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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. all the other answers given so far are spot on
  2. Most are not original so no googling These should get progressively more difficult for the most part: 1) L P N 9 2) A O B the D 3) 7 P C in M K 4) K is B/2 5) 3 F in N I C 6) 30 S in F J 7) 3 M (A, P, A) 8) 2 L E at R M 9) 4 M in the R C (S, S, T M, I) 10) 5 M in H (C, C, M, T, T) 11) the O T F B in the H B is the H 12) 256 L in the A V of P M 13) 3 S M B G for the N E S R in A 14) I H the E I A 15) 103 P K by T H in H S P D
  3. itachi-san

    It might be a few days before I go posting any more of these. sorry to rain on the parade, but i don't know about a tie here. i totally got #12 in the first response. if i only had more than 3 minutes... these are really fun Frost! i really like how you present them. am looking forward to the next round. the 'sleeping' one from the last set was easily the most difficult one i ever saw.
  4. isn't it a bit of a problem that 'coal' can be CoAl or COAl? this type of encryption would need to have a pre-set value system to work. For instance: always use the largest or smallest summation. sorry if this has already been addressed, i only discovered these puzzles last night and they are very good despite this inconsistency. i like #9 the best. 10 and 12 though... hmmm. edit: i wouldn't say #3 was an easy one b/c
  5. itachi-san

    and after that you could always
  6. Host: Frost 1) Unreality 2) Brandonb 3) Frozen 4) Slick 5) TwoaDay 6) Yoruichi-san 7) taliesin 8) itachi o0o0o so unreality makes his first appearance in-game. sweet.
  7. itachi-san

    ...i always miss these puzzles...
  8. haha! nice! i love that movie
  9. #4: I just can't think of any word with enough double letters to fit SSSSR, even with extra vowels.... excellent job as always everyone! #4 should qualify as lvl x probably, if that helps any.
  10. lvl 1) JVT JVHULK OT JMIQV VGYT UM RTPFGUTUQT. FZ FGKJTP OMISW KGZ: JVTPT HK UMJVHUL OT QGU VMSW MUJM HU JVHK OMPSW. MUSZ DZ STJJHUL LM QGU OT JPISZ RMKKTKK OVGJ HK PTGS. -QVMO ZIU AGJ GK SH FI DGH lvl 2) GRYG’K GRCZGU FCJDGOK YEYU. C’QQ LO GROZO CJ GOJ. -GRO EVQI lvl 3) C'I F IL F WZEE, OL C'I ODM VDCOV MD MRZ MWCF OXIDGZ! -WDHGL AZEZ (missing the letter A) lvl 4) YRLQ RLF Y RP? XLDET GOLYX, RVR? SSSSR, J’W PLOOT XGLPE! (missing a vowel, bonus kudos for the speaker) lvl 5) V JAS DFS MNS JR GEIEN VG DFS NJUGVGH. -UJKSUD QYAE (missing a consonant, needed to keep the source though) lvl x) NI’E SWVJ ENTXAW. GYZ, IRNVIJ HCJE RCSW EWXI- GY, ZRWG... CG FGLNVIRHCJ, NU JYF RCSW C LNVIRHCJ IRWG JYF... RCRC... ERW HYWEG’I MGYZ ZRCI CG FGLNVIRHCJ NE! (lvl x only lacks logic) a couple things to note: each quote has a unique encryption. quotes aren't always grammatically correct. source can mean movie, actor or character
  11. you're quite welcome! i had a lot of fun with these. i'm gonna stick with movie quotes for future puzzles (maybe song lyrics too). in fact, i'm about ready for round 2 though i'll take much more time checking for typos this time.
  12. itachi-san

    a quantum physicist: describing a black hole is as easy as pi darren arnofsky: pi was my first feature film clown: pie is an effective humor device when thrown in a serious person's face bugs bunny: pie cooling on a window sill is free for the taking cartman: more people will come if they think there’ll be punch and pie
  13. the cow already had mad cow disease because he didn't realize he was talking to a horse
  14. nice Ben Law! really well done, and I'm glad to see I managed not to have typos in those 2 Thanks for playing everyone! The masters shined as usual, but I encourage everyone to try getting into these types of puzzles. It's a unique satisfaction when the pieces start falling into place Edit:
  15. great job Cherry Lane! I was waiting for you to give these a whirl sorry about the typo... again..jeez. Brandon deserves a lot of credit. These are really tough to check it seems. Some kind of jedi mind trick or something.
  16. are 3,4, and/or 5 too short? I can add the encrypted sources for more letters to work with if needed.
  17. commencing corniness: Two cows are standing in a field. One says "Are you worried about Mad Cow Disease?" The other "No, It doesn't worry me, I'm a horse." Teacher: Did your father help your with your homework? Student: No, he did it all by himself. A snail slides into a bar and the barman tells him there's a strict policy about not serving snails, so he throws him out. A week later the same snail re-enters the bar and asks the barman "What did you do that for?" Son: Dad, what is an idiot? Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me? Son: No. Teacher: "what is the past participle of the verb to ring?" Student: "What do you think it is?" Teacher: "I don't think, I KNOW!" Student: "I don't think I know either" Patient: Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea. Doctor: Take the spoon out of the mug Doctor: 'You are very sick' Patient: 'Can I get a second opinion?' Doctor: 'Hmm. Well, you're not very attractive either' Bill: 'I know a man with a wooden leg named Robert' Burt: 'What does he call his real leg?' a family of mice were surprised by a big cat. the father yelled: "Bow-wow!" The cat ran away. "What was that, Father?" "Well son, that's why it's important to learn a second language." a skeleton walked into a bar and ordered a scotch and a mop i used to be a werewolf, but i'm much better noooooooooooow! father: what's the point of having a train schedule if it's always late? son: how would you know it's late then? Teacher: conjugate 'to walk' in simple present tense Student: umm. i walk... umm... you walk Teacher: faster! Student: umm. i run... umm... you run Teacher: Do you have trouble making decisions? Student: Well...yes and no. Customer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it. Waitress: Oh, don't worry. It's not hot. Teacher: Why are you late? Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill. Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it? Student: No. I was standing on it. Student: can i go to the bathroom? Teacher: may i go to the bathroom? Student: hey! i asked first!
  18. this one has been around so i'm a little hesitant to say it's not been posted yet, but here goes: A young guy goes to pick up his date for the evening. She's not ready yet, so he has to sit in the living room with her parents. He has a bad case of gas though and really needs to relieve some pressure. Luckily, their beagle jumps up on the couch next to him. The guy decides that he can let a little gas out and if it's loud they will think that the dog did it. He farts, and the mother yells, "Spot, get down from there!" The guy thinks, "Great, they think the dog did it." He releases another and another, and the woman again yells for the dog to get down. "Spot! Listen to me! Get down now!" But, the disobedient dog remains on the couch. Thirty seconds pass and the guy lets one more go. Finally the mother yells, "Dammit Spot, get down before this weirdo craps on you!"
  19. itachi-san

    Good call! The Monk (in my opinion) is one of the best novels ever written hands down. I should add Frankenstein to this list as well. And anything by Philip K. Dick. For a great collection of short stories: anything by Neil Gaiman basically. I recently read Fragile Things. Almost every story in it is amazing. *itachi adds Sword of Truth series and His Dark Materials series to his list*
  20. nice! and sorry about that typo. i just re-checked everything else and it's all on the up and up Edit: i fixed the OP
  21. itachi-san

    aw shucks great riddle though! i like how it fleshed out with the additions
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