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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. @Li CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. *pushes up flashing glasses while smoothing down mantle* (Kudos to anyone who gets the reference. ) Li's Intro: EDM is known as Li is known as the Smiley Queen. She's somewhat crazy but totes awesome. She uses as many smileys as humanly possible. [WHAT!!! THERE'S A LIMIT NOW??????] There's not much I can say to describe her, but she's really cool and sweet and funny.
  2. I should!!! Maybe during the summer, when I have more time to host, though, lol.
  3. MissKitten


    FORUM I'll join too.
  4. @Flame Lol, what, my crazy trippy ramblings?
  5. I can tell her to get on.
  6. *moves convo into PM to keep from potentially offending other users*
  7. .... I can find your old intro for you.... Not that I was, you know, stalking you or anything.... Dunno why you would think that........ PANTHER, MY MAN!!!!! *brohug* What up? Lol, no, that's not me either. It's good to have you back, buddy. I think we're all pretty happy the forum is back up and running. re: badass Naw, that would have to be Rookie. Since, y'know. He's ROOKIE. re: fanfiction OMG I NEVER KNEW YOU READ FANFICTION!!!! You should read some of mine! re: my crazy ramblings It's 2:00 AM here. I blame the sleep deprivation.
  8. I'm pretty sure this was also in the Jokes forum.
  9. Darn. I love your characterization of me, though. Although, I would probably redirect by either confusing you or distracting you with my fluffeh kitten-ness. Meow?
  10. I love all the characters, don't get me wrong. Gavroche was just my favorite.
  11. My fave would have to be The Host by Stephenie Meyer. That is then followed very closely by the Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan. Don't know why, I just love The Host. And the Ranger's Apprentice series I like because it's set in medieval times. My fave genres would have to be Fantasy, Medieval, Mythology, and some Sci-Fi. And then defo Romance. And then....yeah, I have no "favorite genre", I love them all. re: Les Mis, I hated it. I love it, but I hated it. Mainly because we read the abridged, and Gavroche only appeared for about 33 pages. When he died, the book ceased to have meaning for me. *cries*
  12. Woot woot! BD is BACK! And it has brought MiKi back with it!!! So. I found my old intro. But it didn't really seem to describe me all that much anymore. So I'm posting a revised intro. I've been a member for over 2 and a half years now, so I feel comfortable saying I'm an oldie. Which means that if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me, and I'll try to answer them! I am MissKitten, but I usually go by MiKi [or Kitten or Kitty or, more commonly, Neko]. I am an avid mafia player, so you'll probably find me in the Games forum, but I'm gonna try and get back into solving riddles as well. Note: I'm not really good at either mafia or solving riddles, which seems incongruous to how much I love them. I'm always happy to talk to someone, or answer questions, or just generally get to know you. I generally try to welcome all the new members we have, and visit the Intro Yourself forum at least once a day. IRL, I'm a freshman who's a little smarter than your average kid. I try not to judge people, because I find judging to be a way of expressing your insecurities in a negative way. I have nothing against homosexuality, and I will not hesitate to tell you this if you ask me. In fact, to a certain extent, I support homosexuality, and find it somewhat cute at times. I am also a great person to talk to if you need a confidante, because I will not judge you about anything, but will instead try and help you work out your problems, and will never reveal anything you tell me without your explicit permission. I am an otaku. I love anime and manga. I've become pretty open to the world of anime/manga, and am always willing to explore new ones. My faves are, int his order: Liar Game, Death Note, Hetalia, Bleach, and Naruto. I also write a lot of fanfiction. Currently, I have roughly 3 and a half journals filled my fanfics, and have published 21 fics online. I write mostly romance and fluff, but I do have some non-romance fics up, and recently, my writing has become more angsty in nature. About half of what I write is slash/yaoi, and ranges anywhere from implied to hardcore M. But I also write some hetero stuff, and I'm always willing to do a commish if I'm familiar with the subject matter. I'm also obsessing over the BBC show Sherlock at the moment, so bear with me if I pull a Sherlock quote on you. Some general things: I tend to pepper my posts with smileys [a habit I've picked up from EDM]. This one hasn't been, mainly because I would ahve to count my smileys to make sure I don't exceed 10, and I'm feeling much too lazy atm. I'm a ninja! Lol, not really, I just want to be. You will see me refer to myself in third person a lot, or as a cat. I am secretly a cat in my spare time. I can be bipolar at times, so watch out for that. I don't really like me IRL life right now, as my parents are too conservative for my taste, and sometimes it pisses me off a lot. So I apologize in advance if I'm ever in a b*tchy mood. So, yeah, welcome to the den! If you've survived all that ^^^ you'll have no trouble fitting in.
  13. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    Confirmed. I'll stick with just mentoring the one, as I'm supervising, but if necessary, I can also mentor multiple people. It's good to be back, guys.
  14. Lol, is there actually a BD Mafia? Where? I wanna read my role!!!
  15. MissKitten


    Oh, sorry! I didn't realize I was first! I'll send the phrase to E in a sec.
  16. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    When I check BrainDen, I jump for joy because IT'S FINALLY BACK UP AND I NOW HAVE PEOPLE WHO LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!
  17. Lol, I do the book thing ALL THE TIME. When you can sleep through all but 20 minutes of class, but still manage to get an A, and get A's on everything you do.
  18. ..... Missed ya, Yuli. Welcome back.
  19. Typical Slick. Wasn't there a mega-huga one Peace had?
  20. I'm willing to take that risk, if only for the inevitable amusement that will fill up my currently bleak life.
  21. @mike Also..... try not to be confused by all the wifom going on in mafia. Trust me, wifom can KILL.
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