andy, Brandon 23 - 1 Andy, Brandon 24 - 1 Brandon 25 - 1 Brandon 26 - 1 Andy,Brandon
  19. Brandonb

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! sorry largeneal that was funny. Ok lemme do another, I'll do church camp this time. I was approx 13-14 yrs old at the time, church camp, 1 week in the Appalachian Mtns in the fall. So, there are kids from all over the place attending this camp, and there is only one other kid there from my church (Nick). As soon as you enter the doorway to go in to the cabin where we were staying, on the left is one small corner that has been walled off for the counselor's own room, and on the right is a small stall (like you would find in a public bathroom) with a toilet and a sink. The rest of the cabin was set up as just one big room with bunks around the walls. So when someone used the bathroom, you knew it. To this camp I had brought some candy, with a special idea in mind... to throw the MilkyWay candy bar into the swimming pool and watch what happens. Well, to my dismay, the pool was emptied that week for some reason (probably because some kid did it for real the week before . So I know that I can't use my candy bar for its original purpose. Or, better yet, that I may have to use it for its original purpose, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, on the 2nd day of camp, I hear (we ALL hear) my friend using the bathroom in the corner. All of us have a good laugh and then we get distracted by something else and move our attention elsewhere... except for me. I went back to my bunk and sat down by myself and waited. As soon as Nick came out of the bathroom I went in (not a pleasant place at that point). Then I pull the milkway bar out of my pocket, put it in the sink and squish it up a little, then bend it half-way over the toilet seat and quickly leave the room. Not even two minutes later... "AAAAHHHHHH!!! Someone S#!T on the toilet seat!" (church camp mind you). It took all of 30secs for them to remember that Nick had just used the bathroom, and they all begin to berate and tease him for what he had done. He is absolutely MORTIFIED at this point! So in walks the camp counselor to see what's going on, and sure enough, he smells S#!t and sees it on the toilet seat, and begins to ask my friend Nick why he didn't flush it. Nick is so horrified and confused at this point he begins to say that he didn't even realize that he had done it. Meanwhile I'm rolling, laughing, hardly able to breathe. Because not only had I pulled the prank on my friend, but on the whole cabin. The counselor sees me, then suspiciously gets right up to the turd before he realizes that I was pulling a prank. Well, he calls me out for it, and tells the other campers to grab me. They all shove me into the bathroom and the counselor tells me that now I have to eat it off the toilet seat (again, church camp) or else they won't let me out. So now my friend is breathing a huge sign of relief and I'm the one in the frying pan. All in all it was a fun trip.
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