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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Luck is truly mystifying. I'll try to explain how I think it works. I certainly believe in it. From my life experience, I can easily say it not only exists, but it is a crucial part of happiness or misery. There is more to good luck than a series of fortunate events and winning coin tosses, there is a very strong mental sensation similar to feeling 'invincible' or 'super-human' in one's endeavors that involve chance. Contrastingly, bad luck can be felt as well either as a foreboding feeling or an overwhelming feeling of 'impossibility' with chance. Luck is definitely a psychological phenomena but not inclusive to one's self because it is also heavily influenced by one's environment and company. I have felt both these waves of luck many times and can mostly justify the outcomes. Whether experiencing good or bad luck sensations, one must have first had a series of chances fall in one direction (good or bad). The series is not numerically defined, but rather defined by each instance's potency. Once this series passes a mental limit, the surge of luck begins. As we all know, good or bad luck eventually end (not defined by time, but again defined by the potency of the surge). When the luck ends, imagine that that mental level dips below that 'undefined' limit and the mind returns to a more normal state of activity. So then what happens to the mind when that 'luck limit' is reached? For good luck, I would assume that the CNS triggers certain hormones and neurotransmitters that would improve mood, thinking, reflex, timing, etc... and an overall euphoria which does in effect make one 'super-human' because it is above normal function. Similarly, when the limit is reached with bad luck, other hormones and neurotransmitters are released causing an overall depression and thus a lack in ability and mental function. Of course this is all just my idea, but it perfectly describes how I get once I've built up my luck playing beer pong. Once I hit my lucky streak playing pong, no cup gets left behind
  2. itachi-san

    sagekid, can you please stop spamming this forum with riddles that have already been posted???? thanks
  3. d3k3 is indeed onto something. good job seeing that first d3k3, though I'm surprised I had to hint about it... no more hints for a while . Also pw0nzd, what you have started to write would not be correct for the next line. Speaking of hints: there is a hidden hint in one of my previous posts right in the open dialog (not in a spoiler box)
  4. come on Brain Den! the answer is definitely difficult to see, but the first step to getting there certainly isn't. I've decided not to write the next line and am still leaving that up to you guys. (would be a total giveaway...I think) so, in compensation, here are 2 more hints to get you started in the right direction:
  5. How about the Slickster? This character can say perplexing things post after post in an effort to completely baffle everyone. just messin' with you slick
  6. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says "Dam". A sandwich walks into a bar, The barman says, "Sorry, we don't serve food in here". A dyslexic man walks into a bra. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says, "A beer please, and one for the road". Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other, "Does this taste funny to you ?" I went to buy some camouflage pants the other day but I couldn't find any. Two fish are in a tank. One says to the other, "I'll man the guns, you drive". I said to the Gym instructor "Can you teach me to do splits?" He asked "How flexible are you?" I replied, "I can't come on Tuesdays or Fridays". When I was in the supermarket I saw a man and a woman wrapped in a barcode. I asked, "Are you two an item?" A three-legged dog walked into a saloon in the Old West. He said to the bartender, "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw". When I saw a ship load of tortoises crash into a train load of terrapins, I thought "That's a turtle disaster". Four fonts walked into a bar and the barman shouted, "Get out, we don't want your type in here". A man entered the local newspaper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
  7. itachi-san

    Albert Einstein : Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the chicken depends upon your point of view. The chicken did not cross the road - it transcended it. Sir Isaac Newton: Chickens at rest tend to stay at rest. Chickens in motion tend to cross the road. Albert Camus: It doesn't matter; the chicken's actions have no meaning except to him. Jean-Paul Sartre : In order to act in good faith and be true to itself, the chicken found it necessary to cross the road. Nietzsche : Because if you gaze too long across the Road, the Road gazes also across you. Immanuel Kant : The chicken, being an autonomous being, chose to cross the road of his own free will. Hunter S. Thompson: All I saw was a gorilla in a cheap dress swimming across that river there. And then... well, you'll find out soon enough.
  8. itachi-san

    The man wouldn't happen to be Hunter S. Thompson would he?
  9. Detective Somerset appeared at the crime scene: It was a four walled room that was being used for fitness training. East wall: Front door, plaques and memorabilia North wall: weights, stereo, posters, written in blood across the wall: 010010101010001000100010010010101010101010110010 West wall: a large window, blood smeared across the window, a dead man sitting up in the SW corner with gashed wrists and holding a plausible suicide note South wall: a large mirror, on the mirror there is a picture taped on of the dead man shaking hands with the aerobics instructor Somerset took a moment to flex his muscles in the mirror and then immediately called Homicide in on the case. Why?
  10. OK, hint time! I'll add a 6th line if these hints just aren't doing it for you but not for a while
  11. yes, others would tell him who to take out and then reveal an authorized identity of their faction. I think that the Mercenary needs a player and role to be able to win, not just role. This way the mafia can be individualized.
  12. randomly chosen by you and revealed only to him
  13. just randomly thinking. Feel free to tweak it if you like it How about the Mercenary? Existence is known to a random member of all factions. Will 'work = kill' for learning random identities of each faction that hires him. He is hired when each faction (say, all the mafia) reaches a consensus and pm's unreality the person they want the Mercenary to kill, but they have to reveal an identity of their faction that the Mercenary doesn't know only to the Mercenary and unreality confirms. The Mercenary wins by killing 2 or 3 random characters that only he knows so using him is a gamble.
  14. they figured out that e is an important number instead of making a ft pi they could make ft e monks will never tip off zen numbered meanings some cost we last paid even does cover for all so they price every cents forty dimes not pies[/codebox] 1)What do these lines mean? 2)What would the next line be if this methodology was continued?
  15. I'm in. Host: Unreality 1) dnae 2) puzzlegirl 3) Brandonb 4) pw0nzd 5) Frost 6) itachi Just a thought. You mentioned maybe another doctor. How about a nurse who only saves someone of her choosing 1/2 of the time, but as long as she is alive, the Doctor can't die. Edit: or a Pharmacist, surgeon, EMT, etc... if any of those sound cooler
  16. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Yeah, that was really fun. I had everything right for a while except slick and scott I had reversed. I still can't believe slick wasn't the GR... that PG thing was so coincidental. Great game everyone! And great hosting unreality, some of those scenes were pretty intense
  17. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    KOP was innocent back in Mafia 1 but not now, and in his own words!
  18. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    KOP, the name of this game is deduction. Everyone else alive's posts are more convincing than yours right now. Basically, you're highest on my list of possible baddies. What did you expect me to say? I've already told you I'm the Sage, and you know that role's ability. I must admit Brandon was extremely convincing at times, but even those great efforts couldn't budge a Sage when he sets his mind.
  19. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    because a major role like the Inspector could get killed and no one would know... it's the same thing only no actual player dies.
  20. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    unreality, I have a sweet idea for the next Mafia game so that no one has to be the one that dies the first night. The roles are all random right? So, if 12 people play, make 13 roles and have one of them go to a fake person. That role has to be an Innocent (any role that can be killed the first night) And then that random Innocent Role is killed and no player has to suffer the consequences!
  21. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Easy. Because you're a Mafioso
  22. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    Host: Unreality 1) Brandonb - DEAD [Mafioso] 2) Scott - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 3) akaslickster - DEAD [?] Killed by Vigilante 4) pw0nzd - voting for Frost 5) GC - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 6) pieman 7) dnae - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 8) Frost 9) itachi - voting for King of Pain 10) Kingofpain - voting for Frost 11) Nayana - DEAD [Defender] Killed by Mafia 12) puzzlegirl - DEAD [illusionist] Woah, guys. King of Pain is the last Mafia member! and slickster was the GR (gj Frost). It was so obvious because slickster killed GC after GC led the lynch of slickster's gf PG
  23. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    The thing you are missing is that by revealing my role, I stopped the Innocents from lynching the Sage and instead swayed them into lynching a Mafioso
  24. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    I didn't say Sage's had no use, I said they were lame. All I do is smoke pipes and read books in a musty old temple.
  25. itachi-san

    Mafia II

    I'd just like to point out that it's now obvious that I'm the Sage, which is just about the most pointless character to kill off for anyone, so all you killers should kill someone else for your own sake (and mine of course). I'm anxious to see who gets murdered tonight. In the meantime, I'll be helping out at the Awespital and bulking up at the GymnAwesium. All this killing in town lately has gotten me a bit scared so I figured I'd hit the weights. I have a lot of free time because Sage's are lame... For what's it's worth, I think pieman is telling the truth about being the bomb and about dnae being the inspector. So, pieman gets a bit of immunity as well if the killers believe that too.
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