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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. itachi-san

    I'd have an easier time laying a fish than laying an egg, not that I would enjoy either...
  2. itachi-san

    Psychology is almost ALL a bunch of crock. It's the king of the fake sciences. Behaviorism leads the pack, or at least ties, as far as nonsensical and wrong psychological theories go though. The only psychology worth studying is Neural Psychology (neural transmitters, hormones, synapses, ...all that good stuff) which actually is mostly Chemistry and Biology.
  3. itachi-san

    Yes. If life is God then wherever there is life there is God. Since there are most likely (more than) millions of places in the Universe with life, Earth should not be singled out. Also, our sun is new compared to most stars so most likely there was plenty of life before Earth got going. Collective means not personal or individual, but does not imply it is devoid of will and intelligence. This is obviously just my belief because nothing of this magnitude can be proven yet, but if life is God, then I would say it must have a strong will and intelligence in its own way in order to have evolved and adapted and keep progressing through such complex stages in order to finally get to a point on Earth or any other livable environment where life can think on a human level and beyond. I'm sure WAY beyond human intelligence in some galaxies. If we are assuming God is life then I don't see your point in the first question. It is similar to some Eastern thinking. For me, I believe life must have some point or else it wouldn't exist. Neither you, me or anyone on this planet can say what that point is. I've merely stripped away all the fantasy realms like Heaven and Hell and illogical stories like Adam and Eve and Noah. Like I said before, books like the Bible have plenty of great morals and can be used for plenty of good. But they are just stories written by men, very intelligent men they were, but similar enough to you and me. Since I have neither seen nor heard any evidence of anything supernatural or divine intervention I have no reason to believe in it or put my faith in it. The only thing left to ponder, is life itself, which I do have faith in and have a plethora of evidence of its survival, adaptation and evolution. This demonstrates, to me at least, that life has a goal in mind and that goal involves the evolution of thought, discovery, communication and exploration.
  4. Thanks! For you Van Gogh fans, and everyone else of course, I have a great must-see suggestion. One of the best short films I have ever seen is by Akira Kurosawa and it is called "Crows". It is part of a collection of his short films called Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (it's one DVD with 8 short films on it). In "Crows" a man looking at some Van Gogh paintings finds himself entering the world of each painting and walking about within them. He even meets Van Gogh there who is played really well by Martin Scorsese. It's really outstanding.
  5. Congrats onetruth! You get all the e-kudos! And then a couple taken away and given to steve10 because you procrastinated your answer so long and the link he posted really hit the mark
  6. Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wife's birthday. His wife was really mad. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
  7. I think you got it, but can you put in words? Numbers 2,4, and 5 have yet to be solved as well.
  8. Now you're in the ballpark
  9. itachi-san

    It's nothing like the Matrix. It seems you like to trivialize things that can be proven and blindly accept things that cannot.
  10. itachi-san

    Out of curiosity, why do you believe all these statements? Why do you believe "non-believers" go to Hell? Why do you believe in Satan? Why do you believe it is full of flames? Why do you believe in Hell at all? My assumption, which you are completely free and welcome to refute, is that you believe all this because of literary works you have read, what people have told you to believe, and because of a general societal influence to believe in these things. None of these equates to proof and this Hell you describe is such an intense idea you believe to be real that I just find it hard to grasp how you can believe in it without a shred of proof. Are all the Greeks who worshiped Zeus and Apollo in the Hell you envision? How about all the hominids up until the homo sapien? What about every human who believed something before Christianity was ever created? Are they all in this Hell? and why?
  11. There's certainly a Californian motif in most of these but location names are not the theme. They just happen to resonate in what the theme actually is and make the perfect subterfuge for the answer
  12. You are correct sir! Now all that's left is 9. There is a second clue around here somewhere that reads: Helper at a rain delay. This has the same answer as the pool boy clue.
  13. Seems like no one except akaslickster wants to even give this one a try. Are there any takers on what the other riddles and the theme can be or is this one too obscure? Edit: I'll add on a 5th one to round out the topic 5) He lives inside a gray family nightmare Like the end of a pencil, stands his ludicrous hair
  14. The point is that they don't rhyme for this topic. I'd recommend you start your own rhyming topic like Brandonb.
  15. itachi-san

    I urge people who haven't seen these to try really hard before looking at the answer: this one is great this one may be my favorite of all time I would like to clarify that no one should be answering any riddles in this thread. If you have something to add to them, please post it in the original threads that are linked.
  16. itachi-san

    second one: Edit: sweet! I didn't even see that hint #1 until now
  17. itachi-san

    The first one, this was tough btw...
  18. itachi-san

    They can't rhyme...
  19. Try searching for sequence it's right here When there's a lot of topics that come up from a search, start by checking out the topics that have the most likely names. This took me about 20 seconds to find.
  20. itachi-san

    Well, I'm not very religious, but you are accepting alternatives it seems, so here are my thoughts. I'm not an atheist per say; I basically have developed my own theory (which is similar to some other people of course). I put all my faith in logic and reason which does not exclude the possibility of God. My theory is that life itself is God and God is within and among us throughout the universe where ever there is life and that we all contribute our experiences and thoughts to this collective energy that can be called the ubiquitous God. Now to the point, in my opinion, Hell would have to be some alternate dimension and I see no reason why dying would be the means to get there. Since there is no proof this other dimension exists and is so terrifying that it can labeled Hell I will not accept it as anything but an interesting idea that cannot be proven at this point in time. There may be infinite other dimensions and they may all closely reflect the dimension we are in right now, not Hell. I think that the typical idea of Hell that some religions offer is a perfect example of cultural terrorism. Driving people through fear to do and say as they preach is how I see Hell being used in a historical and present sense. I am not denouncing any goodness organized religion has to offer, but any threats of this sort are evil on the religion's part. The idea of eternal damnation and torture is very unforgiving, evil, and hypocritical of teachings that are supposed to embrace love, forgiveness and individual and societal peace. The idea Hell is "below" Earth is clearly, to me at least, impossible and utter nonsense. Same goes for the center of the Earth idea. The only other alternative would be another dimension which I already addressed. Now, for the idea that people have died and witnessed Hell, believe it or not I believe this, in a sense. One of the most powerful hallucinogens, DMT, resides in our brain and is released when we die. Some people who have died and been brought back to life have reported that they were in Heaven or Hell and then were brought back to life. This can logically be interpreted as a very intense hallucination brought about by the DMT released. Psychologically, I would assume whether someone experiences a Heavenly or a Hellish mental adventure would depend on their personalities, memories, any mental illnesses or tendencies, and their overall thoughtful disposition before they briefly died. I assume that the DMT exists within us for this time of our deaths so that our minds have a good buffer between our bodies' extreme states of life and death.
  21. Nope, sorry. 9 and 15 are still out there to get
  22. itachi-san

    Already posted here.
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