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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    I think this requires its own topic in the Others section...
  2. If I may, I'd like to request the moderator(s) to state a definitive OK or NO on this one. It sounds to me like we'll get to a definitive end (after a very long time though) and that this does require some careful thought (perhaps we can think of some interesting brain teasers to add into the Role Play). I'm actually serious about that, RPGs can have plenty of brain teasers intermixed within them. Anyway, my point is that this is much more provocative than the one-word stories, change-a-letters, etc...
  3. I like these guesses very much: phoenix and winter solstice, but nonetheless they are not the theme. Here is a big-time hint. I only recommend it if you've had enough of thinking about this one
  4. You should have brewed a fresh pot After a couple months, a pot of coffee gets a little stale
  5. itachi-san

    religious debate

    Don't you think that believing the above statement is hate-filled, nonsensical and/or unforgiving and hence it is not compassionate and therefore should not be preached by any religious organization? Personally, I have a huge moral problem with the idea that Hell exists, that this idea is heavily preached and that people actually believe it. I believe it to be religious terrorism forcing people to do and believe out of fear. I also believe it to be in direct contrast with the moral goodness I'd expect people of faith to derive from their religion.
  6. Blind squirrel tactic above
  7. Nope. It's not insect related or carnival related. Though I do think those are interesting topics. I really thought that last post I made was gonna give it away. Here's another hint:
  8. itachi-san

    Kevin wasn't home alone?
  9. itachi-san

    I like this one, but can I play Devil's advocate for a moment? I would bet this was correct in 1940 say, but not now. I bet more people know at least JFK, if not Nixon's also, than Wilson and/or Cleveland at all. That would make Fitzgerald a more famous presidential middle name.
  10. For numbers 1 and 3, which I have determined solved, there should be a bit more clarification to them. This should spark some thoughts.
  11. itachi-san

    Also, this is already posted twice on this forum. The original is here
  12. itachi-san

    I'd also say this belongs in Others unless I'm missing something here...
  13. itachi-san

    What if it's a condor?
  14. Wow there were so many attempts at changing the rules while I was sleeping. Well, sticking to the rules, I guess I don't lose. If I attack either of you, I die. Soooooo. I'm content with 3 winners You should have killed me when you had the chance, though I could say the same about myself not killing you 2 when brandon and giterdone were alive. As far as the rules go, I can't be killed because it's my turn now The only way for there to be one winner anyway is if you change the rules... Have fun with that. I'm done for this round of Mass Battle and looking forward to the next one.
  15. How did reayman go from 10/0 to 2/8? You 2 cheated! I win!
  16. Itachi : 12 GP , 10/0 Puppy : 28 GP , 10/0 reayman : 30 GP , 10/0 sorry GC, but it looks like I'm next anyway. I got carried away with that last rearrange, lol
  17. Itachi : 22 GP, 10/0 Giterdone: 8 GP, 10/0 GC : 3 GP , 10/0 Puppy: 28 GP, 10/0 reayman: 30 GP , 2/8 Attack GC 10 dmg
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