Just to clarify...
"a hat will be placed on each of their heads - randomly for each - either a black hat or a white hat. Neither of them will know the color of his own hat."
Does that mean that one will definitely have a black and one will definitely have a white, but who gets which one is random?
Or, that they could both end up getting white hats (or both black hats) also?
Well, it was basically the same as yours itachi, except instead of an "old" forum, it just goes in the other direction with a "original" forum.
-It's all in the title and clarification of is being an "original-you made up the riddle yourself" Forum. So there's not as much of a need to monitor new threads as there is in the regular user submitted forum, plus it would get to split up the old from the new.
Ok, well what about a section for "original riddles/puzzles only"
Just a section for those who have sat down and come up with a riddle/puzzle themselves, not one that they heard someone else tell. That way it doesn't fall under the same old "User Submitted" section, and it brings all new freshness to the board!
got it
[spoiler= ]Qin - Purple & 500,000
Han - Green & 1,000,000
Wei - Red & 750,000
Shu - Orange & 250,000
Wo - Blue & 500,000
Jin - Yellow & 250,000
that was pretty tough
Also, read the thing at the top of the screen that says "Important: READ BEFORE POSTING" to understand not to post the answer in your OS, and also how to search for riddles that aren't yours originally so you don't repost something old.
Lol, I was kidding about changing it back
Yeah, usernames was what I was expecting, no big deal though. Lets make one up for EZKaty for now and get this road on the show
Sorry about #5 though <_< , you got it right but Athena had already gotten it first. I had edited my previous post to acknowledged it, but it's not included in her post. I'll throw your name up there jointly w/ hers the next time I post the progress.
Aussie, only the first letter is changed, don't add any letters to it.
...only 2 remaining!
Yeah, the ball and chain works for most levels if you just want to get through the game.
But when I went back to try it again, that description is kinda how I did it with 4 shapes the 2nd time around.