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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Another round of Q & A: Counter-Attacks are done whenever there is damage done. So if you are Attacked while Defending, you do not counter that. Also, if you are healed, you do not counter your healer (don't bite the hand that feeds ) Added: Counter-Attacks also do not occur against Tactics. As for progress, I've gotten several teams' finalized stats, but remember that I also need your First Night's Actions. I have none of those yet.
  2. Shinigami King: Y Roster: 1)Brandonb - voting for Sparanda 2)Itachi-san - voting for Sinistral 3)Sinistral 4)dawh - DEAD (written into Death Note by DNH) 5)foolonthehill 6)Cherry Lane 7)Joe's Student - voting for Prof. Templeton 8)Kat - voting for Sparanda 9)SomeGuy - Kat 10)Rene83 11)Mekal 12)Sparanda 13)Star_tiger - voting for Joe's Student 14)Prof. Templeton - voting for Sinistral 15)Prince Marth 16)Ben Law I gotta say that I like PT's hunch on the brownie-death. It was very Sinister.
  3. Another good Question came in about Capturing. The only way to stop a Capture is with a Defense. The only way to stop a Rescue is with a Protect. In light of this answer I will give the Akatsuki the ability to Protect as well. And like I said, if a teammate dies or is Captured, then their Tactics will transfer to a living/useful teammate unless the original player is Rescued and returns to the game.
  4. Just being crystal clear about Stats due to some recent pms: They are Special Ability, Attack, Counter-Attack (0,0,0) Secret Tactic is NOT part of the stats. Tactic is achieved when you have maxed both Special Ability and Counter-Attack to 100.
  5. OK I'll be around from here on out. I haven't received any final decisions on anything yet - not that it's required until tomorrow. I'm just keeping you all in the progress-loop which right now is 0. Hopefully, I've answered all questions sufficiently. If not, feel free to ask away. Edit: Just giving a time-frame reference. Try for 24 hours from this post to get your team's stats and Night 1 actions in to me. Thanks!
  6. No one should be blaming me for Slick's death. I posted first because I had to leave soon after. When I left, there was already a vote for PT, so the vote could have went either way at that point. It was out of my hands from then on. Slick's vote for Mekal was suspicious IMO. There were several other votes the first day which struck me as suspicious as well: Prof. T, Brandonb and cp. I thought Slick's was the most suspicious. Slick dying was entirely his fault. Any saving role should just come out with their role if they're about to be lynched. Sure, they will probably get killed the next night, but at least they get to act that night instead of not helping the innocents at all... If Roberts kills me tonight then the baddies will almost definitely win. Since Slick was 1 of my 4 most suspicious and now he is clearly innocent... I'm thinking it must be someone who who hasn't been talking much. If my recommendation counts for anything Bb and PT should be the most suspicious ones for Roberts to pay a visit.
  7. Your team gets to allocate however many stat points I assigned you in the Character PM I sent today. You can put them wherever you want. Edit: Also, I updated Special Abilities for Deidara, Sasori, and Hidan. I had left some parts out and had made them not so special. But now they're special
  8. Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster Itachi-san - voting for Akaslickster Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon Mekal Cherry Lane Prof. Templeton Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik (safe for today, but cannot vote because she is still unconscious) I won't be around until Sunday. Frankly, I didn't think I'd survive the Night. Anyway, Slick's voting was extremely suspect IMO. He fell right into my trap if anyone gets what I mean. (as did a couple others actually, but Slick was the most suspicious).
  9. Clarification on Stat Points: The order is Special Ability, Attack, Counter-Attack So an example of someone with 200 health could be: 75, 25, 100 (This person would need 25 more stat points in Special Ability to be able to use their Secret Tactic). Also, I added a couple lines to the Characters Post about Tactics and Abilities and Captures. They were some FAQs.
  10. The Characters: AKATSUKI: Each Pair has individual unknown Win Conditions Itachi and Kisame - Win Condition = ??? Itachi - Once a valued Konoha shinobi. He became obsessed with power and slaughtered his entire clan leaving only his little brother, Sasuke, alive. He did not do this out of respect though. He did it because he knew Sasuke's potential to awaken the most powerful Sharingan technique, Mangekou. Itachi wanted to face someone of his own caliber in the future, just to test his own. Kisame's Partner Secret Tactic: Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured Special Ability - Mangekou Sharingan - Damages by its stat amount and allows Itachi to manipulate his victim's entire Night Attack - at 25-50 stat points, Itachi will simply show off his Taijutsu skills. At 75-100 he will let loose with his Fire Techniques Counter-Attack - ??? Kisame - Known as the Monster of the Hidden Mist. He has a long-term grudge with Konoha, especially Lee's Master, Gai-sensai. Kisame is very hot-headed and loses his cool easily. He also carries with him a massive sword with mysterious powers. It's reported that he has the most Chakra in all of Akatsuki. Itachi's Partner. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. or Protect - Kisame will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured. Special Ability - His Great Sword Samehda - will reduce all damage done to him that Night by it's stat points, in addition to him using his Attack on one person. Attack - All Water Techniques: from 25-50 he will create an Lake in which to fight, 75 - he will use his water prison, 100 - he will use his Water Shark Technique Counter-Attack - ??? Deidara and Sasori - Win Condition = ??? Deidara - Known to keep an even temper when fighting. He has only been seen upset when arguing about the true meaning of Art. He takes his ability very seriously as producing works of Art. Partners with Sasori. Secret Tactic - Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured Special Ability - His Masterpiece. A large clay bomb that will damage proportional to his stat points for it. Does double-damage. Attack - Will use explosives controlled remotely. The scale of the bombs will be proportional to his Attack stat. Counter-Attack - ??? Sasori - Once one of the greatest ninja and Puppet-Master from the Sand Village, he too became obsessed with power and murdered his own leader, the 3rd Kazekage. Using his Human Puppet technique, he transformed the 3rd into a puppet that fully utilizes the awesome powers the 3rd once had. Sasori's obsession with puppets has led him to believe that Art is beauty that lasts forever, which has spurred many arguments with his Partner, Deidara, who think Art is beauty that lasts only for an instant. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. or Protect - Sasori will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured. Special Ability - Summoning the 3rd Kazekage. His techniques will be proportional to these stat points. Does Double-damage. Attack - at 25 he will use Fire, at 50 he will use Water, at 75 he will use his own body's hidden weapons, and at 100 he will go all out and summon his entire Puppet Army. Counter-Attack - ??? Hidan and Kakuzu - Win Condition = ??? Hidan - Hidan is, believe it or not, deeply religious. Only not the Religions you may be familiar with. He practices Jashinism which requires many human sacrifices. He is seemingly immortal and uses that ability to easily kill his foes and live through the experience of dying. He claims it is pure ecstasy. Secret Tactic - Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured Special Ability - Jashin Sacrifice - will nullify his target's Night Actions and do double damage damage as his stat limit Attack - He will use his Taijutsu and 3-Pronged whip sword at varying levels proportional to his stat Counter-Attack - ??? Kakuzu - Kakuzu is Akatsuki's Treasurer. For them to achieve their goals they will need a vast amount of money. One of his objectives since he joined them was to collect as many bounties as possible. His abilities are shrouded in mystery, since it seems he is unbelievably strong and fast and can use all elemental Chakra which is unheard of for a shinobi. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. or Protect - Kakuzu will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured. Special Ability - Surgical Sewing - using his body's odd ability to connect and disassemble with strong threads, Kakuzu can sew anyone back together and heal them in the process. Kakuzu may save the same person (including himself) over and over. He only heals his target if they are Attacked and he does so for double his Special Ability stat. Attack - 25 = Earth, 50 = Wind, 75 = Lightning, 100 = Fire Counter-Attack - ??? --- OROCHIMARU'S AMBITION: - Win Condition = ??? Orochimaru - Orochimaru was once the most powerful Ninja in Konoha. He was passed over for becoming Hokage though, because the Village Elders saw that despite his skill, he was merciless and not a worthy leader. He became enraged at the embarrassment and went Rogue. Now all he plans on is destroying Konoha. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. Special Ability - Resurrection of Kimimaru. Kimimaru was once Orochimaru's greatest disciple, but he died from an illness, despite how unbelievably strong his body was. Kimimaru will do damage as high as the Stat and Orochimaru will also be able to Attack another player with his basic Attack. Attack - Orochimaru loves snakes and uses them in a wide variety of techniques. The techniques power will be equivalent to his Attack stat Counter-Attack - ??? Kabuto - For unknown reasons, Kabuto will do whatever it takes to satisfy Orochimaru's Ambition. He is his loyal servant and right-hand man. Kabuto is also a highly skilled Medical Ninja with powers rivaling even Tsunade. Secret Tactic - Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured. Special Ability - Kabuto will be able to Heal anyone (including himself), just never the same person twice in a row. He only heals his target if they are Attacked and he does so for double his Special Ability stat. Attack - Kabuto will use a genjutsu to paralyze his opponent from 25-50, and he will use his CHakra Scalpels to inflict serious damage from 75-100 Counter-Attack - ??? Sasuke - Sasuke is filled with hatred for Itachi who murdered their family and clan and left him alone. He is an avenger and will stop at nothing to gain power. He will even kill his own friends if they stand in his way. Secret Tactic - Protect - Sasuke will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured Special Ability - Mangekou Sharingan - Damages by its stat amount and allows Sasuke to manipulate his victim's entire Night Attack - 25-50 = Taijutsu, 75 = Fire Style, 100 = Lightning Attacks Counter-Attack - ??? --- Konoha's Teams - Each Team has different Win Conditions Team 10 - Win Condition = ??? Shikamaru - Known as Konoha's Genius. He leads Team 10 comprised of himself, Ino and Chouji. Has become somewhat of an avenger himself after Akatsuki killed his mentor and friend, Asuma. Shikamaru was never very strong, but his mental prowess on the battle field is comparabe to none. Secret Tactic - Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured. Special Ability - Shadow Bind. Will disable his opponent's Night actions and give Shikamaru a chance to ID his victim. He will do damage according to his stat points. Attack - Shikamaru can use a wide variety of Shadow Techniques which will be correlated to his Attack stat Counter-Attack - ??? Ino - Ino's family has been known for their ability to control the minds of others, but Ino recently has discovered a talent for Healing as well. She has Partnered with Shikamaru and Chouji since they were young. They all studied under Asuma. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. Special Ability - Healing. She may Heal anyone (including herself), but never the same person twice in a row. She only heals her target if they are Attacked and she does so for double her Special Ability stat. Attack - Mind Transfer - Ino can transfer her mind into the mind of her victim and control their actions to hurt themselves. Only at 100 can she use this Technique to make her victim hurt someone else. Counter-Attack - ??? Chouji - Chouji is known as a gentle giant. He has looked up to Shikamaru since they were little. Chouji gains strength from consumption. He's usually found anywhere food is served. Secret Tactic - Protect - Chouji will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured. Special Ability - Chouji's Family has passed down Chakra Pills through the generations. 25-50 he will take 1, 75 he will take 2, 100 he will take all 3. 1 = damage +25, 2 = damage +50, 3 = 200 damage. Attack - Chouji has the Multi-Size Ability. He can grow his hands very large for instance and crush his victims with gigantic fists. The amount of Multi-Sizing will be proportional to his Attack Stat. Counter-Attack - ??? TEAM 7 - Win Condition = ??? Yamato - Yamato is the only known Ninja living today who can use Wood techniques. It is vital for Konoha since that is the only type of technique that can control the Monster Nine-Tailed Fox inside Naruto. Yamato leads Team 7 comprised of himself, Naruto and Sakura. He is good natured and an ex-leader of ANBU Special Ops under Tsunade's direct command. He is a ninja to be trusted. Secret Tactic - Capture - does 200 damage and captures any player that is able to be Captured. Special Ability - Using Wood Techniques on Naruto he can ensure Naruto's safety when Attacking, as well as anyone around him. Attack - Yamato uses a wide variety of Wood Techniques. They will become greater the more he increases this stat. Counter -Attack - ??? Naruto - Naruto is the self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Ninja" ...and he might be right. He always overcomes what seem to insurmountable odds and has the uncanny ability to make even the most vile ninja rethink their actions. His one and only failure was not being strong enough to save Sasuke from himself and he let him fall into Orochimaru's hands. Naruto will stop at nothing to become strong enough to bring his best friend back to Konoha. Secret Tactic - Protect - Naruto will take half damage from Rescuers to Protect one person his team has Captured. Special Ability - Naruto can use the Nine-Tailed Fox and do double damage to his victim. Without Yamato helping him control himself though, there is a 50/50 he will run amok and wind up Attacking someone at random. Attack - 25-50 = Shadow Clones, 75 = Summoning, 100 = Rasengan Counter-Attack - ??? Sakura - Sakura was devastated when Sasuke left her and their village in pursuit of power with Orochimaru. Her heart was broken, but she turned her grief into production and became Tsunade's medical protegé. She, like Naruto, will stop at nothing to get Sasuke back from Orochimaru's evil clutches. Secret Tactic - Rescue - can be used only on those who have been Captured. They will be freed and brought back to life essentially, with 100 new stat points. the other 100 damage will be done to the one who Captured them. Special Ability - Healing. She may Heal anyone (including herself), but never the same person 2 times in a row. She only heals her target if they are Attacked and she does so for double her Special Ability stat. Attack - 25-50 = Powerful Taijutsu, 75-100 = Genjutsu Counter-Attack - ??? --- Defenses: may be used infinitely, but cost 100 points per use. They are completely unbreakable. They have no added bonuses or detriments Akatsuki may use Clones or Smoke Bombs Orochimaru's Group may use Substitutions or Traps Team 10 may use Traps or Smoke Bombs Team 7 may use Clones or Substitutions --- Counter-Attacks: happen whenever someone is successfully Attacked. Some characters have extra secrets up their sleeves that are also unknown There are no Counter-Attacks when Defended or when Tactics are used. And of course, you do not counter-attack someone healing you. Special Abilities and Secret Tactics: cannot be used two Nights in a row. And to reiterate: Secret Tactics can only be used if a Character has 100 in both Special Ability and Counter-Attack. Capture: If a character has the ability to be Captured they are essentially never truly Dead, because they can be possibly Rescued and brought back to life. So, if you are one of those characters, don't count yourself out if you get Captured. A Capture will be noted in the Night Post and marked on the Roster. Also, it is not necessary for a person to have 0 health to be Captured, assuming the 200 Damage does not take them down to zero. They will retain any kept life if Rescued in addition to the 100 new stat points. --- The Battle Royale begins now! I'll pm roles, win conditions and secrets soon. I'll be around for a while, but then I'll be away until Sunday. I guess we could aim for Monday to get all the pms in to me. I'll need your Team's stat configurations and your Night 1 Actions. Good Luck! Prologue Game Rules Chapter 1 (flashback)
  11. No worries now! I'll be playing Death Note as well, Sparanda Thanks for joining officially though. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal 15) Sparanda This is the final final Roster. I'll post all the remaining info on characters and send the pms out tomorrow. It looks like Itachi and Kisame will be sticking around.
  12. itachi-san

    hehe, well I don't mind an episode about the past or a slow-paced episode. I mind awful writing and deconstructing well established characters and scenes . The episode was framed by Hiro's Spirit Walk! Hiro's Spirit Walk should have been amazing and should definitely have been about him, Ando and preferably his father's past/future ..whenever . We don't even know what his father's power was. Also, like other powers, Hiro's will hopefully get more complex (like Parkman's for example), so the Spirit Journey could have been about how Hiro could get stronger too. The whole episode made no sense IMO and Claire's Mom and brother with Eric Roberts' in the past was unnecessary and awful. <_<
  13. Mekal wants in but I would preferably need someone else to step up too. Right now the Roster is at 13, but it would have to be 15 to fit my scheme. Anyone else want to join? Last chance. It would be easier to have 15, but maybe I can inject a loner character into the mix for 14 people. I'll think about it.
  14. I see it. I see it all
  15. That was the example of a clue post I was talking about. It's a post I made that will give at least some insight into each team's individual Win Condition. The Win Conditions will never be known (until the game is over) so people can use these posts as clues as to what other teams may be trying to achieve. There will be more to come (probably during the Day posts). They all take place prior to this game. I'll make that clear when they are written by adding (Flashback) to their titles. Mentioning in these posts will give the teams extra stat points. I wanted to start the game out with 2 teams getting a slightly larger initial stat figure. So now Hidan and Kakuzu will have 450 points to spread around and Shikamaru's Team (3 people) will have 650 points to spread around. Every other team will start out with 200 points per person. This will put a slight damper on any thoughts of instant kills, by using the Secret Attacks. I'll post all the character info tomorrow. I just felt like writing something basically, so I posted this today instead of tomorrow 13 people is actually pretty sweet now that I think about it, so the final roster is: Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS 13) Sinistral Reserve: 1) Sparanda If anyone missed out, feel free to sign-up as a reserve, but I don't feel like rushing this game, so nobody should feel they don't have time. Please, take your time, I'm in no rush. It's going to play out very much like a war of attrition, so the fewer people the easier on me hosting actually I'll PM roles tomorrow too. And the Night can start then, but nothing will be expected until Sunday or Monday or Tuesday even. It will be a good couple of days to work out the best time schedule for your teams to discuss with BTSC.
  16. hahah! nice, I didn't think of it like that! Edit: also, too many inactives... maybe the Y-San thing killed discussion, but that's no excuse for not participating at all. Come on people!
  17. Chapter 1: Konoha's Captain (Flashback) The skilled Jounin-Class ninja from Konoha, Asuma, led his team of four on a perilous mission in search of a pair of Akatsuki members rumored to have been seen near the Fire Temple. Reports said that they had killed the head-Priest Chiriku, a powerful ninja-monk and Asuma's best friend. The reports also said that Chiriku's body was nowhere to be found in the wreckage of the Temple. Akatsuki was probably going to sell it. A great ninja's body is worth quite a lot to the right people. There are all sorts of techniques and abilities one could get from it if they knew how. Asuma gritted his teeth thinking of Chiriku's corpse being dragged along almost in front of him as he led his team through the forest. His team was comprised of Konoha's greatest genius and Asuma's best student, Shikamaru, as well as two other excellent Chounin-ranked ninja, Genma and Kotetsu. A strong team for a strong opponent. Shikamaru noticed his Captain was acting odd though. It was not like him to be this serious and he hadn't even touched a cigarette since they heard the news of Chiriku. Shikamaru: Is everything alright Asuma-sensei? We can't afford any mistakes against these guys. They're too powerful. These Akatsuki guys have rediculous abilities. Asuma: Haha! Forget about me. Remember, these are the guys who killed Chiriku. Having lived so long myself, I've seen many friends leave this Earth. Keep all your thoughts on their weaknesses and our Team's safety. The group of four continued to leap through the forest, until the dense trees began to spread and they could see a clearing up ahead. In the clearing was a rundown building that was supposedly used for Black Market trading. They surely must have brought Chiriku's body to this awful place. They all stopped just shy of the forest boundary and looked through the foliage. There he was! It was the Akatuski member Hidan! He was just sitting outside? His partner must have been inside making the trade. Chiriku was reportedly worth 30 Million. The thought brought a wry smile to Asuma's face because he was actually worth 5 Million more than Chiriku. Asuma: Shikamaru. You stabilize him with your Shadow Bind technique, and while I distract him, Genma and Kotetsu take him out. Ideally it would nice to capture both of them, but considering how strong the Akatsuki we know are, like Itachi and Kisame, it's in our best interest to kill one and then capture the other. Their plan was successful! Hidan stood motionless, with the swords of Kotetsu and Genma jammed right through his vital organs. Asuma whispered: "One down.." But then Hidan lifted up his head to look at them all! Hidan: Ow! Who the Hell are you people?! Do you have any idea how much this hurts? All the Konoha Shinobi except Shikamaru leaped back in wild amazement. The man who should be dead was merely cracking his neck and rubbing his wounds. Then the building erupted in a violent explosion and Shikamaru had no choice but to join his team. Kakuzu had appeared from within. Hidan: Don't you dare interfere Kakuzu! Look what they did to me! Ah, tsk. Seriously, this fight is mine! You can have the bounty when I'm done with them. Isn't this Captain guy worth a lot too? Kakuzu: Fine. I'll make sure these three don't interfere. Just don't take forever like usual. Hidan shrugged his shoulders in defiance. "Whatever. You've said it now, this guy is mine!" Asuma readied his Wind blades and took Hidan on. Hidan kept the area wide with his three-pronged whip-sword. Asuma's team was stuck. On one hand hand it was lucky the second Akatsuki member hadn't joined the fight, but on the other, they couldn't help Asuma. The battle was fierce, but each continued to dodge the other's attacks until finally Hidan's blade grazed Asuma's cheek. "That's all I need." Hidan said as he quickly drew some sort of Religious symbol on the ground in his own blood. Asuma readied a fierce Fire Technique and as Hidan walked into the symbol the blast hit him with full force. Something was wrong though. Asuma looked down at his own body and he was burned where Hidan should have been! He looked up at his opponent and saw that Hidan's body had completely changed in appearance. He had taken some damage the damage too, but it barely fazed him. "He must be used to pain if this is his technique!" Asuma thought. Hidan let out a maniacal laugh. Asuma cringed in pain and dropped one of his blades. The words of Hidan echoed through his head. Hidan rose from his shielded position. "There is no escape from it. This is over." Shikamaru's eyes widened. He was a quick learner, but there was nothing he could do. This technique was too powerful. Hidan was able to link their bodies so whatever damage he takes is done right back to the person who attacks him? And he's immortal? So what then?... He couldn't think of a plan fast enough. His Captain, his Master, his friend was dying right before his eyes and he couldn't do anything about it. Kakuzu just stood in their way as Hidan readied his spear. Hidan: Time after time I get to experience the feeling of someone dying. And to live through it is pure ecstasy. And a tough one like you? This is going to be great! AhahHAHAAhahahhahaa! Hidan lowered his hand and lifted the spear. Asuma's team moved to help, but Kakuzu restrained them all with ease. They had no choice but to watch. Asuma stared Hidan right in the eyes knowing that this was his end. At the hands of this madman. If only he could think of a way to save his team from the same fate. But time was running short. And then Hidan plunged the spear right through himself! The two opponents remained frozen in place like statues. One in exhilaration, one in agony. There was a silence so deadening that it was more like a vacuum that sucked in all the sound around it. The two just stared at each other. Then, slowly, Asuma fell to the ground. Hidan looked up at the sky as if on a high. These were the moments he lived for: the ones others died for. Shikamaru broke loose and ran toward his comrade. "Asuuuuummmaaaaaa!" But is was too late. Now Hidan's attention was directed at him and he froze. Then oddly, both Akatsuki members retreated. "Are they communicating with someone?" Shikamaru quickly thought. Hidan: Now?! This is seriously the best part! Akatsuki's Leader: Now... Kakuzu: Let's go Hidan. (He turned to Shikamaru)...Remember us. We'll be back. Shikamaru: I'll remember you! You're going to die for this! Hidan: As if you could pull it off... Ugh! I'm going to Curse that Leader of ours one day for ordering us around all the time! Kakuzu: Careful with your words Hidan. Let's go. With that, the two disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Shikamaru's heart was shattered. It all happened so fast. His friend and mentor was murdered. Anger filled him. Genma and Kotetsu gathered up Asuma to bring him back to village to be buried. Shikamaru: Asuma... I'll avenge you. Shikamaru remembered that this was all about money really. So they'd definitely be back for Asuma's body. And he'd be ready. Shikamaru's Team gets 50 extra Stat Points Hidan and Kakuzu get 50 extra Stat Points Prologue Game Rules
  18. Hidan is new and improved this go-around. If I were playing, I'd want to be him
  19. I haven't posted any of the characters yet. I'll wait until tomorrow to see if we have 13 or 15. Hidan will definitely be here Pein and Konan are just gonna watch though If 13, I'll drop Itachi and Kisame. Edit: oh, and expect a random post today, just for the heck of it
  20. Sweet! Glad to have you aboard! OK, so 2 more people and we've got a game. It'll start Sunday or Monday. If we can't get two more, I'll just remove an Akatsuki pair and beef up the power of the remaining 4 of them , but I'd rather have 6.
  21. Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster Itachi-san - voting for Mekal Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon Mekal Cherry Lane Prof. Templeton Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san Dms172 Star_Tiger White horses make me suspicious.... Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!
  22. No pressure with the Day posting. You have one shot every 24 hours. (hopefully more) if not, then just expect a point reduction. As for Nights, I'll be very lenient because of the world-wide BTSC going on. I'll just send reminders if it passes 24 hours wait. Also, I'm going to be gone most of this weekend, so I was thinking maybe a Sunday or Monday start. You can't boost teammates in trouble. Once the original stats are set there's no going back. It will be clearer once sign-up is complete and I can finalize the characters (I need to know how many I'll be working with). After that initial stat setup by you and your team, the only way your stats get rearranged are when you lose them and when you earn them (both of which you have control over). There will also be a couple characters who have the ability to sacrifice stat points for another character, but those are outliers to the overall rules. And the stats are known only to your team and me, but considering what Night actions you take, your stats will be able to be discerned by others. I.E. if you use a Secret Attack you must have had at least 100 in both Special and Counter Attacks before the Night began. And no, these rules are different. You do not need to know anything about the previous games. It couldn't hurt to read them, but they have no direct impact on this game aside from certain characters having died
  23. Cool, 4 more and we can commence battling! I think I'm going to go with the random posts of living people to give them extra stat points. They will be posted in addition to Day posts and I'll limit them to characters who acted over the past Night and are still alive. It's a give/take, people know your character is still alive, but you get free stat points. Let me know if anyone dislikes this idea. I'll post a sample one soon, but it will stick and those characters will get extra points for the game before it begins.
  24. I just added some intricacies about Capturing and Defenses to the Rules post. Please ask away with any questions now before the game begins.
  25. Hey Linderman, if I ask nicely will you bring me back to life?
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