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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    It is for a baddie A hero, shouldn't want us to waste a vote from now on. I had to in order to get a group of Heroes together, which worked.
  2. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    I'm not voting for you, so why complain?
  3. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Sweetness Kat 2) Kathleen -voting for Impervious 3) Sweetness Kat -voting for Slick 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2-voting for Sweetness Kat 8) Crazypainter voting for Impervious 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Sweetness Kat 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san - voting for Prince Marth 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student JS claiming to be Claire with no complaints, PM finally claiming to be Matt/Molly (Sinistral was probably the other). GC as Nikki or DL. Sweetness offers nothing to the table, nor does the other Kat. Can someone direct me to Bb's hint? I missed that one. I am believing him right now on the basis that he was eager to be outed, just as I was. He even plead No Contest. Impervious, I see no hints about who you are, only strange comments. Baddies: Sweetness Kat, Kat, Impervious, puzzlegirl What does everyone think about rolling the dice tonight? Meaning: Y-San and Nikki just go after a couple of these people.
  4. itachi-san

    My letter to Bill Gates: Take your money and stop. Just stop. Please.... just stop it. I've had enough, we've all had enough. Just stop it. P.S.: Oh, and thanks for that great Service Pack 3 update! -please take that as sarcastically as you possibly can. Now stop.
  5. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    I think I know who JS is. But I'm highly suspicious of a certain Prince. Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Joe's Student 2) Kathleen 3) Sweetness Kat 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral – DEAD[?] 7) Slick2 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi - Injected[Peter] - voting for Prince Marth 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student Here's my hint before if anyone was curious. You need to speak a little 1337 yeah, I know how obscure that was. But it was early and I didn't want to give away too much. I figured I'd need it and I was right... even though it didn't help. Oh well. And no offense Slick, Peter isn't a killer anyway, he only kills killers, so if you were a good guy, I wouldn't have hurt you (Nikki and Y-San aside). I just had a feeling you were up to no good As for PM, he's on a lot and it seems he's not sure what to say, probably because he can't say much
  6. Thanks a lot everyone! It was really fun hosting this one. I think my favorite single move was GC using Radical Ed to save himself from The laughing Man. That really put the Heroes on top toward the end. The Villains really played well though. They deserve a ton of credit.
  7. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    lol. That's the thanks I get for killing Sylar on the first night? Suspicion and my character outed... So, even if I'm the most heroic hero, I can't avoid extreme suspicion on the first day I hope the Heroes learned a lesson to use the Night Posts for clues and not follow the lead of the Company next time. Bb #1, JS #2 suspects right now. Nathan, my bro, can you fly me to safety for tonight? Thanks. I'm powerless now... I won't be on for a while. Not that it matters. As Cartman would say: "_____ you guys... I'm going home."
  8. Night 5: A Heroic Victory Ichimaru was determined to leave this world with a smile. Ichimaru: Ah, it's you two. And you both look so serious. Real scary! Both of the honorable Captains unsheathed their swords when they saw the menace approaching them. And at the same time uttered the words that would fully reveal their souls' true power: ..."Bankai!" Flames surrounded the battlefield. The two Captains rushed at Ichimaru who stealthily dodged their first attack. He leaped high into the air above them. "Shoot them down!" Ichimaru ordered his sword and it extended down to the ground with a thundering crash. Shunsui dodged the monsterous attack, but Ukitake had been run though. Ichimaru grinned when he saw the dust settle around the dying Captain, but suddenly he felt as if he froze in the air. Ukitake grabbed onto the sword and wouldn't let go. Even though the sword had pierced right through his heart, Ukitake still had the fortitude to hold on and kept Ichimaru frozen and defenseless in the night sky. Shunsui: Thanks for the opening partner. Ukitake: Just *cough* get him while I can... still ..hang *cough* ...on Captain Shunsui ran vertically up the sword toward Ichimaru. Ichimaru's eyes bulged almost out of his head at the ferocious attack. The two were face to face. Ichimaru made peace with this fate and smiled like a fox for the last time. Shunsui cleanly chopped his smiling face right off, Ichimaru's sword disappeared, and his body fell to the ground. Shunsui landed gracefully to catch his fallen comrade. Ukitake only smiled a slight grin and then his head fell back into Shunsui's arms, lifeless. Shunsui looked up to see a group of three Heroes running toward him. It was Rukia, Onizuka and Jubei. Rukia and Onizuka looked to be in no mood to fight, but Jubei's eyes were glowing with vigilance. The forest floor was still covered in flames, but the three rushed in anyway. Then they all noticed that outside of the circle of fire, there was movement. Jubei stood near the flames. He watched for another movement from that area. Then in a flash he saw Tousen emerge from his hiding spot. With a flick of his wrists, Jubei unsheathed and sheathed his sword so quickly no one could even see the motion. He was far away from Tousen, but the Renegade Captain stopped in his tracks. Tousen was split in half. The other heroes looked at Jubei in wonder. Rukia: What kind of technique was that? You're so far away? Onizuka: That was pretty impressive buddy. I'm glad you're on my side. Jubei only coughed up a mixture of blood and poison though and fell to the ground. Tousen fell as well. Tousen (dying): I guess we die together samurai... even though... I .. still.. had a Day.. left.. who would.. believe me? Jubei: No one would have... At least.. I. got my... venge...ancceeeee... The three living Heroes said a prayer for their fallen comrades. They would soon embark towards the Captains quarters with the heads of the two remaining Renegade Captains. Soul Society was saved! Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS - Chad 2) Prof. Templeton - Ukitake 3) Mekal - Kisuke 4) Prince Marth - Ishida 5) GC - Shunsui 6) woon - Aizen 7) CrazyPainter - LeLouche 8) Cherry Lane - Tousen 9) FIF/PM2 - Onizuka 10) PG - Gaara 11) Brandonb - The Major 12) Sinistral - Grimmjow 13) Kat - Ichimaru 14) Wally West - Jubei 15) dawh - Rukia 16) Laharl - Ichigo 17) sweetness kat - The Laughing Man Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Day 4 Great job as always everyone! It's nice to see the Heroes win for once but I was secretly rooting for Grimmjow because he's just plain cool I hope you all had a good time. I don't know when the next one will be, but it will be based totally on Naruto and introduce some fairly big changes to the gameplay. I hope to see you all there!
  9. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    That's what I've been thinking. What a wasted spy.
  10. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    This is part of the reason I want to get outed now. Nobody trusts me ever in these games. I need to make a new ID like 'Surgical' or something The other part is that I have no idea why Innocents voted for me. I gave a pretty good reason for Bb. He could be Innocent, but at least it was something. He wouldn't die from the serum anyway. From what I've seen, I see no reason for people to have voted for me other than the Company and people following their deception. Bb and Joe's Student are extremely suspicious, even more so when my ID gets proven. Now that I know GC can't be the Haitian (I thought the Haitian was more powerful than he actually is - like in the show) GC is off my list. You'll see that outing me is actually bad for the Heroes, but since so many people chose to vote for me for literally no reason, I had no choice but to encourage it, so I could get the Heroes on my side and not have to fight a 2-front battle. I knew you would be all over me like you are starting, so let's just get this Day over with.
  11. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Question: what happens when Hiro goes into the Future and targets the Haitian? I'm trying to make sure GC is not the Haitian. I would assume they both just stand there and Hiro runs away. Am I right on that?
  12. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    It took me a while to get what you're saying. I agree. I don't think the Company is going to kill you tonight and Hiro shouldn't either. If you're lying, Nikki will. Edit: So what happens in a tie vote, if we have one?
  13. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    I believe it. Unless Nikki kills you tonight that is
  14. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    True. That makes sense. I surprised GC was so specific
  15. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    I think I actually want to get the serum now. 1) It will prove my innocence. 2) It will out the 3 baddies I mentioned before. 3) I have a plan to keep me and Y-San alive. Prof. vote for me. Once you all see my Innocence: Hiro, keep your kill on GC tonight. Y-San should kill Bb tonight. And Nikki should kill Joe's Student. This game is a lock Edit: clarification
  16. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    You got it Here's the thing though: Bb got it too. we really need to find out if Bb can be trusted. it's much more worth everyone's while to trust Bb right now. There is nothing in the Night post or in my responses that should warrant so many votes, meaning: did others get my hint? Look at everyone voting for me prior to this post. They are on suspect watch. Edit: hah! my 3 highest suspect are all voting for me: Bb, Joe's Student and GC with his BTSC (baddie BTSC that is) - nice try. Hiro keep your kill on GC.
  17. :lol: Edit: I figured I'd throw some ambiguity in there since the Villains lost their all-star
  18. Day 4: Clash of the Titans The Heroes stormed up to the mysterious house that had been clouding their vision for the whole game up until this point. They kicked the door in to find woon sitting at his throne. woon: I was expecting you all to come today. I have a proposition. Why don't you all join me? Join my cause and together we can rule Soul Society. woon: what do you think? Everyone began to shout at woon. As if they would fall for his tricks during the day... hmph. woon stood in an ominous manner. All the Heroes backed up a little and hesitated. woon: There is no one here who could possibly kill me. All of you at once couldn't get the job done. You would have had to drag... ???: Old Yama-jii? Yama-jii released his soul's sword and everything in his path turned to fire and ash. woon: Impressive display old man, but it's not enough. ???: Then what if I join the fight? Ichigo was in his purest Hollow form. woon's eyebrows rose in shock. Yama-jii used the opportunity to rush him. Ichigo joined him and flew into him faster than woon could even move. Evil Ichigo: DdDiIIIIiiIiIeEEEeeeeEEEEeEee!!!!!!!!! The collision resulted in a cataclysmic explosion. All the remaining players shielded their faces from the blast of power. When they finally deemed it safe to look at the scene, all they saw was that the back of woon's house had been completely obliterated and none of the three fighters remained. Were they dead or did the impact have some consequence they were all unaware of? Either way, they were now safe from Aizen. Recruiter: Toushiro 1) JS -DEAD (killed by Gaara) 2) Prof. Templeton 3) Mekal -DEAD (killed by Grimmjow) 4) Prince Marth - DEAD (killed by Aizen) 5) GC 6) woon -DEAD (executed and found to be Aizen) 7) CrazyPainter - DEAD (killed by Chad and Ishida) 8) Cherry Lane 9) FIF 10) PG -DEAD (executed and found to be Gaara) 11) Brandonb -DEAD (killed by Aizen) 12) Sinistral -DEAD (executed and found to be Grimmjow) 13) Kat 14) Wally West 15) dawh 16) Laharl -DEAD (executed and found to be Ichigo) 17) sweetness kat -DEAD (killed by Rukia) The 5th Night begins now. It will end when I get all of the pms in. Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4
  19. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Since nobody seems to trust me, I don't mind getting voted for. I don't feel like having to fight with the baddies and the goodies all game anyway. Once you all know who I am, I better have protection tonight! ...seriously. Also, once you know who I am, I can point out my awesome hint to all the good guys who totally missed it. Then I'll point out that Bb was the most likely person to get my hint. It will be fun. Vote for me to get the injection, but make sure you save me tonight.
  20. WW must take action this Night. There's no inaction in a Battle Royale. By "if they choose to do so" I was covering for the possibility of people still having Defenses left.
  21. yeah, I can't see how he could lose.
  22. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Just to be clear about the Haitian from the show: he puts his hand on people and makes them black out (usually taking some of their memory). That fits the Bb part of the Night Post perfectly so there's no question there.
  23. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    OK, check this: it would be silly for the Haitian to act on the first Night, unless he was trying to throw suspicion off of one of his own right? Also, why wouldn't the Company kill the one that the Haitian made powerless? HRG went after Y-San. He should have went after Bb, if Bb was Innocent... Bb is definitely the bad girl in the Company. [Candice]
  24. itachi-san

    Heroes: Season 1

    Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb 2) Kathleen 3) Sweetness Kat 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral 7) Slick2 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi - voting for Bb 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student Ah, wth, I'll start the vote. I think Bb is up to his clever tactics. We know he's not the Haitain, but he could easily be the girl who changes reality (I forget the name right now). By having the Haitian come after him, he's trying to throw suspicion off of himself. Bb please convince me otherwise Anyway, I was missing us going at it, that's another reason.
  25. The Alaskan Ethics Committee just found Palin to have abused her power The Republican Ticket is like the Titanic
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