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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. People can feel free to PM me whenever during the holiday. It will go down as usual. The Night will end when I get all the PMs in. If it takes a couple days, that's fine with me
  2. This is correct Mekal. I just accumulated all of your evidence from Day 1. I, as Host, would never out the killer(s) in any way. And yes CL, of course you're still playing
  3. itachi-san

    Aside from one of my favorite characters being ruined forever (Sylar, which was happening already anyway this season) I didn't think that last episode was so bad. I'm glad they're all powerless. They were getting so powerful it was kind of stupid. I kept thinking "Why does Mr. Petrelli need a gang when he can do anything himself? Why doesn't he just take over the world?" Now everyone knows his power (assuming he gets it back) and they will stay away from his powerdrain-grip Frost, I know the eclipse makes no sense... but so does the whole show I mean, it's based off super powers that have no scientific bearing, why should the eclipse have to be reasonable? Y-San, I saw the Daphne thing coming, but was thinking wheelchair.. either way you're right, they did it horribly. It was more comical than sad. Written well, it could have been somewhat emotional, but that wasn't the way All in all, I think the only way to save the show was to start over, so they're doing the right thing IMO.
  4. itachi-san

    Eat Poop You Cat

    I'd just like to say that this game is turning out hilariously great! :lol: :lol: Awesome job everyone! Too funny
  5. Chapter 11: Hidan's Anger Grows Brandonb couldn't help but be lured into a very dangerous and ominous tunnel. The walls were tight. He felt like he was suffocating. His heart-rate rose and he started to hyperventilate. He couldn't regain his calm no matter what he tried, but he kept walking farther into the snake's mouth. It felt like he was being watched the whole way, but that was impossible... right? Finally, he emerged into a large cavern. The ceiling was vaulted high. It was dark. There were candle strewn about, but he could still barely see. He was able to make out a gigantic snake's statue. The eyes were lit with candles and flickered as if the beast was alive. Then a young man stood up from an unseen spot and glanced over at Bb. Sasuke: I've got something I need you to do for me. Bb knelt under the pressure of the Sharingan. "As you wish." --- Sasori summoned the Third Kazekage Puppet and chased Prince Marth for a great distance through the trees of Konoha. Sasori: You can't run forever... Huge blades whipped out of the puppets right arm and poison gas bombs shot from its left. PM was caught. All the attacks hit him at once in a huge blast, but his body disappeared. Sasori: I fell for a clone? How lame. --- Sparanda walked right by Ino without even a glance. Ino: If there's one thing I hate. ...It's being ignored. Ino spun her knives around her fingertips and rushed Sparanda. He blocked every attack, but when he leaped back he caught her eye. She used her mind manipulation to enter Sparanda's mind. She made him take a blade out from his own pack and stab himself in the shoulder with it. The pain sent Ino out of his mind, back into her own, and Sparanda yelled in pain. He had a few other choice words for Ino as she escaped his wrath. --- Kakuzu: You're next on my list Professor. PT: Heh. Try me! You'll just end up on mine. ...acting like you got what it takes to kill me? hmph! Kakuzu: I'll make you eat those words. Kakuzu's limbs detached and flew all around PT. Eventually, he got a hold of PT's throat. Kakuzu: Now die! PT: *cough* heheh *cough* is that ..all ...you got? --- Hidan: Alright! Come out of your little rabbit hole Sinistral! Sinistral (from behind) : I wasn't hiding. I was training ...for you. I'd knew you'd come after me and now I'm prepared! Hidan: I've completely had it with you. Haven't you ever heard it's unwise to make the immortal guy so angry? Sinistral: Sounds like a good story. I'll be sure to read it after I kill you. Hidan spat on the ground, yelled in a maniacal fashion and ran at Sinistral full speed. He came crashing down on him with his scythe, but Shikamaru blocked it with his kunai. The two fought for a long time, and then a newcomer entered the stage. Sakura: Get out of here while you still can. Akatsuki scum! Hidan: Rrrrrrrrrrr... Ahhhh!!!! When I get my hands on you! Just you wait! This is NOT over! --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Flashback 2 Day 4 Day 5 begins now and ends 24 hours from this post.
  6. Night 2: The Killers Strike Again Crime Scene. 11.25.08 18:00 hours. Looks to be the Butcher's Copy Cat Lt. Stark: OK everyone! Just what we expected. No mistakes! The rain drizzled on a cold night in Boston. The Lieutenant stood watching over the crime scene with care, and uncaring about her clothes getting drenched. Her breath exhaled in a white mist that hung in the air. She watched it for a while and then focused on the forensics team gathering the body parts from the "present" they received. She was waiting for a call. Another murder she assumed. The Butcher wouldn't be outdone by this amateur. The Copy-Cat even used another storage facility. How unoriginal. Stark was surprised the Butcher hadn't killed this Copy-Cat yet, but then again. He was taking a lot of heat off. Det. Smith: This one's gotta be the Copy Cat Lieutenant. We already have witnesses. Mason: What's under the box Adams? Adams: Get this: it says "Greed", written in the victim's blood like last time. Williams: Woah, woah, who was this guy? Lt. Stark: He was the former CEO of one of those huge Insurance Firms that got bailed out. He had an Eight Hundred Million dollar golden parachute. There must have been plenty of people who wanted him dead. These killers are going to become popular the way things are going... Adams: I guess that parachute wasn't packed properly. Det. Jones: Heheh. Nice. I'm sure he didn't expect to wind up in a box like that. That's for sure. Williams: OK, guys, guys... I think I've got something. Have you ever seen that movie Se7en? (a round of yeses and noes) Well look. The killer in that movie went in this order too. If this guy really is a Copy-Cat, then maybe he's copying more than the Butcher. Lt. Stark: So what came next in the movie? Williams: It went Gluttony, Greed, ...Sloth (and it was a seedy drug dealer who hid in the shadows) Mason: Hmph. Well that narrows it down. Good thinking, but preventing that one is going to be like preventing the winter in Boston. Not a snowball's chance in Hell. *ring ring* *** Crime Scene. 11.26.08 1:00. Definitely the work of the Butcher. The group walked into the stadium. There had recently been a rodeo and the place still stank of those steer. And there it was. Another gift to Boston Homicide. A huge box all wrapped up with a bow on top and everything. When they opened it though, they found a new surprise. The left ear was missing as was always the case with the Butcher. But in it's place an Ox horn was somehow attached to the skull. Lt. Stark: Oh my god. ...OK, I want everything about that horn checked out on the double! This may be our first clue that could lead us to the Butcher. Adams (lifting the skull and placing into evidence) : I don't get it. What's he trying to say? Williams (sealing the large bag) : I don't know bro. But this case keeps getting weirder and weirder. *** At the end of the Night the following officers found: Lt. Stark got a lead on the vehicle and an accessory associated with the killer Det. Smith got the body-type from a witness Det. Jones got the hair color from a witness UA Johnson got a lead on the killer's hair color UA Harrison got a lead on an accessory the killer may have FI Adams found trace evidence of hair not belonging to the victim and a possible accessory for the killer FI Williams found trace evidence of an accessory and a blood-type different from the victim Mason got a good eye-witness account of the hair color of the killer *** Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace 3) dawh 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal Game Rules Night 1 Day 1 Investigation Results Day 2 starts now. It ends 24 hours from now. Please post the evidence you want to share from 0-10 articles.
  7. each day will have a new majority tally. Night 2 post coming soon
  8. Host: I 1) Joe's Student - found the killer uses a knife 2) Peace -found the CC has blood type B 3) dawh - found the CC whistles 4) DMS - found the CC uses knife 5) A. Person - found the CC wears a ring and has grey hair 6) Twin Pop - found the CC uses a black car 7) Kat - found that the killer likes to hum 8) Cherry Lane - found the CC has blond hair and wears glasses 9) reaymanator - found the CC uses chewing gum and has a hat 10)mekal - found the Killer likes to hang out in the garage OK, this is the final tally based on your evidence for Day 1's Investigation: The Copy-Cat Killer has Blood-Type B, Uses a Knife, Hangs out in his garage, and has a black car. All other evidence is contradictory so far. Let's find this guy people! Night 2 will be posted sometime tonight. Thanks for stepping in CL and Kat!
  9. OK, looks like Kat's in. I'll pm her her role and whatnot. Once she presents evidence we can get this game going again
  10. Cool, if I don't hear from Rene by tomorrow morning, you're in. Thanks Kat!
  11. Thanks a lot for filling in CL! Now we just need to hear from Rene and we can get going. If anyone else is interested in playing, please let me know. Just post here.
  12. yes. my mistake. Edit: I'll fix it so the torrent of pms can end
  13. Chapter 10: Failed Vengeance Sinistral dawned his Chounin vest and went looking for Hidan. "He's going to pay for what he did to Asuma!" Hidan was always easy to find. That immortal jerk! But Sinistral had a plan. Hidan: You again? You're out of your league kid. You must be wanting revenge for me killing that pathetic master of yours. Seriously, that guy was a loser. I didn't even break a sweat. And now you? You're really underestimating me. Sinistral didn't even answer. He didn't want to let this jerk's words get to him. He had to be mentally prepared to fight this guy. He used his shadow bind and through a series of back and forths, he actually managed to link Hidan. Hidan became unable to move and was irate at getting caught in this kid's lame attack. Sinistral ran Hidan through the forest trying to get him as far away from his friends as possible. Hidan helplessly trailed, his anger growing by the second. Sinistral set up explosives everywhere and then his chakra ran out. His shadow detached from Hidan and slowly retreated back to his own body. Hidan looked up with satisfaction and grinned. Hidan: This was your big plan? Go ahead. Set them off. ...no, actually I won't even give you the chance. Hidan whipped his scythe around. Sinistral was too tired to keep dodging. Eventually Hidan sliced his cheek open. "That's all I need." Sinistral's eyes widened in despair. Hidan began transforming into that horrible black figure. Like the face of death itself. Hidan: Mauahahaah! This is the end for you, Shikamaru! Hidan raised his sacrifical pole high and stabbed through his own heart. Shikamaru felt the horrible pain as if his own heart exploded. He fell over dead and Hidan laughed until he got tired. His color returned to normal. He slung his scythe over his shoulder and walked away from the body. After some time, Chouji ran over to Shikamaru's corpse. "Shikamaru! I won't let you die!" He performed some sort of life saving technique and soon after Shikamaru's eyes opened again. Shikamaru: Chouji? Chouji: There's nothing I wouldn't do for my best friend! --- Joe's Student walked peacefully under the beating sun. He inhaled a deep breath, not taking one moment of life for granted. ???: It must be nice to be so care-free. JS: You? Who are you? I've never even remotely heard of you. There's no way you've ever attacked me before in this game! Sasuke: Well, I'm going to attack you for the first time. Since Frost doesn't like messages, I won't give you one. Sasuke sent a very first Grand Fireball at JS who blocked the technique with his forearms for the first time. It did some damage though. JS checked to see his attacker, but Sasuke was already long gone. He collapsed to the ground. His good mood had entirely disappeared. "What does he want from me? I just don't get it... And who was he? Sas...who?" --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Flashback 2 Everyone gets +25 except Sinistral Chouji +25 Hidan +25 Edit: Night 5 begins now and ends when I get all the pms. Please include stats and actions. Thanks!
  14. Day ends in about 40 mins. (24 hours after last Night)
  15. correct. Like I said people can post 0-10 items. Everyone chose to post barely anything, so Day 1 is kind of a wash in terms of majority and evidence.
  16. OK, time's up, but the day needs to get extended for New Recruits Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace 3) dawh 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon - needs replacement (Rene?) 8) FIF - needs replacement (CL?) 9) reaymanator 10)mekal No offense to anyone, but the show must go on. I'll pm Rene and CL. Once they confirm and get their evidence posted, Night 2 will be posted.
  17. Friendly Reminder: JS, LM, FIF and Mekal need to post within the hour or be replaced. For the first day it's OK to be so late, but from now on please at least say something earlier on for the Chief's sake. -that goes for everyone.
  18. 2.5 hours left to post. Nothing personal, but I'll have to replace inactives or this game isn't going to work. Waiting until the last minute to post anything is also not acceptable because there is a character who's ability relies on checking people's posts - namely The Chief.
  19. Chapter 9: Akatsuki's Meeting (flashback) Akatsuki's Leader appeared in their base and summoned the demonic creature that had the capacity to seal and harness the power of the Bijou. The Bijou were monsters hidden inside ninjas from varying countries. The Nine-Tailed Fox inside Naruto was one of those Bijou. They each had a different number of tails from one to nine. The Fox being the most powerful. Once the statuesque creature fully appeared in their base, their Leader called to them through his telepathic communication technique. With that one word, six Akatsuki members appeared on the fingertips of the beast in holographic form. They were elsewhere, each with their own mission to capture a particular Bijou and bring them to this base to be extracted and sealed. Deidara and Sasori appeared in true form. Deidara had captured his target, the Sand's Bijou the One Tail, that was sealed inside Gaara. Deidara flew Gaara into the hideout using one of his clay birds and then both he and Sasori leaped into position on their specific fingertips. The Leader began the Sealing technique. Each Akatsuki Member's fingertip lit up with their respective crest. For three days and three nights Akatsuki extracted the Bijou from Gaara. His cold body fell to the ground after the process was over. Akatsuki's Leader: There are several ninja of interest in Konoha, but none more important for our groups success than Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine Tails. Deidara: Isn't he Itachi's target? Kisame: I believe he is... right partner? Zetsu: Targets no longer matter. Just bring us the Bijou. Sasori looked over at Itachi with a wry twinkle in his eye. "You wouldn't mind if we were to fight Naruto before you get to him... right Itachi?" Itachi only stared Sasori down with murderous eyes. Deidara: Easy Itachi. No need to get upset about it. Sasori: It's just ...business after all. Akatsuki's Leader: Shut up! All of you! You have your orders. I will not accept failure this time. Dismissed. Each hologram quickly faded out. Deidara and Sasori leaped off the structure as it descended back underground. Deidara: Well, look's like we're on our way to Konoha. Sasori: Ah. Make sure you bring enough clay this time. You're always under prepared. Deidara: yeah yeah... --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Itachi and Kisame +50 Deidara and Sasori +50
  20. Oh yeah, sorry. I'll fix that in the night post.
  21. Please post your evidence using this roster: Host: I 1) Joe's Student -found... 2) Peace -found... 3) dawh 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal The majority for each item will be the final outcome of the day's investigation.
  22. Yes. I guess I'd recommend reading the rules over again since no one has posted anything yet. You are supposed to present evidence (real or fake). Not vote for a cop.
  23. Chapter 8: Disarray under the Moonlit Night Sparanda walked by Ino holding her stomach and groaning. Inquisitively he asked if everything was alright. Ino: Who me? Oh yes... *as she twisted her hands into the focusing seal for her mind-transfer technique* I'll be fine any moment. hehe Sparanda smiled back at the pretty girl, but then totally forgot what he wanted to do. He didn't seem to care much, and then walked back the way he came. --- Prof. Templeton stumbled upon Sasuke walking through the woods. PT stopped and looked th eyoung guy up and down. "You don't seem to be too healthy there buddy. What's with those black marks on your body?" Sasuke: They're my ...true power! Sasuke: Fire Style: Phoenix FLower shurikens. The shurikens ripped through PT's flesh and he barely escaped the dangerous Uchiha boy while he had the chance. --- dawh looked down at the gaping wound in his mid-section and gasped for air. Blood shot from his mouth. "What are you doing? .. just ...standing ..there?" Hidan: That's an odd question to ask before you die. Hidan licked the blood off of his scythe and his skin began to change colors, resembling the grim reaper himself. dawh shook with fear. --- Kakuzu: You're injured pretty bad PT. Allow me. Kakuzu's arm detached from his body and tentacle-like threads came from every direction. He sewed up PT's wounds and healed him. Kakuzu didn't expect any thanks. He was just satisfied in a job well done and already began thinking about which bounty to collect next. --- Chouji and Brandonb were locked in a stalemate, but Bb was gaining the edge. Bb: What's the matter fatty? Can't keep up? I know all about your little gang. That skanky Ino, and that useless leader Shikamaru. You think he's smart? You're even dumber than you are fat. Chouji opened a canister of 3 pills and ate the last Red one. All of his chakra seemed to leak out of his body and his body became thin. Bright blue butterfly wings sprouted from his back and he punched Bb right in the chest before Bb had a chance to react. Chouji's speed and power had increased beyond Bb's wildest imagination. Bb was shot down into the dirt with a sickening thud. Chouji: Making fun of me... making fun of Ino... but the one thing I will not tolerate... Chouji: Shikamaru is the most brilliant ninja to have ever lived! And the price for demeaning him ...is heavier than life! Chouji punched Bb right in the chest while Bb was still lying on the ground senseless. The impact created a massive crater and Chouji stood over his victim, listening to him whimper. --- Yamato chased after Sinistral. "You're a fugitive until I say otherwise! Stop in the name of Konoha!" Sinistral (turning while running away): You'll have to catch me if you want to get anything out of me. Yamato: Don't run like a coward. Sinistral (running): Oh, we'll fight again if you want. Just not tonight. Yamato: *sigh* You leave me no choice. Yamato ran to pursue Sinistral, but noticed only too late that he was standing on a trap. The ground caved in around him and the earth molded to his body. Only his head remained above the surface. He was aggravated and used a powerful Earth Technique to escape, but Sinistral was long gone. --- dawh was paralyzed with fear. What was this creature he was fighting? The Akatsuki members had such crazy abilities! Hidan just laughed maniacally as he stabbed himself with his sacrificial pole. Each wound he inflicted upon himself, dawh felt just as much. Only Hidan was used to pain. He was used to the worst pain imaginable: death itself. Time and again he killed his victims and lived through their agony. He raised the spear and thrust it through his heart. dawh's eyes widened in shock as he fell to his knees before this indestructible foe. What could he do? He was fully under his curse... Hidan: Hmm. You're still alive eh? It seems there's more to you than meets the eye. Well, since you're so eager to stay alive, I'll leave you in this agonized state. Feels good doesn't it? dawh didn't answer. Hidan stabbed himself in the kneecap. "Doesn't it!?" dawh screamed in pain, wounded all over. "Yes! ...ow.. Yes! tsk. It feels... ugh.. great." Hidan: Hahahaha. hehhehe. Muahahaha! Aw, what a pitiful mess you are now. Well then, my work is done. Later. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Day 4 begins now and ends 24 hours from this post. Everyone lived and gets +25 stat points.
  24. Night 1: The Boston Butcher strikes again, but Twice? Crime Scene. 11.23.08. 18:00 hours. Looks to be the work of the Boston Butcher. Lt. Stark: Alright people. We've got a mess in there. I want everyone on their A game here! This looks like another Butcher victim. Det. Jones: But Lieutenant... there's never any evidence. This guy is as clean as a they come. I've never seen anything like it. Lt. Stark: He'll mess up one night and we'll be ready when he does. Now move! The Homicide Division moved into a dungeon-like cave under a small bridge. The victim was in their typical spot. All wrapped up for the cops to find, like a present. A chopped up gruesome present. The room was vacant except for the giant bow-wrapped box sitting right in the middle of the floor. They cleared the crime scene and made sure errors were kept minimal. Wen they opened the box they all jumped back though. This was unlike the Butcher's M.O. The box was filled with Rats eating the body! It was a mess. But like always, when they put the pieces together, the Left Ear was missing. Det. Jones: The rats could have eaten it. Det. Smith: I doubt it, since we have parts of the right one. Besides, there's a clean cut at the skull there. The Butcher took it. Like he always does. Collecting his mementos... Mason: And let me guess... no witnesses. no prints. no nothing. Lt. Stark: You got it. *big sigh* this is unbelievable. The city is going to go crazy. Mason: At least they can rest assured that he only kills bad guys. This guy was a known felon. Escaped 2 murder raps. This Butcher might not be all that bad. Lt. Stark: Hmph. They turn. Even the vigilante ones. They get consumed with their evil. He's no exception. ...let's keep moving people. He may be good, but we're better! And... *ring ring* The Lieutenant answered her phone. "Lt. Stark. You're not going to believe this..." *** Crime Scene. 11.23.08 21:00 hours. Looks to be a second victim of the Butcher. Det. Smith: Two presents in one night? I'm flattered. FI Adams: Haha! Christmas is coming soon this year. FI Williams: But all we get is coal in our stockings... Lt. Stark: Enough jokes. Let's just get this done. It was almost identical. The scene. A giant box in the center of a storage facility. The body chopped up and wrapped like gifts. No rats though. FI Adams: Hey Lieutenant! Stark! We've got something here! Lt. Stark: What is it? FI Adams: The victim. He's missing his right ear... That's never been the Butcher's style. Mason: And he wouldn't change now. Mason shoved his way over to the box and began to tilt it over. "Jeez! This guy was a heavy one! ...hey wait! There's something written on the bottom of the box! Get all the parts out and flip it over!" They did and what they found was the word "Gluttony" written in the victim's blood. Lt. Stark: This isn't our guy. Det Smith: Great, we've got a copy-cat now? The pres is going to have a field day with this one... FI Williams: Did you guys ever see the movie Se7en? I think Gluttony was the first victim. This new guy may be replicating that idea. Just a thought. Lt. Stark: Not bad. You may be onto something. Why don't you put that brain to more use and think about the Butcher's rats too. Det. Jones: This isn't our guy! No way! There's witnesses! Everyone's jaws dropped. After the scene was swept of all evidence and the witnesses all examined: Lt. Stark got info on the killer's vehicle and a possible habitual action. Smith was pointed to an area where the killer stumbled as seen by a witness and he found some blood that didn't belong to the victim. Jones' witness claimed to have seen the weapon the killer used or at least carried. Johnson heard about the place the possible killer liked to be alone. Harrison overheard someone talking about a particular habit this new killer had. Adams uncovered evidence that could lead to an accessory worn or part of the killer and also a hair sample not belonging to the victim. Williams found a hair sample not belonging to the victim and evidence of an accessory that may be connected to the killer. And Mason got a good lead on a weapon the killer carried. Mason: We've got a new killer on our hands everyone! No way would the Butcher leave this much evidence behind. Let's take today to go over it. You have 24 hours. Something tells me that both these maniacs will kill again tonight. Like some sort of sick contest... well... we've got a lot to go on. Put it to good use! Remember, given the precision and diligence, especially on the Butcher's part, it's not inconceivable that these killers are one of us and know exactly how to hide and/or forge evidence. Never forget that. Let's get em! *** Day 1 starts now. Remember that the Killers can only kill you if they know your character. You may post anywhere from 0-10 pieces of evidence. But you must be active and talking no matter what within this 24 hour span. Reynolds must pm a name of someone on the police force to interrogate. Somerset must pm me 2 players and I will tell him how accurate their evidence is. And any protective roles may pm the name of person they want to protect on Night 2. Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace 3) dawh 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal Game Rules
  25. Aside from questions, the only characters who need to pm me are 1) Reynolds with 1 suspect per day to check out. 2) The Chief with 2 suspects to check out and 3) protective roles with 1 person to protect the next night (none need it the first night)
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