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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    this is fine, but i'm probably not going to play mafia 4. i'm really not a fan of the delays in this game. whether i was good or bad i would have hated waiting like that, especially for that ravi vote that took about 24 hours too long, what happened to the whole set time limit thing?
  2. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    lolz, a good ending unreality. i was sooo close, but was given next to nothing to work with. i hope people don't hate me too much, because i was just playing the part. i hope its obvious to people how easy the innocents had it though. the inspector and lie detector were WAY too powerful, but nevertheless, great game unreality.
  3. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    this seems like you're too eager to say there's only one mafioso. hmm.. now i'm recalculating...
  4. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    I'm not 100% positive, but I think there's just 1 left too.
  5. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    Nice! I knew it! I had ravi pegged as most-likely quarky ever since i stopped thinking it was Brandon, and actually i was pretty certain he was a baddie before that too.
  6. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    seriously, unreality was the most outspoken about how waiting around ruined the game and now i think we're just waiting for him...
  7. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    you're not being offensive and i respect what you said. but newbie isn't derogatory. LIS is a mafia newbie, it's a fact. I was a Mafia newbie during the first game. I'll be more respectful though, so I apologize for that. I'm probably getting impatient. We've been sitting on this lynch forever.
  8. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    I've never named a character wrong... seeing you play (and constantly go after me [out of some siren spite maybe?]) makes me think you should re-read (mostly skim now) the thread again and also, you need to brush up on the Character rules a bit. You must have missed a few intricacies. and what's with the "blah blah" thing? I was asked by an innocent to divulge my thoughts and there they are. Did your kids get you in a sour mood or something?
  9. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    Sure, here's a lot to mull over for you: i've already said everything i wanted to about kat (just look at how guilty she is acting and posting), though i'll give a good explanation why it is important to be shady no matter what character you have. I don't want to just come out and say my role or even that i'm innocent EVER in ANY mafia game unless it is absolutely necessary. Why? -the newbies ask. Because, I plan on playing future Mafia games! I need to act just as shady as an innocent as I would if i was a bad guy or else I would reveal tells (which plenty of you have plenty of, btw, a little pointer) [this is what Brandon was doing until he could no longer keep it up, when i found out his true identity] That' the main reason. It also may help certain players i wouldn't want to help and in my opinion it makes the game really lame. We could just start every mafia game demanding that every player confirm their innocence, and sure most would escape lying, but what fun is that? I prefer to decipher the meanings behind posts quite frankly. The more difficult the puzzle, the more rewarding to solve it. To confirm my innocence i stated a couple things that my character knows that both Brandonb (vigilante) and the Squeaker (i have this one nailed too, but not revealing it) would know. So notice the people backing me. LIS I think just has a vendetta against me for that Siren riddle a while back so he's a bit biased against me. Me saying slickster was the Defender is so much more important than anyone gave it credit for... maybe some people need to brush up on the rules again... for instance, let's all remember that the bankroller's id was not given out to all of us so that means a lot too. Here's who I trust absolutely in order of when I knew it: me (would love protection, but right now Brandon is more important - just the facts), johnson, KOP(needs protection), LIS, Brandonb(needs protection), and dnae My probable Baddies listed in order of most probable: 1)Ravi/Kat 2)tman 3)pieman. kat is toast as far as I'm concerned, but about tman/nayana and pieman start talking?? Not certain about frost or cherry right now... though Frost's last post is highly suspect...
  10. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    have you been hearing any echoes? if so you should hear them to Jupiter -this is completely off-topic, my apologies, but i just love pink floyd Edit: anyone can feel free to pm me if they don't get either of these references. they are out of game context and this tangent shouldn't continue on this thread
  11. itachi-san

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    Correct, these are indeed Facts. They are also obvious and can be deduced by anyone. Here is how: 1. Get it into your head that Chuck Norris jokes are not jokes, but FACTS. If you cannot do this, then there is no point in continuing. Chuck's beard would kill you if you were worth it's time, so just lay low and never mention Chuck Norris again unless in prayer and sacrifice. He may go a little easy when he kills you if you do. 2. Now that you have grasped the seriousness, it is time to begin, Chuck style: Roundhouse kicking scientific theories and axioms in the @sses. First, learn about Chuck Norris and his toughness. Also, the fear he instills into his believers and non believers alike. Everyone believes in Chuck Norris. Everyone living that is. Therefore you must believe so here is a warning: You do NOT want to make a humiliating joke about him, not only will it be the last thing you ever do, he will kill you and then summon you to live as his minion (which would normally be an honor), but in this case he will only bury you in sand up to your neck in the middle of the Sahara. And he'll only check up on you when he flies around the world doing his weekly international food shopping. It will be when you are as close to death as possible. He will then taunt you with his beard, roundhouse kick the last bit of life out of you and repeat the process eternally. 3. Next, think of something that requires force, fortitude, energy, intelligence or speed to do. Then forget all those concepts, since Chuck has infinite level attributes. Once you grasp this you will study that his ability is actually beyond infinite and is simply known as "Chuck Norris Ability", but even Chuck Norris can pass this level, which you will learn about in the Advanced Chuck Norris Theory class (that class was a bear...literally) 4. Now think of a way Chuck could accomplish anything in the same nanosecond it occurred to you to ask him to do it. Such as "arrest every criminal in Texas". Then think of how he would do it. As merciless and bad@a** as possible. Chuck Norris' Law is like Chuck Norris' Love: Hard and Fast 5. Then think about which attribute he would most likely use for that instance and imagine the highest level technique for that attribute. Chuck would surpass that technique by at least 3 levels and do it faster than you could see anyway. 6. If you have followed these steps and realized a Chuck Norris Fact, then well done. The only problem is it took you 23.6 seconds longer than Chuck has deemed acceptable. You should be hearing the sound of jets overhead right now. Then Teradactyls flying and screaming overhead. And now you should hear Supeman fly by. They were all running from Chuck. Now you should hear the Grim Reaper ask for coins to pass the River Styx. Don't worry though, Chuck will summon you if he gets in the mood to have a 1 on 100 barbed wire fire cage match - but that's usually his Tuesday event so you should relax in the firey underworld while you can
  12. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    Welcome Kat, it's nice to have you, but you have just written quite a long post and gave us no reason to stop your lynch, not to mention you gave us no "valuable" info of any kind (lie or not). My vote stays on you. Nothing personal (i feel like i barely even know you...knew you)
  13. Just thinking again (maybe for future mafias after 4): i kind of like the Mayor idea (confirmed innocent) so how about the Godfather is a confirmed person too? there would obviously be very strong reasons not to kill him, like if he gets lynched the mafia gets to kill 3 people that night (it would be a public humiliation, so lynching gets 2 extra kills) and if the Godfather gets taken out at night (more respectful) then the mafia gets to make an extra kill that night or have a private lynch of their own the next day Edit: just to add to that, I was wondering what should happen if the Godfather is the last one alive. If that's the case: if he gets lynched, he (though actually unreality) tells the identity of one person from each other faction (innocent, quarky and gr) = big incentive for gr not to want the Godfather to get lynched at this point. And if he is the last mafia member and is killed at night an assassin from another sector will come into town and kill one member of the faction that killed him (even the gr) - so the gr really doesn't want to kill off the Godfather if he is the last mafioso
  14. how about using this idea with the mercenary?
  15. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    honestly, i have lost a lot of excitement for this now that ravi didn't post and lucifer is just done on the sideline for like 2 days now... anyway, i might as well confirm Brandon as the Vigilante though he's still lying... how are you not a lawyer Brandon? even when you're a good guy you never write an entirely truthful post...ever.
  16. amazing riddle! deserves more than 5*s!
  17. I added a twist then. maybe the Lobbiest or perhaps an entirely different character can choose which faction to support.
  18. I see that it sounds a bit convoluted now. what i meant was that the player the Lobbiest selects has to post at least 2 posts written by the Lobbiest during that particular day cycle. Edit: maybe the Lobbiest can choose which side they are to support at the beginning of the game as well. so they could win with the innocents or with the mafia or QA's
  19. how about the Lobbiest has the power to force a player to say the opposite of what they should be saying according to their character. so if 2 posts are mandatory during a day cycle, then that person has to say what the Lobbiest tells them to say for that cycle
  20. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    aw come on. i saw ravi was on and reading so i logged off, came back on a while later, he was still reading. Now I'm back after a longer while and he hasn't posted anything? i was all anxious... here's my thoughts then: even if he has something to pm unreality about i think he should have posted and said to wait (like Brandon did in the past somewhere in the early 70's pages) instead what's he doing? either he doesn't care and just wants out of the game (which i doubt since he read everything it looked like) or he's going to wait a while before coming up with a story (i'd say most likely since he didn't quickly confirm innocence and a delay to wait for a pm). either way he has moved to most suspicious in my book especially knowing Brandon's identity now. I'd love to give the Vigilante a suspect to kill tonight, but I honestly have somewhat equal suspicion for a couple people, after Ravi of course. i'll leave the choice to him cause i almost don't care who he decides on, though i think i know who the doctor is and of course don't want you to kill him or me or KOP or LIS or johnson... lol Edit: I changed my post because I felt it gave too much away about Brandon's character
  21. Good call. I like something along these lines for that character. that's pretty cool.
  22. Zetsu was twirling his medallion between his fingers when he saw what looked like stretch limousines pouring in over the (never-before-seen) bridges from all the other islands of Epsilon and even perhaps from beyond: the Netherworld that encompassed all and was known as BrainDen. The Hummer and Escalade limos were so many that they were crowding Epsilon 0. The passengers stepped out decked in pin-stripe suits and showing off their foreign super model girl friends clinging to their elbows and smiling. They all seemed to be carrying firearms and none of them appeared to trust anyone else. Zetsu had heard about this once while browsing a forum on the Lost boards (Zetsu loves Lost btw) They were the.... what was it?... ah yes!!! Mafia! Mafia had taken over Epsilon! ...and Zetsu cried himself to sleep...
  23. itachi-san

    Mafia III

    ugh. so i guess this is gonna be a while then. since that seems to be the case, i'm probably gonna be offline for a while. I'm sticking with Ravi though, unless he's really convincing i guess. And don't turn on Brandonb, whatever you all decide.
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