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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    Adding another example to the challenge. Same operation as before. 10 *|* 23 = 6
  2. araver

    There's no need to be sorry, I was just trying to help avoiding confusion (from me and other posters). BTW Welcome to BrainDen! (I forgot to say it before).
  3. araver

    Works with the four rows in the OP and the first row of the hint:
  4. araver

    An analytical proof is possible, considering a smaller number of cases (instead of computing all F(.) sequences for all N's). Yet I'm not sure if it is what you were looking for.
  5. araver

    Dear Akriti, I was indeed including some of your topics: in my reasoning, but I was also considering other topics that fall in the same category. I am not the only one that suggested these sound more like homework then actual Logic/Math puzzles. Also, you agreed that you found these questions in a book and were unable to do them yourself, which still means homework rather than actual puzzles (even if it is a self-imposed homework). I am not trying to start a war on this. I am just pointing out that if one seeks help for an unsolved problem, one should post it in a different sub-forum, namely Homework help. There are people on Brainden that will respond to these topics, giving pointers and hints on how to solve them. Thank you. P.S: One more thing, writing in caps is usually frowned upon since it is a form of shouting. You might consider refraining from doing that since people might easily get offended by it. Thank you.
  6. araver

    As I said, since there was no pressure I gave the problem some rest as I was blocked going around in circles and trying the same things over and over again. I will give it another try with a fresh perspective
  7. araver

    We've had a streak of homework posted here, so I was naturally inclined to consider this one homework as well. My apologies. Maurice gave you a quick and correct response. Just a thought though: since search engines regularly index the web, including this forum, in a couple of days anyone searching for "5, 6, 14, 45, 184, 925" will be able to find this thread and know the answer, so you might wanna cash your prize ASAP (I am joking, of course )
  8. araver

    Sorry, I got the habit of providing an explanation for the changes when I edit a post at a later time. I guess commenting changes becomes a second nature after using multi-user environments (e.g. programming). In this case, I made a few changes to the text I posted (some letters bold, some parts put in a "<>" section) so that it is more readable.
  9. araver

    "Help" usually means this is not a puzzle, but rather a question you do not know the answer to. Please post your question in the Homework forum where people may help you by providing hints on how to approach the problem. Thank you!
  10. araver

    I've cracked the second character a little after you posted the ABORT command, but since there was no longer any pressure, I admit I kind of left it alone for a while
  11. araver

    Very nice one . However I think that not all the information in the OP is necessary if the guards know where the treasure is. EDIT: Made some minor changes to make it more readable.
  12. araver

    Adding another example to the challenge. Same operation as before. 1089 *|* 121 = 2069
  13. araver

    Indeed, your operation works for the given examples. I like it It's not however the *|* that I had in mind (it gives a different result to the question). Nonetheless, it deserves a prize as a valid hypothesis. Perhaps a new example can re-launch the challenge? Give me a pair (a,b) and I'll compute a*|*b. (i.e. assume another tablet has been found on the planet, etc, to maintain the "cover story" ).
  14. araver

    It is indeed interesting, but I did not find a complete proof so far. Certain cases are easier to describe. Will post my thoughts soon
  15. araver


    TONER - if 1 then _ O _ _ _ since _ _ _ER are 0 from RIVER; _ _ N _ _ is 0 from BINGE and T _ _ _ _ is 0 from (TONUS-1 & BONUS-1) Glad you like it
  16. araver


    TONUS - if 2 then T _ _ _ _ - only change from BONUS-1
  17. araver

    let's just say they were a little more advanced and the operation is not that simple. Nice thought though, I did not see that one (just chose a small example at random).
  18. araver


    Apparently it's not so. I inquired about the block vs block rule and the response from EDM and Nick is that they took the actions in order of the roles as stated in the OP. So it's very asymmetrical: 1) Bodyguard can act even if blocked by Interrogator / Indie 2) Interrogator can act if blocked by Indie, but NOT if blocked by Bodyguard - See Nick's edit of the night in question. 3) Indie cannot act if blocked by either Bodyguard or Interrogator.
  19. araver

    In a future not so far way, Earth archaeologists find on a far away planet a fragment from a long lost civilization. This fragment involves an unknown operation *|*. Unlocking its secrets may lead to a breakthrough in understanding their civilization. Can you do it? If 21 *|* 7 = 11 and 17924 *|* 10751 = 851 then how much is: 1982 *|* 2010 = ?
  20. araver


    Congratulations, Mafia! And good game, Team FBI, even if we did not win! Thanks Nick / EDM for hosting and for all the patience you had with us Looking back, there was no I way I could have survived very long as I was "lucky" enough to be targeted by both the Informant and the Bodyguard (thus blocking the FBI kill) on N1. I did not know I was that popular But I would not trade my place for Slick's, he was indeed the most unlucky. @Maurice - no hard feelings, I understood your position. For the record, I tried my best without lying and I knew cornering you with a lynch would ultimately get me outed, but had no choice in it. Had you spied on me in N2 or just out my role and not all your actions, the "redirect theory" *might* have worked with Glyc and DD (not with Vine though). So for spilling all the information. @Izzy - thanks for the encouragement, but I was way off assuming that MK was the Godfather from N1 post / difference in EDM and Nick's responses and also assuming the Hitman is dead (as I did not die in N3). I did get the part where Vipe influenced the voting so I knew he was most likely the Godfather once DD asked that crucial question (unfortunately, I was already a ghost by then). My crazy idea would not have worked anyway. @DD - small question: why did you not take me out in N3? I was 100% sure after N3 that the Hitman's dead because I did not get killed.
  21. araver

    Sorry, I was in a hurry
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